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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Who's the Real Todd?, Ch. 11

Todd found himself walking down a strange corridor, there were a number of doors, but he couldn't get any of them to open. The place smelled like a hospital, but he saw no patients or staff. He continued to check the doors when suddenly one of the knobs turned. Todd hesitated, the last time he had opened a door like this he had been greeted with the picture of Peter standing over him. He dropped his hand and looked up and down the hallway, still no staff around. Suddenly he heard a scream coming from the room he had started to open, he couldn't just let whoever was in there suffer. He reached for the knob again and opened the door. Someone was sitting with his back to him, the scream was definitely coming from the stranger. Todd rushed around to see if he could help only to stop horrified. The man had no face, but Todd could still hear his scream.
The stranger was covered in bandages like he had been in some terrible accident. Todd couldn't look away from his face or lack of one. He reached to try and help the man and suddenly found himself trapped underneath many bandages, in agony and screaming, looking up at his own face. Todd awoke screaming, breathing hard.

Blair was looking at him alarmed " Todd, what is it? You're safe, you're here with me."

Todd grabbed her arm to make sure she was real, he started shivering, he hadn't felt this cold since his night in the tomb. He couldn't shake the last image from his mind. Trapped and injured unable to do anything else but scream.

Blair realized Todd's nightmare must have been powerful. He was almost in shock. She pulled the covers up around him as best she could because he wouldn't let go of her. Then she snuggled closer to give him her warmth. Slowly the shivering lessened and his breathing slowed down. "Todd are you alright? Do you want to talk about it?"

Todd turned his head and looked into Blair's eyes. "I don't know. It was so strange. I know it was just a dream, but it really hit me in the gut. I was in this corridor at some hospital and I couldn't get into any of the rooms then I found one that would open. At first, I didn't want to open it, and then I heard him scream."

"Who Todd? Who was screaming?" asked Blair.

"I wasn't sure when I opened the door his back was to me, but he seemed in such pain, I went around to see if I could help. It was horrifying, the guy had no face but I could hear his screams. He was covered in bandages and seemed in agony so I reached to touch him to see if I could do anything for him when suddenly...God Blair ...I was him...I was in agony and covered in bandages and I was looking up at myself." Todd closed his eyes still seeing the image.

"My God, Todd, no wonder you woke up screaming. But you see it was just a nightmare, maybe you're empathizing with Walker. Both of you have obviously been through something horrible together. After everything that happened a long time ago and then yesterday the two of you finally meeting. Your subconscious just wove the two of you together, the same way your lives have meshed together." she played with his hair smoothing it and looked into his eyes. "You're not a bad guy, Todd. Deep down you know Walker is as much a victim as you."

"You think that's what it is huh, Blair. Me having sympathy for him. No wonder it was a nightmare." Todd grinned and Blair knew he was feeling better.

"Oh you," she punched his shoulder, "You just can't admit you have any decent feelings for anyone can you."

"Feelings, what are those? You know me, Blair, I'm bad to the bone," he rolled on top of her and held her down. "So you think I have decent feelings huh. Alright, I have feelings I'll admit that but right now I wouldn't call them decent." At that, he devoured her mouth with his expressing just exactly what his feelings were.

Sometime later they rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom to clean up. After the shower Todd sat on the edge of the bed as Blair combed his hair, "I love the feel of your hair Todd, I missed it when you had it shorter. You put a lot of women to shame with this hair."

Todd reached for her hand and stopped her. He drew her around in front of him. "Samuel let it grow in Paris because it seemed like something an artist would do. I always loved it when you would play with my hair. It stirred things in me. Back when we first met, the very fact you were willing to touch me when everyone else shied away, meant so much to me. You made me feel like I was a person, not just a thing. I often wondered what would have happened in my life if we hadn't met Blair and all I see is darkness. You were a definite turning point in my life." he stood up to meet her gaze. "I know I've said this before, but I need you to understand that without you, my life is a living hell. I need this to work Blair."

With tears in her eyes, Blair said. "I'm not going anywhere, ever again." She embraced him and he held her fast.

Slowly he released her, bringing up his hand to wipe away her tears, "Let's finish getting dressed. I need to go talk to Bo this morning. Then I need to track down Kelly and find out if she's heard anything yet from her reporters about the Kipling Facility." he turned and grabbed his shirt.

Blair smiled, that was her Todd, always mercurial. He really did hate sappy scenes. She quickly got dressed and was delighted to see that he waited for her. He smiled and took her hand and they headed downstairs.

