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Friday, March 25, 2011

The MST, Firestorm, Ch. 54

The next morning Starr and Todd headed to the hospital for his follow-up visit and to turn in the heart monitor. Todd got a talking to after the doctor read the readings the monitor had picked up. It appeared that Todd had come very close a couple of times to another attack and the doctor asked what had occurred during those times. The time reading on the monitor indicated that one of the times had been the night of his meltdown and the other had been in his session with Ray. The doctor decided to give Todd some medicine to regulate the heartbeat but agreed to let Todd continue his sessions with Ray since he was having them at the Cherryvale Clinic. Starr had gone to check on Walker while Todd was in with the doctor. She was still gone when Todd finished his visit. He turned to the doctor to ask a few more questions concerning the amount of stress he was under.

Tea came around the corner and heard a familiar voice talking up ahead of her. "Doctor, I really need some advice on some methods to control this stress. I'm facing a number of intense issues in the next couple of days. Any suggestions to lessen the effect the stress has on my heart." Tea looked ahead and stopped cold. His back was to her, but that voice was a voice from her past. He looked so familiar from his long hair to his broad shoulders. The gentleman and the doctor began walking away from her still talking, Tea followed hoping to catch a glimpse of his face, then she got her wish. Tea thought her heart was going to stop right then, it was Todd, she could have been back in 1998 as she looked at the man as he turned the corner. She shook her head, it was impossible, Todd was lying in a hospital bed in a coma how could he be talking to a doctor.
The man pulled farther away from her, then Tea saw Starr meet him. Starr hugged him and he put his arm around her and they left the hospital. Tea was galvanized to find out who had just walked out with Starr. Why did he look like the Todd of old and more importantly why did he sound like him? She stopped the doctor on his way back to his office and asked him who he had been talking to. He informed her the gentleman's name was Toddman. Tea recalled her conversation a week earlier with Blair about a distant relative. Blair had said there was a resemblance but what Tea had seen was more than a resemblance.

Tea had to find out where they were headed. She quickly went to the hospital garage and saw Starr and Mr. Toddman just getting into Starr's car. Hurrying Tea made it to her car and followed Starr, this was getting eerie. Starr was driving down a familiar road and then she turned into an equally familiar parking garage. Starr and Mr. Toddman entered the elevator and headed up the penthouse floor. Tea stepped on the elevator and rode up to the floor where their old home had been. The door to the penthouse was opening so Tea ducked out of sight. "Dad, I'll hold down the fort till you and mom get back from Cherryvale. Please be careful and don't overdo it. Remember what the doctor said." Tea's heart started beating even faster at Starr's words. When the elevator started down, Tea braced her shoulders and went to the door. She rang the bell and steeled herself for the moment when he would open the door.

"Hey, Shorty what did you forget?" Todd opened the door, he didn't know what to say. Delgado stood in front of him. Neither said anything at first. Todd didn't know if he should have Samuel come out or just face her as Todd. He wasn't sure what had brought her to the penthouse. Starr had told him she had been spending most of her days with Manning. Then he realized she must have seen him at the hospital. He closed his eyes briefly, "Samuel you should take her. She probably thinks I'm you anyway. She doesn't need this right now. What do you say?"

Samuel seemed reluctant to come out. "She'll need to know eventually Todd, don't confuse her any more than she already is. If you insist, I'll start, but you owe it to her to let her know the truth."

"Samuel just greet her, it might be useless if she happened to overhear Starr leaving, the jig is up anyway but let's play it the way we first decided." Todd pulled back and Samuel took over.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Manning isn't it. Starr has told me a lot about you. Won't you please come in. We haven't met although I understand from Blair that you came to the hospital while I was there for care." Samuel stood aside and Tea walked in slowly.

