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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Todd Manning: Enigma, Ch. 24

Chapter 24

Blair and Starr were picking up the Christmas gifts that had been opened earlier in the week. Suddenly, they heard a yell, coming from the office. “That’s it! We’ve got him!”

Starr turned to her mother, “They’ve been working in there a long time, Mom. Sounds like something’s up.”

In the study, Todd turned to C.J. “We’ve got him, we've nailed it down to the same area where Kipling’s house was. Now, we need connect him fully to the saboteur.”

“Well, don’t get too greedy, Uncle Todd. We know he’s in the area, we just don’t know exactly where. And right now, he knows right where to find Blair, and I’m sure he is looking for Kym.”

Todd thought about this a moment. “I know, I know.  Blair’s worried, Kym’s worried.  Gotta find a way to stop that.  Blair doesn’t want me engaging with him.”

“Boy, you got that right, Uncle Todd. Kym’s been all over me to stay out of it.”

“Well, she’s got a point. The guy’s dangerous. She lived with him for years.  Hell, he almost killed her, and she’s his daughter, no less.”

“I know, that’s why I thought if we got married, he wouldn’t have a leg to stand on getting her back. She’s really terrified of him. She was a basket case after he called. His hold on her, it’s terrible. She reverts back to that child that he molested, molded, and abused.”

Todd sat deep in thought for a moment at this. He fought not to get lost in his own memories.

CJ continued, “Just hearing his voice caused Kym to get all these strange feelings, only she felt them toward me, and, well, you know. She didn’t know if they were real or not. I don’t want her like that. She’s afraid to care because of how she was trained.” CJ sat there silently, thinking of his brave, young wife.

Todd was trying desperately to find something to say to ease C.J.’s mind. He knew the hold that Gregor had on Kym; he had experienced it himself. “It’s going to take time. But, I think you two are headed in the right direction. Maybe that’s why she wants you to keep away from Gregor. She loves you, Lily, Josh, Chase, all of you. She doesn’t want you under his shadow at all, and he’s got a big shadow, C.J.”

C.J. looked at his uncle with respect. Todd went on. “He’s got a lot of power, and he’s been using it a long time. The thing is, he’s vulnerable, just like everyone, he has his faults. He doesn’t like being thwarted and I’ve stopped him twice now. In the eyes of his partners, he made a mess of the trafficking ring, and then a mess of my murder when he wanted me dead. Not to mention, I hurt him. He’s not used to that. That’s his weakness, he doesn’t like to be hurt.”

Just then, Starr peeked in the doorway. “Mom and I heard you, what happened?”

“Nothing much,” Todd eyed his daughter, “we think we found out Gregor’s location. You girls get all the gifts put away?”

“That’s not nothing, Dad. And yes we did.”

Todd smiled, “Listen. C.J. and I are headed down to talk to McBain. Need to find out about the autopsy on the arsonist or even dirt on that lawyer. For my piece of mind, you girls are to stay close to home. Alarms on. This house is secure. Don’t go wandering all over Llanview. If he calls, tell your mom to record it. Got it?”

“Dad, you really think you should go out? If we’re not safe around town, what makes you think you are?”

“I've gotta get into The Sun.  I need to make sure it’s up and running again. The New Year is just around the corner, I want this resolved. Ready to go, C.J.?”

C.J. looked at his uncle and the spark of admiration was definitely still there. “Let me go talk to Kym, and I’ll be ready.”

“I’ll meet you at the front door, C.J.” Todd walked out to the living room to see Blair, who was piling Sam’s goodies into a heap. He walked up behind her and put his arms around her.

“You know, you look beautiful when you bend over that way.”

“Todd! Starr’s in the room!”

“Listen,” he turned her toward him. “I need to get serious. I don’t like leaving you here alone. Why don’t you call Shaun? Tea and Dani seem to be doing okay. Gregor doesn’t have them in his sights. Maybe Shaun could come here and keep my girls company.”

Blair sensed his fear. “You really think he’ll try something here, at the house?” She reached up, the palm of her hand touching his cheek. She loved the feel of his skin, even with the roughness of the scars. “I know you’re worried. I’ll call Shaun, but we’re going to be fine. You know I can handle a gun. You found him?”

“We think so. I know you can handle things. But you shouldn’t have to and the kids are still out of school for the holidays, which worries me more. The kids being here makes you more vulnerable, because he’ll have more leverage. Get Shaun here.”

“I promise. Hurry back. You’re exposed out there. Both of you. By now, he has to know what Kym did.” She pulled his face to her and met his lips. His arms tightened around her. It was glorious for a moment, and he smiled.

“We’ll be back later.” Todd turned to the foyer to see C.J. coming to the front door. “Is Kym all right?”

“She’s fine but not happy. Let’s go.”

He reached for the phone and called Uchin. “I need you up in Philadelphia. How soon can you be here?” The conversation ended with Uchin agreeing to be in town within the next thirty-six hours.