Todd saw Blair off and reached down to pick up his copy of the "Sun" and opened it to the editorial page. His column was there and looked fine, now he had to reach Kelly. There was still no answer in her office and he was starting to get worried. With the attack on him still fresh, he prayed someone hadn't picked up on the fact that Kelly was investigating the Kipling Facility. Suddenly his phone rang, not too many people knew the number so he picked it up warily. "Hello? Yes, this is Samuel Toddman... You want an interview for The Banner...I guess for my cousin Vicki, I can accommodate you...Why don't I meet you at the Paper in about a half-hour? May I ask your name again? I didn't catch it the first time. Thank you, see you soon." Todd hung up and immediately called the newsroom at the Banner and asked for the reporter whose name he had just been given. He had been right, there was no reporter by that name working for the Banner.

Picking up the phone he immediately called Bo. "Hello, Bo, someone just called and wanted to set up an interview at the Banner, but his name is bogus. I think I'm being set up for another hit. We're supposed to meet in a half hour. Is that enough time to get some officers to check the area? I have a feeling he'll be thinking of picking me off in front of the paper. Yes, I'll wait here for a short time but if I don't show he'll know I'm on to him. I'm leaving in fifteen minutes with or without the vest Bo." Todd hung up and began to pace. He hated being in this position. Carlo was still staying one step ahead and it bothered him.

The doorbell rang and Todd answered. He found himself staring down the barrel of a gun. At the other end of the gun was the woman who had tried to poison him. He backed slowly into the room as she followed still keeping the gun trained on him. Todd was grateful that Starr and Hope had already left for the morning. He noticed that she hadn't shut his front door and if he could just keep her from killing him before the police arrived he might make it out of this unscathed. "My dear, I'm not sure what I've done to injure you, but surely killing me isn't the answer. Perhaps you could at least tell me why you want me dead?"

"You know exactly why I'm here Mr. Manning. You came home too soon and my boss was not happy to hear that you were here, " she replied.

"I see.  I think you're operating under a certain misconception. I'm not Mr. Manning, I believe my distant cousin is still in the hospital. My name is indeed Samuel Toddman and I'm an artist. I haven't been in the States all that long, but I assure you I'm not the man you think I am." Todd moved to stand in front of the gallery of Samuel's muses forcing his attacker to stand and face him, putting her back to the front door. "Perhaps there is some way to prove to you I am indeed Samuel Toddman.  Would you allow me to draw something for you? I've never had such a beautiful attacker before. I would love to draw you, there is something fascinating about a dangerous woman." he reached down on the hearth and carefully picked up his pencil and sketchbook. "What do you say?  My artwork brings in a pretty good price these days.  Won't you let me have one more opportunity to do what I love best, drawing beautiful women?" she nodded and Todd began sketching. He realized she figured she had all day so she might as well take home a souvenir. She was watching him sketch so intently that she never noticed the officer coming up behind her until it was too late.

"Are you alright Mr. Toddman?" the officer inquired after cuffing the suspect.

"Yes officer, I'm quite alright." Todd finished the sketch signing it with Samuel's name He handed the sketch to the officer and said. " I promised her the sketch. Perhaps they'll let her keep it." Todd's hands were shaking as he set the sketch pad back down. "My dear, I regret that we'll not be spending any more time together."

"Hey Mr. Toddman this is great," the officer paused long enough to show his prisoner the sketch he had just been handed. Her eyes widened at the portrait that Samuel had finished. She looked over at Samuel and said. "You really aren't him are you?"

Todd shook his head and watched as she was taken out of his apartment. It was well past the time he was supposed to have met the reporter. He wondered if Bo's men had managed to find him anyway. The phone rang and this time, Todd let the answering machine take the call. It was time to start screening calls. Todd didn't want another killer showing up when Starr or Hope might be home. The caller hung up without saying anything and Todd pressed caller ID. It showed an unknown number. Todd wrote it down and called Bo. "Sorry Bo, I got a visitor before I could leave for the interview. I haven't seen the officer with the vest, but the officer McBain put on me, to protect me, is bringing in the woman who tried to poison me... Yes, she showed up here with a gun. She called me by my real name and said her boss wasn't happy that I came home. I played dumb and told her I was Samuel and tried to keep her talking figuring the officer with the vest was going to arrive anytime. As luck would have it I guess she really wasn't in a hurry to shoot me and she consented to my drawing her. Your officer showed up and caught her off guard. They should be at the station soon... Wait a minute what did you say? John didn't assign a second officer. Then who was the officer that just took her away?... Damn, they played me. Thank goodness I kept up the charade. She thinks I'm Samuel now. Shit, I gave the sketch to the officer... No, I'll sit down and make a couple of drawings. Thank goodness for Samuel's talent. Hang on, I'm going to have a look around.  I wonder what happened to your officer? "

Todd put down the phone and went out into the hall outside the penthouse. Walking over to the stairwell, he opened the door and discovered the officer. The man was still alive. Todd went back to the penthouse and picked up the phone. "Bo, send an ambulance. Your officer is here. He's alive but unconscious. He's in the stairwell on the Penthouse floor. I'm fine and Starr and Hope are gone thank goodness. Carlo must have wanted definitive proof that I had my memory back or not. Since they didn't kill me they must have been ordered to leave me alone if I was still Samuel."

