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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Todd Manning: Enigma, Ch. 27

Chapter 27

Gregor was in the middle of his discussion with Uchin when his doorbell rang. Knowing his man Frederick would get it, Gregor continued his conversation.

“You got out of Savannah just in time, Uchin. I received word the Feds raided your establishment this morning while you were in route to here. I’m afraid the restaurant is another loss we owe to Todd Manning.”

“Damn it, my Yakuza partners will be angry with this new turn of events but I’ve been informed by them to steer clear of any more unwanted publicity. They told me to tell you to back off your vendetta or you’ll face their wrath and it’ll be worse than anything Manning could do to you.”

Gregor glared at his partner. “I don’t owe them any allegiance. If they want out of the partnership fine, but I will have my revenge on Manning.”

“You’re a fool if you think you can go into business with the Yakuza and do whatever you please. The day you took their money they owned you. This isn’t a partnership you can just dissolve. I‘ve been trying to tell you for years that as long as things were profitable they would leave us alone, but now we’re bringing heat down on the whole operation and they don’t like the exposure. Back off now Gregor. I for one don’t want to lose my head.”

Before Gregor could comment, Frederick entered. “What is it man, who was at the door?” Gregor growled, upset by the interruption.

“Sir, it’s the police.”

Gregor looked up startled. “What the hell do the police want?”

Just then, two officers entered the room. “Gregor Daimler, we have an arrest warrant for you for the attempted kidnapping of Blair Cramer Toddman, Addie Cramer, Cassie Carpenter and for the attempted murder of one Thomas Lord. You’ll have to come with us, Sir."

“But I don’t understand, who are these women? I assure you I know nothing about a Thomas Lord.” Gregor looked over at Uchin. “Find out what’s going on.” He stood helpless while the police put the cuffs on and Mirandized him.

“Where are you taking me so I can have my lawyer meet me?”

“Sir, you’re being remanded into the custody of the Llanview Police Department where the charges were filed.”

As the police were removing him, Uchin replied. “I’ve got your back Gregor, I’ll call our lawyers. Is there anything else I can do?”

“Yes, get down to Llanview as soon as you can. We still have some unfinished business to discuss, I’m sure I’ll be allowed visitors while we get this all straightened out.” Gregor was seething inside as they took him and seated him in the car like a common criminal. “Damn it, Manning. You’ve done it now. It’s no holds barred.” An hour later, they rolled up to the Llanview Police Department where John McBain was waiting to get his prisoner.


Earlier that morning John had finally gotten all of his proof together to make out the arrest warrant for Daimler. The phone number Todd had provided had given them the address they needed to find Gregor, then it had been necessary to get charges drawn up. Cassie and Addie had gone to the police in Savannah, filed their charges against him for the kidnapping. Those charges had then been faxed to John and with Blair’s and Todd’s filed charges, he had gone to Nora for the warrant, which had been procured and sent to the Philadelphia police to be served. When John had received word that Gregor had been picked up, he, Todd, and Nora had been discussing just what would hold up in court. Nora was quick to point out that the only person who actually saw Gregor was Blair so her testimony would be paramount. Todd could testify to Gregor’s words, but he had been unable to see at the time so his testimony would be tainted by that fact.

“Nora, you’re just a bundle of good news this morning aren’t you. I’m surprised you went along with us and issued the warrant.” Todd wanted to throw something. He had been hoping once they caught him it would be smooth sailing, but in his heart, he had known Gregor was probably going to find a way to beat the charges. “Are you telling me that even though I personally heard him tell me he had Cassie, Addie, Blair and Kym and what he was going to do to them; and then I heard him order his men to dispose of me, that my testimony won’t hold up in court.”

“Let’s just say your testimony will be the one the lawyers will go after first. Blair’s testimony along with yours and the fact that she saw him is what will hold up in court. We have a lot of factors working in our favor.” Nora knew the frustration that was going through Todd and she felt it too, she hoped Todd wouldn’t do something foolish after everything he had done to turn his life around since returning. “Todd, let me do my job. You must have a lot to do before your big event tonight. Go home, we’ll take care of Gregor.”

