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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thomas Lord: Cloaked, Ch. 18

Todd, Blair, and John arrived at the courthouse and were sequestered in a room along with the other witnesses for the prosecution. Tea arrived and was also brought to the same room. A short time later they were escorted by several policemen to the courtroom where two closed-circuit TV had been set up. The jurors were brought in and they all took their places. Nora was present and a new defense attorney and Ivan Kipling sat a the defense table. On the TV, another attorney was seen standing by the bedside of Carlo Hesser who was sitting up in the bed his neck bandaged with a laptop on his lap. Carlo looked exceedingly unhappy. The Judge arrived and the court was called into session by a different bailiff.

The Judge turned to the jurors. "Through a series of separate events, one of the defendants was injured in such a way that he will be responding by the written word. All of you can view it on the closed-circuit TV directly in front of you. As is my prerogative, although the defense asked for a mistrial, I see no reason to accommodate them. This trial will continue, is that clear to all parties. It is now time for the defense to present its case. Are you ready to proceed?"

"Your honor this is inexcusable. My client was injured and should be given adequate time to recover."

"Your client was injured trying to escape. The doctors have informed me, he is well enough to proceed, just unable to talk. I see no reason not to continue as we have given him the means to communicate. Now I ask again is the defense ready to proceed."

The defense attorneys nodded.

"Then call your first witness." said the Judge.

The defense called a number of research facility employees to the stand that all said Dr. Kipling was a great man and that Mr. Hesser was just a benefactor of the facility, then when he could see they weren't making any headway disputing Samuel's Testimony, Kipling was called to the stand.
"Dr. Kipling, you contend that the morning of your arrest, the police coerced a confession from you. Would you please explain how you think they did it?"

"It's really quite simple they merely had the ambulance attendants give me something in my IV that made me say things that were entirely untrue."

"I see so you say the confession you made is not the truth but something the police told you to say and because you were drugged you said it."


"Your Honor, I have no more questions for this witness. It was obviously some sort of illegal maneuver by the police that caused my client to wrongfully incriminate himself. I move the confession of Dr. Kipling is ruled inadmissible due to tampering."

"Does the prosecution have any objection to that ruling."

"Indeed I have Your Honor, Dr. Kipling, can you tell me how your good hand was injured." asked Nora

"My so-called partner did it to me."

"Could that so-called partner possibly be Carlo Hesser."

"That idiot, first he has his goons injure me then he can't keep his mouth shut when the police show up at my lab."

"I see, but you can keep your mouth shut unless you've been given a drug. Am I correct on that one? You told the police everything you had done because they gave you something to make you talk. There are no drugs or EMTs here now. Perhaps you would like to tell us the real truth. Would you agree to that, Dr. Kipling? Detective McBain is here, perhaps you would like to enlighten him to what really happened the morning you were arrested."

"Certainly I'd be more than happy to tell the truth. "

"Detective McBain would you please stand. There he is, Dr. Kipling. Please tell him and us the real truth."

As John McBain got to his feet and looked at Ivan all eyes were on Ivan Kipling except Todd's. He closed his eyes going back to the morning Pete had tortured Kipling and Hesser, leaving them with one final command. No matter what, when they saw John McBain, they had to tell the truth, every sordid detail of their project and all of the people they had experimented on. This was something they had to do and nothing could stop them from telling their story. Even as he sat there he listened as the programming took effect and Dr. Kipling started once again rattling off the list of crimes he had committed for profit.

Dr. Kipling completed his list by giving the names of two of their subjects, Christian Vega, and Todd Manning. When he was finished he looked with pride over at Nora and stated, "So as you can see there is no reason for you to believe that awful confession, every word in it is lies."

Everyone sat in stunned silence. Dr. Kipling had just told everyone in that room what he had done all those years ago and yet he seemed totally unaware he had done it. If they hadn't all known he was perfectly sane, they would have figured he cracked but Dr. Kipling really believed he had managed to tell a tale that would dispute the confession. Nora turned to the stenographer and said. " Would you please read everything. Kipling just told us."

Kipling turned pale as a ghost when the stenographer began reading back the list of his crimes, he didn't know how or why but he had just again told all about the project and this time under oath.

Nora stopped the stenographer and turned to the Judge, "I have no further questions for Dr. Kipling."

The Judge looked at the defense attorney and said. "Request denied."

The Judge looked at Ivan Kipling and over to the Defense."Do you have any more questions for this witness."

The attorney looked at his client, Ivan had sealed his fate."No, Your Honor."

