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Saturday, February 12, 2011

The MST, Ch. 21

Chapter 21

Samuel looked over at Todd. "Ok, Whatever you need me to do, I'm game, but I have one question."

" What's the question, Samuel?" asked Todd.

"How the Hell do I get out of here?" inquired Samuel. He couldn't see any doors or anything. How was he supposed to get back out in the world? Samuel saw that he had arrived back at his apartment. 'Rodd' was looking at all of his art supplies. "God I hope he doesn't try and do any painting."

Suddenly Todd was laughing. "Boy, are you right, That would be a disaster." He chuckled. "Don't worry, Rodd's a lover, not a painter. By the way, you're pretty even-tempered, I suggest you keep it that way. If you were to lose your temper, I'm afraid Pete might try and take over and he's very volatile. We'll do our best to keep him contained here. Things have a way of getting out of control when Pete's in charge. But you were wondering how you get out, it's simple. Stand here."

Samuel stood where Todd told him, not sure what was going to happen next.

Todd suddenly yelled."Rodd get your butt back here!"

Samuel jumped when another man similar to Todd appeared in front of him. "Samuel meet Rodd", but before he could shake Rodd's hand he felt a lurching motion in the pit of his stomach, he was dizzy all of a sudden. He reached out to stop himself from falling over and realized his hand was touching his easel. He was home. Whoa, that was wild. Then he heard Todd's voice in his head. "See simple, ok you're set. Remember we're here and doing what we can to get the memories free. Good luck." Samuel rubbed his forehead. Well, that had to be the craziest encounter he was ever likely to have. but he felt pretty good. He wasn't alone and now he knew why he was here. It was time to figure out his next move. Samuel walked back over to the Medical File. The next answer was going to be found at that clinic. He needed to search out the clinics around Philadelphia. In this day and age, the quickest way to do that was by computer, but he didn't have one. Who did he know that had access to computers? Hmm, this is where being a recluse was a disadvantage. Well, he didn't know many people but he still knew a few. Of the people he knew, a couple of them worked with computers. Simone, whom he had just met, and his friend, young Jessica, the bank teller. It wasn't yet closing time at the bank. He would try Jessica.

Samuel walked over to Dee's portrait. He looked at her, "You are my Dee, my beautiful angel. It was Todd who called you Delgado. To me, you are Dee and I think you'll remain my Dee. I know your real name is Tea now, but that doesn't work for me either. So my lovely Dee, it's time I exchanged some more money. I hope I'll be able to persuade Jessica to help me." He opened the safe and took out some more currency, pocketed it, and put Dee back in place. "I'll see you later." Then he headed out the door. On the street, there were several cabs at the stop. Picking the first one, Samuel instructed the driver to take him to the bank. It was a short trip, but Samuel had chosen to ride there, as opposed to walking, because of the lateness of the hour. He needed to get there before closing. Samuel paid the driver and entered the bank. He headed over to Jessica's station and waited patiently for her to finish with the customer in front of him.

Jessica was finishing the paperwork from her previous customer. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a customer move up to her window. "May I ..." she stopped stunned. Monsieur Toddman was standing in front of her and he looked different. He wasn't hiding his face, which in itself was amazing, but his whole demeanor had changed too. The man in front of her exuded confidence and he was smiling at her. She felt herself blushing at his gaze. "Monsieur Toddman what a surprise! I didn't think we would see you for a while. It's been less than a week since you were here last."

"Yes, dear Jessica, I understand. You see certain circumstances have caused me to make some changes. So I find myself in need of exchanging some more of my funds. My visit is two-fold. I am in need of your assistance on another matter and I hope you'll be able to help me out." Samuel looked at her expectantly.

"Monsieur Toddman, I am here to help in any way I can. Shall we take care of the exchange and then you can tell me what you need next." Jessica became all business as she worked on the money exchange. Wow she thought, he's asking for my help, I wonder what he needs? She completed the transaction and looked at him. "What else can I help you with?"

"This is going to sound strange, but Jessica, I am in need of someone with computer skills who can help me with a search. I'm hopeless with all of that kind of technical stuff, but I thought of you and hoped you might be the one who would be able to get the information I need. Can you aid me?" asked Samuel.

"Monsieur, I would be delighted to help. Is this something that needs to be done immediately?" Jessica asked. "The bank is closing, and I won't be able to use their computer, but I do have my own laptop. There is a cyber connection at the cafe across the way. Perhaps we could go there and I could help you then."

"That would be great, Jessica. As it is nearing the early dinner hour, I hope you'll allow me to buy you dinner in appreciation for your help." Samuel said. "If the guards will allow me, I'll wait for you to finish up."Jessica quickly closed her station, She didn't want to keep Monsieur Toddman waiting. He had invited her to dinner. It was a dream come true. After all these years, she was going to spend time with him. Over the years she had fantasized about her mysterious client. He had always been so polite and she had never been able to find out anything about him. It was that elusive quality that attracted her to him. She loved the mystery that seemed to surround him. He had always hidden his scars, but today when he was standing there in front of her he seemed unaware of them. Whatever had prompted him to hide them, was no longer relevant. Jessica picked up her laptop and went out to meet him. God, he’s gorgeous! She smoothed her skirt, as she walked towards him.