Todd had looked at Nora and replied. “I’m not going anywhere until I see him locked behind bars.”

After Nora left, John had tried to talk Todd into going home but as soon as the word got there that Gregor was headed for Llanview, it had been useless. Only a bulldozer would have removed Todd at that point. He ordered Todd to remain in his office and went down to receive Gregor.

As he stood there waiting for the car, John recalled the conversation and questions Nora had asked regarding his role in the events that had played out the morning Todd had gotten shot.

John I know you returned with Todd to Savannah after the Hesser trial and from some things Bo told me, I know you were instrumental in saving Blair, her mother, her cousin Cassie, and her new sister Kym. Do you want to tell me why you were down on the docks that day and how things unfolded from your viewpoint?” Nora had looked at him and Todd, trying to figure out if they had been up to something illegal.

Todd jumped into the conversation in his usual rude fashion “Nora hold your horses, we weren’t down there for any reason you would disapprove of. John was covering my back. It was my plan to go down to the docks to try and draw out the guys I had humiliated during the raid by the Feds. They had gotten out on bail and when they couldn’t find me because I was here in Llanview, they had begun taking their anger out on the men I had worked with on the docks, while I had been covering my story. I had gone to the docks hoping they would find me and if I was lucky, I hoped they would take me to the guy I suspected of being the ringleader, namely Gregor Daimler, Blair’s and Kym’s father. I only wanted to talk to the guy and see if I could get him to release his claim to Kym and leave quietly as we had no real proof of his involvement with the slave ring. I even instructed John to stay out of sight and not interfere. Believe me, I thought that since I was blind he would realize I wasn’t going to be a real problem for him. I never expected him to kidnap Blair and the others.”

Nora could tell Todd was telling the truth and she turned to John to hear the rest of the story. “Okay, you weren’t down there to cause trouble. So John, is that what you did? Did you lay back and just watch his back?”

“For the most part, the only thing I did differently was going ahead and call in for some backup. When I watched the guys take Todd on the ship. I realized everything could go south quickly and shortly after the backup arrived, we saw Sid and his goons show up with Blair and the others. Then everything that morning played out in a surreal fashion. We watched as they started to bring the women back off the ship and from the way the women were struggling we knew they were being forced so we rescued them and I realized that Blair wasn’t among them. I was headed for the gangplank when I saw Sid escorting her. I yelled and distracted Sid enough for Blair to shake loose and head for the gangplank. I then fired high in order to avoid Blair, but it was enough to send Sid hiding. Just as Blair passed me on the gangplank I looked up to see Todd struggling to find his way off the ship. I watched Sid step out behind Todd, his gun aimed at Todd’s back, and yelled at Todd, Sid’s gun went off twice before my shot took out Sid. The rest you know Nora.”

“So you never saw this Daimler guy?”

“Nope, we searched the ship but he had disappeared and Todd was on his way to the hospital. I’ll tell you one thing, I really want to meet this guy, I have a pretty good idea what he had planned for Blair and the rest.”
John was brought out of his reverie by the sound of a car coming to rest a few feet in front of him.


John strolled to the car as the young police officer exited the car, a bunch of papers in his hands. He looked nervous and John figured he was a rookie. John showed his badge thinking about the number of mistakes the young officer had just made. He glanced at the young man's partner and they nodded at each other. The kid was going to get a talking too when they headed back to Philly.

“I’m Lieutenant John McBain, I believe you’re dropping off a prisoner for me? Did you have any trouble apprehending him?”

“No sir, he came along quietly insisting there had to be a mistake.” The policeman handed the paperwork to be signed for the exchange and said. “If you’ll sign, he’s all yours. I must say this is all kind of out of the ordinary, usually when we pick someone up we take him to our headquarters then make the transfers, this is all strange, someone pretty high up must be pulling strings.”

