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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Thomas Lord: Cloaked, Ch. 15

The flight arrived in Pine Valley without any fuss and John picked them up. He was using an unmarked car and had an additional passenger, who turned out to be from the federal marshal's office. He had been assigned to protect Todd while he was in the courthouse. John and the marshal escorted them to Nora's office where she was waiting.

"Blair" she nodded and turned to Todd, "Todd, I'm glad you're still in one piece. I'm not happy that you felt the need to disappear right when we captured Hesser and Kipling, but given the current circumstances, it's a good thing you weren't here. Jake Boudreau's death was a tragedy and is going to make my work a little harder, but with the testimonies of the doctors and Tea, we can tell Jake's part in this. Now I need both, your testimony, Todd, and Samuel's. Ray Martino will be testifying along with Dr. Levin to the validity of your alters. But both you and Samuel experienced the treatment under Dr.Kipling and Carlo. I feel it will help our case if both of you testify, will you agree."

Todd nodded, he had hoped to keep his alters out of it. But Samuel had lived the last eight years following the treatments hampered by what Kipling had done. Samuel's story needed to be heard also.

"Excellent, I'll start with Samuel, then I'll hear your story. The trial is ready to start. They'll bring you in after we hear from Tea and the doctors. This is a closed session and no unessential people will be allowed in the courtroom. Blair, you can stay in the room with the doctors and Tea. Samuel are you ready?"

Samuel had taken control and nodded "Whenever you are, Nora."

Nora did a double-take, it always amazed her when Samuel came to the front. He was so like Sam Rappaport it was a little scary. The trial got underway and Nora introduced the confessions both men had signed the night they were arrested. Then she had the doctors speak to the question of whether both men were aware of what they were signing. The defense was unable to debunk the doctors or the gambit of tests that had been run that night to determine if Hesser or Kipling were under the influence of some drug when they gave their confessions. Those tests showed both men to be very aware of what they were doing at the time. Tea testified to the attempts made against her husband and the drugs he had been given by Dr. Kipling to keep him under their influence. Michael McBain and Dr. Wolek testified to their presence and removal of the implants from Todd Manning, Samuel Toddman, and Christian Vega.

Carlo and Kipling sat in shock when Christian Vega made an appearance and testified to the actions he had performed while under the influence of the implants. They had been under the assumption that Vega had been taken care of, but obviously, they had been misinformed.

The defense attorney had only been informed five minutes before trial that Samuel Toddman had been found and when he had told his clients they had both exploded. It had taken all his persuasion to calm them down. He, himself, was worried especially after the Vega testimony and Manning's widow.  Given the fact she was also an attorney, she had been very successful at countering his questions.

He prepared himself as the prosecutor called Samuel Toddman to the stand. He heard a gasp and looked around to see Toddman walking in with his cane and being guided in by John McBain. Great, he was going to have to browbeat a blind man. He quickly looked through his paperwork and realized he hadn't read that one crucial point. Toddman had been blinded recently. He was screwed. The jurors were already leaning in the prosecution's favor and now he was facing yet another subject of the experiments.

Samuel was sworn in and Nora began her questioning.

"Mr. Toddman, you are here today to give testimony against whom."

"Two gentlemen, one man's name is Carlo Hesser and the other gentleman's name is Dr. Ivan Kipling.

"Can you tell me how you know these gentlemen."

"Eight years ago I was held captive by these men and experimented on. I had been severely injured previous to the experiments, but they did nothing more than stabilize my condition, and then they began their experimentation."

"Are you telling me they took an injured man and ran experiments on him regardless of his injuries."

"That is precisely what I'm telling you."

"What did they want from you?"

"They wanted my memories, my entire life."

"Why would they want that?"

"The experiment was two-fold, they stole my memories and my life and gave them to another subject."

"That's pretty far-fetched, how do you know they even had another subject."

"I know because up until a week ago he resided here and was living my life."

"Can you tell me the name of this man?"

"His name was Todd Manning."

At Samuel's statement gasps went through the jurors. Nora turned and looked at Carlo and Kipling. Both men were staring at Samuel and if he had been able to see their faces he would have seen what she saw. They were furious and if looks could kill Samuel would now be dead.

"I object," the defense attorney jumped to his feet. "Todd Manning is dead. How can Mr. Toddman claim to be Todd Manning."

Nora quickly turned to the judge. "If the defense will let me continue all answers will be provided."

" Objection overruled. the prosecution may continue," ruled the judge.