"The witness is excused." Ivan gathered himself and walked back to his seat. His day was over and he knew prison was in front of him. Why had he spilled his guts like that? He had to make sense of things in his own mind, and as he went over everything, he realized the truth. Somehow or other he had been programmed to tell the truth whenever Detective McBain was in the room. His mind started going back to that night and he began seeing things he hadn't seen before. Two Orderlies and machines and a black hand pulling a lever. Ivan jerked as pain seared through the back of his head and he saw an implant coming towards him. Someone had used his own creation on him and he would never know who. He looked at his artificial hand and again saw it moving the lever. It shook and he had images of it coming towards him with a life of its own. Ivan moved his hand under the table afraid to even look at it any longer and sat stoically waiting for his day to end.

The second defense attorney after conversing with Carlo called his next witness. "We call Todd Manning to the Stand."

Todd's head came up at his name. He had thought his part in this was over, but obviously, Carlo had other thoughts. He stood and John led him to the stand.

"Your Honor let it be understood this is a hostile witness," the defense attorney looked down at Carlo who typed something, after a moment he the attorney looked at the camera and asked. "Mr. Manning, a couple of days ago you sat in this courtroom and told a very moving story about the implants and their effect on you. My clients have both told me a quite interesting story of how you single-handedly stopped their escape attempt.  Can you explain how a Blind man could accomplish that? Please remember you're under oath."

"I don't know how it happened, all I know is that the moment I heard my wife scream, my vision returned and I was able to see. I assure this court I was not lying when I said I was blinded by the implants."

"Come now Mr. Manning isn't it more likely the blindness is just an act to gain sympathy and the truth is you can, in fact, see. Furthermore, if you would lie to the court about your blindness how do we know you haven't lied to us about the rest of your story."

Todd felt a sense of relief wash over him and for once was grateful for the darkness surrounding him. The blindness had never been a lie and it was a definite certainty right now. "I'm blind that's all I can tell you. I'm not lying about it or the torture these men put me through. I see nothing but darkness around me." Todd was aware all eyes were on him and he reached forward to stand, gripping the rail in front of him. "Perhaps you could tell me a way I might prove to you I'm not lying."

"Excellent, We were hoping you would give us a chance. Your Honor, There is an eye doctor standing outside waiting for your permission to come and test Mr. Manning's sight."

The judge had heard of the rescue and capture of Hesser and Kipling from the DA and he too was beginning to wonder how a blind man had carried it off. "Counsels approach." Nora and the attorney present in the room went to the bench. "Nora do you have an explanation for Manning sudden vision the other day"

"No Your Honor, but I have been told by several of his Doctors that the blindness is not faked. Your Honor, you should know Mr. Manning underwent further surgery two night ago removing more pieces of implants. His vision has not improved."

"Since you can not give me an adequate reason for his sight during the escape, I'm forced to allow the defense their chance to prove Mr. Manning a fraud. Counselor for the Defense if any harm comes to this witness during this test. I'll personally pull the lever on your clients. you may proceed." The judge watched the attorneys return to their seats and instructed the Bailiff to let the Doctor into the courtroom.

"Detective McBain you have my permission to protect your charge at all costs. Mr. Manning, if you do not wish to take this test, this court will understand, but you will be putting your testimony in jeopardy."

"I understand Your Honor. If I need to take this test to prove to all of you I'm blind then let's get to it." Todd knew he was taking a tremendous risk and he had to trust that the doctor who was going to be testing him was a real doctor.

The defense attorney introduced their Doctor, a reputable Eye surgeon from the Eye Hospital of Philadelphia. He asked Todd to come to him off the stand. and they waved John back when he would have offered his arm.

Todd felt the rail and knew he was just paces away from the steps down from the witness box. He knew from memory what the room looked like so he knew where the jury sat but he hadn't had time to learn the room in steps so he gingerly made his way out of the witness box and down to the level ground. The doctor spoke off to his left so Todd proceeded carefully to the point he believed the doctor was standing.

Everyone had been watching him and when he stopped walking everyone wondered why he had stopped. The doctor watched with interest as the man came off the stand. He had seen a lot of blind men maneuver without canes and one thing he had seen in the man on the witness stand was uncertainty. If he was faking blindness he was doing a good job. "Mr. Manning, I'm impressed."

At the doctor's voice, Todd turned his head, "I'm much better at moving around when I have a cane. Unfortunately, mine was broken this morning. So you have me at a disadvantage." the defense attorney and the doctor switched places but all Todd could hear was movement. Well, if they wanted to confuse him they were doing it right.

