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Monday, May 16, 2011

Who's the Real Todd?, Ch. 10

Blair and Jack made their way off the elevator and turned down the hall to Walker's room. Jack saw the police officer standing outside and looked inquiringly at his mother. "What's going on Mom, I thought you said Dad woke up. What happened to Shaun and why is there a police officer outside his room?" asked Jack

"Jack, I was exhausted when I got home this morning. I haven't told you everything that happened when we brought Samuel here last night. Someone made an attempt on Samuel's life last night. They tried to poison him and very nearly succeeded in killing him. His life was saved because instead of leaving the hospital he chose to have a talk with your dad. The officer was assigned to guard both your dad and Samuel. Shaun is also still working for your dad, he's probably on a well-deserved break. Now listen up, you're going to tell your dad what you've been doing to Shane. I suggest you listen hard to what he's going to say to you I think you're in for a surprise." They walked into the room and saw both men were resting.

As the door shut behind them Manning opened his eyes and saw Jack. "Well, my son has finally come to see me. Why the long face?" asked Manning.

"Mom has me grounded." grumbled Jack

"Why Blair, what did he do?" asked Manning.

"Your son has been bullying, Shane Morasco. but I'll let him tell you himself, maybe you can figure out why he felt the need to do it. I sure can't." replied Blair. " Samuel tried to talk to him about it last night, but Jack thinks you'll side with him, against us. I told him he might be surprised. Go ahead Jack, tell him what you did."

Manning listened as Jack told what he and his friends had been up to and then he heard about the cyberbullying and the latest entry that Jack put out there. The more he listened and watched as Jack talked, the more it bothered him. Jack was rattling off the events like he was describing a term paper or something. There was no remorse that he had hurt the other boy if anything Jack seemed proud of his accomplishment. He also acted like he was sure his dad would approve. Then Manning heard Jack say that the Morasco boy had considered suicide. Manning looked at Blair and she nodded. "Whoa, Jack you drove the boy to contemplate suicide. Doesn't that bother you?"

"Well a little but he's such a wimp Dad, he couldn't face a little fun on the Internet," answered Jack.

"Jack, tell your father just exactly what you posted," Blair said getting mad because Jack was leaving out the crucial items.

Jack cringed at his mom's tone and told his dad what they had posted. He saw his dad's eyes narrow but didn't realize that his dad's mood had gotten somber. "Mom got all bent out of shape, but the guy is weak, it was just a joke."

"Your mom was right to be bent out of shape. What you and your friends did borders on criminal. You pushed too far Jack. Everyone can get to a point where life isn't worth living, even me. A couple of years ago I stood where that young man stood, on the edge of a roof. There is a big difference between us, I did take the jump and I'm only here because I got lucky, I fell into the river. You don't believe me, ask your Mother, she saved me." Manning looked at Blair remembering the conversations afterward when Vicki and Blair both chastised him for not thinking of his children and for trying to take the coward's way out just because he was unhappy.

Jack looked over at his mother and she nodded. He looked at his dad and couldn't believe that the man he idolized tried to kill himself. He didn't know what to say to his dad.

From behind them, another voice entered the conversation. "He's right Jack, we all can be pushed to the point where no life is preferable to the life we're facing. I also stood on the edge of a roof once. Thinking who would miss me. But my sister talked me out of taking the easy way and I'm still here and kicking because of it. What we're trying to get through to you is that even you might find yourself in that place one day. None of us want you to end up there. This path you're on is a very sticky one. Neither of us wants you to be like us. We've both done things, we wish we hadn't. People have been hurt by our actions, not because they deserved it but because we thought they deserved it. Marty didn't deserve to be hurt, but we practically ruined her life and ours in the process. You're hurting Shane because you've decided he's weak. You have the power to make him miserable and you're using it. You need to hear what we're saying, Jack, because if you aren't, if it is not sinking in, then we've got a big problem." Todd pulled himself back up on the bed to face his son and saw he hadn't gotten through to Jack. Todd looked at Blair and Manning and shook his head.

"I already told Shane I was sorry, what do you guys want from me?" asked Jack.

Manning frowned, even he heard the insincerity coming out of Jack's mouth. Jack really didn't think he had done anything terrible. Manning had seen Samuel's face and realized that Samuel had seen it in Jack's face too. Jack had no remorse whatsoever for what he had done. It was apparent that they both had failed Jack, the question that arose now was how did they reverse Jack's attitude before it was too late. "Jack, we want you to stop. That's what we want." Even as he said the words to Jack, he knew they were going to go in one ear and out the other. God of all times for this to happen. Manning felt frustrated he was still getting over the attack and Samuel just showed up and they were smack in the middle of a crisis. How were they going to give Jack the attention he needed right now when all their lives were in turmoil. "Jack think about what we've told you today. It's important to us that you understand. For now, you probably need to get to class. Keep your distance from Morasco and stop the harassment. That's an order, Jack." said Manning. Jack looked at all of them and when his Mom nodded he left the room.