"The defense brought up a reasonable point. You're claiming that you are Todd Manning, but Todd Manning died just a few days ago. Can you explain?"

Samuel sat for a moment and closed his eyes."Todd, should I continue the story or do you want to make your presence known..."

"Samuel stay in charge and tell your side of the story. If the defense begins to try and cast doubt I'll reveal myself," Todd said and went back to listening to the trial.

"If I may, can I just tell my story, and then I'll answer any other questions," Samuel asked.

"By all means Samuel, let us hear your story."

Samuel told his story, of waking and seeing the knife from Mitch Lawrence descending to carve his cheek. Then he recalled waking up on a stretcher and being wheeled down a hallway covered in bandages.  He was taken into a room and hooked up to a machine, where he saw Dr. Kipling and his black hand pull a lever. Samuel paused, as the back of his head began to throb.  He began describing what the machine was doing and the agony he experienced. Suddenly the pain exploded through his head and he cried out clutching his head dropping to his knees in pain.

The judge called a halt and Nora looked and saw Michael McBain making his way to the front of the courtroom. Nora glanced over at Carlo and Kipling and saw the look that passed between them and their smiles. They knew what had just happened she'd bet her life on it.

Michael got to Samuel, knowing exactly what was going on. He had chatted with Blair earlier and he was now convinced Todd still had part of the implant inside him. "Samuel what can I do?" He flashed a light in Samuel"s eyes and saw his pupils react sluggishly.

Samuel grabbed at his chest and Michael at first thought it was Todd's heart but then he watched Samuel pull out a pouch. Samuel's hand was shaking from the pain. "Michael, get the ring." he croaked.

Michael shook the ring out into his hand and put it on Samuel's hand and watched as Samuel reached to the back of his head. To Michael's amazement, a blue spark suddenly flashed between the ring and Todd's head. Michael watched as the shaking stopped and Samuel steadied.

Samuel removed the ring and dropped it back into the pouch and turned his sightless eyes toward Michael. "It's gone for now. I've got to get through this testimony, stay close."

Michael helped Samuel back into the chair and asked for some water. He had Samuel drink it and checked his heart and pupils again.

"Doctor is he going to be alright?" asked the judge "We can postpone if you believe it to be necessary."

"Michael, I've got to do this now. It's important," begged Samuel.

"I believe he's capable of continuing, but I ask permission to stay close."

"Very well, then this trial will proceed. Ms. Prosecutor, he's your witness, please continue."

"Samuel, can you tell the court what just occurred?" asked Nora.

Samuel grimaced a little as he got his thoughts together. "Dr. Kipling and Carlo Hesser installed a little insurance policy into my brain. It was an implant designed to keep me from remembering. Every time I attempted to remember my past I would be knocked senseless by pain. The implant was wired in my brain to not only affect my memories, but also my heart. The doctors in Philadelphia discovered that as long as I didn't try and remember, I could live a relatively healthy life.  So I moved to Paris and lived there for eight years. Unknown by Hesser and Kipling, my memories began to leak through the mechanism's defenses and when my wife came looking for me the floodgates opened."

"Samuel, you say Blair came looking for you. What did you mean?'

"Blair came looking for the artist of a painting she had received from her deceased husband, but she was unprepared for what she found," Samuel told how when they first met, he only knew Blair as a subject he had been painting from memory for eight years, but Blair recognized him as her husband Todd Manning. It was only later that he regained the memory of being Todd Manning.  It was after that, that he began making arrangements to return to the States, but there was a problem, as there was already a Todd Manning living in Llanview.  It became necessary to return to the States as Samuel Toddman.

" So you're telling us you really are Todd Manning?" asked Nora

"Yes, and No, I'm legally and in reality, Samuel Toddman, and I am an alter of Todd Manning, my host." You could have heard a pin drop in the courtroom at Samuel's statement.

Carlo and Kipling straightened in their chairs, utterly flabbergasted by Samuel's statement.

"You see, Hesser and Kipling's plan probably would have worked if they had known Todd had alters.  They could have trapped the alters the same way they did his memories, but Todd had us all too well hidden and protected."

"Let me get this straight, you claim you're an alter. How do I know you're telling us the truth? I'm sure the defense would like to know too."

"Nora, judge, and all of you folks in the jury, I swear that I am indeed a separate personality from Todd Manning. When I awoke in that Philadelphia hospital, Hesser and Kipling assumed I was a made-up identity Todd was using because he couldn't remember his own. They have since done everything based on that. They kept an eye on me waiting to see when I would remember I was Todd, but what they didn't know, was that I didn't know about Todd or any of the alters, until after I met Blair. I was just me. I'm an artist. Todd is the newspaperman. I exist to protect Todd and I was born the night Mitch Lawrence attempted to kill Todd."

