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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Todd Manning: Enigma, Ch. 12

Chapter 12

A gasp went through the whole room, as all looked to see who would walk through the door. Manning had been shot down and killed only a few days earlier.  Hesser wondered if Samuel was going to walk in and claim his identity. Kipling, too, was curious if their visitor from the day before would enter.   A hush fell over the room when the newly dead Todd Manning walked into the courtroom surrounded by guards.  Pandemonium reigned for several minutes as the defense lawyers had to regroup under this new threat.  The crowd watching had started to talk and the judge quickly called the room to order.

Jake looked around the room and spotted Tea and smiled reassuringly.   He then went up to the witness box.

“Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”

“I do”

“State your name.”

Jake hesitated. He looked over at Nora and she nodded. “Jacques Boudreau.”

The courtroom erupted again.

After a few minutes with everyone talking at once, the judge brought the room under control again and turned to his prosecutor. “Counselor, would you like to explain?”

“Yes, Your Honor.   Mr. Manning was in protective custody following the attempt on his life.   I was unaware he had petitioned the court for a legal name change.  This document just arrived Your Honor stating that Todd Manning is now legally Jacques Boudreau, but he was already on the docket to appear as Todd Manning.  With the courts’ permission, I request a change of name for my witness from Todd Manning to Jacques Boudreau.”

“Let the document showing the official name change be entered and you may proceed with your questioning of Todd Manning now Jacques Boudreau.” The judge held up his hand silencing the defense who would have protested. “The witness stays gentlemen, only his name changed.”

“Mr. Boudreau, for the sake of those present here, why did you petition for a name change?”

“Because it was my real name up until 2003.  I wanted it back.”

“Please explain.”

“I was grabbed off the street in Philadelphia while I was there on business.  I was beaten to a pulp and found myself in a clinic when I awoke. That was when my treatments started.”

“I see, so you couldn’t remember your name at the time you awoke?”

“That’s just it, I told them I was Jake Boudreau, but they told me I was delusional and said the treatments would help me see the truth. They kept calling me Todd Manning and said I needed the treatments to help me regain my memories. Through a series of excruciating treatments, I began to accept that I was Todd Manning and that I had a wife and children waiting here for me to come home. I was told as long as I kept up my prescriptions and took them faithfully, I could live a relatively normal life and have no worries of a relapse.”

“So you’re telling us, they told you, you were Todd Manning and all about his life, is that correct? You believed you were this Manning and came here when?”

“I arrived in town in 2003 and came into town as a man known as Walker Lawrence. I was told that would help me reestablish myself slowly back into Llanview until my wife Blair and my daughter Starr could adjust to my being alive. I then took over my life as Todd Manning.”

“Why have you decided to change your name at this time?”

“Because for the last eight years I’ve been living a lie. I’m not Todd Manning and never have been. I was brainwashed because of someone’s sick idea to further the cause of science and make big bucks doing it. I was a guinea pig, for lack of a better word.”

“Do you know the man who brainwashed you?”


“Is he here in the courtroom?”

“That’s him sitting next to Carlo Hesser. My doctor and handler Ivan Kipling.” Jake pointed to Ivan. He got only a mild reaction from Kipling, but he hadn’t really expected any. Ivan was a cold fish and Jake could feel his anger rising. He forced himself to keep it in check.

“Mr. Boudreau, how did you find out you had been brainwashed?”

“The day I awoke from my coma after being shot, I met the man I had replaced.  Headaches, that had been occurring for over a year, began to get severe and I started remembering bits and pieces of my real past. The doctors discovered that I had two implants in my brain that were deteriorating.  After their removal, my real memories came flooding back including the atrocities done to me during my stay at the clinic. The first attempt on my life was their way of silencing me before I remembered. Unfortunately for the ones in charge, it, plus the most recent attempt, failed. I owe my life to the real Todd Manning.”

“For clarity’s sake, you know that Dr. Ivan Kipling is the doctor who implanted the microchips into your brain and gave you the treatments that made you believe you were Todd Manning. Is this true?”

