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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Who' s the Real Todd?, Ch. 15

Blair headed back to Samuel's room, she hoped she would find Bo somewhere close while she was at it. Unfortunately, she didn't see Bo, so she entered the room and found Todd drawing. "Hi, how are you feeling?" She went up to him and started to give him a kiss when he stopped her. "What's the matter?"

"Frankly Blair, I don't think he would appreciate it if I let you kiss me." Samuel smiled at Blair's expression. "Relax, He's exhausted and pretending to be me is harder than just letting me be me. So I'm out right now. Come here." he pulled her close and gave her a hug. "I don't think he would begrudge me a hug."

Blair laughed and hugged him back and kissed him gently on the cheek.  "He should know by now, I dole out my kisses to whomever I want," she said. "Welcome back Samuel, so what are you drawing."

"I don't really know. I keep having this image in my head of a corridor so I thought if I drew it, it might lead me somewhere. Wait, yes, a door is coming into view." he worked quickly and a door appeared on the page. It was a rather ornate door compared to the corridor Samuel had drawn.

"Samuel, what kind of facility would have such a hallway that leads to that kind of door. It's out of place," said Blair.

"That's it, Blair, I've been in that corridor. That's a corridor in the research facility I was in. Come on Samuel remember." he flipped a page and started drawing. A room much like a library, emerged from Samuel's drawing and a desk appeared. From behind the desk a figure was outlined, Blair loved watching Samuel work. His hands flew across the page, and slowly the outline became a man, then his features came into view. The gentleman was elderly but not frail. He seemed to have a presence that jumped off the page at Blair. This was a man you kept in your sights because if you turned your back he would strike. Somehow as his features were sharpened, two things about the picture stood out. Samuel had drawn a gentleman with light or graying hair and mustache, but the other outstanding feature was one of his hands. It was black and sinister for some reason. It didn't look real. Between the slightly maniacal look in his eyes and his hand. It was clear the man was dangerous.

"Samuel, who do you think he is? Is it someone you actually saw?" asked Blair.

"Yes, I just have this feeling I've actually seen the man. This room is behind that door, Blair, I'm sure of it. We'll show this to Bo and you can take it to Manning and see if he recognizes the man. Here, Blair, take the pad, my arms are getting tired." Samuel released the pad and sank back onto his pillow.

Blair barely had time to catch the pad as it slipped out of Samuel's hands. The pencil rolled off the bed and Blair reached down to pick it up. When she looked back up, Samuel had fallen asleep. She straightened his covers and looked at the sketch in her hands. It was fascinating, like looking into the eyes of a cobra. Blair walked over and set the sketch down. She thought back to those moments when she watched the doctor make the phone call. It was obvious he was reporting to someone. How could they find out who? Blair paused by Todd's bed and kissed him and said in his ear."I'll be back." then she headed out to check on Kelly.

Kelly was alone when Blair got there and Blair sat down to catch Kelly up on the latest happenings with the two Todds. "Kelly, you had us so scared especially Dorian. Do you have any idea why Marty attacked you?"

"She thought I was trying to steal John from her. I'd had another run-in with her earlier in the week where she told me to back off of John. John was checking into her mental status with her therapist and he told me the therapist said she wasn't dangerous, boy, was that therapist wrong. Marty found me getting ready to make dinner for John and totally lost it. She was scary, I grabbed the knife to protect myself but she was possessed. She got the knife from me and the rest you know. Marty has always been high strung but this time she was totally unstrung. What's been going on with Todd? It seems like forever since we spoke in his penthouse." asked Kelly.