"I know you think I might be attacking you, but Todd Manning used his alters as a defense many years ago and it was later discovered that he was faking. You now expect me to believe you're real and all of his other alters are too."

"I know I'm merely a part of Todd, I was told about the incident that happened years ago and Todd let the lie about his alters stand because he didn't want them to come out in the first place. Todd's family and doctors will swear under oath that we are real. I know I'm real and you can believe me or not. Whether I'm an alter or not has nothing to do with this case. I personally was treated and experimented on by Dr. Kipling and I saw Carlo Hesser there on several occasions ordering the treatments."

"So Mr. Toddman, you say you saw both of these men in Dr. Kipling's lab."

"Todd and I both took turns during the treatment sessions at Kipling's lab and both of us have vivid memories of the torture we endured at Dr. Kipling's and Hesser's hands."

"Your Honor, I have no further questions for Mr. Toddman."

"Does the defense have any questions for this witness?"

"Yes sir, I have." He looked at his clients. He didn't know if he would be able to shake Samuel Toddman. For one he liked to be able to intimidate the witnesses, but it was hard to intimidate a blind man. He would have to be careful or he would appear to be bullying the man. Secondly, he wasn't sure if he could attack the man's veracity or not. Toddman appeared unperturbed by the prosecution's questions concerning his statement about being an alter. He obviously was prepared for an attack on that front. He stepped around the table and crossed to the witness. It was now or never.

As he approached Samuel he recalled what had happened earlier when Toddman had been describing his time in the lab. Perhaps he could find a way to use that to his advantage.

"Mr. Toddman, you claim that you were experimented on by Dr. Kipling in some weird laboratory. How do we know this isn't some crazy idea you formed in that fractured mind you've been telling us about?"

Samuel didn't like the man as soon as he spoke, there was an oiliness to his voice that grated on Samuel's nerves. "I'm guessing that the police found the laboratory or this trial wouldn't be happening." Samuel could feel Pete watching and knew that Todd was keeping him in check. "I can only tell the court what happened to me while I was in charge. The implants are very real, the pain was very real and the resulting loss of years was very real."

"Yes, the pain, but we've been told by several doctors today that all the implants were removed. Yet you were in some serious pain earlier. You said it was because of the implants, but if they were removed, perhaps you have some other ailment that has nothing at all to do with these implants? Perhaps this other ailment is causing you to remember something that never really happened."

Samuel could feel his own anger coming to the front. He didn't get mad often, but this man was getting under his skin. He struggled to keep it together. If he lost control, Pete would gain the upper hand and take over before Todd could stop him.

"That's a very interesting theory but one that would be dispelled by my Doctors. In fact, I'm very much in control of my faculties and I know I was taken to a lab, not once but numerous times. I can describe the lab in detail."

The defense attorney looked over at his clients and noticed them motioning him back. "One moment, Your Honor."

"Get him to describe the treatment again. If he still has an implant that wasn't removed, it might induce a seizure, then you could call for a postponement. If he gets a chance to describe us, we're lost." said Carlo, he had to try and bring Manning down.  If his men couldn't get the job done, maybe the implant would. His real hope was to bring on a heart attack, but he couldn't let his attorney know that.

"Very well Mr. Toddman, please tell us again about the lab, and perhaps you could give us a better idea of what actually happened to you there."

Samuel felt sick, he should never have taken the ring off. Pain or no pain he would have to suck it up and tell the whole story. He again described the hallway and the elevator ride down to the lab. He described Ivan to a tee and then began telling the jury what the treatment had been like. He gritted his teeth as the memory of the pictures being sliced slowly and painfully away. The jurors were mesmerized by the tale unfolding. Even the defense attorney could tell the man in front of him was once again reliving that pain.

Michael had moved closer noting Samuel's breathing and realized he was starting to hyperventilate. "Your Honor, he has to stop."

Samuel reached out and grabbed Michael's arm. "No! This has to be told," he continued to tell his story, holding on to Michael's arm for support.

"Samuel, you're going to kill yourself." Michael looked over at Nora.

"Your Honor how much more do you need to hear." Nora didn't like the way Samuel was looking either and the defense attorney was too much of an idiot to realize his clients wanted Todd to die. "Your Honor, please, he's killing himself."

