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Monday, May 30, 2011

Scenario for TM's Return To Llanview #3

Tomas and Todd escort Marty up into the mountain. Todd says "Okay, we're all in agreement then. You're going to stay here with Liam until the search for you dies down. That means no more wandering around town looking for revenge right now. The cabin is well stocked with enough food to last you for a couple of weeks. I'm going to try and bring you some baby supplies, I wish you would reconsider letting me take Liam back to Vicki's. Let's get you inside."

Tomas opens the car door and Marty emerges with Liam. When he reaches to try and help her with the baby she brings her gun up. "Stay back Tomas, I'm going along with this because I won't have to watch my back night and day but don't think you're going get the disc. I have it safely hidden so both of you do what you have to do to keep John and the police from finding me. We'll all be happier."

Tomas and Todd exchange glances and know for the time being a mad woman hold their lives in her hands. Todd grabs the extra items they brought with them and they walk to the door. Todd unlocks the cabin and they enter. Marty looks around happily and talks quietly to Liam. " Oh look Liam our new home. Isn't it lovely. Don't you worry. when the time is right we'll reunite with your Daddy. I promise." she set him down and turns to Tomas and Todd. " Well thank you so much for your hospitality but I think it's time you gentlemen leave. I need to put my son to bed. Remember guys, you keep my secret and I'll keep yours" she watched as they left. and locked the door behind them. then she set about making herself and Liam comfortable.

TM kept looking back, he was pretty sure he had lost them for the time being but dark was approaching. The area looked familiar and he had a feeling there was someplace close he could take shelter for tonight. He broke into the clearing coming face to face with a big cabin. "Yes," he thought, he knew he had remembered right. He didn't see anyone around so he took the chance and went up on the porch and found it under the window box. He opened the door and entered, this was going to work great. He knew he had hidden here before and knew it was the wrong time of year for anyone to come to the cabin, He walked over to the sink to get some water. He was so thirsty, then he heard footsteps on the stairs."Damn, I thought it was empty." he pulled the gun he had gotten from the guard and moved quietly behind the stairs and waited for the person to finish their walk down. He didn't want to hurt whoever it was but he needed to make them understand his need for shelter.

TM watched as she finished her walk down the stairs. When she made the turn for the Kitchen he stepped out from his hiding place. In stunned silence they saw each other, then in some weird moment they spoke simultaneously "You! Why is it always you?"

TM stared at her like he was seeing a ghost. Images flashed though his mind: first he was straddling her on a bed, then he saw her sitting on the floor cradling a body and yelling at him. The memories flooded back and with them the remorse and self loathing. "My God, Marty!"

Marty likewise was revisiting her memories. He was holding her down, then he was carrying her up the side of a mountain, a chat on a rainy evening by a fire but then her heart wrenched as she saw herself cradling her husband, more images of shouting matches and strange talks as the emotions rushed through her. "You!" she yells "You're going to ruin everything. It's what you do. Why can't you leave me alone?"

TM takes a step towards her but she backs away quickly. She's definitely spooked and acting more hyper than he remembered. "Marty wait, I'm not here to hurt you." Then he hears a baby cry. "What?... he starts for the stairs but Marty beats him to them.

"You can't go up there, you stay away from us. Haven't you hurt me enough." She stands there staring at him wildly.

TM realizes he still has the gun in his hand. He sticks the gun away and says "Marty I swear I won't hurt you. Go, go check on the baby. You're safe with me I promise. " he backs away to give her space as she rushes upstairs. He runs his hands through his hair. He takes some deep breaths as he walks to the couch. This really complicates things. Where the hell had she come from and who's baby was upstairs. he hears footsteps behind him on the stairs and turns around to find a gun aimed at him. But it wasn't the gun that was disturbing it was the fact that Marty had a baby in one arm and the gun in the other. It wasn't like Marty to endanger a child like that. "So Marty, is this how it going to end? You're finally going to take your revenge. Surely you're not going to do it with the baby here." he saw her take her eyes off him to look at the baby and he made his move and had the gun from her before she realized it.

Marty screamed in frustration, and the baby began crying.

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