"Mr. Manning would you please take a seat over here." The doctor had a table and chair set up and some equipment. He had watched sharply to see Todd's reaction to his voice and Todd's surprise at the change in direction was real. He waited to see what Todd would do now.

Todd realized the doctor had moved on him again but he had no idea where "here" was, other than it must be close to the doctor. He could try and find the table but he had no idea the distance to it or anything. "Doctor if you would be so kind as to make a little noise I'll attempt to join you."

The doctor was surprised, he figured Manning would try and come find the table making a show of bumping into it so that he could prove he was blind. That was what most fakers did, instead, Manning was using a technique taught to the newly blind to find their way around their environment. The doctor picked up a pencil and began tapping on the table. He watched as Todd stood for a moment, then began his slow walk towards the table, stopping about a foot away from bumping it, and reaching out with his hand to find it.

"Excuse me Doctor, on which side of the table is the seat you wish me to take." Todd felt relief he hadn't bumped into the table, all of that training in Seattle was coming back to him. He might be blind but he wasn't going to look like a fool.

Carlo had been watching the TV and was getting anxious. Manning really appeared blind, and yet he knew without a doubt, Manning had been looking at him when he had held Blair. How was it possible? If his lawyers were unable to bring doubt about Manning's testimony to light, then it was all over.

Back in the courtroom, Todd had worked his way to the chair and the doctor began his examination. Normally he would have dilated the eyes but a look at Manning's eyes told him that would not be necessary. Todd's pupils were wide open and when he turned on his light, there was no movement. One look with the equipment he had been allowed to bring told him everything he needed to know. Manning wasn't faking his blindness. There was serious inflammation of the optic nerve in both eyes and no response to light stimuli. "I'm sorry, " he said as he pulled back from the examination. "You may go back to the witness stand."
Todd stood up and turned in the direction of the witness stand starting to count the steps he had memorized on his way from the stand to the table. Suddenly from out of nowhere, a chair slid into his path.

John yelled, "Todd, Look out!" but it was too late. The courtroom watched as Todd walked into the chair and got tangled, falling, his head glancing off the rail of the witness box. The sound of the blow was audible before the cries of outrage from Nora and the Judge.

John reached Todd first and saw the impact had dazed him. "Easy man." John looked out into the room. "We need a doctor." All John could think of was the fact that Manning had just had brain surgery and Michael had warned Todd he needed to be careful. John looked as the Eye Doctor was starting an examination and he wasn't sure if the man could be trusted. "No offense Doc but I think someone else should probably be doing that."

The Doctor looked at John "I'm a surgeon". He was feeling for the impact site when he found the surgery site. "This man's had recent surgery, how long ago?"

John looked at the surgeon."Two nights ago."

"This man shouldn't have even been here. Mr. Manning, do you know where you are?"

Todd could hear what was going on around him and wished they would all stop yelling. "Shhh, yes I'm on the floor in the courtroom, but could you keep it down, my head is killing me" he started to get up but the doctor pushed him back down.

"Stay there." the doctor ordered. He stood up and looked at the judge and jury. "Your Honor, before this man took his fall, I was ready to give my findings as to the truth of his blindness. I can tell you without a doubt Mr. Manning is blind and has not been faking his condition. I hope you find whoever slid that chair. They could have killed this man. If you have no further need for my services then I would like to see this man back to the hospital."

The judge stared hard at the defense attorney "Do you have any further questions for Mr. Manning or the Doctor"

The defense attorney looked at his partner on the TV screen and then said. "No, Your Honor"

" Mr. Manning you are free to go. This court will take a fifteen-minute recess, I will speak to counsel in my chambers. Mr. Hesser, you and your Attorney will be informed of our discussion shortly"

John and the Doctor helped Todd up from the floor after ascertaining he could sit up without an increase in pain. Blair came rushing into the courtroom as soon as she heard what had occurred. "Todd are you alright?"

"I'm fine Blair, it was just a little fall, I tapped my head and have a headache. I'm okay."

"Mr. Manning, for someone who just had surgery a couple of nights ago that little tap could have been fatal. You need to go back to the hospital and get checked out thoroughly. I wish to go with you and talk to your doctors with your permission of course."