Her words permeated the courtroom and everyone suddenly realized the truth. The judge spoke quickly. "Enough, Dr. McBain see to Mr. Toddman."

The jurors looked at one another shamefully recognizing they had almost watched a man kill himself to tell his tale. It was obvious the man was telling the truth.

The defense attorney had to shake himself as he too came to the realization that his clients had wanted the man on the stand to die. He looked into their faces and saw the disappointment that their plan hadn't worked. He was an attorney, not an assassin. "Your honor, I have no more questions for this man." He walked back to his table and sat down not looking at either of his clients.

The judge looked at Samuel and saw him regaining some color, but the doctor was still checking him out. "Doctor, do we need to get further assistance?"

Samuel and Michael conversed and Michael answered, "He's refusing anything further at this time."

The judge looked at Nora. "Do you wish to redirect?"

"No, Your Honor. But may I have a moment to talk to Mr. Toddman"

"He's your witness."

The courtroom watched as Nora joined Michael and Samuel. All were curious what was being said, it was clear to all watching, that there was a difference of opinion going on between the parties involved. Nora stepped away and said. "I would like to call my next witness, Todd Manning."

The judge looked at his prosecutor, he knew what she wanted to do, but before he could say anything the defense spoke.

"I object, Mr. Manning is dead, he can no longer be considered a witness to this court."

"Your Honor, I believe the defense was given a list of all witnesses for this trial and I believe if he looks at his list he will see both Todd Manning's name and another man's name on that list. For the jurors' sake will the defense read them off." Nora looked at the defense attorney.

The defense attorney looked at the list and saw that two people still hadn't testified. One was indeed Todd Manning and the other was a man he had never heard of a Jake Boudreau. "One moment your honor, I need to confer with my clients." He turned to Carlo and Kipling. "Who the hell is Jake Boudreau?" They were as puzzled as him. "Your Honor according to the list I received, Todd Manning, and a Jake Boudreau are the only two witnesses yet to be heard from so far. My question still stands how can Todd Manning appear if he's dead?"

"If I may answer that one, Your Honor," Nora said looking at the judge.

"By all means," replied the judge. He, too, was curious how Nora was going to handle this.

"To do that I need to change my witness request and ask that Tea Manning return briefly to the stand."

The judge nodded and Michael helped Samuel from the stand as Tea took his place.

"Mrs. Manning, you're still under oath is that correct?" Tea nodded, "Would you please tell this court the name of your husband."

Tea cleared her throat and calmly answered. "My husband was Jake Boudreau, formerly known as Todd Manning."

"Thank you, Mrs. Manning. Why is it you say formerly known as Todd Manning?"

"Shortly before his death, my husband legally changed his name back to his original name, Jake Boudreau. It was his intention to relinquish all rights to the name Todd Manning and everything it entailed. Unfortunately, he was unable to complete that task."

"Mrs. Manning, for the court's benefit, do you know where the real Todd Manning is."

"Yes, I do."

"Could you please tell us where he is?"

"Well I would venture a guess he's listening to this trial through his alter. Samuel. All you need to do is ask him to appear."

The defense was back on his feet instantly. " I object, this is getting ridiculous. Does the prosecution really expect us to believe this preposterous story that Mr. Toddman has told us? It's unbelievable. Now the widow of Todd Manning is telling us she wasn't married to Todd Manning, but to a man by the name of Jake Boudreau and to top that off she's telling us that Samuel Toddman's story is also true. What's next Your Honor, Aliens?"

The judge called the attorneys up in front of him. Looking at Nora he said."This is getting hard to swallow do you have proof to back up this incredible story." Nora nodded. The judge turned his eyes to the defense and said "I want to see the proof. Return to your seats." he watched as the attorneys returned to their places and said, "Objection denied, but we will hear the proof for these outlandish claims."

"Your honor, I have the certified DNA tests of one Jake Boudreau formerly known as Todd Manning, as well as affidavits from his doctors stating that Jake Boudreau was not Todd Manning. As to the veracity of Samuel Toddman's claim that he is an alter and not just a figment of Todd Manning's mind, I have sworn statements from his current doctors as well as his past doctors who will testify, if need be, to the validity of the alters. I, myself, have seen adequate proof that Samuel is a complete personality with traits totally different from Todd Manning. I invite the defense and the court to look at these affidavits and statements."

Nora handed her proof to the Judge and the defense. Turning back to the court she said." May I proceed."

The judge took but a moment looking at the paperwork handed him and then he said. "Continue."

"I call Todd Manning to the stand."