The mood in the room was somber, Blair looked at the two men in her life and realized they both saw what she had seen. "We have a problem, what are we going to do?" she asked.

Todd spoke up first, "We'll deal. This is not good but we can't give it the proper attention until Hesser and his hired assassins have been caught. It's time I got out of here. The Sun hit the streets this morning with my picture on the front page. The town is going to be speculating who I am and why am I here. That means, the assassin who shot at you Manning is now aware I'm in town too. We have two killers on the loose, gunning for us both. if we can't find Hesser soon, they'll make more attempts. You said that Dr. Kipling had a home outside of Philadelphia. We need to get word to Bo about its location. It's possible Hesser might be hiding out there. Blair, find the doctor and get me out of here." Todd carefully set his feet on the floor and stood up. The shot the doctor had given him earlier had done the trick and his body had stopped being wracked with pain. He still felt a little shaky but he didn't like being trapped in the hospital just waiting to be attacked.

Manning watched enviously while Samuel regained his feet. He too wanted out of the hospital but he was still too weak. A month-long coma wasn't something he could just leap out of bed from. At that moment, Tea walked through the door and came to his side. She kissed him, then she stared over at Todd and said."What are you doing? Don't you think you should rest longer?"

Blair had walked over to give support to Todd until she was sure he was stable, then she gave Todd a kiss and went to get Todd checked out.   He looked over at Tea and said. "I have to go. I need to put in an appearance around town as Samuel. It's imperative that Hesser thinks I'm still Samuel and just trying to make a play for the Sun. He can't know I have my memory back. It's the only thing that will keep him off guard right now. I'm already concerned at the attempt to kill me yesterday. He suspects I have my memory, now I have to make him go back to believing I don't, so he'll call off the hit. He mustn't find out you're aware of the problem either Manning. It's time for us to put on a show of being enemies so he'll come out of hiding. Are you ready?" he looked at Manning.

"You bet. Tea, you need to try and stop Samuel's takeover. This has to look real." Manning said.

Todd nodded at both of them. "Alright, then folks, it's Showtime!"

Vicki was coming round the corner to Walker's room when she spotted the policeman. She saw Blair talking to a doctor and intercepted her. "What's happening? Why does Walker have a police officer guarding him now?"

Blair looked at Vicki. "The police officer was put in place last night. Todd dropped into a catatonic state at my house early last evening and I brought him here. Somehow I broke through to Samuel and with his help, we got Todd back. The doctor ordered a mild anti-depressant for Todd and we watched as he took it but before leaving, Todd chose to see Walker who had just woken up. Todd was talking to Walker when Walker called for help. We entered the room behind the nurse to find Todd passed out on the floor." at those words Vicki gasped. "It's okay Vicki, he's fine now. Walker told us Todd's last words were, he had been poisoned, so they immediately pumped his stomach. The very fact that he chose to talk to Walker saved his life. It was a potent poison, any longer in his system and he would be dead. Bo decided to send one officer to guard both men during the night and he's going to stay and help Shaun guard Walker. Todd is well enough to go home so I'm getting ready to take him there. Come on let's go see them. By the way, Walker has been told he's not the real Todd." Blair took Vicki's arm and they entered the room together.

Todd had taken a chair to wait on Blair. He and Tea and Manning had a plan ready to put into play so it was necessary to get out on the street as soon as possible. He saw his sister enter with Blair and knew she had been told the whole story about the previous evening. He saw the concern on her face and rose to greet her. "I'm fine Sis. You know me, still have a few cat lives left." he kissed her cheek and looked at Blair. " All ready?" Blair nodded and he turned to Manning and Tea. Nodding, he walked to the door and opened it wide so all in the hall could hear. "It's been a pleasure to meet you Mr.Manning, I hope you don't begrudge a distant cousin for trying to get a piece of the pie. Believe me, it was a simple business transaction." he left the room followed by Blair.

Tea went to the door and yelled. "Mr. Toddman, cousin or no cousin, you have a fight on your hands." then she slammed the door and retreated inside.

Vicki looked stunned, "What was that all about?” Puzzled she turned to the man lying on the bed. “Oh, it's good to see you awake Todd."

Manning looked at the woman he called sis and realized he couldn't call her that any longer. All this time he had thought she was his half-sister and now he knew that it wasn't true and judging by Vicki's reaction to Samuel, she also knew the truth. "You don't have to pretend to care, Vicki, I know I'm not your brother. It's been made very clear that I have no idea at all who I am. I still feel like I'm Todd, I love the same people and my memories are almost the same as his." his voice just petered out as he looked at both Vicki and Tea.