"Wow, that's right you don't know what's happened. Todd's here in the hospital, well Samuel is here. Late that night, after he talked with you, he had some setbacks and dropped into a catatonic state but fortunately, we were able to snap him out of it.  The doctor prescribed an antidepressant but instead of an antidepressant, he was given poison. The only thing that saved his life, is the fact that we hadn't left the hospital. Tea's Todd woke that same night and Samuel had gone to talk to him when the poison attacked his system. The crisis was averted and Bo put guards on both Samuel and Todd. The hospital released Samuel the next afternoon and I took him home. Unfortunately yesterday morning a second attempt on his life occurred. It appears Carlo was doing some fishing, he wanted to find out if Samuel had his memory back or not. Samuel convinced the gun woman that he was Samuel by drawing a picture of her and she departed with a police officer but it turns out both the officer and woman work for Carlo. The real police officer was found unconscious in the stairwell leading to the penthouse. Samuel was at Bo's office discussing the attempt on him as well as your stabbing when he collapsed with delayed shock. The problem with that is, while his body was in shock, the traces of poison that still remained in him attacked his body again. He's down the hall from you. It was touch and go last night." Blair's voice was shaking as she remembered how close she had come to losing him permanently.

"My God Blair, you must be beside yourself. I saw the way you two were with each other in my office. Is he going to make it?" asked Kelly.

Blair smiled "Yes, I think he's out of the woods and on the mend. In fact, he's feeling good enough to start issuing orders, one of which is for me to take over helming the paper until you and Walker get back on your feet. It seems both Todds continue to think alike because I was on my way to see Walker when Tea met me outside his room and told me that he wanted the exact same thing. The strangest thing happened though Kelly, Walker was acting nothing like himself. It was unreal, I felt like I had walked into the presence of this southern hunk instead of Walker. His demeanor and voice were totally different. Todd told you about our suspicions that both he and his impostor were experimented on. I believe the experiment is falling apart. Tea and I think this southern guy might be Walker's true personality coming to the surface. I saw something suspicious outside his room too. Walker has been experiencing headaches and he had one while I was in the room but it was more than a headache. The doctor came in and said he was going to order a test for Walker, but the first thing he did upon leaving the room was make a phone call.  He appeared to be having an argument with someone. We know the nurse who poisoned Samuel hadn't been on staff very long, but I'm beginning to think this doctor might also be working with Carlo or someone connected to Carlo. That morning we came to your office, Samuel had received word that they had Carlo in custody and that they were returning him to the States. We found out later from Bo that Carlo eluded his captors in the Philadelphia Airport. Carlo's free and out there Kelly. We all have to be careful now."

Todd awoke and the room was dark. He had slept through the afternoon. He realized they had unhooked his IV, so he decided to take his chance to see if he could get out of bed. He very slowly attempted to move his legs and they cooperated. He slipped them off the bed and stood up slowly. Thankfully they took his weight and he figured he might as well see if he could walk alongside the bed. He gingerly started and although his legs felt rubbery he was able to make it around the bed. Todd stopped and got his breath. He felt like he had walked a marathon and he knew he was a long way from one hundred percent. Whatever had been in that poison had really done a number on him. He moved along the bed and reached the wall behind the bed and turned on a light. As he made his way back around he noticed Samuel's sketch. He carefully walked across to the chair but rather than go back to the bed, he sat down to look at what Samuel had drawn. He didn't recognize either picture but he was fascinated by the man behind the desk. Obviously, this was another memory, but where was it from. Todd got an uneasy feeling just looking at him. He closed his eyes and relaxed, "Samuel talk to me. Who's this man?"

“Todd I wish I knew but I believe he is the one who was in charge of the project. For some reason, he popped into my head this afternoon and I felt compelled to draw him. I'm sorry that's all I can tell you right now.”

"That's what I was afraid you were going to say. Looking at this picture makes me feel sick inside. I think you're right. This is the madman behind the switch. Thank you for drawing him" Todd felt a hand on his shoulder and opened his eyes to see Blair standing over him. "Hi, Blair."

"Todd, are you alright?" Blair asked.

"Yes I'm fine but I could probably use your help getting back to the bed. I'm still a little shaky and it took a lot out of me to get over here to the sketch. Have you seen this?" Todd asked as he pushed up from the chair.