"Bo I'm worried about Kelly. I haven't been able to reach her….What? ... When did it happen?... Who did it?... My God, Marty!... Does anyone know where Marty is?... Okay, I need to reach Blair and find out if she knows about Kelly. Yes, I'll stay put until help gets here for your officer. I think I'm safe for now. By the way, I might have an idea where we can find Carlo... No, I'll come down there... We need to talk privately." at that, Todd hung up. He quickly dialed Blair, she answered and told him she was at the hospital and they were waiting for Kelly to get out of surgery. Todd told her to stay put and he would see her soon. Then he went to wait with the injured officer.

Todd was reeling, it was like he had dropped into an alternate universe. Marty had attacked Kelly. What had driven Marty to that extreme? Then his thoughts went back to opening that door and seeing the gun aimed at him. That first moment he had been sure he was a goner. it was only when she didn't shoot right away that he had thought he had a chance. It was unreal, he started thinking back to what the young officer had said. He had never said McBain had sent him, now that he thought about it. Todd realized he had just assumed it because the officer wasn't carrying the vest that Bo was sending over. Todd had grabbed the sketch pad to draw the two assailants while he waited for the ambulance. His memory was fresh with the woman's face and he sketched her in no time but he was having trouble remembering the man. "Todd, let me out, I'll draw the officer. I remember him better than you, I was able to observe while you were busy," said Samuel. Todd passed a hand over his eyes, "Go ahead, Samuel, I'll take a break." Todd slumped briefly against the wall of the stairwell just as the EMTs arrived. They looked at both men and then Samuel stirred.

"Sir, are you alright?" asked the EMT. "You appeared in distress when we arrived."

"I'm fine. I just felt a little faint there for a moment. The stress of all this I guess. Really, I'm okay, you need to look after this young man. I'll get out of your way I need to complete this sketch for the Police." Samuel allowed the EMT to help him up and he headed back into the penthouse. He quickly went to work finishing the sketch of the man who had impersonated the officer. "Todd, you rest, I'll take this down to Bo." Samuel looked around the room to see if the young man had accidentally left anything behind but it was obvious they were pros. There was absolutely no sign they had even been there. He locked the door and headed out, Bo needed the pictures as soon as possible and Samuel knew Todd wanted to get to Blair as quick as he could.

Samuel walked into the police station and headed for Bo's office. Several heads turned and did double-takes. They had worked in the department and knew the original Todd Manning so when a guy walks in looking like the old Todd Manning you take note. Samuel had to smile, he knew the questions would be circulating before he left Bo's office. He knocked and waited.

Bo said"Come in" and Samuel entered. "Good day, Commissioner. No don't get up, I brought you the sketches that Todd told you about. He's resting. He was struggling with his memory of the police officer so I came out to finish that drawing. If you'll give me a minute he'll be out shortly." Samuel sat down and closed his eyes.

Bo waited, he knew it wouldn't take too long, even though it was fascinating to watch. He found it incredible that he had been able to tell it was Samuel the moment he entered the room. It was something about his speech patterns and his overall attitude that separated him from Todd. Todd's eyes opened and looked around for a minute. He realized Samuel had made the trip down to the police department but what bothered him was that he didn't remember the trip. That hadn't happened since the episode in Kelly's office. It was starting to happen too much and he knew he would have to talk to Ray about it the next chance he got. His gaze returned to Bo. "Sorry Bo, I'm just a little off-kilter. I just lost a little time and wasn't expecting that. I believe these might help you out." and he handed over the sketches he found in his hands. "You might be able to match them to someone in the system." Todd sat back. He had noticed his hands shaking a little, it was another little annoyance or problem that had recently developed, he was wondering if the tremors had something to do with the poison. He clasped his hands together to control the tremors and waited for Bo to finish with the sketches.

