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Monday, July 9, 2012

Don't Shoot the "Messenger", Ch. 56

           The police station was a beehive of activity following John’s excursion. Bo had been up early that morning and had gotten another warrant for the colony. Fish had been sent up to the mountain with a small group of men to keep an eye on the inhabitants. They had been made aware of the sensors and cameras and had positioned themselves accordingly. Now they would wait for John’s call.


            Inside the colony, preparations were being made for the wedding, which was set to take place at noon. Mitch had received the marriage license from the judge the previous evening. It was handy to have a judge in your pocket and Judge Carmichael had proved quite useful in expediting the license and the transfers of several of the newest trusts that had come Michael Lazarus’ way. In celebration of the Messenger’s upcoming wedding, Mitch had ordered that a party take place the night before. All had been instructed to attend. Several of his more prominent backers and followers had attended, including Judge Carmichael.

Mitch had watched as festivities had developed into an all-out orgy, aided by the fact that wine was flowing freely and The Messenger had told them all to love one another. Many followed him blindly and took his word as gospel. When he said ‘love one another,’ they took it literally. He had kept an eye on Natalie and knew she would respond to the message. He was not surprised when she joined in the orgy, he had been expecting it after Kipling’s report. What delighted him was the partner she chose. Natalie had spent the night attached to Judge Carmichael and it was clear the Judge was very smitten with his partner for the night.

Mitch now smiled as he looked over the vids of the previous night. There was some excellent footage of the judge and Natalie. That would definitely come in handy in the future. He closed the computer and went in search of his second in command to make sure the transportation to the Tabernacle was secure.

Natalie had been instructed to attend Alison and help her get ready for the wedding. She had been overjoyed to be able to help the handmaiden. Arriving at Alison’s room, Natalie knocked.

“You sent for me.”

Alison looked up, she was frantic. She wanted to look perfect for Mitch but when it came to things like making her hair look fancy or painting nails she was a disaster. She remembered that Natalie had grown up with Roxy Balsom and knew how to fix hair so she had sent for her.

“Natalie, I need your help. I don’t know what to do with my hair. I was hoping you might be able to do something with it.”

“But I don’t know the first thing about something like that.” Natalie still had no memory of her life before Mitch and the colony.

“I know, but please could you give it a try. I want to look my best for the Messenger.” Alison was hoping that once Natalie got started, something would kick in a memory and she’d be able to do a good job.

Natalie walked over and touched Alison’s hair. “Your hair is so lustrous. It would look beautiful up. I’ll help in any way I can.”

Alison breathed a sigh of relief, “You’ll be my maid of honor, too. It’s only fitting as you are also carrying The Messenger’s children.”

They began to get ready. They would leave for The Tabernacle in only a few hours.


Todd was awakened after only a few hours of sleep by the shift change. He acknowledged Nurse Rogalla and aided her as she once again checked and cleaned Blair’s back. This time he didn’t turn his eyes away but took a good hard look at her back. He watched as the nurse carefully cleaned off any remaining blood and noticed that Blair’s bruises were now turning a vivid green and purple. The wounds themselves had scabbed over and looked less red around the edges.

“It appears the IV antibiotic is working and the infection is clearing up. The wounds have stopped festering.” As she taped a new bandage over Blair’s back, Laurel Rogalla looked at Todd Manning. He appeared much stronger and more in control than the previous day.

Todd was grateful things were healing. Some things anyway. “That’s good I guess, but they’re only the outward wounds. Too bad that IV doesn’t work on the emotional ones.”

“I’m a firm believer in faith and I have faith your wife will make it through this and come back to you. I saw her love for you yesterday morning and her trust in you. Just keep talking to her. I’m sure she can hear you.”

Both Larry and Dr. Conklin stopped in on their rounds to check out Blair. Larry informed Todd that a staff psychiatrist would be stopping in later, but that due to the nature of Blair’s trauma, it was pretty well agreed that she was in withdrawal because of the event. In cases like that, it had become necessary to wait on the patient. Over time, they usually came out of it on their own.

Dr. Conklin turned to Todd after her examination of Blair and the baby. “This may sound cruel, but perhaps this is for the best right now. I was going to put Blair on bed rest because I was concerned that the aftereffects of this trauma would keep her blood pressure up. Even now it is running a little high... I want to keep a close eye on her in case she’s turning toward preeclampsia.”

“That’s when the blood pressure could put the mother into a stroke or something, right?”

“Yes. Blair had trouble with Starr and I believed she also experienced some problems while carrying her other son. She and I discussed this possibility when she found out she was pregnant again. I’ve been monitoring her at each one of our visits and you know that the spike in pressure, after her ordeal, stressed the baby. This period, while difficult for you, will actually help us keep the pressure stabilized. Mr. Manning, I believe Blair and the baby will come through this just fine. We have to be patient.”