"Sure Doc, John let's get me back there. If I'm finished with my part in this trial then I have   someplace else I need to be." Todd felt John grab his arm and allowed John to take some of his weight as his head began pounding louder. By the time he was deposited in the car his head was splitting and he leaned it down on Blair's shoulder resting it. She kept trying to get him to talk, but he was just loving the feel of her shoulder and the smell of her hair. It was just too much effort to talk.

Todd woke from his dream feeling the touch of her hand on his face. "MMM, " he smiled. She smelled like peaches and cream.

"Todd, how are you feeling?" Blair stroked his cheek then moved the hair off his forehead.

"Just peachy," he reached for her hand and kissed her palm. "You taste good enough to eat." God he missed being able to see her. He slowly opened his eyes, but everything was gray. Wait a minute, the last time his eyes had been opened there had been nothing but blackness, now everything was gray. What was going on? "Blair, are the lights on?"

"Yes Todd, it's night. You've been out for several hours. The jolt to your head, so soon after surgery, caused a small problem and you passed out. While you were out, the Surgeon from the courtroom had a long chat with Michael. They took you down for another MRI and we're waiting for the results now."

"Blair, do me a favor, turn off the lights for a minute." She did and Todd was again in total darkness. "Okay turn them on," At first there was still the darkness then it was like a slow light coming up on a dimmer, and his vision turned gray. "Something's changed. Blair, I can see some light."

"Todd are you sure? Is it like before, can you make out shapes and colors?"

"No, it's all a uniform gray but maybe that's a step in the right direction. Did you say I was out for a couple of hours, what happened?"

"Don't you remember what happened at the courthouse?" Blair looked at Todd. He really didn't seem to remember his spill.

Todd was trying to remember the courthouse but his last memory was sitting talking to the specialist Carlo's attorney had called as a witness. "Okay not funny, what happened in the courtroom, and how did I get here?"

"According to John, you were on your way back to the witness stand when a chair was pushed into your path causing you to fall. You hit your head on the rail.  The judge called a recess and I found the doctor and John helping you to your feet. We got you into the car and we're bringing you here when you passed out. You don't remember any of that?"

"I just remember this dream I had of you and smelling peaches and cream. So I'm guessing the memory loss is because of the blow."

"You're right Mr. Manning, the blow you sustained caused some more swelling in your brain which is likely the cause of your memory loss." said the eye surgeon.

"I know that voice, you're the doctor from the courtroom. I imagine that the judge couldn't have been too happy with you, for leaving without finishing your testimony," said Todd

"Actually I did finish my testimony. I told the court the truth, but I have to confess I am puzzled how you rescued your wife. When the defense hired me they told me about a man who was claiming to be blind but that he had driven a van, and attacked two men. I was intrigued so I took the case, I wanted to see this charlatan and try and figure out why he would pretend to be blind when he wasn't. Imagine my surprise when the man turned out to be telling the truth." The doctor walked up to Todd, "If I may I'd like to take a second look since you're awake."

"Go for it Doc, I still can't see you."

"Don't worry I believe you," he looked into Todd's eyes and saw some reaction from the pupil and the lens. "Good. Mr. Manning, you say you still can't see me but tell me, is there a difference in your sight from earlier today?"

"Yes, earlier everything was black, now it's all gray. "

"That's actually some good news Mr. Manning. There is a chance you might regain your vision back. I've been talking to Dr. McBain and reviewing all the tests, cat scans, and surgery vids. It is my opinion the damage sustained in the earlier surgeries is already showing signs of healing, and the recent surgery did only minimal damage. If you can refrain from any more severe blows to your head and give your brain the proper time to heal, it's possible you'll regain a large portion of your sight back. Of course, I can't guarantee it, but I just saw some signs of response to my light even if you didn't detect it and that's a very good thing. Your memory will probably return also."

The doctor nodded to Blair and pulled a card out of his wallet. " Dr. McBain gave me some idea of how you were able to see for the short time you helped your wife. Here's my card. I would really like to talk to you at a later date. Hopefully, we'll see eye to eye if that happens. For now, you should rest. The judge said you had completed your testimony so you can relax for a while." After pressing his card into Todd's hand, he departed. Todd listened as he walked away, his thoughts still on the doctor's words about his sight coming back.

Michael came back with the MRI results and told them pretty much what the eye surgeon had. Todd's brain had taken the blow and he was suffering from a mild concussion and would have to be monitored for the rest of the night. John came in and told them both Nora and the defense attorneys had given their final summations and the jury had retired to review the case. Even as he was talking to them a call came in on his phone saying the jury was back. Todd and Blair waited as John took the verdict over his phone. Todd heard John close his phone. "John don't keep me in suspense. What did they come back with."