As Jessica drew near, Samuel gave her his elbow to hold and led her out of the Bank. He covered her hand with his free hand and they crossed the street to the cafe. As it was nearing dusk, they entered the cafe looking for an interior table, Samuel noticed one in a secluded corner, where they could work and eat, away from the general commotion. Samuel turned to Jessica, "Shall we eat something first then we can take our time with my search." Samuel asked. Jessica nodded and Samuel ordered some wine to start with and then they made their choices for dinner.

Jessica had so many questions. What was this search that was so important to Monsieur Toddman? Why had he stopped wearing the mask? Where had he gotten the scars? Did she dare ask? The waiter came with the wine and poured it. Jessica picked up her glass and took a sip. What the heck. I’m here, I’ll ask. She cleared her throat and asked. "Monsieur Toddman, I was most surprised to see you without your mask today. Could you tell me why you stopped wearing it?"

"I will tell you, Jessica, because you know what that mask has hidden all along and never asked a single question about them. First though, would you please call me Samuel. We've known each other long enough to be on a first-name basis, don't you think?" Samuel smiled at her.

"Yes, I agree. Samuel, please explain. I would really like to know." Jessica felt the flush begin in her cheeks, as she used his first name. He was so handsome when he smiled.

"I've had the scars for a number of years. I can only tell you I hid them because I was ashamed of them. Your next question is going to be, why was I ashamed of them? The truth would be, I didn't know. I know you have been curious about me since we met. Would it surprise you to hear that I myself was curious about me? When I met you seven years ago, I was as much in the dark about myself as you were. I came to Paris, a man with no past, no memories. I have lived in the shadows ever since. I had no memories of who I was before coming here to Paris. I knew my name and that I could paint so I came here to do that. I'm an artist and surprisingly a good one. I've been able to make a comfortable life for myself here. But a couple of days ago, I started getting snatches of memory returning. One of those memories concerned this scar." Samuel fingered the scar along his cheekbone, "It wasn't a pretty memory and I almost gave up, the night of that memory, but something else occurred that night. A beautiful woman told me that my scars were not frightening. And she wanted to be in my company. Something in me righted that night. I faced that memory and decided to face the world along with it. It is time I found my memories however horrible they might be. I believe you might be able to help my search."

Jessica was stunned. Samuel really was a man of mystery. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. He had no memories. Had he truly almost given up. That would have been such a shame, she was grateful to the woman who had stopped that. He really didn't know just how fascinating he was. Maybe it was that air of complete unawareness of self that he projected, that made him so charming. Samuel wasn't like so many other men, he didn't believe he was God's gift to women, he had no ego. He had no ego, but he possessed innate confidence in himself to face any obstacles. She was going to do anything she could to help him. She was deeply flattered he trusted her enough to ask. The waiter arrived with their food and they ate in comfortable silence. As the waiter came back to get their plates, Jessica reached for her laptop. "Samuel, after what you just told me, I would be truly ashamed if I didn't help you in every way possible. The night is young, shall we get to work." She smiled across the table, laid her laptop down, and turned it on.

Samuel reached across the table, covered her hand briefly, and said: "Thank you."

Jessica looked at Samuel, "Where do you want to start?"

Samuel took a moment to order some more wine and then turned his full attention to Jessica. "Well, I'm trying to find out how many clinics and medical facilities there are on the outskirts of Philadelphia Pa. I received my records from the hospital I woke up in eight years ago. Nothing in those records could tell me why I've suffered the memory loss, but I discovered a curious item reported by the ER attending, on the night I was brought to the hospital. It seems that I spent some time in a clinic outside of Philadelphia before being sent to the hospital. But there is no information concerning the name of the facility in my records. The records do say that I must have been at this other facility for several months because some of my injuries had partially healed. I know I'm looking for a needle in a haystack, but something tells me that clinic or facility is important. I was hoping we could look up the various clinics and research facilities around Philadelphia. Since I'm looking for places that might have worked with people who had head injuries, I figure we'll be able to eliminate a number that have nothing to do with those types of injuries. So shall we start?"

Jessica started by googling research facilities around Philadelphia, Pa., to her dismay, a large number of facilities popped up. They started eliminating facilities that were for children and cancer patients. Then they crossed off all college research facilities and big-name pharmaceuticals. Surprisingly they managed to knock the list down to a handful of places that might fall into the category that Samuel was looking for. Two places showed the most promise. There was the Brain Injury Hospital outside of North Philadelphia and there was The Kipling Neuroscience Research Facility that was southwest of Philadelphia. There were also several small-town clinics that spoke of having ER capabilities, the Cherryvale Clinic, and a small hospital, the Silver Mountain Hospital in the mountains between Llanview Pa. and Philadelphia. Pa. Samuel had the waiter bring a piece of paper and he wrote down all the pertinent information.