Tea was really confused now. When he had opened the door she had heard him refer to Starr as Shorty and he had sounded exactly like Todd. Then he had changed in front of her to a totally different man, a man Blair said was Samuel Toddman. Tea walked into the living room and became even more agitated. The room was the same but different, the furniture was placed in a much cozier setting by the fireplace, but her eyes were drawn to the beautiful paintings on the wall. Who was this man? The portraits were stunning, she didn't know this man but his painting of her was amazing. All three of them were. If he had just met his family how could he have painted these portraits. She walked closer and noticed they only had dates on them like Blair's had. The date on hers was 2004, that made no sense at all. She turned to him and said. "Who are you really?"

Samuel gesture for her to take a seat. "Well, that's a matter of perception. You've already realized I'm not a distant relative. I am however the artist who painted these portraits. Your next question would be how could I paint you since we never met? The answer to that question lies with the answer to your first question. I wish you to know that you, my dear Dee, are very close to my heart."

"Why did you just call me Dee," asked Tea sitting down abruptly? This was getting surreal. He had all but admitted he wasn't a long lost relative and that he had painted the portraits. How come he looked like Todd and sounded like Todd but not be Todd?

"I called you Dee, because that is my name for you, although I know he liked to call you Delgado. You see, you, Vicki and Blair have kept me company these last eight years. In fact, you've kept me sane. I've been living in Paris until recently when Blair found me. My only company has been my paintings, my muses," Samuel pointed to the portraits. "You see I was rather a blank book when Blair found me. My memories started about eight years ago. I thought you, Blair, and Vicki were figments of my imagination. That is until Blair dropped into a faint outside my apartment in Paris. I started having flashes of memory after Blair left Paris, those flashes brought me home." Samuel paused to let her take in everything he had just told her.

Tea was really having a hard time assimilating everything Samuel was telling her. Then something he said clicked. "What did you mean he liked to call me Delgado? Who liked to call me that?"

"Why Todd of course. I wasn't aware of him at first, I wasn't aware of any of them actually, not until the afternoon that Blair left Paris. I was leaving her room when I suddenly was gripped with an excruciating headache. I suddenly found myself facing him. He told me his name and introduce the rest of them to me and told me more about myself." Samuel looked at her. "You know who I mean, right?"

Okay, now she knew she was having a nightmare. It was deja vu all over again. It couldn't be true. He had all but admitted it was a lie. He had even left town because of the hurt he had caused everyone. He had never said any more about them when he had come for her or during the months they had tried to make things work. Now she was being told by someone entirely new that it hadn't been a lie. "Could I please have some water."

"Oh dear Dee, how thoughtless of me. Certainly, at least you didn't faint like Blair did the first time we met." Samuel went to the bar and poured her a glass of water. " Maybe I could get you a wine instead. You're looking a little green around the gills."

Tea shook her head, "The water is fine." she was already confused enough without putting alcohol in the mix, besides it was still morning. Samuel handed her the water and sat down opposite her. She looked at his face remembering every line and his hazel eyes, those beautiful lips. She wondered how he had received the second scar. Suddenly she looked at his eyes again. Hazel eyes. Yes, Todd has hazel eyes. Oh my God, my Todd has blue eyes. Why had she never noticed? What was going on? Why hadn't she ever realized the eye color was different? The world suddenly turned upside down.

Samuel watched as she suddenly crumbled to the floor. Todd took control immediately "Tea, What is it? What happened? Come on Delgado wake up." Todd grabbed the water and poured some onto his handkerchief and began wiping her face. "Now you listen to me, you need to snap out of this. You know I hate it when women do these things. Come on you're made of sterner stuff. Where's that Delgado spunk?" he decided he was being too polite and poured the rest of the water on her face. That did the trick Tea woke up sputtering.

"God Todd, what are you trying to do, drown me?" She glared up at him as he sat on his haunches and smiled at her.

"Hey Delgado, it worked didn't it." Todd laughed and offered her his hand and helped her back up. He walked over to the bar and grabbed a towel and tossed it to her. "You want some wine now, Samuel tells me it's all they drink in Paris."

Tea wiped down her blouse and stared at Todd. The years dropped away and she and Todd were trading barbs and laughing about the strangest things. Then everything came back to the present. Todd was standing in front of her where moments before she had been talking to Samuel. It was unreal, but right in front of her. If this was Todd, who was the man she was married to?