Samuel stood up and carefully made his way back to the stand. Before entering the stand, he paused. The judge and jury watched as Samuel appeared to reel for just a moment, then he straightened up and entered the stand. Nora turned to the bailiff and said: "Please swear him in."

The bailiff looked over at the judge who nodded in assent. The bailiff once again stood in front of the man he had sworn in earlier. "Do you swear, to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So help you, God."

Todd replied, "I do."

"State your name for the record."

"Thomas Todd Manning" Todd sat down and relaxed in the chair.

The judge was fascinated and the jurors likewise. Todd Manning was nothing like the man who had just been in that chair, his whole demeanor had changed. This man was very assured of himself and almost arrogant. The judge wondered what else his court was in store for.

Nora approached Todd, "Mr. Manning, how long have you been back in Llanview."

"A couple of hours," he grinned at Nora. "Oh, you mean since I got my memory back. I've been back in Llanview since March of this year."

Nora glared at Todd but continued her line of questioning."Why didn't you come forward when you arrived back in town?"

Todd got serious. "I chose to remain in hiding because I knew someone was trying to keep me from regaining my identity. I didn't feel I could step forward until I could prove who had taken my identity away in the first place. I also feared, if I came forward, my family might be in danger. Shortly after I got the memory of my final night in town eight years ago, someone attempted to kill my impostor."

"So you're saying you remained as Samuel Toddman because someone was trying to keep the truth from coming out."

"Yes, Samuel and I decided it was best if, for the time being, everyone believed Samuel was a long lost relative of my sister Vicki. I was also trying to reconnect with my family during that time. With the help of my doctors I was able to pull more memories of the events that took place on the night of the 14th of March, 2003; until Samuel woke up in the hospital in Philadelphia in June of 2003. Those memories gave me clues to the identities of the men behind the whole impostor switch."

"Can you tell me who you believe was responsible for your memory loss and subsequent exile from your family?"

"Yes, the men responsible for what happened to me are none other than Carlo Hesser and Ivan Kipling."

"Do you believe this simply because you remember the details of those lost months?"

"The memories just helped me cement my beliefs. I believe those men are responsible because of the evidence I uncovered in the last eight months."

"Could you please explain your evidence."

"Samuel first suspected Mr. Hesser of having some involvement in my predicament because of his unusual interest in Samuel's paintings. I wouldn't have thought much about it, but he had his old paramour Alex Olanov playing up to Samuel in Paris. It just struck Samuel as suspicious. Further inquiries into Samuel's recovery at Philadelphia General brought the Kipling research facility into the picture. I later discovered that the Samaritan that found me on the road after Mitch Lawrence had dumped me was none other than my good pal Carlo Hesser; who later had me "his brother Mortimer" shipped to,...yes you guessed it, the Kipling research facility." Todd paused and wished he had his ring on. He would have loved to have seen Carlo's face at that moment.

The jurors were listening to every word and every so often they would glance toward the defendants. The defendants were also listening, but they were finding it hard to keep their faces from showing any emotion. Carlo could feel his anger getting the better of him. He had to hand it to Todd, he had never imagined that Todd had figured it all out so quickly. It also was disturbing that Kipling's device hadn't found out about the alters. It was a little unfair that he had actually been up against two men when he thought he only had one man to contend with. Samuel and Todd were indeed a formidable pair. Carlo struggled to keep his face impassive when Todd continued his story.

Todd told of the two attempts against Samuel's life as Carlo had tried to figure out if Samuel had gotten his memory back. Then Todd told of discovering the root of his headaches and the removal of the implants.
"When I made the decision to have the implants removed. Carlo almost got his wish for my death. I died on the operating table and if my wife hadn't brought me back, this trial probably wouldn't have happened. Unfortunately, I didn't escape unscathed. I lost my sight."

"Why didn't you come forward with all your evidence after you got it together."

"I was missing the location of the lab and I needed to discover that before giving everything to Bo. With Jake Boudreau's help and our combined memories, we figured out that Kipling's lab wasn't in the research facility but underneath his personal home. Before I could send the information to Bo, Carlo made one more attempt on my life and sent Christian Vega to kill me. Luck was with me and although I was injured, I was able to get the upper hand on Vega and keep him distracted until John McBain arrived at my home. Vega was captured. I left town because I feared my presence put my family in jeopardy."

"One last question. An anonymous call was made to the police station telling the police where Carlo Hesser's hideout was and the whereabouts of the Kipling Laboratory. Did you make that call?" Nora waited, she wondered if Todd would admit to the call. They hadn't figured out who made the call and Jake had insisted he hadn't been the one. Todd had just told them under oath he knew the lab's location. She needed to know if he had indeed made that call.