“Yes, he has been my doctor for the last eight years. I went to him a little over a year ago complaining of blinding headaches and he gave me some medicine he said would take care of the pain. My wife and a doctor at the hospital discovered that what I had been taking wasn’t pain pills, but some type of hallucinogenic. Those same pills put me into a coma for several months after I was shot. The memories have been returning swiftly and I remember clearly Dr. Kipling telling me the treatments were necessary for my sanity. I was told they hurt because I was trying to fight my treatments. In order to avoid the pain, I gave in to the images and let them take me over. Now as memories of my real-life return, I realize the damage done to so many people by the man sitting in that chair.”

“Thank you, Mr. Boudreau, I have no further questions.”

The defense attorney for Dr. Kilpling rose. “Mr. Boudreau, you say you recall Dr. Kipling giving you those treatments at his clinic, but then you tell us you were on mind-altering drugs recently. Are you asking us to believe you have an accurate memory after your mind was tampered with? Isn’t it a fact, that your doctor’s prescription said you were taking pain pills? What makes you believe you were being given drugs instead?”

“I believe it because I went through the withdrawal when they had to clear the drug out of my system. My pills were tested and found to be laced with a concentrated drug designed to keep one’s psyche compliant and under control but too much of it causes severe side effects. The same side effects I had begun experiencing right before I was shot. As to my mental state, I’ve been examined by several renowned psychiatrists and all will attest to my sanity. There is nothing wrong with my memory about my life before I became Todd Manning. I have very clear memories of my life before, during, and after the clinic. In other words sir, I’m fine and I know who took me, who programmed me, and what I’ve done these last eight years.” Jake looked directly into the eyes of the attorney and stared him down.

The attorney knew he had made a mistake. He had tried to make Boudreau look unstable in the eyes of the jury and had only succeeded in making him look stronger. “Thank you, Mr. Boudreau. I have no more questions, Your Honor”

“You may step down Mr. Boudreau.”

Jake got up and walked slowly back to sit down with Tea and Blair. The marshals remained standing at the back of the courtroom keeping an eye out for anyone acting suspiciously.

Nora gathered herself. It was time for Samuel and she prayed he would hold up under cross-examination. “The prosecution calls Samuel Toddman to the stand.”

Samuel took John’s elbow and allowed him to lead the way. He took his seat after being sworn in.

“Mr. Toddman, what is your reason for coming here today?’

“Carlo Hesser and Ivan Kipling experimented on a number of people to satisfy government contracts for clandestine projects. As one of their victims, I wanted to tell my story.”

“Before we hear your story, could you tell us how you lost your sight?”

“I was on my honeymoon when the implants in my brain flared and caused me to take a tumble while riding a horse. My doctor found the implants and removed them, but their placement resulted in my blindness. It was like adding insult to injury because I had already lost eight years of my life and my memory because of the implants. “

“You have my sympathy. Could you tell us what you now remember? Take your time.”

"Eight years ago I became aware, it was when Mitch Lawrence gave me this scar, after having his goons beat me near to death. My next memory was waking in extreme pain and being wheeled down a hallway. I was taken into a room and he introduced himself as my doctor and said I was to begin treatments. What ensued was horrific.” Samuel felt his pulse begin to speed up as the dull pain began to build in his head. “Todd, I’m not sure we’re going to be able to do this.”

“Hang in there Samuel, if the pain gets too intense, we stop. Try telling only the bare minimum, maybe the implant will settle back down.”

“Mr. Toddman, are you okay?”

Samuel realized Nora was trying to get his attention. He took a deep breath, “I’m sorry, did you ask a question?”

“Mr. Toddman, you stopped talking is something wrong?”

“My apologies, I’m developing a bit of a headache. Where was I? Oh yes, the doctor. He was a cold man with silver hair and mustache, cold eyes, and his most distinguishing feature was his damn black hand. I remember feeling anxious, as well as in pain when I met him. Rather than trust him, he brought out this feeling of fear. Something I quickly learned had been spot on.” Samuel gritted his teeth as the pain once again began, he controlled his breathing trying desperately to get out the tale. “The doctor hooked me up to this machine and as I watched he pushed the lever. From that moment on the torment began.” Samuel reached for his head, no longer able to fight the pain.