Tea went back to her Todd and said. "Remember, we're going to find out the truth and even if you never remember your true self, I'm going to be by your side." she took his hand and then looked back at Vicki. "Sorry for the theatrics earlier, we're not sure who's watching, so Todd figured we would let everyone think he's Samuel Toddman the new owner of the Sun. If the person who tried to poison him is still around, we hope word will get back to Carlo that he's still Samuel and not Todd."

Vicki looked at Tea and nodded. "That's probably for the best right now." then she looked at the man who had been her brother for so many years. He had helped her daughter, Jessica, when she had first started manifesting Tess and he had held her hand when she had almost died from a heart attack, she cared deeply for him and wanted him to know that. "We don't know your real name, but I still love you like a brother. For the time being, would you mind if I call you Walker? That is the name you had when we first met and I think it fit you very well. I understand if you don't want that. In which case I'll continue to call you Todd. You tell me what you want me to do." She waited for his answer.

Manning thought about it and said. "If you can, I would still like to be Todd, Vicki, I know I don't really have the right to the name, but it's the only name I feel comfortable with right now."

"Very well, Todd, I'm very glad you're awake at last. I know it must have been hard to wake up as Todd Manning and then have your identity taken away last night by someone who've you've only seen pictures of. I apologize for my brother, he isn't known for his tact. Although this time I'm glad his lack of tact had him in here with you when the poison attacked him. Thank you for getting him help." said Vicki. "I want you to know that you are still part of this family, you might not be by blood but you definitely qualify by sweat and tears. So you continue to get better and I hope this plan you and my brother have hatched will bring Carlo out, so the two of you can get on with your lives." Vicki sat and visited a little longer then left to find Clint.

After leaving the hospital, Todd had Blair drive him back downtown to the Manning building. He made a big show of entering the lobby and greeting the doorman. Then he headed for the executive floor to try and find Kelly. Upon entering his office he saw that she had left for the day. He took advantage of the quiet to sit and write an editorial concerning his desire to be a hands-on owner and the wish that all of the employees would know that their jobs were still safe even if the reins were held by a new party.

Blair had taken a seat and watched him work and was surprised when he brought the editorial over to her for her critique. It was so reminiscent of days long gone. She read what he had written and made a minor correction here and there then she handed it back for him to read.
He smiled and sent the editorial to print. After writing a personal note to Kelly, Todd walked over to Blair and said. "Let's go get a drink at this establishment of yours. It's time for Samuel to get out and about in this town."

"Todd are you sure you're up to this, just this morning you were still in some pain from that poison. The doctor told me that he had to give you some additional pain medication after we left." Blair asked.

"The doctor should have kept his mouth shut. I'm fine Blair, really. Besides, you're doing the driving. Come on, I haven't been out on the town since I got here and I've been in town for well over a month now. I want to see if I recognize anyone or if anyone will recognize me." he pulled her to her feet and guided her out of the office, securing her hand in his arm he headed for the elevator. He was actually feeling pretty good, now he had a scheme in mind and they were putting it into play.

They arrived at the Capricorn and Todd had a definite sense of DeJaVu. One of his fondest memories took place in the Capricorn, he wondered if Blair remembered that night the way he did. The club hadn't changed a whole lot in eight years he saw one familiar face and that was Christian Vega. Blair walked in holding his arm and took him straight to the bar.

Christian did a double-take when he saw who Blair walked in with. For one moment, he thought he was seeing Todd but he realized the Todd was still in the hospital and hadn't looked like his old self for eight long years. As Blair and the gentleman came closer, Christian knew who was with Blair. Samuel Toddman had just walked into their bar. "Well Blair, it looks like your mysterious artist decided to come to visit I see. The name is Christian Vega, I must say it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Toddman." he held out his hand.

Todd took Christian's hand and shook it and said. "Thank you, but how did you know my name?"

Christian looked at Samuel and was amazed at how much he looked like Todd. The biggest difference was the two scars and his demeanor. "I accompanied Blair to France when she went looking for the artist of her portrait. I also drew a sketch of you from Tomas's memory so that Blair might find you. I saw several other paintings you did of Blair. They were outstanding by the way. What brings you here to the States, Mr. Toddman?"

"Well, you see, after meeting Blair, I was curious to meet her ex-husband. She told me that I used to resemble him but that he had had reconstructive surgery. I did a little research into his background and found out we were distantly related so I decided to come and meet some of my relatives. Blair and I recently reconnected and she thought I might enjoy a night out in her club. How is it you drew a sketch of me but you’re here tending bar? That is a strange combination artist/bartender." Todd inquired. He knew Christian was an artist and that he had tended bar for his brother Antonio but he also knew he should show a little curiosity to keep Christian off guard.

Christian replied. " I teach art at Llanview University and I'm half-owner in this bar with Blair. We've been friends for a long time."