After the doctor left Todd picked up Blair’s hand. “Be patient, that's easy for her to say. She doesn’t know me like you do. Patience was never my strong suit. Babe, I don’t want to wait, I need you right now. What happened to getting our revenge together? You have to come back if you want a piece of the action. John and company are going to make a raid on that stupid nudist colony. We’re pretty sure Natalie and Liam are in there.”

Todd’s cell phone went off and he looked to find Shaun on the other end. “Yeah, Shaun, what is it? Are the kids alright?”

“Todd, they’re fine, but the boys are pounding Starr with questions on when you and Mrs. Manning are going to be home. I called to let you know there seems to be some police activity up here this morning. A couple officers stopped by and told me to keep the kids out of the woods. I happened to overhear a few of them talking about a raid to get Laurence. Funny thing they said they were also looking into someplace called the Tabernacle. One of them said they had new evidence that linked The Tabernacle to The Messenger.”

“Thanks, Shaun, I knew about the thing on the mountain and they’re right, don’t let the boys get too curious. Give me a call if you hear anything else.” Todd closed the call. The Messenger and The Tabernacle, could it be? There was only one place in town by that name. It was his old hiding place, The Tabernacle of Joy. Todd quickly called his crime reporter. “Listen, I need you to go to a place called The Tabernacle of Joy. Find out everything you can about the place and get back to me pronto.” He hung up. He didn’t know why, but he had an inkling The Tabernacle was going to be the place to be.

Todd sat down on the edge of the bed again and put his arm around Blair once more. She seemed so fragile and he understood what she and the kids had gone through when he had been in the coma down in Savannah. “This is the pits. I know you can hear me, I just wish I knew what I needed to say to get you back. I’m going to have to leave you for a little while today. I have to go talk to the kids and I have a couple of other errands to run. But you won’t be alone. Vicki is going to come for a little while and I expect Starr and the boys will be here, too. Speak of the …” He didn’t finish the phrase as his sister walked in the door.

She smiled indulgently, she had a pretty good idea how Todd would have ended that phrase if it had been anyone but her. “How’s she doing, Todd?”

“There’s been no change. I don’t know how you did it. I keep wondering if she’s reliving her experience or if she’s somehow at peace. The thought that she can’t escape Mitch and is trapped with him is killing me.”

“Todd, I think she’s safe. I don’t think she’s trapped so you need to get that out of your head. When you withdrew, it was because you needed some relief from everything going on around you. I think Blair has done that same thing. When she feels she can cope, I think she’ll be back. Is the baby doing alright?’

“Yes, she’s fine. Dr. Conklin said the pregnancy is on track. She told me she had planned to put Blair on bed rest until the baby was born. It looks like Blair beat her to the punch.”

“You said she. You must be thrilled it’s a little girl.”

“I am and I think Blair wants another little girl. She just has to come out of this. Our child needs both of us. I’m not sure I can do it by myself.”

“Todd you’re stronger than you think. You’ll do whatever you have to, to keep everything going as long as you have to, and you won’t be alone. I think you know you can count on me and your children will help, you’ll be surprised. The Manning clan is very strong.”

Todd smiled weakly at his sister. He had always said he was strong but never really believed it. How had Samuel managed to live all those years on just vague memories? Vicki had once hinted that she thought Samuel was his inner strength that kept him grounded, and he had to admit since he had returned, Samuel had been his rock. If she’s right, Samuel, don’t go too far.

I don’t plan on it, Todd.

Todd’s cell rang. “Excuse me, Vicki, I have to take this.” He walked out into the hall. “What did you find out?”

“The place is all closed for the day, but I managed to find a member of the congregation standing around directing workers. They were setting up for a wedding. It seems their minister is tying the knot at noon today. But the ceremony is supposed to be hush-hush The minister doesn’t like publicity. Do you want me to stick around and see if I can get into this ceremony?”

“Yes, see if you can find a way in but don’t draw attention to yourself. I’m going to try and be there by noon. Watch for me and save me a place.” Todd hung up and walked back into the room. “Vicki, can you stay for a while. I need to go up to the house and talk to the kids. Shaun called and said the boys were driving Starr crazy. She shouldn’t have to tell them what’s going on. It should be me.”

“Go, Todd, I’ll be here until you get back.”

“Thanks, Sis.” He walked over and gave Blair a kiss on her forehead and then kissed his sister’s cheek and left.


Alison looked in the mirror. She couldn’t believe the job Natalie had done. She looked beautiful and knew Mitch would be pleased. For one brief moment, she felt a little sympathy for Natalie. She no longer remembered her family and only lived to follow the Messenger. She was no longer a threat to Mitch. He would keep her around because she carried his babies but she was nothing to him. Alison decided to be a little magnanimous. “Natalie, as my maid of honor, you’ll be coming with me today into town, therefore Melanie will take care of Liam so you can enjoy yourself at the wedding. How does that sound?”

