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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Todd Manning: Enigma, Ch. 5

Chapter 5

Larry knew the discussion was over, “Listen, Todd, I can only advise you at this stage. I think you need to consider all your options. But I know you, so you’re free to go home, still, you should listen to any recommendations Michael makes. If the problem is physical, Michael is your best bet.”

Todd was waiting for Blair to say something after Larry left, but she didn’t get a chance as John walked into the room.

“Hey man, can’t you stay out of this place?” John looked at the scene in front of him. At first glance, Todd appeared okay, but looking more closely John noticed Todd’s edginess. His hands clenching and unclenching, the way his lips were pressed together, and the sheen of sweat on his brow, all suggested distress. “Blair tells me you wanted to talk. What can I do for you?”

“John, I know you captured Hesser and Kipling, but you should know they have partners. I need you to listen and not judge what I’m going to tell you. I know that those same partners have put out hits on both myself and Jake and in the near future they will succeed in killing Jake. I can’t tell you when but I can tell you it will be by sniper fire through the windows at the Sun.” Todd could tell John was skeptical, but he had to make him understand. “You probably think I’m nuts, but will you just remember I gave you a warning. When word comes in from Interpol in the next day or so about the hits, will you do something to protect him."

John was at a loss. Todd was serious. There was no mistaking his sincerity, but how on earth did he know about any hits. They had just caught Hesser and although his organization was big there had been no indication that more people had been involved, yet here was Todd talking about partners. “Hold it, this is the first I've heard that there were partners. Where did you get the information? What did you mean when you said Jake was going to be shot at the Sun?”

“Chalk it up to my sources, John, I can’t give you any more than that but it’s true. About Jake’s death, well I’m trying to stop that. I’ve told you how it’s going to happen, you‘ve got to help me prevent it, no questions asked."

“Todd, I‘ve never been one to believe in fortune-telling and you’re asking me to believe that you already know how Jake is going to die and you’re trying to stop it. What kind of game are you playing at? For that matter why would you try and stop it, you don’t like the guy. He stole your life for eight years.”

“You’re right, he did steal my life but through no choice of his own and we’ve decided to table our differences because of the family. My kids love him and he’s married to Tea, I can’t just stand by and watch him die. I sure as hell don’t want Bo and Nora looking at me as a suspect if he’s taken out. Besides I’ve got some problems of my own to iron out and worrying about Jake is adding to them.”

Todd didn’t elaborate, but John caught the look that passed between him and Blair. “Okay Todd, I’ll tell you what, if I get a call from Interpol I’ll give serious thought to the rest of your story. Whatever brought you in here, I hope it doesn’t keep you from testifying.”

“John, I’ll testify against Carlo and Kipling or die trying.”

John raised an eyebrow at that statement especially when he heard Blair’s shocked gasp. It was obvious now there was a lot more going on and hopefully, someone would bring him and Bo in on it before it was too late. He shook his head, he had been around Manning enough to know that Todd wouldn’t talk unless he was ready too, and whatever was bothering him, he preferred to keep to himself right then. John started to leave and bumped into his brother, from the look on Michael’s face this wasn’t just a visit. He turned and stared at Todd, who met his eyes but said nothing. John looked over at Blair, but her eyes were only on her husband and fear was on her face. If Michael was involved, it wasn’t a good thing, and John doubted he would get anything out of his brother because of patient-doctor confidentiality. The only way he was going to get anything else was if he did get that call from Interpol. Maybe it was time he jump-started the whole thing by making some calls of his own.

Michael had arrived carrying copies of Todd’s latest scans and he placed them on the light board. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here any quicker. I’m glad you’re awake Todd, I know you already know about these implants, in fact, I understand you told Larry and Ray about them. I also know you’re afraid you're going mad because of how you know about them. I here to try and ease your fears on that matter.”

“How Michael? Are you suddenly an expert on dreams?” Todd looked skeptical.

“No Todd, but I do know brain injuries. In the last several months, you’ve experienced two significant injuries. One was to your right temporal and occipital lobes courtesy of the implants and the other to your right frontal lobe. All of these lobes are involved with your dreams but the first two are considered the dream center area and on top of everything else, that is where your fragments are. I’m hoping that if we remove the fragments, your dream will become just that, a dream. If not, then something else is in play. I want to go ahead with surgery, but you need a little more time to recover from the other surgery. The shock to your whole system and subsequent coma from the bullet in the head needs a little longer to heal.” Michael could tell Todd didn’t want to hear he had to wait. "I know the dream is a source of anxiety for you and I’ve talked to Larry. I really want you to consider the medication to help you sleep.”

“Michael, you don’t understand. The dream is starting to take over my waking hours too. Neither you nor Larry can guarantee I won’t dream, and every time I do, I feel like I’m going to be stuck there permanently. That place is someplace I don’t want to be. You are aware that things from the dream are starting to be found and take place here. There are things in that dream I don’t want to happen here.  If they do, my worst nightmare will come true.” Todd looked at Blair and all he could hear was her last line as Gregor took her away. If the dream was merely some kind of foretelling of the future he didn’t want it. The outcome of the foretelling was the loss of Blair. If the dream was the reality, and this was merely a dream then it was even worse because that meant he had already lost her. So he wanted this reality and he wanted the dream to stop being real. Michael said that might be accomplished by the surgery, but it was too soon for more surgery. Todd slammed his fist down on the tray his frustration getting the better of him.

