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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Scenario for TM's Return to Llanview # 7

It was cool that evening on the docks. He had needed to get out and there hadn't been any signs of the agents in over a week. He figured the docks weren't that frequented so he was probably safe. The docks had many memories associated with them, some he really would have liked to have kept buried. But that wasn't going to happen. The memories were returning quickly as he had shaken the effects of the shock they had given him. He found himself walking near the area where he saw Tea with her brother Del.
He sat down on a piling remembering his love for Tea and his problems giving her what she really needed from him. He had been screwed up royally after coming home from Ireland. It hadn't been fair to Tea when he had gotten her mixed up in his war with Blair. Early in their marriage Tea had tried to get him to reconcile with Blair, but he had found Tea sneaking under his guard and before he knew it, he cared for her. That reminded him of the one honest moment he had with her on the dock. He had gotten all upset because Tea was wearing a necklace with an A engraved on it and he had assumed Andrew had given it to her but instead of getting mad she had informed him that it had belonged to her mother. As she had taken it off to show him, it had dropped in the river. After he had retrieved it things had gotten better. Of course he had messed up again when he assumed she was seeing a bum and that had turned out to be her brother Del.

He stares out across the water and another memory comes back as he sees waves on a beach and Tea beckoning to him from the water. For one sweet moment they clung to each other convinced that they weren't going to get off the island, but then his thoughts had drifted back to Blair and Tea had known where his heart would always be. He knew there was a place in his heart that belonged to Tea. But the reality was that Blair and his children had the rest. At the sound of footsteps on the Dock behind him he quickly stood up and moved into the shadows.

She walked to the edge and tore something up and tossed it away. She was upset, he could tell by how still she had gotten before she had torn the paper up. He had always admired that about her, she could be cold as ice in the courtroom but inside she burned red hot. "Hey Delgado, what's got you so steamed up." he moved out into the moonlight so she could see him.

Tea froze when she heard his voice. The words were something Todd would say and the voice sounded like Todd but there was something different, she waited to turn to him and closed her eyes hoping to hear something else. She didn't have to wait too long.

"I really hope that's not something near and dear to your heart, I don't relish taking a swim tonight." he said coming to stand behind her.

Tea opened her eyes and took a deep breath. With her eyes closed all she had seen was the Todd of old. In fact she didn't remember her husband ever bringing up the incident that had happened so long ago. She was afraid to turn around, afraid of what she was going to see.

"Delgado are you alright? Tea talk to me." Todd frowned. He didn't want to scare her but he was about ready to turn her around if she didn't answer him.

"Oh God what have I done?" cried Tea.

"Hey if it's making you upset I'll go get them for you." he started to take off his shoes when he felt her hand on his arm. He looked up into her eyes glistening with tears. "Really, I'll get them for you."

She shook her head no. She brought her hand up to his face. "It's really you isn't it?

"Uh, yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm me. I mean I'm still getting my thoughts back together but I'm still me. You okay Tea." he wasn't sure if she even realized her hand was still on his face.

Tea dropped her hand and looked at him sadly. " I thought I married you and now it's too late." She kissed him and said "Goodbye Todd."

He watched her leave knowing they had finally parted for good.

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