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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Todd Manning: Enigma, Ch. 23

Chapter 23

Todd arrived home and found Blair pacing the living room. “What happened?” He asked.

“You were right, I just got off the phone with Momma. Joshua and the kids just arrived this morning. It seems someone attempted an attack on the orchard, but the extra protection that C.J. had in place stopped them. Joshua decided to get the kids out of there while the authorities looked into the attempt. When I asked Momma about Kym, she said C.J. and Kym weren’t in Savannah. Todd, she told me not to worry about them, but I don’t like wondering where they are.”

Todd opened his arms and folded her in as she turned to him for comfort. “Hey, I think you’re worrying about nothing. If something had happened to them, I’m sure Joshua would have told Addie. I’m just glad the attack on the orchard was unsuccessful. I knew the bastard couldn’t leave Kym alone for long. We’ve got to figure out where he’s hiding. I’ve got the bank records of the saboteur. With those, we should be able to find out where his money came from. Hopefully, it will lead us to Gregor.”

“You’re right, I know I’m jumping to the worst conclusion first, but he’s barely giving us time to breathe and he already knows where we are. You don’t think he would go after Starr or the kids do you?”

“No, I think when I injured him, it became personal between us. The only reason he’s reaching out for Kym is that he thinks she belongs to him. With Gregor, it’s all about what is his. I took Kym away from him and he can’t stand that. What I can’t believe is that he would go so far as to kill someone to keep his anonymity. I should have realized the guy was insane.” Todd stopped as soon as he said it and looked into Blair’s haunted eyes. “Blair, don't go there, you’re as sane as they come.  Hell, everyone in this town is cracked. Daimler borders on criminally insane and that makes him more unpredictable.” He cupped her chin and gently kissed her, letting her know he had no qualms about her.

Blair wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. She needed to taste and feel him close to her. Her deepest fear was losing her mind and the closest she had ever come was when she shot Max Holden. And, she remembered softly, Todd had been there for her. They both had scars that went deep, but they had always found their way back to each other. She nestled her face close to his and whispered. “I love you. Please don’t let him take you from me.”

Todd’s arms tightened around her “It’ll never happen.” He looked into her tear-filled emerald eyes and saw the fear in them. She really was terrified Daimler was going to succeed. “I’m doing everything in my power to get ahead of this guy. He made a mistake and picked an arsonist that wasn’t on top of his game. This guy left a paper trail and it's going to be Daimler’s undoing.” He wiped away her tears and led her over to the couch. Before he could say anything else the doorbell rang.

Blair looked at him in alarm, they weren’t expecting any visitors and after talking to Addie, she was a little worried. “Todd, you don’t think...?”

“Hey don’t go jumping to conclusions. I don’t think anyone Daimler sent, would announce himself by ringing the doorbell. Stay here. I’ll get it” Todd took a moment to view the front porch monitor and quickly opened the door. “Get in here you two. Blair will be so relieved to see you. She’s been worried ever since she heard about an attack at the orchard. What the hell happened and what are you doing here?”

Todd stood back as C.J. and Kym entered the house. C.J. shook his uncle’s hand and pulled Kym close to his side, a gesture that didn’t get missed by Todd. C.J. realized his uncle was looking closely at the two of them, but before he could say something, Blair joined them in the front hall.

“Thank God you’re both alright, I was so upset to hear about the attack. We’ve had our own share of happenings here and Addie was so mysterious about your whereabouts. Why didn’t you call?” Blair gave both a hug and kiss, then led them into the living room.

Kym had lived in many an opulent home, but she was fascinated by the design of Dragonheart. “Blair this is a beautiful home, the design is unique.”

Blair smiled and tucked her hand into Todd’s arm. “It was lovingly designed by Todd and the portraits were painted by his alter Samuel. C.J., I’m sure you’re not surprised by your uncle’s talent.”

“Actually I’m stunned, I knew he could carve but paint? I’m truly amazed.” C.J. had been thinking a lot like Kym even as they had driven up to the house. His uncle really was a puzzle. He thought back to that night on the dock when Todd had eluded the men guarding the warehouse. It had been disconcerting to find out Todd had Alters like his Aunt Vicki. The fact that one of them, namely Samuel, was a known artist in his own right, really gave new meaning to the phrase leading a double life.

Todd headed to the bar to get drinks. Handing one to C.J. he said, “Enough chit-chat, what happened at the orchard?” Seeing the look that passed between C.J. and Kym and the little hand touch by C.J., he added. “And what the hell is going on with you two?”

C.J. gave a small smile to Kym and looked at his uncle. "Do you want the good news or the bad news first?"

Todd had an inkling what the good news was.”Tell the bad news.”

“Yes well, several days ago Gregor contacted Kym and said he was coming to get her. Kym was all set to leave especially after Gregor made threats to also take Lily.”

“Why that bastard! If he were to dare to lay hands on Lily, I’d...” Todd was stopped by Blair who grabbed his hand. “Todd, relax. There’s no way C.J. and Joshua would ever let him get close to Lily.” Todd reined in his anger and forced himself to sit down next to Blair. “I’m sorry, go on with your story”

“I understand the anger, I felt it too. Like I said, Kym wanted to leave and after some persuasion, I talked her into staying and we began to make plans to stop Gregor legally. We had just finished the ceremony when all hell broke loose at the orchard. A van had broken through the gate and was trying to shoot its way to the farmhouse. We heard the gunshots and rushed to the front porch in time to see the van stopped, completely surrounded by our farmworkers and the guards we had hired extra. The men in the van gave up and we thought the threat was over until we heard a cry come from Lily. She was being held by one man and a second had his gun trained on us.” C.J. felt Kym’s hand shake and he looked at her. ”It’s alright, it all over “ he saw the look on Todd’s face and quickly reassured him. “It really is alright Todd. The van was supposed to be a diversion while the two men came in and took Kym and Lily, unfortunately for the two guys that entered the house, someone had neglected to warn them about Bruno and Claude.”