Blair gave him her arm to lean on as he walked back to the bed. She waited till he laid back down and then answered him. "Yes, I was here when Samuel drew it. He said it was from the facility. Do you know who the guy is?"

“Samuel believes this is the man behind the projects. Something deep inside tells me he's right. Even as I look at this guy, it makes me sick. This man is evil. Believe me, I know what evil looks like, and this man is as evil as they come. What do you see when you look at him, "asked Todd?

"I see a snake waiting to strike. I'm as creeped out about him as you are and you were actually in his presence or rather Samuel was. It's no wonder Samuel didn't want to remember him. Why do you think this memory has surfaced?" asked Blair. She took the picture from Todd because she saw the weird fascination it held over him and at the same time she saw that it was indeed making him sick. Blair laid it down so he could no longer see the man and reached to cup Todd's face in her hands.

"Hey, this is really upsetting you. You need to let it go right now. Whatever happened. It is in the past. You're having a delayed reaction to the surfacing memory. Todd, focus on me and let the memory go." she watched as his eyes finally came to focus on her and breathed a sigh of relief. "Hi again. I'm really getting worried about these moments you've been having. You've been losing time and your memories and Samuel's memories are getting all mixed up. I think we should get Ray in here. You need to talk about those lost months. And we need to find out why after all these years, you're suddenly in the dark again when an alter takes your place."

Todd looked at her but what she was saying just didn't seem to register. One part of him could see Blair and hear her talking but another part seemed to be drifting back to a room, in his ears he heard screams coming from outside the room and all he felt was pain, excruciating pain. He wanted to scream but no sound came out. Suddenly he felt a slap. He blinked and looked at Blair, she was scared and close to tears. "What's the matter, Blair? What's got you upset?" he looked at her concerned and puzzled.

"Oh My God, Todd, I couldn't get a response from you, I thought you were listening to me but when you didn't answer I realized you were only partially here. I was so scared. Where were you? Do you know? I'm sorry I slapped you but I was trying to get your attention." Blair exclaimed.

Todd looked bemused. "You slapped me? I...I'm not sure where I was. You say I wasn't responding, what were you asking me?"

"Todd I'm worried about you. This incidence is just one of several that bother me, you've also been losing time, haven't you. Be honest with me, you don't remember Samuel drawing that picture do you? You can't tell me that hasn't been bothering you. The last time you lost time before these recent events, was back during your DID trial. Now all of a sudden, it is happening again, you've got to be asking yourself why. I want to call Ray, Todd. He needs to know about the lost time and what just happened. The doctor says you can go home tomorrow if you continue to get stronger but I'm not sure you're ready to face what's in front of you, now that we're getting closer to finding out exactly what happened those missing months. That's all I'm going to say on this subject right now, but I don't want anymore scares like that do you hear." Blair stopped talking and just looked at him.

Todd frowned. Blair was right he had been concerned about the recent periods of lost time and she definitely was right about what had just occurred.  Todd reached for Blair's hand and realized it was shaking. He looked into her eyes and smiled. "You're right we'll call Ray. but it's got to wait until I'm home. He's got to be informed of the two attempts on my life and I want to give him an out. I'm not risking any more lives. You and Starr are already in Carlo's sights but hopefully, he'll look at you as a means to keep Samuel occupied. If he finds out about Ray it might tip our hand. Ray was Todd's counselor, Carlo could begin to wonder why Samuel was seeing Todd's counselor. We have to start being more careful. and Blair" he paused and gently ran his fingertips over her quivering lips. "I love you."