The phone clicked into the receiver as Gregor let out a sigh of contentment pouring a taller-than-usual cognac. “All right, Mr. Manning. Mr. Todd Manning. If my daughter and that new husband of hers think they are going to get away with it and stay out of my range, they have another think coming. A little birdie has told me they are up there with you,” he gulped the last of his cognac, throwing his head back in abandon, “and I think it’s my turn again.”

He placed the glass down and sat in his chair. “Frederick,” he said into the intercom beside him, “bring me, Kaitlin.” He waited for his young companion, staring into the fireplace.

As she walked into the room he said, “Come to Daddy, Sweetheart, it’s time to play.”

Todd and CJ strolled into John’s office as if they owned it. “Hey, McBain, did you get any information on that autopsy? Was it poison?”

John looked up. “You really need to learn how to knock.”

“Eh, I do what I do. So, tell me, did you get anything?”

“Yes, you were right, he was poisoned and yes, we’re looking into the lawyer and haven’t found much yet. What about you?   I know you looked. Did you find our guy?” John stared at Todd who simply smiled.

“Maybe. We got something. We think we know the area, at least.”

“Well tell me, where is he?” McBain inquired.

"You’ll be surprised. Well, maybe you won’t. He lives up close to Kipling. Near Philadelphia. Any chance I can have a chat with Carlo or Kipling? I want to know if they know him. I just have this feeling he’s one of their ‘partners’”

“What, and tip your hand? You really think you should see Hesser or Kipling, Todd? Pretty close to home.”

“I gotta know, John. This guy is Blair’s father. I already know he’s a pervert. Makes perfect sense he’d be involved with something with Hesser and Kipling, anything that has to do with money and his perverse desires.”

“Okay. So you know he’s in the area, you think he’s connected to the arsonist. How are you going to prove it?”

“I guess that’s your job, McBain. You have the autopsy report, the lawyer’s name, the badge. Get me the connection. He was served up some poisoned shit on a shingle or was that bologna? It happened here in your jail.  Don’t you want to know the killer?"

“Sure, Manning, anything you say. So we find the guy, we find the connection, then what? You gonna let us get him, or are you stepping in?”

“He’s after my family. You really expect me to take a back seat?”

C.J., who had been watching the whole thing intensely, saw that his uncle was deeply fearful under the bravado. Up until that moment, he had been pretty lighthearted with McBain. Now, he was all business. John could tell that Todd was ready to move forward seriously.

“Dammit, Manning, I mean this, you need to stay out of it. Blair doesn’t want you in it and I sure don’t. The police department can handle it. I don’t need you fanning the fire. He’s escalated to murder; we don’t want a massacre. What would my reputation be if a fine citizen like you got offed?”

“McBain, you don’t understand. He called and threatened Kym, he killed the guy in jail - he’s on his own rampage already. The next move is his, and he’s ready for it. I don’t know where he’s going to strike. Can you assure me, it’s not my family? If I am in the game, he’ll strike at me.”

C.J. and John looked at each other. C.J. spoke, “Are you crazy, Uncle Todd?  After everything you’ve been through, you want him to come after you?”

Todd looked at his nephew and shrugged. “You KNOW it. It’s me or the girls, what would you choose? That’s why you married Kym. I don’t want him touching Blair again.”

“All right, Manning, what’s your plan? You have one, don’t you?” John couldn't help himself, he was curious how Todd was going to draw Gregor's attention.

“Hell no! I was hoping the police could put a little pressure on him and maybe slip the fact that you got the information from me. I need him to come out of his snake hole. I need him to come here. I’m thinking to plan a ball, for New Year’s Eve. Todd Manning’s Return Celebration. What do you think, John? Would that bring him out from under the covers?”

C.J. folded his arms, and John rolled his eyes. “Manning, you’re not all there, are you?”

“Uncle Todd . . .”

“Hey, I think it’s a great idea. Either of you got a better one?”  Todd looked at them both.

“Well uh, Blair, Starr, and Kym might have some objections.” replied C.J.

“Eh, buy them all new gowns, they’ll be fine with it. A celebration, they love that kind of thing. They don’t have to know it’s a trap."

C.J. took a deep breath. “Okay, okay, it might work. But that’s putting a lot of people in danger.”

“Not really,” Todd smiled, “if he comes, he’s going to come alone.”

“Manning this department is not taking the fall for this one.” McBain said. “That being said, what can I do to help?”

“Like I said, John, pressure. Just put that pressure and be there at the event. I seem to recall you love those tuxedo events.”

John grimaced, “yeah right.”

“Besides, John, it gives you a chance to get together with Natalie. I’d be glad to make it a double event, you know, engagement party?”

“Manning, you’re crossing the line today.”

“That’s what I do, McBain, that’s what I do.”

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