“This case involves a senator’s family. So yeah it requires special handling. Any more questions officer?” John returned the signed paperwork.

The young officer looked at his partner, who frowned and shook his head no, and said. “Uh No, like I said, he’s all yours,” and handed the keys to his prisoner’s cuffs to John.

John opened the back door to the car. “Mr. Daimler, we finally meet.”


Todd paced John‘s office. This had all gone way too easily. When they had located Daimler, John said they should stop playing games and just go after him legally. John had been convinced they could hold him on the charges of kidnapping and attempted murder, so Todd had allowed Blair and her family to press charges. When Dorian had heard what happened she had been furious and had expedited a lot of the paperwork needed to get Gregor to Llanview, but Todd still felt like something was wrong. Todd understood Gregor and knew he must be furious. Whatever happened they had to find a way to keep him from getting bail. Todd was worried about Gregor’s retaliation concerning this humiliation. Whatever Gregor had been in the midst of planning would only be more dangerous now that Gregor was mad. Todd watched through John’s window as Gregor was brought into the station.

Todd looked at the man for the first time. He seemed shorter and looked like he had been having a rough year; his face was thinner than it was in his picture that Todd had found on the Internet. From his demeanor, Todd could tell he was playing the part of a confused and wrongly accused man to the hilt.

Gregor was working the cops as much as he could. He kept insisting he knew nothing of the outrageous charges against him and used his age to appear more frail and harmless. As he looked around the room he glanced through a window and saw Manning staring at him. Rage poured through him and he drew himself up to his full height and glared at his son-in-law.

John had been watching Gregor’s act and had almost been convinced that Todd must have been wrong. No way was the guy he walked into the station, the head of a slave organization. Then he watched him transform before his eyes into a man capable of doing serious harm to anyone in his way, instead of appearing frail and too small for his clothing, Gregor now filled every bit of his expensive suit and he appeared ready to take off someone head. John looked to see what had changed Daimler’s demeanor. John followed Daimler’s eyes and saw him looking at Todd. He watched as Todd slowly smiled at Daimler. John glanced back at Daimler and could almost feel the rage rolling off him.

When Daimler’s eyes met his, Todd watched as Daimler turned into the man he had envisioned in his head. This was the man Todd knew. He smiled at Daimler, knowing it would enrage him all the more. Daimler was a fool, he had just shown his real self to John and still wasn’t aware of it. Todd moved his eyes away from Daimler and looked at John and back again watching as the truth hit Daimler

Gregor saw Todd’s eyes shift and look at the lieutenant, he realized he had given himself away and pulled in his anger, and turned to face John. With a cool voice, he inquired. ”So what happens next, Lieutenant?”

John looked him up and down. Gregor’s posture and whole attitude had changed to that of a man who wielded power with an iron fist and treated most people with contempt. Gregor was standing there daring him to go through with the arrest and risk the consequences. John took on the dare. “You’re going to be booked Daimler and then placed in a nice cell to await your lawyer.”

“I believe I’m still allowed one phone call.”

“You can make the call down in fingerprinting. Charlie, book him. Charges are kidnapping and attempted murder.” John watched as he was led away. He rejoined Todd in his office. “You were right, he’s a very dangerous man. I seriously thought you were wrong about this guy until he saw you, the change in him was striking.”

“Yeah well, I told you so. He’s out for my blood and now we’ve made him really mad. You’re not going to be able to keep him locked up for long, he will get out on bail.”

“We’re handling this one step at a time. I need Blair in here to identify him. She’s the only one who saw him.”

“Damn it. After seeing his look, I wish I had never agreed to this. I wanted to keep Blair as far away from him as I could but this turn of events has put her in the thick of things.”

“Just get her in here Todd, once she has identified him and signed a statement for Nora, her part will be finished until the trial.”

Todd looked at John “I hope you’re right but I have this gut feeling Gregor already had something in the works before you picked him up and now I hope we don’t find out the hard way just what his plan was.”

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