She smiled and leaned over and kissed him, thankful he was fully with her again. After a moment, she pulled back and said. "I've got some news to tell you. It concerns Carlo and that man in the picture I think? I believe that the doctor who is taking care of Walker could be working for Carlo or the other man." she then went on to tell him of the day's events after she left him. He gave her his undivided attention when she mentioned that Manning had started exhibiting personality changes and then she told him about the headaches. When she told him what the doctor did after leaving the room and he agreed it was suspicious behavior but unless they could get the doctor's cell phone or his cell records they still didn't have proof he had been reporting back to Carlo. She told him she had seen Kelly and told her to be careful too. After Blair finished speaking, the nurse peeked in and inquired if Todd wanted anything to eat since he had been sleeping when Dinner had been brought around. Todd looked at Blair and said he was fine. The nurse left and Todd said. "All I want right now is you, Blair. Can I have you, Blair?".

Blair turned and walked to the door and closed it and walked back to Todd.  She pulled the curtain around the bed. In her mind, she remembered when she had spoken those words to Todd. They had come full circle and she joined him in the bed and entered his loving arms as his mouth captured hers in a deep kiss. Todd wasted no time undressing her and soon there was nothing separating them but air. It seemed like it had been forever since they had been alone together. Todd explored every part of her as if he was memorizing her and she reveled in his exploration. Every now and then he seemed to make a new discovery and Blair was soon quivering with delight. There was something so sensual and passionate with Todd's lovemaking that each time was a different experience and soon Todd had her moaning for release. He paused in his lovemaking to stare and marvel how complete and whole he felt when he was with Blair.  Then as she reached for him, his senses felt on fire and together they rode the firestorm until it exhausted them. He kissed her gently and fell asleep in her arms. Blair though exhausted, kissed him once again after he had fallen asleep and whispered, "I'm always and forever your's, Todd." then she too drifted off.

Todd started to turn over and realized he wasn't alone and boy did she feel good. "Blair wake up. Come on sweetheart. You won't want to get caught by the nurse." she wasn't moving, what was the matter. "Blair, this isn't funny!" he moved his arm from underneath her and saw the blood. God, it was everywhere. " Someone help! nurse, anyone, something's happened to my wife. Please she needs help!"

The doctor walked into the room "Mr. Manning, what seems to be the trouble?"

Todd stared and looked down at Blair. She was so pale but the doctor wasn't doing anything. "What do you mean, what's the trouble? It's my wife, do something she's bleeding out!"

"But, Mr. Manning you have no wife. What on earth are you babbling about? You really should try and relax. This isn't going to hurt." replied the doctor.

"What? No, she's right here can't you see her!" exclaimed Todd.

"See who, Mr. Manning? There's no one there, you're all alone." answered the Doctor.

"No!" Todd looked down and Blair was gone, he was sitting in a chair all bandaged up again. He looked up and saw those cold eyes.  Why was the doctor doing this? What did he want? Todd watched as the black hand moved to the lever." No! No More! Please! GOD STOP!" Todd's body jerked in Blair's arms and suddenly he was screaming.

"My God, Todd what is it!" the door to the room opened and a nurse rushed in. Blair hastily slid off the bed, pulling the sheet to cover up. Todd was thrashing on the bed and Blair watched helplessly as the nurse tried to find out what was happening. Just as suddenly Todd became quiet. The nurse looked over and asked, "His vitals are coming back to normal. Has this ever happened before?"

Blair shook her head. This is the most violent reaction she's ever seen. "I believe he's dreaming, but his nightmares have never been this bad."

"Mr. Toddman, can you hear me? Mr. Toddman, open your eyes." Todd's eyes begin to flutter open but he remains unfocused. The nurse checks his pupils and says, "I think he's still asleep. Ms. Cramer will you remain with him, I'm going to call the doctor. Try and get him to wake up. We need to get him awake. I'll be right back."

Blair quickly dressed and moved closer to Todd. "Samuel, it's alright you're safe. You need to let go, it's just a dream." She watched as his eyelids closed and he was dragged back into the dream. She tried to get through to him a second time. "Samuel, it's Blair I need you. Come find me, break free of what's holding you it isn't real."

Todd started talking " Please someone help her. She's hurt. What's the matter with you people can't you see she's bleeding... Where did she go? Bring her back, she's my wife, I need her. What have you done with her? Help me someone." his voice faded and he began to shake.