Blair had been quiet during the whole introduction. She felt Todd stiffen up when he heard that she was partners with Christian. Todd had trouble when it came to her and Christian. She had once tried to make him jealous by hitting on Christian and then later she and Christian had become friends with benefits when both their lives had been turned upside down. She knew Todd did not need to be told about that fling so she drew him away from the bar and sat him down near the stage. "Wait here," then she went and whispered something to Cris and he flip a few switches and the lights came up on the stage. Music began playing a very familiar song and Todd turned as Blair started singing making her way to the stage. He hadn't heard the full song since Valentine's day 2002. Blair looked out at Todd, saw him, and sang to him alone. As always the applause was generous when she finished and Blair walked down to join Todd at his table. When she sat down he leaned over and gently kissed her and whispered in her ear. "Thank you."

Blair smiled and gave him another kiss then she said, "I think it's time I took you home, tomorrow you can be all strong and get to work on your plan to out Carlo. Just last night you collapsed outside my door and then shortly thereafter you were poisoned. I'm afraid someone might take a shot at you the way they did Walker. Please let me take you home?"

Todd smiled and nodded. "Okay we'll go but you have to promise to tuck me into bed," he said with a grin.

Blair laughed and said, "Samuel, you dog. Don't tell me you say that to your other girls, you've completely changed my image of you."

Todd was surprised at the comment until he realized that Christian had come up to them. He played along so Christian wouldn't get suspicious. "Blair, I'm just a poor starving artist from Paris.  Surely you don't begrudge me my muses. Oh, Christian, you tell her, Artists are human just like everyone else. We just put our women up on pedestals more often. Oui."

Christian smiled, he liked Samuel. Blair seemed contented and liked having him in town. After everything she went through with Eli, it was good to see her happy. "Blair, give the guy a break, he doesn't know many people in town. At the same time, Samuel, you better be good to her. She's a good friend. She deserves a little happiness right now."

"Christian, you have no need to worry. Blair is one of a kind and I'm a fortunate man indeed that she's taken a liking to me. You both have a nice establishment here and Blair, you're enchanting when you sing. I'll definitely have to come here more often." he took Blair's hand and kissed it like Samuel would have done. Blair blushed and felt the tingle that ran from her hand to her heart. Todd gave a knowing smile and rose from his chair. He helped Blair rise and said goodnight to Christian and led Blair out.

The drive home was quiet and the penthouse was still when they entered. Todd looked around and felt his tensions ease. Yesterday morning seemed like a lifetime ago. He walked to the bar and poured a couple of drinks. "Blair, when did you and Christian become partners?" he asked curiously. He handed Blair her drink and sat down next to her, waiting for a reply.

Blair took a sip and answered. "I bought into the club when Antonio decided to leave town. Walker was running the Sun and I didn't want to work there so I needed another outlet. The Club seemed like the ideal investment. Christian needed some capital to keep the place open and so we became partners."

"Why did you bring Christian to Paris with you?" asked Todd.

Blair looked at Todd and realized he was trying to figure out if there had been anything going on between her and Christian in Paris. She quickly decided to clear that up. "Todd, nothing was going on between Christian and me in Paris. Christian came with me to help me locate you and to see his fiance Layla who was working in Paris. You should be grateful to Christian, without his skills as an artist we wouldn't have gotten a sketch of Samuel and I wouldn't have found you. The moment that Christian showed me your sketch, was a defining moment. I knew I couldn't leave Paris until I found the man in that sketch. When Samuel opened that door, it was fate. I have you here now and this is where I want to be." she put down her glass and leaned in to kiss him. Todd pulled her close and the kiss deepened.

It was a kiss full of promise and Blair sighed when Todd ended it.  He looked at her and said. "You promised to tuck me in. I think I'm ready." he grabbed her hand and they headed upstairs. They entered his room and he closed the door so they wouldn't be disturbed. Blair led him to the bed and sat him down then she slowly undressed him. He laid back and watched as she undressed and joined him in the bed. Then he gathered her back into his arms and began kissing and caressing her, his beautiful Blair. Todd kissed the nape of her neck and made his way down her body with his lips. Her skin was smooth as silk and she quivered as he found her firm breast and suckled them.  His hands continued to caress and he felt her hands begin their own exploration, her fingers were magical and his body felt so alive. He looked down into her eyes as his fever rose, threatening to light the sheets on fire and he knew she was ready. They joined as one, senses crashing like waves pounding the beach. His body exhausted, he gave Blair one final kiss and fell into a deep sleep.

Blair held him, letting her own heart settle down. When she was sure he wouldn't awaken if she moved, she carefully removed herself from the bed and covered him. She went to the bathroom and cleaned up and grabbing her gown, she dressed and joined Todd back in the bed. Leaning over she ran her fingers through his hair and then kissed him. Wrapping him once more in her arms she fell asleep.

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