“Mr. Toddman, you are obviously in distress, can you continue?” Nora looked at Samuel worried he was going to bring on another heart attack.

“I just need a moment,” he had broken into a sweat trying to fight the pain. "I need to get this out. The machine I was hooked up to was designed to interact with the implants they had inserted into my brain and one by one...” he gulped and again pressed his hand to this head. “It stripped me of my memories. Envision someone taking small slices of your skin and peeling it off piece by piece. That was what was going on with each treat...ahhh...” Samuel stopped once again as he dropped to his knees, the pain in his head overwhelming him.

“Mr. Toddman!” Nora turned to the courtroom and signaled Larry to come forward. “Doctor please.”

Larry and Michael had already gotten up and were making their way to Samuel’s side. Blair was on her feet, but Tea and Jake were keeping her back.

Everyone in the courtroom was watching the drama unfold. Hesser and Kipling looking at each other as they realized the damage Samuel had just done to the case. Sympathy had already been given to him by half the jury members when he had taken the stand in his blind condition, this added distress was working on them even more.

“Your honor could we have a moment while the doctors evaluate my witness.”

“Granted counselor, but I can only allow a few minutes, if your witness is unable to continue, we will proceed without him.”

Samuel was struggling to think, he knew there was something that would make some of the pain go away, but he couldn’t clear his thoughts. The pain was beating down on him.

Larry quickly began checking to make sure Todd’s heart was holding up. He and Michael got Samuel back into the chair. Michael began talking quietly to Samuel who seemed oblivious to them. Michael decided to try and reach Todd. “Todd, if you can hear me, I need you to come forth. We need to know exactly what is going on. Todd!”

Todd was as muddled as Samuel, but he heard Michael and forced his way to the surface. “Michael” he whispered. "Michael find the ring.” Todd could feel himself slipping fast.

Realizing what Todd was trying to tell him, Michael began searching Todd‘s pockets and located the ring. He had seen the ring react with Todd’s head once before, so he carefully palmed the ring and brought it up against the back of Todd's head. Michael almost jerked his hand away as the connection between the ring and Todd’s implant sparked. Todd visibly shuddered and he took a deep breath. Larry listened to his heart as the beating returned to normal and his pulse rate slowed down.

“Todd, you need to stop. I insist. I won’t allow you to kill yourself. You’re still recovering from your head wound, your heart is on the edge of a full-blown heart attack and the implant left inside can also take you out. Is Hesser worth your life?” Even as he asked the question, Larry knew Todd’s answer.

“I’m staying. I’ll get through this. There isn’t much more to tell. The worst is over.” Todd raised his head and straightened his shoulders to prove he could finish his testimony.

Larry and Michael knew the argument was over. They stood up and nodded to Nora, Michael spoke. “He wants to finish. We’ll stay here if it’s alright with the court.” He looked toward the judge, who agreed.

Todd spoke to the courtroom. “My apologies to all, the last few months have been very trying and the attempt on my life by Christian Vega almost finished me. Samuel survived by taking off for Paris because he feared for his life even though he couldn’t figure out why. When his memory returned, he brought us home. Both he and I have struggled to get our memories of the time in the clinic straight and it is a painful process. The implants were two-fold, they could extract information, but they also were designed to keep the memories hidden. If the original owner of the information attempted to remember he was incapacitated by extreme pain. The kind of pain Samuel and I just experienced. You see, it turns out not all of my implants were removed.” Todd stopped talking, he knew what was coming next.

“Excuse me, I’m confused and I’m sure this court is too. You talk like you’re not Samuel Toddman. “

“I’m not.”

“You mean Samuel Toddman is the name you took when you had no memory of your real self.”

“No, I mean Samuel is one of my alters. When I almost died at the hands of Mitch Lawrence, Samuel was born. Samuel lived for me until I recovered sufficiently to retake my life.”