Bo took the sketches out and handed them to an officer and joined Todd back in his office. He observed Todd studying his hands and noticed the tremors. "You doing alright Todd?  I heard you had a very close call with that poison and now someone just showed up to kill you. That had to be unnerving."

Todd sat back and said, "Seems to be an ongoing occurrence for me lately, these near-death experiences are getting tiring." Todd's sarcasm seemed a little forced and Bo had a feeling he was near the end of his rope. Todd realized that Bo had seen through his attempt at levity and quickly changed the subject. He wasn't ready for any sympathy from Bo. "Manning and I had quite a talk yesterday morning and I found out some information that might help you find Carlo. Manning told me a little bit about the doctor who has been taking care of him since 2003. It sounds like his Dr. Kipling might, in fact, be the same Dr. Ivan Kipling that had dealings and plots around here in the eighties. It seems Dr. Kipling has a home not far from the Kipling Neuroscience Research Facility. I'll bet you even money that Carlo might be hiding out there. Samuel has already established a connection between Hesser and the Facility. It stands to reason he might go to his partners for assistance."

Bo had to hand it to Todd, once again he had managed to get some pertinent information that could get them back on track. Not only that but he had just provided two very good likenesses of his assailants. Bo had always known Todd was intelligent but when he was younger he hadn't always chosen the correct path to get to the bottom of things. Todd's efforts had sometimes helped but more often than not they had hindered many investigations. He was actually a very good investigator and he probably would have made a good cop in a different lifetime. This new Todd took a little getting used to. "Thanks, Todd, I'll get a call out to the Marshals that are looking for Hesser but I'm more concerned right now about these attempts on your life. You think the reason they didn't kill you is they figure you're still Samuel and are therefore not a threat yet."

"Right Bo, I think Carlo doesn't want to have to dispose of me if he can help it. I do think I'm still under surveillance and he'll be keeping tabs on my movements. I know, keep a lower profile." Todd ran a hand through his hair. " I thought you guys had him safely in custody. Damn it, Bo, I just want this over. I want my life back. Has there been any more news about Marty? Blair told me Kelly was in surgery."

"I was just informed that Marty tried to kill Natalie by throwing her off the roof of the Angel Square hotel. She's also taken Natalie's son. I've got men looking for her. Vicki called and said Natalie had survived the fall. It looks like Marty has really lost her mind." Bo replied.

Todd shook his head, he hadn't seen Marty since she had left his penthouse with Patrick's dead body. Only later had he heard that Marty and a very undead Patrick had gone to Ireland and they had raised their child there. He still was having a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that Starr had a baby with Marty's son. "It seems unbelievable that she has gone so far. I know she's Hope's grandmother and to hear how much she has lost it, why Bo? She came so far after I almost ruined her life. I envied her and I still owe her all these years later. If you find her do you think she can be saved?"

Bo looked at Todd and realized how far he had come from that arrogant boy who had once sat in his office. Something had definitely changed in him. Two attempts on his life in less than 24hrs would rattle a healthy man and Todd was taking serious risks with his heart as he remained determined to get Carlo. Now he was actually concerned for Marty and her well being. "It depends on if we can get her safely, she's armed and not rational right now. We're going to try and bring her in without harming her. You understand she already seriously hurt Kelly and Natalie and now she's taken Liam, he's our first concern, Todd." Todd didn't respond at first and Bo looked at him again worried that something wasn't right. Todd seemed lost in thought. "Todd, are you alright?"

Todd blinked and focused on Bo. "What?" he shook his head trying to clear his head but he was having trouble thinking. He looked at Bo and Bo was asking something but he was having trouble making out the question. "Samuel what's going on." he got no response from his alters and his hands had begun to tremble again. "Bo, help." he passed out.

Bo was around his desk before Todd's final word and caught Todd as he toppled forward. Bo laid him on the floor and checked to see if it was his heart. Todd's heart was beating soundly but something had made Todd pass out and the trembling that Bo had observed before Todd passed out might have had something to do with it. Bo grabbed his phone and put out a call for medical assistance. "Todd, can you hear me?" Todd was down for the count and was showing no sign of coming out of it. The EMTs arrived and began working on Todd, asking questions of Bo. After hearing of the attempt against his life and the earlier attempt by poisoning they surmised that Todd had gone into delayed shock.

Bo watched as Todd was taken to the hospital, he had been right when he had seen Todd's hands shake and he should have done something then. He had known in his heart that Todd had endured too much the last 24 hrs, it was amazing that Todd hadn't collapsed sooner. He picked up his phone and called Blair. "Blair, Samuel collapsed and is headed to the hospital... He's in shock but stable... I'm coming down. I'll fill you in when I get there."

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