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Friday, November 11, 2011

Todd Manning: Enigma, Ch. 11

Chapter 11

Todd stood outside the room. “You idiot!” Todd slammed his fist against the wall. He shivered. God, the man was a snake. Cold anger infused him and he envisioned putting his hands around Ivan’s neck and squeezing the life out of him. Todd hated the uneasiness the man brought out in him.  Todd’s head began to pound again, and he reached up with the ring easing the pain. Then he removed it and stowed it away. He had already had one incident with his heart and that was enough for one day. Todd began moving back toward the stairwell that would take him back to Bo’s office and a ride home.


Todd awoke on the edge. This was it, his chance to put Carlo and Ivan away for a very long time. Pete and Samuel had both been putting in their two cents worth since he had gotten back from his visit the previous day. His anger was barely in check and Pete had been stirring the fire. It had proven to be another restless night with more images of torture bombarding him. Todd faced the mirror and saw Pete and knew he was in for another argument.

“What’s the matter, Todd? Don’t want to admit you got a thrill yesterday? Man, you made them sweat. You were downright lethal.”

“Shut up Pete, I don’t want to go down that path. My anger got the best of me yesterday but I’ve got it back under control, and I’ve got you there too, so back off.” Todd splashed some cold water on his face. He knew Pete was right. Damn it, get a grip, Manning. He needed to keep it under wraps today. “Samuel you need to cover this as much as possible. I realize we’ve got an impossible task ahead of us, neither one of us really wants to talk about the experiments but I think you’ll be able to let the jury have a better understanding of what we went through than me.”

“I agree, Todd, but these headaches are beginning to worry me. Is Michael going to be on hand?”

“Samuel, no matter what happens, those implants are not going to stop me from testifying. I don’t care how bad the headaches get, I want the jury to know what Hesser and Kipling did to us. Michael and Larry both are supposed to be there, they have to testify too.”

Blair walked in and heard Todd talking; she listened and realize he was talking to one of his own alters. It was always a little unnerving to realize he communicated with them like they were ordinary people. She moved toward the bathroom and came up behind him. She smiled and caught his eye and his expression on seeing her made her heart flutter.

Todd met her eyes in the mirror, admiring her. She actually blushed at his gaze and he loved it. “Hi.”

“Hi yourself, you’d better get on the ball. The cops will be here shortly to get us.”

“What do you mean us?”

“If you think you’re going to that trial without me, you have another think coming. I’m going to be in that courtroom giving you whatever support I can. I’m meeting Tea. We’ve already gotten permission to be there from Nora. Besides, Tea is anxious to see Jake. She’ll have just a few minutes with him before he testifies.”

Todd started to protest as an image of Blair on Carlo’s lap with a gun to her chest popped into his head. Before he could say anything, he felt her fingers on his lips shushing him. Looking directly into her sparkling eyes he knew she wouldn’t stay away, so instead, he just drew her into a kiss.

Blair melted into his arms, tangling her fingers into his hair, his kiss was electrifying and tingled all through her. The man radiated passion and she molded her body to his. He had been so wary of giving his heart after having it stomped on by Rebecca. Now he only gave it to people he really cared about and Blair was the lucky one. He finally released her and she felt breathless. He had gotten still and when Blair looked in his eyes she knew he had gone somewhere else again. “Todd?”

Todd blinked coming out of his thoughts and back to Blair “I’m sorry, I’m afraid this trial is already distracting me and it hasn’t even started yet.”

Blair nodded, “Okay get ready I’ll see you downstairs.”

Todd watched her leave and finished what he had started. He was about ready to leave the room when Pete decided to pipe up again.

“You can’t ignore me. You know I’m right, pansy, and if you don’t admit it, you’re doing yourself more harm than good. I’m just a piece of that anger you’ve got hidden inside you. You better start asking yourself where I came from.“

Todd turned and walked back to the chair by the bed. He dropped into it and then took himself inside his head, enough was enough. Todd stared at Pete. “Okay, so I’m hiding from myself?”

Todd had come to fight and Pete wasn’t sure if fighting would really get through to him. “Hell yes. Hey, I know you hate the idea. Wake up. I’m here because of something you won’t admit. You like it. The danger, the anger, it’s exciting and gets your blood pumping. Admit it. That’s the "real" you.”