"I did not make any calls the morning I left," Todd told the truth because it was Pete who had placed the call after finishing with Carlo and Kipling. Todd found himself fingering the pouch beneath his shirt.
He wished Blair could have been in the courtroom, after everything Samuel had been through, Todd was feeling a little vulnerable. He recalled that morning like it was yesterday and it still made him a little sick to his stomach. Todd closed his eyes for a moment feeling a little nauseous.

Nora hadn't really expected Todd to incriminate himself, but she hadn't expected to see him lose his color so drastically. "Mr. Manning are you alright?"

Todd had been lost in that dreadful moment when he had realized what he had done. Nora's voice broke through his reminiscing, and he opened his eyes disoriented for just a moment because he forgot he wasn't wearing the ring. Nausea threatened to come to the fore and he worked hard to control it and get his thoughts away from his monster. "I'm sorry, I'm still feeling shaky. Did you have another question for me?"

Nora was relieved he appeared to be getting his color back again. "For the court, who was responsible for experimenting on you and replacing you with the impostor Jake Boudreau?"

Todd replied calmly" The persons responsible for everything that happened to me are Carlo Hesser and Ivan Kipling."

"Thank you, Mr. Manning. I have no more question for this witness but I reserve the right to recall." Nora sat down and now knew it was in the hands of the defense attorney. She prayed Todd was up to it. He had never been one of her favorite people, but Todd had changed a lot in his eight-year exile, and after everything he had been through, she felt he deserved a break.

"Mr. Manning, You drew a pretty complete picture of my clients. But everything still comes back to one crucial point, we just have your word that you are Todd Manning. The prosecutor has given us evidence that you are a man with alters. We supposedly met one Samuel Toddman. Do you have proof you are the Todd Manning who disappeared in March of '03? Sure, we know from proof that the Todd Manning who recently died was an impostor, but how do we know you aren't one too."

Todd had been waiting for this. He had known Nora wouldn't ask for his proof because she had already seen it. For her, the proof of the alters was more important than the proof he was Todd Manning. It wasn't surprising for Hesser's attorney to try and disprove his claim to all things Manning. If he had no proof of that, then the attorney could claim the whole story was a falsehood and make it appear like he had it in for Hesser and Kipling. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his copy of the DNA results. "I wouldn't expect the court to accept just my word that I'm Todd Manning. These are the DNA results that show I'm am related to Victoria Lord Banks."

The attorney took the results and studied them and then said. "These merely tell us you're related to Mrs. Banks.  How do we know you're not just the distant cousin that arrived in town months ago and decided to take over your cousin Todd's life?"

Todd could feel Pete wanting out and knew if he let him explode he would only make the case for the defense seem plausible. He was trying to come up with an answer when Nora spoke.

"Your Honor, if I may. I have a notarized statement from a reputable lab the compared Samuel Toddman's current DNA with a sample of Todd Manning's DNA that has been on file since Mr. Manning was convicted of the rape of Marty Saybrook. It states with 99% certainty that Samuel Toddman and Todd Manning are one and the same. I assure you, the man on the stand is the real Todd Manning."

If he had been standing next to her just then, Todd would have kissed Nora Buchanan. Of course, she probably would have floored him for touching her, but he had to give her a thumbs up. It had never occurred to him that the DNA test matching his genes with Vicki's wouldn't have been enough to prove he was Todd. Nora had made sure she had the real Todd before putting him on the stand.

Carlo had been sitting quietly, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the jury was leaning strongly toward guilty. It had been an almost certainty when Nora had introduced his and Kipling's confessions, but Samuel and Todd were nailing the coffin shut. There was still a chance he could make their play to escape when the judge called a recess. He had seen his lawyer's face and it had been a last ditch effort to disprove Manning. Nora had effectively stopped that effort. Carlo listened as his attorney threw in the towel.

"I have no more questions Your Honor." the attorney turned toward his clients. He saw their disapproval but he had nothing.

Nora stood and said. "The prosecution rests."

"Is the defense ready to proceed" asked the judge.

The attorney for the defense had been talking to his clients and he turned to the judge. "The defense requests a fifteen-minute recess so my clients can get some aid for their injuries."

"Request granted.  We'll take a fifteen-minute recess after which the defense will present its case."


1 comment:

  1. I like this courtroom stuff, but can't believe poor Todd has another torture session. Cannot wait to see who really comes out in court!


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