Blair drew him into her arms and tried to quiet him. "Shh, it's alright I'm here. They didn't take me, I'm safe. Come back now Todd" she whispered in his ear. "It going to be okay, it's over. Todd let it go." she kissed his forehead and smoothed his hair, backing away just a little bit when she realized the nurse has reentered the room. She stroked his face talking softly as his shaking stopped and his breathing slowed. His eyes stopped moving under his lids and Blair started to breathe again. "Samuel can you hear me, you need to wake now." once again Todd's eyes fluttered open but this time he looked around until he saw Blair. His face fell and he began to sob. Blair pulled him closer and let him cry. "It's over, it was just a horrible dream." just as quickly as he started, Todd stopped. He composed himself as the nurse came forward.

The doctor had followed her in and he started checking Todd's vitals. "Mr. Toddman do you know where you are?" Todd nodded, closing his eyes briefly trying to shake the last vestiges of the nightmare. It had been so real. "Mr. Toddman, it is clear that something traumatized you. I would still like to give you something but I understand your reluctance at this time to take anything, after the recent events. It is crucial that you understand that these nightmares are probably going to continue until you talk to someone about them. I recommend you do so soon. Your body cannot continue to take this abuse any longer. "

Todd shuddered at the thought of revisiting that nightmare again. He realized that what they thought was just a nightmare had its basis in fact as he recalled the scene with the doctor. The same doctor that Samuel had drawn. It was possible he was mistaken, but he was pretty sure an actual memory had been wrapped up in his nightmare. He had to refuse any medication right now that would cloud those memories. It was imperative he have another session with Ray and it needed to be soon.

"Mr. Toddman, are you still with me? You are sufficiently recovered from the effects of the poison and the shock but if you continue to drive yourself without taking precautions you'll have another relapse or worse yet your heart will give out. I urge you to think about going someplace and just vegging out. I'm surprised that you're still with us given the amount of trauma your heart and body have been through in the last month. Ms. Cramer, if you have any pull with him, you'll get him to take some time off from whatever is driving him so much." Blair and Todd glanced at each other and the doctor shook his head. "I've done all I can. You rest Mr. Toddman. If your vitals remain where they are now I'll release you this afternoon." He patted Todd's shoulder and left the room followed by the nurse.

Todd looked at Blair and pulled her closer. "God, I thought you were dead." He squeezed her hand and brought it up to his lips. "It was terrible and so real. You were lying in my arms and bleeding but no one would help.  Then the doctor said I had no wife and you weren't there and suddenly I was all bandaged up and in the chair again but this time I saw the doctor. Blair, it was him, the one Samuel drew. I am pretty sure I'm remembering something about what they did to me. It was me, that's why I got so sick looking at that picture yesterday. I think Samuel and I traded off just like Tom and I used to do."

"Todd are you sure you're not just putting the doctor into your nightmare because you sense he's behind this. I know you're anxious to find proof but you could be jumping the gun," said Blair.

"I'm positive Blair, it was too real. It's not fading the way a nightmare would, in fact, the image is getting stronger. Blair, I can see him pushing a lever. I can hear his voice it has an oily quality but cultured tone. It is more important than before that we find out if Manning knows that doctor." replies Todd. "I'm not crazy Blair, please believe me."

She looked at him searching his face and saw how resolute he was. She thought back to his words moments before. He said he had been holding his wife and no one would help her. In his subconscious, she was still his wife. Back when he was being experimented on he had clung to that and it had kept him sane until they had taken her away from him. That was the final straw that had driven him deep and left Samuel in charge. He had never stopped thinking of her as his wife. How she loved him. He was waiting for her answer. "Todd after everything I've seen. Of course, I believe you. I know you're not crazy." She leaned close to his ear and whispered. "If you want your wife back, I'm right here for the taking."

Todd's eyes met her's and he said."Promise."

Blair replied. "Promise."

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