She looked at Todd. He didn't seem much different than when he had walked away from her and gotten on that raft. She had stood on that beach and watched him leave. Now he was standing a few feet away from her and she really didn't know what to make of it. "Todd, why are you pretending to be this Samuel Toddman? What game are you playing at now?"

"I'm not playing any game, Tea. Samuel is very real. You went through so much that last time, I would understand if you never believed me. I'll tell you this much, what Samuel told you about the last eight years is the truth. Up until mid-January of this year, Samuel has lived a quiet life as an artist. He spoke the truth about not knowing me or anyone here in Llanview. I assure you these portraits were painted by him. I did not commission anyone else to paint them and then pass them off as my own. If you doubt what I'm saying go look in his studio at the recent paintings of Starr and Hope. Samuel signed those. I'm sure you'll be able to tell they were painted by the same man." Todd pointed to a Studio set up by the windows.

Tea looked over and saw several paintings set up on easels. She turned back to Todd. "You've had eight years to learn how to paint. That makes much more sense than to believe that you have a new alter and that your other alters are real. I'm not a fool Todd."

"Delgado, do you honestly believe I would stay away from my kids for eight years and that I would let someone take over my life too. I thought you knew me better than that. And don't even talk to me about fools, you married that impostor thinking he was me. " Todd could feel his anger starting to get to him, once again Tea was pushing his buttons "Samuel get out here I can't talk to her right now I'm afraid Pete might decide to make an appearance." Todd turned away from Tea trying to gain some control. "Samuel where are you?"

"Samuel’s a little indisposed right now I'll take over for you, Todd. I know how to treat this one. She betrayed you again. Let me come out I'll take her down a peg or two and soften her up for you. Come on Todd you know that's what you want. You want to punish her for marrying that impostor, well let me out.”

Todd gripped the bar trying to maintain his feet. Totally unaware that Tea was watching him, he confronted Pete "You’re Not Coming Out! There's No Way In Hell I'd Let You Out! So Take Your Taunting and Go Away!"

" You’re getting weaker every day just watch.' said Pete. Suddenly he was free. He had done it, he stood up tall smirking as he realized he had gotten out. He turned and faced Tea. " You're still the same whore who made out with Carpenter, I never did see what Todd saw in you. Now, look at you. Married to an impostor who took everything from me. Maybe I should give you what you asked for all those years ago. Show you what you missed." Pete started moving towards Tea as she looked on horrified. From behind him came a voice.

"Pete, you take one more step toward her and you'll regret it," said Blair holding a vase above her head ready to bring it down on him if he made her. His eyes still on Tea, Pete remarked. "You won't hurt me because you would have to hurt him." he took another step and Blair brought the vase down on his head. Pete dropped to the floor knocked out. Blair looked over at Tea. "Are you alright?" Tea nodded. She was totally unnerved by what had just happened.

Blair immediately went to work checking out Todd. She had no choice but to tie him up till she knew if Todd was going to come back. What on earth had happened to bring Pete out? "Tea, we've got to tie him up. Todd would never forgive me if I let Pete remain loose. Grab the tiebacks off the curtains we'll have to use those." After they had him tied up so he couldn't hurt either of them Blair went and got something to treat his head. While she administered to him, she looked at Tea and asked. "What the hell happened?"

Tea looked at Blair and at the man lying on the floor. "We were arguing about him pretending to have Alters, and I asked him why he made up Samuel and did he take me for a fool. The next thing I know he's yelling something about not letting you out and to take the taunting and go away. Then he got quiet for a moment and the next thing I know he was talking like he was Pete and then you came in. Why did you call him Pete, and why did you hit him? Todd was just playacting, he was trying to make me believe the alters were real."

