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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Todd Manning: Enigma, Ch. 25

Chapter 25

After giving the information they had dug up on Gregor to John, Todd and C.J. headed to The Sun to check and make sure operations were back up to speed and no more incidences had happened. Todd showed C.J.around the paper, and then they walked the block to the Penthouse.

    Stepping off the elevator, C.J. had a thought. “This is weird, I just realized this is the place you had after you married Blair for the first time. I think this is my first time here.”
    “You’re right C.J., but you need to remember, you, me and Sarah were friends long before I knew your mother was my sister. She and I didn’t get along very well at first, and no offense C.J., but your mom is a little flighty.”

    “You don’t have to be that nice. Let’s face it my mom’s a ditz but she loves me and my sister. Say, you probably haven’t heard, but she and my dad got remarried while you were in a coma. I never thought they would get back together, but things change.”

    “Does she know about Kym?”

    “Hell no, when this is all cleared up then maybe I’ll take Kym and the kids and go visit, but right now, Mom’s hysterics would be too much for Kym.”

    “Knowing Tina, that’s probably for the best.” Todd opened the door and ushered “What do you think?”

    “Wow!” C.J. was impressed. “This is really something.” He wandered further into the room and his gaze fell on the gallery of portraits above the mantle. “So Samuel painted all of these, too. The one of Vicki is terrific and the one of Blair... well let’s just say if someone painted Kym that way I’d be waiting for him in a dark alley.”

    Todd chuckled but he knew what C.J. meant, even he had been jealous of Samuel for a short time. Sure, Samuel was just a part of him and he knew Samuel and all of his alters loved Blair in their own special ways, but he remembered how Samuel had had to reassure him a number of times that Blair loved him with all her heart. Somehow, the love she felt for his alters was sisterly only. “Don’t worry, I understand.”

    “So, Samuel was in charge for eight long years and he had no memory of any of us or your life. That must have been tough.”

    “It’s over now. Let’s talk about something else.” Todd really didn’t want to revisit what Samuel had gone through. “I want you and Kym to stay here while we’re trying to get Gregor. Security was beefed up and bulletproof glass was installed after it became evident Hesser was after me. Don’t get me wrong, we love having you and Kim at Dragonheart but man, you’re on your honeymoon. You’ll be safe here and also have some privacy.”

    C.J. was surprised. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

    “Yes. Blair and I talked about it last night. Look, Starr was staying here but with everything that has been going on, I’d rather she and Hope stay with us. So for now, the penthouse is empty. What do you say?”

    “I say, sure. This would be a great place for Kym and me to finish our honeymoon. I will admit with the children just down the hallway, we’ve have been a little uneasy about making....well, you know what I mean.”

    Todd laughed, “I know exactly what you mean. I’ll let you in on a secret. The walls at Dragonheart are soundproof. I know because I designed the place. So you can relax tonight and we’ll get you guys set up here tomorrow. Now, why don’t you take a look around, I need to pick up a couple things from the office here and then we’ll head home and check on the girls and tell them about the celebration.” As C.J. headed upstairs to view the rest of the penthouse, Todd went to his safe and retrieved his gun and a few other items. Stowing the gun in his jacket, he started to rejoin C.J. when his cell phone rang.


    “Aw, good. I caught you. Have you and the thief who stole my daughter finished all your little wanderings?”

    “What do you want, Gregor?”

    “Does he seriously think marrying her will keep her apart from me. She’s mine and no upstart farmer will stand a chance in the face of her love for me.”

    “You’re delusional Gregor, Kym doesn’t love you. You might have had power over her once, but she’s broken those puppet strings and found a healthier and more caring relationship with this thief than she ever envisioned.”


“Face it. You lost her and when I find you, you’ll lose everything else. So you sit there and hide and wait for me, I’m getting closer every day.” Todd hung up before Gregor could say anything more and quickly registered the received call number, then he called John.

“McBain. Your good friend Manning, here.”

“What do you want now?”

“Thought you might want Gregor’s current phone number, but if I’m inconveniencing you, I’ll let you go.”

“Hold it right there. You’re kidding me right?’

“Hell no, he just called me, still if I’m interrupting something important …”

“Damn it, Todd, just give me the number.”

Todd read him the number. “Now get to work John. I’m tired of this guy and his impromptu phone calls.” He hung up to find C.J. staring at him.

“What did he want?”

Todd looked innocent. “What did who want?”

“I know you just talked to Gregor, you’re all business suddenly and mad.  Remember I’ve seen you upset, sure I was just a little boy, but I could tell you didn’t like Powell, and you're reacting the same way about Gregor.”

Todd’s whole body relaxed and he took a deep breath. “You always were a perceptive kid. Gregor called to let me know he knew about your marriage to Kym, and he claimed it wouldn’t stand in the way of getting her back. I set him straight and I imagine he’s fuming right about now. Let’s get back to the matter at hand. Do you think this place will work for you while you stay here in Llanview?”

“This place is great, but right now we need to get back to Dragonheart. I know you’re anxious about the women since Gregor’s call, I am too. Besides, I don’t think you want Blair finding out about the party by reading The Sun. We need to be the ones to give them the news, they’ll be panicking when they realize it’s only a couple of days away.”

“You’ve got that right, plus you and Kym need to go by Vicki’s tonight, just be sure and take Shawn with you for added protection.”

“We’ll do that. I think he’s up to something for sure and since he knows Kym is’s not good.”

A short time later they arrived back at Dragonheart, Todd hated the feeling he felt opening the door. He knew it was irrational and he hadn’t wanted to admit it to C.J., but he had been envisioning coming home to an empty house and the girls gone. “Blair are you around?” There was no answer and his heart skipped a beat. “Blair! Where are you?”

C.J. heard the panic in Todd’s voice and his own heart jumped “Oh God, you don’t really think...not this quickly.” he looked at his uncle. “Kym!” C.J. raced up the stairs and Todd began searching the rest of the house.

The lower level was empty and quiet as a tomb. Todd walked back out to the front and looked up the stairs to see C.J. shaking his head. Todd’s heart had been beating a mile a minute and he suddenly got dizzy. He grabbed the banister and lowered himself to sit down.

C.J. rushed down to check on his uncle. “Todd, take it easy. Maybe they just went out to do something. I think we’re jumping the gun, fearing the worst.” They both heard the laughter at the same time and the front door opened, as Blair entered, carrying multiple bags and laughing at something Kym was saying. Starr, too, was laughing and they all came to a halt when they saw the men looking at them.

“Todd? What’s the matter?” Before Blair could say anything else, Todd was off the stairs grabbing her.

“Damn it, Blair, I asked you to stay home. You didn’t even leave a note.” He didn’t want to let her go, she really had no idea what had been going through his mind.

“Todd, I’m sorry, we took Shaun with us. What’s going on?” She dropped her bags and put a hand on his chest. She was alarmed when she realized his heart was racing. “Todd, what has you so upset?”

He forced himself to calm down, she was safe, Todd took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. They were all looking at him waiting for his reply, but C.J. answered instead.

“He got another call from Gregor. When we got home and you weren’t here, we got worried he had done something.” CJ wrapped his arms around Kym pulling her close. “You have to understand how dangerous he is. Uncle Todd is right, you could have left a note.”

Blair looked into Todd’s eyes and saw the fear he was trying to contain. She tapped his heart and his eyes focused on her.”Hey, I promise to leave a note the next time. We’re alright, everyone is fine.” His arms tightened around her waist and she gave him a gentle kiss.

Kym looked at C.J. and also worked to reassure him.

Realizing where this all was probably going, Starr nodded to Shaun and they gathered the bags and left the couples to their own devices.

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