Natalie couldn’t remember the last time she had been in town, but it sounded like fun. “Thank you. I would like that very much.”

For good measure and to strengthen their hold on Natalie, Alison then used the keywords so that Natalie would obey implicitly all the while she was in town. “We must heed The Messenger. You will help me dress and then get your own gown on. We mustn’t be late. Just listen to me and you’ll make The Messenger happy.”

Under the hypnotic influence of her trigger words, Natalie fell right into step, doing everything Alison commanded. Alison used her control and said. “Natalie, I’m your best friend now. Do you like it here? You can tell me.”

“You’re my best friend. Yes, I can tell you. I love it here. The Messenger loves me and has given me babies so I won’t be alone. You are so fortunate that you are to be his bride. I wish I had someone to be my spouse. Can I tell you a secret?”

Alison was curious. What secret could Natalie have? “Of course. We’re best friends.”

“I dreamt of a man, a lover. He had dark hair, a goatee, and blue eyes. He came to me at night and fulfilled my wildest fantasies. That is who I wish could be my spouse. I don’t know why I dream of him, but he’s special. Is that wrong of me?”

It only took a moment for Alison to realize Natalie was describing John McBain. Once they were back from the wedding, it might be necessary to boost Natalie’s medicine so she would forget the good detective. For now, Alison played the good friend. “Oh, I think that’s so romantic. Who knows maybe you’ll find someone like him among our followers.”

Natalie nodded and proceeded to finish Alison’s nails, then they set about getting into their gowns for the ride into town.

Up in the woods, Fish monitored the arrival of several large vans. If John didn’t hurry some of the inhabitants would be leaving the compound and he didn’t have enough men nor the authority to stop them.

Todd arrived at Dragonheart and headed in. “Starr, Jack, Sam, where are you guys?

‘Dad!” Todd found his legs trapped by Sam who had run up behind him.

“Hey, Buddy. Where’s everyone else?” he said as he reached down and swung Sam up in his arms.

“There they are.” He said and pointed at the rest of the family walking towards them. “Dad? Where’s Mom?” He craned his neck around looking at the front door.

“Why don’t we go into the living room. Mom’s not coming home today?” Before he could get another word out, Jack and Sam both began talking.

“What’s wrong with Mom?” Asked Jack.

“But she said she’d be home,” stated Sam.

Even Hope piped in. “Where’s Grandma?”

Todd looked over at Starr and shook his head. Then he looked at his sons. “Boys, if you give me a chance, I’ll explain. Mom can’t come home right now, because she had a little setback at the hospital.” He had originally thought about glossing over the situation and just telling the boys the doctor had ordered bed rest, but he knew they would want to see Blair and expect her to talk to them when they did.

There’s no easy way Todd, just tell them.

“You remember when I was in the coma in Savannah. Well, something similar to that has happened to your mother. She’s not in a coma, but she’s not with us at the moment.”

Jack said. “You mean she’s like you were that day in the driveway?”

Todd winced, he had forgotten that he had lapsed back into catatonia after his first discussion with Jack. He met Jack’s eyes “Yes Jack, like that day.”

“But why? Mom was fine. Why would she go hide? It was that man, wasn’t it.”

Todd had to stop Jack before he said anything else. “Jack, be quiet and just listen.” Jack jumped at his father’s tone and got quiet. Todd hadn’t meant to raise his voice, but he didn’t want Sam or Hope to hear about the man.

“What man, Dad?” Sam asked.

“It’s no one that you need to worry about. Jack is just trying to find a reason for Mom’s little trip. Now listen, Mom’s going to come back, you just need to think that she’s sleeping at the moment. That’s a good thing because it will help her heal and your little sister can grow inside her until it’s time for her to be born.”

“Can we see her?” Jack asked quietly.

“Of course. We’re going to spend as much time as we can with Mom and try to get her to come out of hiding. It’s important that we all talk to her and let her know she’s safe. Sam, I especially want you and Hope to read to her and tell her your stories. Let her know what’s going on here, so when she wakes up, she’ll be all caught up. Can you help with that? Mom has helped all of us when we were hurt and now we can help her. In fact, I think she could use another visit from all of you. Williams can drive you down.“

“What about you?” asked Starr.

“I’ll be along later. I want to take Rascal for a walk and get cleaned up. I definitely need a fresh set of clothes. Your Aunt Vicki is already there and I’m sure she would love to see all of you.”

             After a quick call to Williams, the limo pulled around to the front and Todd watched his family head down the mountain. At ten-thirty, Todd was speeding back down the mountain, he passed the police van and knew John was getting ready to descend on the colony. If he had figured right, John was going to be too late to capture Mitch. Todd was certain Mitch had already left the compound and he knew exactly where Mitch was headed. He looked at his watch. He would have thirty minutes to get into place. When the minister announced them man and wife, Mitch would meet his maker.

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