John walked over to Todd, he put his hand on Todd's shoulder. "It guilty on all counts. Nora also told me additional charges of murder, kidnapping, and unlawful escape had been filed. Carlo and Kipling will be sentenced but still face trial for the additional charges. Blair, you might have to testify, but for now, they're going down for what they did to you Todd, and the others. A couple guards are on duty tonight and I'll be back in the morning, We want to get you out of town before Hesser's partners regroup."

Blair took Todd's hand. "You did it, they're going down for this, Todd. You brought them down now maybe you can get back the rest of your life."

Todd held her hand, thinking back to that day when Samuel opened the door and saw Blair. He was back because of that but was it over yet. With Hesser, one just never knew.

John arrived early and picked up Todd and Blair whisking them out of the hospital. They made a quick stop at the Commissioner's home to talk with Bo and Nora.

Todd had been thinking about it all night, much to Blair's dismay. She was upset because he was supposed to rest, but his mind had been on Savannah and Blair's half-sister Kym. He knew in his current condition he was going to be more hobbled than before, and he decided to see if he could enlist some help until he was fully back on his feet. When John said they had to stop and see Nora and Bo before leaving town, it had been like fate had dropped the solution into his lap.

"Bo, I need to ask a big favor. I'm in the middle of this story and I've been helping some people, but now one of them might be in danger. I was hoping you might be able to do without your Chief of Detectives for a short time. A couple things have happened since the surgery, one of them is that the blindness is an issue for me, and I'm unable to use my special aid. You know the one I'm talking about. I've got to return to our temporary home and resolve the story and make sure my friend is okay. We still aren't sure if the partners are going to back off of me, so I really could use an extra pair of eyes down there."

Bo knew where they were headed, and all about the story Todd was working on. John had filled him in on all the details when he had gotten back from his trip down south. Bo had been in contact with the Feds when they had called checking on McBain, right before the raids had gone down in Wilmington and Savannah. He knew just how deep Todd had gotten into the story. In fact, Bo had several talks with Vicki after hearing about Todd's involvement. It had been a whole new side to Todd that Bo hadn't seen before. Todd had continued to surprise him since returning from Paris.

"I can certainly grant my Chief of Detectives some leave time, but whether he wants to go with you, will be up to him." Bo looked at John, he knew John had been having a tough time lately since Natalie had decided to move in with Brody. There were still some unresolved issues there, it might do John some good to put some space between them right now. Plus it gave Bo a chance to protect Todd and his family until they knew the threat was over. "What do you say, John?"

John and Todd had talked about Sid and his mercenaries on the loose, looking for the Tom who had thwarted them in the warehouse. He agreed with Todd, that Kym might be in danger from them. John also knew Michael had told Todd to stay away from the implants, so Todd was truly blind with no visual aids at the moment. He knew Todd was going back to Savannah blind or not, because of the traffickers. He also knew Todd wouldn't stand a chance against them in his current condition. "Heck Bo, I could use a little time off and Hesser and Kipling are not going to be a problem for a while. But we don't know about their partners. So yeah, if I can have the leave, I think I'll take a trip down south."

"All right then, John, I'll put the official paperwork in with the city. You should go now. The Buchanan Jet is waiting at the Pine Valley airport to take you where you need to go. Todd, Nora will let John know if either you or Blair will be needed at the second trial. Right, Honey?"

Nora nodded and then realized Todd couldn't see her. That was such a weird feeling because seeing Todd blind, had brought back memories of her blindness and the night at the lake cabin. It had been so many years ago when he had terrorized her, but this Todd had changed in so many different ways from the cruel young man back then. When she had listened to his story of the experiments performed on him, she had known that he knew what terror was. She couldn't look at him and see the young man any longer. Now as she looked at him, she only recalled the man in the courtroom determined to tell his story even though he was in agony. A man who had put his life on the line to make sure justice was served. She also recalled her horror when Todd fell in the courtroom, his head hitting the rail, and she remembered Marty telling her about Suede's death. At that moment, she had wondered if the fates might have chosen to take out Todd the same way. When he had survived it was as if his life had realigned.

It was time for her to let the past go. The man who had terrorized her all those years ago was long gone. "Todd, if at all possible, I'm hoping neither of you will have to testify, I believe you've done enough already. Your testimony made the difference with that jury. You can be proud of that. Maybe soon, you and your family can come home safely."

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