“Who the hell are Bruno and Claude? If they’re bodyguards they sure weren’t doing their job since the guys actually had hold of Lily. They deserve to be fired.”

C.J. laughed “Oh they will never be fired, they’re beloved family members. You see Bruno and Claude are family pets. They’re German Shepherd trained to attack.  They went into action the minute the weapon was pulled inside the house. Bruno took down the guy who was holding Lily without even putting a scratch on Lily, although I can’t say the same for the guy who had been holding her and Claude got the guy with the gun. The guy with the gun did get one shot off and Claude received a flesh wound, but Chase made sure he got plenty of attention afterward. Joshua and I, along with some of our guests, one of which was the Police Chief of Macon tied up the in-house assailants and waited for the authorities to get them before continuing the festivities.”

Blair had been holding her breath and let it out. “Thank goodness you’re all okay, but what were the festivities for?”

Todd smiled and looked at her, “That’s the good news Blair, can’t you see?”

She looked back at Todd and then over at Kym and C.J. and it finally registered. That was why Momma had said not to worry,”You’re married!” Kym beamed and nodded. Blair immediately rushed over to sit beside her and they began discussing the event, minus the last-minute interruption C.J. had just told them about.

Todd nodded at C.J. “Congratulations. Why don’t we let them talk about the happy things and you can tell me why you’re here instead of on your honeymoon? Let’s go out on the terrace.” C.J. got up and followed his uncle out.

“You do realize you put yourself right in the crosshairs along with me don’t you C.J.? I trust you didn’t just marry Kym because you wanted to keep her from Gregor. A lot sure went on while I was in that coma.”

“I love her if that’s what you’re asking and yes, I know Gregor’s going to be really pissed off once he finds out he can’t have her anymore. That’s why we’re here. I know you, Uncle Todd, you’re going after him and I want to help. I figure working together gives us a united front and he’ll have to be more careful. Joshua has removed the kids from Peachtree for the time being and will stay in Savannah keeping an eye on them, and Blair’s mother and cousin. He and Amos are pretty sure they can stay on top of things there because the Feds have been making inroads into the human trafficking ring ever since the raid and the corporation that Gregor worked for has put up funds to help capture anyone involved. I’ve got some information I’m sure you would love to hear. Gregor made his call to our landline in Peachtree. Big mistake. We now know where the call came from.”

Todd couldn’t believe his ears. “C.J. this is great. With the info I got today, we should be able to find out if your location and mine are connected. With any luck, we’ll find him and then we can plan our next move. Let’s go to my office, Blair and Kym will want to talk a little longer I’m sure.”

They reentered the living room and C.J. paused long enough to get a good look at one of Blair’s portraits. “You really painted that? “

Todd looked up at the picture of Blair descending the stairs at the penthouse and remembered the day like it was yesterday. Samuel had also recalled it and had painted it when he wasn’t even sure who he was painting. Later he had painted the portrait on the other wall but had been reluctant to sell either one. Samuel had told him, how as soon as the second portrait was finished, he had known he had painted them for this house. “Samuel painted them, I’ve never had the chance to tell you the whole story.”

“You don’t have to, Blair got us all caught up while you were in the coma. When you told me you had alters the night we saved Lily, I must admit I thought you might have been pulling my leg. After Blair filled us in, I’ve got to tell you I was flabbergasted. You’re something else. Samuel is one heck of an artist. Now that you have your sight back do you think Samuel might be able to paint a portrait of Kym after this is all over.”

Todd raised an eyebrow and he grinned ”I don’t know, Samuel’s plate is pretty full right now. He was in the middle of a portrait of your Aunt Vicki when we lost our sight and his Art Dealer has been screaming for something else to sell. Samuel is in demand as an artist, I’ll have to check with him.”

Samuel spoke up in Todd’s head, “Todd quit teasing, tell C.J. I’ll do it after this is all over you’re going to need the rest, and you might as well let me handle things then.”

Todd looked at C.J. and realized the man had taken him seriously and was standing there shocked.“I’m just kidding, but I have to know, do you understand that when Samuel’s in charge, I’m taking a back seat to things?”

C.J. laughed, “You know, I guess it never really clicked in my head. Blair talked about him like he was real and separate from you, I’m sorry Todd, that was pretty insensitive of me.”

“It’s okay, Pal, it does take getting used to and you haven’t really met any of them so I can see that just hearing about them would make them sound like there was more than one of me in a room. They had you fooled down on the dock, I remember you wondering why I just hadn’t let them handle everything after you found out about my heart. Now you know we’re never really apart. Hey, don’t worry about it, I’ll be glad to take a back seat and let Samuel paint Kym, after all, you're my best bud right.”

C.J. smiled and replied. “You got that right. So let‘s see if we can find Gregor and then we can enjoy some peace when this is over.”

Several hours later Blair found them still working feverishly on the computer. “Hey, you guys need to come up for air. Starr and the boys got home and we thought Chinese sounded good for dinner. The food’s here, come and eat. That can wait.”

Todd looked down at his watch and nodded. “Come on C.J. We’ve got it narrowed down, let’s eat and I hope you and Kym will stay with us tonight. I don’t want to hear any arguments. It’s not safe even here, so like you said, we stay united for right now.” He pulled C.J. out of his chair and they followed Blair out.

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