“Pete, you‘re just talking nonsense. I know I fractured because of Peter and what he did to me, but you guys are it. Why do you think there’s another me?” Todd couldn’t help himself he was getting cold just thinking about what Pete was saying.

“Open your ears, I didn’t say another you, I said the ‘real’ you. The one who confronted Hesser and Kipling, the one who wanted to get back at Marty. You know what I’m talking about.”

Todd bolted upright in the chair, his face ashen. “God no.” He covered his face. He had been so sure he had rid himself of it.

What’s the matter, Marty? We just want to party. You know you want it. Isn’t that, right? Powell locks the door.” She was beautiful and terrified. He relished the control he had over her. She was his for the taking and he intended to have her. Hell, she had thrown herself at him and then she had burned him, now he was giving her what she deserved.

Todd uncovered his face and walked to the bathroom, his steps a little unsteady. He reached the sink and saw the reality. He couldn’t let Pete take the blame any longer for his actions. He had done it and relished it; he had terrorized Nora, too. 'That Todd' still existed. Somehow the monster had now gotten loose and if Todd didn’t find a way to trap and destroy him permanently there was no telling what 'that Todd' might be capable of. One thing was sure, his monster didn’t feel love. Todd turned from the mirror. He steeled his resolve and tried to ignore the feelings raging through him. He was scared, and he couldn’t afford the fear going into this trial. He was also petrified that the monster might make an appearance at the trial and he had to make sure that didn’t happen. The jury needed to know the harm Carlo and Kipling had done, if they even so much as caught a glimpse of 'that Todd' it could turn their sympathy toward the defendants.

Todd made his way down to Blair and took the time to put on the vest than his jacket. When the doorbell rang he was surprised to see John waiting. “Why the extra service John?”

“Bo’s not taking any chances, We know a couple notes got out to certain parties last night after your visit. We just don’t know what was in them."

“But you think they’re trouble for me right?”

“We’re just not taking any chances. We need to go.”

They got away from Dragonheart without much trouble but Todd was quiet on the drive into town. He was lost in his thoughts about his earlier talk with Pete.”

John looked at Blair. “How’s he doing?”

Blair shrugged, she could sense something was bothering Todd. He had been withdrawn from the moment he had descended the stairs.

“Todd?” John waited for a response. It was obvious Todd wasn’t with them. He reached and tapped Todd “Hey Todd?”

Todd felt the tap and registered that John was trying to get his attention. Snap out of it Todd. He focused on John. “Sorry, my mind was elsewhere. What do you need John?”

“I wanted to tell you that Michael wants to have a quick talk with you before the trial starts. Nora insisted that one of your doctors also give you the once over too, so Larry will also be checking on you.”

Todd frowned. “Now she’s getting ridiculous, I’m fine. Does she think I’m gonna croak on the stand or something?” Todd looked at John and Blair and saw the concern on their faces. “You all really think I’m going to have a problem. There’s no way I’m not getting up on that witness stand no matter what the doctors say. So as far as I’m concerned it’s a wasted effort to even bother checking me out.”

“Don’t kill the messenger, Todd. I was just giving you a heads up.”

As they pulled up to the back entrance to the courthouse Todd noticed a Prison van sitting there. Obviously, Hesser and Kipling had been brought together from the county lockup. There was a guard sitting in the van and a chill ran through Todd. He knew the face. As they started to enter the building Todd pulled John aside.

“John, this is going to sound crazy, but I think there is a plan to break Hesser and Kipling out today.” Todd pulled John into a room and told him all about the escape attempt in his dream and the results. He told about recognizing the driver of the van from his dream and how Hesser used Blair as a shield. John listened and after delivering Todd to Michael, he left to see what he could dig up about the bailiff and the driver. If there was a chance Todd‘s dream was correct, he was going to stop it in its tracks.

The trial started without incident and opening statements were made leading to the prosecution beginning their case. After talking to the doctors and Police officers, it was time to pull out the key witnesses against the defense.

“Your Honor, I call Christian Vega to the stand.”