“If you’re not Samuel Toddman, then who are you?”

“I thought that was obvious by now, I’m Todd Manning.” Todd felt relieved he could finally lay claim to his name again.

You could have heard a pin drop at that moment. The shock factor of his announcement was palpable. Then all hell broke loose. John had just a moment to see the laser marker appear on Todd’s chest. He yelled, “Michael! Get him down.” He pulled his gun, as the shot just missed Todd, who was pushed quickly by Michael. More shots could be heard, and suddenly a woman screamed.

Todd was being held down by Larry when the scream carried over the other sounds in the room. Tea was screaming Blair’s name. Todd’s blood ran cold. He shook loose of Larry’s hold and staggered off the stand. Silence ruled in the courtroom now except for Tea’s sobbing.

“Blair, My God! Michael get me to her.” Todd was frantic. The crowd parted as Michael guided Todd to his wife. Larry joined them. Todd heard her moan near the floor and he dropped to his knees, he didn‘t need his sight to know it was her. Gathering her in his arms, he felt the wetness covering her blouse. “Oh god, he can’t do this to me, not again. Blair you‘ve got to hang in there. Larry’s right here.”

“Todd, you need to let me check her. Please.” Larry was trying to get Todd to loosen his hold. With Michael and John’s help, he was able to pry Todd loose and Larry began his examination. Larry opened her blouse to get a better look at the wound. Blood was pumping out fast and Larry knew a major artery had been hit. The EMTs, on standby for Todd, came into the room and Michael and Larry went to work on Blair trying to find and clamp the bleeding, but it soon became obvious that her heart must have been nicked, too. Todd had been listening to them work and could hear Blair’s breathing getting shallower. He got still and said in a quiet voice. “Michael, give me my ring.”

Michael had forgotten he still had it and reached into his pocket to pull it out and pressed it into Todd’s hand.

Todd felt the stickiness of Blair’s blood on the ring from Michael’s hands. He gulped and placed the ring on his finger, then looked down at his wife as his vision cleared. His breath caught at the sight of all the blood and one look at Larry’s face told the rest of the story.

“Todd, I’m so sorry. There’s nothing we can do.”

Todd shook his head and gently pulled her back into his arms. “I’m sorry Blair, I should have stayed away. This is all my fault.” He struggled to cover her with her blouse and Michael handed him a towel. He draped it carefully over her, there were too many prying eyes.

She opened her eyes and saw him looking down at her. Barely whispering, her breath getting thready, Blair spoke, “Shh, you didn’t do this... I urged you to come home. I love you and I wanted you back in my life.“ It was a struggle to get the words out and even more of a struggle to lift her arm, but she needed to touch him one last time. “My beautiful man,” gently her fingers found his scars. “You and me, always and forever.” She closed her eyes, and her hand dropped. A surge of pain went through him as he felt her heartbeat cease. His head was pounding, and in the background, the incessant beep was getting louder. He laid her down on the floor, and through tears and rage, he looked from right to left wildly for the man responsible. With steady steps, Todd walked toward Carlo.

Everyone was watching as Todd reached Carlo. “You did this. I warned you yesterday, I would see you pay for your crimes.” Before anyone could stop him, Todd had his hands around Carlo’s neck. The muscles in his hands spasmed and Todd’s grip became deadly. The implants that had caused everything, to begin with, were taking their own vengeance. Todd couldn’t stop his hands and didn’t want to. Pain shot through his whole body as his heart seized and he and Hesser toppled to the ground. People were yelling, but Todd was fading. He knew only one thing. Blair was dead and it looked like he would be joining her soon. He gave himself over to the pain, with nothing left to live for. He saw her moving away from him and with his dying breath, he called to her. “Blair.”


  1. I love your books. Please keep writing. I search your website multiple times daily for your updates. I cannot wait for more.

  2. Karena, you'd better have your next chapter ready to be posted SOON! Don't think I can stand the suspense for long. I think I know where this is going, but can hardly wait to see if I'm right! Love it!


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