Blair jumped as Todd’s blow was totally unexpected but the minute she saw his face, she realized he was barely containing his anger and the blow was the only way for him to vent.

Michael too recognized the frustration eating away at Todd and knew his desire to be free of the dream outweighed the risks for him. Michael couldn’t allow the surgery just yet, Todd’s overall health had to be considered. “Todd, I know this is a letdown. You were hoping to get the fragments removed immediately. I merely wish to wait a couple of weeks. We’ll get it on the schedule. With any luck, your body will have fully recuperated and it will be a walk in the park. Naturally, if you experience more symptoms then we’ll operate immediately. Todd, you need to stay positive. It could mean all the difference on the day of the surgery. Blair, keep him distracted, it's probably the best medicine for him at the moment.”

Todd looked at his wife and smiled as she blushed at Michael’s words. He had to admit the idea of being distracted by her was definitely an upper.

“Larry and I agree there is no more reason to keep you here any longer, go home and try to get your life back on track. By the way, I would prefer you use that ring sparingly. I’m not sure what kind of effect it’s having on your body, but we don’t want to take any chances there are more negative effects than positive ones. We have no idea how it’s really working and that alarms me. Before I go could you take it off, so I can look at your eyes.”

Todd removed the ring and Michael checked his pupils, noting the lack of movement. Todd then returned the ring to his finger again and Michael noted the small spark as the ring came into contact with Todd.

“Does it spark like that every time you put it on?”

Both Blair and Todd nodded.

“Fascinating. It’s still in contact with the implants inside although I couldn’t tell you how. I’m sure a micro tech scientist would find it positively enthralling to take the implants apart and figure out how they work. You told Larry you have to keep the implants within a certain range of each other. May I ask where the second implant is.”

Todd removed the watch and handed it to Michael, then watched as Michael moved away from him.

“Todd if I’m correct I would guess I only have to walk out of this room and you’ll lose your sight.”

“You’re right Michael, so I’d rather you didn’t take it from the room. If you would like to check, have Blair walk it out while you look at my eyes.”

Michael handed the watch to Blair and checked Todd’s vision as it disappeared the minute she left the room. When he called her back in, he watched as, like magic, the eyes cleared up and functioned normally. “Okay, you made a believer out of me. I understand they found a number of implants when Kipling was captured. If we could determine exactly how they’re helping you, we might be able to enable more people to see. Of course, that depends on if they cause no more harm to you. Larry said Ray told him you were again experiencing headaches similar to those that knocked you out before. Is this true Todd?”

Todd debated lying, then figured Michael needed to know. “It’s true, but I just figured it was a migraine, because of the surgery to repair the damage done by the bullet.”

“Except the pain receded when the ring came in contact with the back of your head. Ray said there was a blue spark that lit up the car for a second, is that true?”

“Yes it’s true, that’s why I informed them about the implants, I’ve already had this surgery recently in my dream. Do you really think I want to experience it again? I can tell you one thing, if my dream is a foretelling, you better be ready to perform this surgery at the drop of the hat because it will probably be necessary sooner than later.”

Michael frowned, “Why do you think that’s going to happen, I haven’t seen anything to make me believe there is any danger to you, Todd. I know you had some muscle trouble earlier, but it was probably just a random event. Keep me informed if it gets worse.”

“I’m just saying, don’t leave town. Michael, I would also like you close by for the trial if you don’t mind.” When Michael started to ask why, Todd’s face became inscrutable and he said, “Just humor me okay.”

Michael nodded, now a little more concerned than when he had walked into the room. Todd was basing his request on something only he seemed to know about and he wasn’t going to elaborate any further. If there was something about the implants that was imminent he wasn’t sure it was a good idea to wait after all. “Todd, are you telling me everything?  You sound like the dream is giving you information I ought to have.”

“Michael, if all of you are to be believed, my dream is just a dream and I shouldn’t place too much store in it. Let’s just say I’m taking precautions just in case there is something to the dream. Now, you said I could go home, so that‘s what I’m going to do. If anything happens between now and the surgery you’ll be the first to know.” Todd reached over and took his watchband back from Blair and put it on. The little shock had been strangely comforting but even Todd wasn’t a fool, he already knew the catch that went with the ring. He just wasn’t ready to give the sight up yet so he would hang on to it for as long as he could.

Blair watched Michael leave and knew Todd was going to leave without the prescription. She spoke up quickly before she lost her nerve. “Todd, I know you’re trying to avoid the dream and after this morning I’m not sure I want you to have the dream again either. Larry and Michael both think if you can get some good sleep, you might be able to weather the mental strain the dream is putting on you. For my sake wouldn’t you please reconsider taking the medication?”

He could see her concern, but if he gave himself over to sleep because of the pills, he feared that would be the last he saw of her. At the same time, Todd knew they wouldn’t have suggested it if they thought it would harm him further. The doctors believed the sleep was necessary so his body could handle the surgery and he already knew, thanks to the dream, that the implants needed to be removed. Todd took a deep breath and calmed his nerves. He had to try the medication for Blair and himself even if he feared the sleep would be less beneficial than they all hoped. “Very well Blair, we’ll give it a shot. I’m already at the end of my rope. Either I let go and leave this and everybody behind or I stay and fight. I’m going to stay and fight.” Blair smiled tremulously and gave him a hug and they departed the room stopping at the desk to pick up Larry’s prescription before heading home.

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