Hesser glared as Vega took the stand, he was one of the key witnesses against him because he had put the call out to Vega to get him back under control.

As Vega told his story of receiving a call in Paris with instructions to take out Todd Manning. He told how he waited to get Manning isolated and the opportunity arose the afternoon Manning took in a stop to talk to John McBain outside Rodi’s. “Poseidon ordered the hit. Unfortunately, McBain’s interference stopped the shot from being lethal and Manning ended up in a coma. I was ordered to bide my time and keep a watch on him. When Samuel Toddman arrived in town a couple other colleagues entered the town and attempted to take out Toddman but halted when they realized Toddman wasn’t a threat. Poseidon was furious with them and ordered their hits so I obliged.”

“Mr. Vega, you say that so nonchalantly, have you no remorse for your actions?” Nora was dismayed at the coldness Christian was displaying as he talked. and she realized he was never going to be the same man ever again.

“I would like to say I’m sorry, but I can't. I’m having a hard time feeling anything at all. The doctors tell me it’s because of the control of the implants. If that sounds cold there’s not much I can do about it. It’s a fact, I tried to kill Todd Manning. I feel nothing one way or the other about the act, I just did it.”

“Mr. Vega you also attempted to kill Samuel Toddman is that correct..”


“He’s the husband of your partner Blair Cramer, didn’t that bother you?”

“Look, I was ordered to do a job, I did it. Blair didn’t figure into the equation.”

“One last question Mr. Vega. Who is Poseidon?’

“Carlo Hesser.”

“Mr. Vega you mentioned implants.  Can you tell me where you got yours?”

“I’ve only been able to remember a small portion of my time in Hesser’s hands following my capture by him in 2003, but I do have some memories of the Doctor who programmed me.”

“Is he in this courtroom?”

“Yes, He’s sitting next to Carlo Hesser. It’s the man with the black hand.”

“Thank you, Mr. Vega.  I have no more questions, Your Honor.”

The defense attorneys were unable to make much of a dent in Christian’s testimony because he was almost like an automaton. His answers were sharp and to the point but they couldn’t get a rise out of him. They finally gave up, they knew the jury believed him because he was so truthful. He was hiding nothing.

Blair watched and held onto Carlotta’s hand during Christian’s whole testimony. Carlotta had started weeping quietly during the testimony because she was heartbroken. The doctors had saved Chris’s life when they had removed the implants but his soul had been destroyed. Blair prayed with every fiber of her being, that Carlo and Kipling might someday experience some of the horrors they caused. The judge took a short recess before Nora called her next witness. Blair and Carlotta were met by Marshals assigned to protect Carlotta and Blair watched as they escorted her out of the courthouse. She was going to a safe house where she would be reunited with Christian. Going down the corridor Blair went to the room where Michael, Larry, and Todd were being kept. They were deep in discussion and it appeared to be getting heated.

“Todd I’m just saying, it isn’t really necessary for you to go through this. Christian’s testimony was pretty damaging. Larry and I agree that you’re taking a big risk if you attempt this today. Nora informed me you almost had another heart attack yesterday just because you tried to describe some events.”

“Nora just doesn’t want to endanger her case,” replied Todd he felt he was beginning to be ganged up on. “You both are on hand. I have confidence you won’t let me die.”

“Todd be reasonable. If your heart acts up again we might not be able to stop the attack in time.” Larry could tell he was just wasting his words. Todd was going through with his testimony. “Blair talk some sense into your husband.”

“I’ve long since given up trying to talk Todd into anything, Larry. This is something he needs to do, so I suggest you take all the precautions you need to make sure I don’t lose him.” Blair walked over and supported her husband giving him a quick kiss. She was rewarded with a smile. Just then, the officer guarding the room announced the court was back in session. She squeezed his hand and left to go take her place in the courtroom again.

Larry decided to take those precautions and called the hospital and arranged for an ambulance to be sent to the courthouse, to standby, in case there was an emergency.

Blair had just gotten settled again when Tea joined her. They looked at each other and clasped hands. The court was called back to order and Nora arose to call her next witness.

“The prosecution calls Todd Manning to the stand.”

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