“I can't thank you enough Jessica. These will definitely give me a starting place. I don't know why, but I feel one of these places saw me that night long ago. Now I was wondering if you could look up a name for me. What kind of information is there on a man called Carlo Hesser?”

Jessica typed in the name but wasn't prepared for what popped up when she clicked on it. It seemed Mr. Hesser was a notorious criminal mastermind currently wanted in the United States, Ireland, and several countries in Europe. Samuel realized Todd had been right when he said Carlo Hesser was dangerous. He and Jessica read of Hesser's leadership of a group of men known as the Men of Twenty-One a terrorist organization with ties to several deaths in Ireland and the United States. Mr. Hesser engineered a prison wide riot in order to escape the Maximum Security Penitentiary back in 2005. Mr. Hesser was considered dangerous and his whereabouts were unknown.

"Samuel, this is a very bad man, is he someone you know?" Jessica asked.

"I don't know him, but unfortunately he is aware of me. Now I have to ask myself why he is interested in me. That is a man who I sense is real trouble." said Samuel. " My dear, I need to look up one more gentleman. I'm not sure what we'll find about this man but I give you a warning that I've been said to resemble him. I assure you right now that I am not him, but I think he and I are somehow connected, and finding out about him might stimulate some of my memories. Are you willing to look him up?"

"Oui, Samuel, I'm here to help you tonight. We will look at this man together and face the truth about him." Jessica said resolutely if somewhat apprehensively. "What is his name?"

" His name is Todd Manning and I understand he lives in Llanview, Pa," said Samuel.

Jessica typed in Todd Manning’s name and the town of Llanview, Pa. Then she clicked on the site. The first news item that came up was about a gang rape that took place on the Llanview University Campus. Todd Manning and two other fraternity buddies gang-raped a young Co-ed named Marty Saybrooke. Jessica gasped when she saw the picture of the three rapists, one of them could have been Samuel's younger brother. She glanced at Samuel and could see he was visibly shaken by what he was reading. There were other articles about a prison break and Mannings' subsequent rampage through town terrorizing his ex-lawyer, kidnapping a young woman, and accidentally killing a man. Then they came across an article that stated that Manning had saved his rape victim and two children from a car crash and was then pardoned by the governor. Later articles told of Manning being recognized as the Lord heir and taking his place in the Llanview upper crust. Then Jessica and Samuel came across an article dated 2004. It spoke of Manning, who had been presumed dead in 2003, returning to Llanview with a new face. Both his old and new face appeared in the article. An article in 2006 told of Manning being sentenced to death for the murder of a mother and child and being saved right after he flatlined at his execution because his victim wasn't dead. There were a few more articles but Samuel had seen all he could stand.

Samuel's hand was shaking as he reached over and shut Jessica's laptop. He had thought he could handle any other shocks that might come his way, he was mistaken. Jessica looked over with alarm as Samuel lost all color and appeared to be having trouble breathing. She quickly grabbed his wine and held the glass to his lips. He managed to drink a little and he began breathing easier. Samuel sat there, not saying anything, in his head he saw the rape of Marty, and he also remembered Nora and Suede, and Rebecca. The memories had come rushing back like a tidal wave and he had almost gone under. He had known Todd had done something horrible to Marty and now he remembered the whole sordid story. Todd had been a monster back then, but as he sat there Samuel realized that there was much more to Todd than those horrible actions. Suddenly more memories came to him of two young children, who had loved and protected Todd and became fast friends with Todd. Todd had saved the young boy, as well as Marty, and the young boy's cousin Jessica. Samuel blinked and focused on the young woman looking anxiously at him. Now he understood why he had developed a liking for her. She reminded him of his niece. He smiled at Jessica and once again reached for her hand. "Dear Jessica, Thank you. I'm sorry if I scared you but I’m much better thanks to your quick thinking. I'm afraid though, that my searching is at an end tonight. Please allow me to see you home."

"It is I who will see you home, Samuel. I fear the shock you received isn't fully gone. Therefore I'm not leaving you until you're safely in your apartment. I'm a big girl, Samuel, and I will accept no arguments." Jessica got the check from the waiter and Samuel paid for it then they exited and got a cab. A few blocks later they pulled in front of Samuel's apartment.

Samuel climbed out and insisted that Jessica remain, "I'm quite back to normal I assure you. Thank you for all your help. Driver, take this young lady where she requests." he pulled out a generous amount of Euros, paid the driver, and said a final goodbye to Jessica, and watched as the cab pulled away. "Todd, I'm not so sure I'm as strong as you think I am," he said as he walked to his apartment and entered for the last time that day.

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