"Girlfriend, you are an idiot. Todd wasn't playacting and his alters are very real. You were no longer with Todd, you were face to face with Pete, and believe me, Pete had every intention of hurting you. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt Todd, but Pete can't be allowed loose right now or ever. I have to call his therapist. If Todd wakes up we'll be alright but if Pete is still with us I'm going to need some help getting Todd back. Whatever you do, don't untie him. Pete is more dangerous now than he used to be." Blair got out her phone and called Ray. "Ray, we have a problem. Pete is loose and I don't know what happened to Todd. Something just went down and I walked in on Pete about to attack his ex-wife, Tea. We have him restrained, but he's unconscious because I knocked him out. I don't know who's going to wake up... Good, how soon? Yes, we're at the penthouse. Okay, I'll expect you shortly." she hung up and looked at Tea. "We got lucky, Ray is at the police station. He'll be here directly. Tea, didn't you meet Samuel? What made you think Samuel wasn't real?"

"Blair you know it's all a lie. Are you honestly going to tell me you believe him? You were the one who found out he was lying all those years ago. Why on earth would you believe him now?" Tea asked.

"I believe him because I found out just how wrong I was in Paris. You see, I thought he was lying to and I accused him of that very thing in Paris. The thing was Samuel didn't know me or who Todd Manning was and the only memories he had were from 2003 to now. Now I know the next thing you would think was that since he had no memories, he had just taken the name Samuel Toddman and started living his life with that name. It crossed my mind but then I dismissed it because of the talent and the complete change in personality that is Samuel. Tea, didn't Samuel remind you of anyone." asked Blair

Tea looked at Blair. She had been listening to Blair and turned her mind back to her conversation with Samuel before she fainted. Come to think of it, he had reminded her of someone. " Well yes, he reminded me a little of Sam Rappaport but that just means that Todd put a little of Sam into his characterization of Samuel."

"Come with me Tea." Blair led Tea over to Samuel's studio. "You say that Todd had eight years to teach himself how to paint. Samuel was painting portraits that sold from 2003 till the present day. Have you ever seen Todd display any talent like that?.. haven't. Now even if we go by your theory, would you agree that as an artist, you would probably develop a particular style and look to your pieces. For an instant, would you say all three of the paintings on the wall were painted by the same artist." Tea looked at the portraits on the wall and agreed that they were painted by the same artist. " Ok, now let's assume that Todd who never painted a day in his life suddenly awakens, has no memories, but is able to suddenly paint like that. Do you think Todd could do that?"

"Well no, but how do we know he didn't have someone else in Paris paint them and just tell you that he as Samuel painted them. Did you see him paint them?" Tea asked. Blair couldn't really think Todd or Samuel had painted those pictures they were obviously done by a professional.

"No, Tea you're right I didn't see him paint those, but I sat in his apartment and watched him make a drawing of me that first night we met in Paris. If that doesn't convince you then these might." Blair led Tea around to where she could see the paintings of Starr and Hope. "Samuel painted those the first week he was in town shortly after Starr moved in with him. By the way, Todd was nowhere to be found. You see, Todd was trapped in his own mind much the same way Jessica is currently trapped by Tess, only Samuel wasn't doing the trapping. Remember the article in the paper about Samuel being taken to the hospital after being found in Victor Lord's tomb. That was the night Todd returned. Samuel went to the Tomb so Todd could face what happened to him in 2003. his last night in town. Do you remember what causes a fractured psyche? Severe Trauma and Sexual abuse. On Todd"s last night in town, Mitch Lawrence kidnapped Todd bound and gagged him and laid him to rest beside his dead father in Victor's crypt. Then he sealed him in. Todd's never been able to tell me the whole story, but in his oxygen-starved brain, Todd encountered both Peter Manning and Victor Lord and they both wanted something horrendous. Whatever went on in his mind was so bad that just before he passed out from being beaten almost to death; Todd escaped the only way he knew, into his mind and Samuel was born. I have one more painting to show you. I hope you're not too offended by the subject. It was painted for me yesterday. Take a good look at it and at Samuel's paintings and see if they are alike and painted by the same person or if you think two different people painted them. " Blair lifted the cover from the painting she had viewed just the night before.

Tea looked at the picture of Blair. At first glance she thought they were painted by the same person then she realized that there were definitely a number of subtle differences, she looked over at the picture of Starr and saw that the painter of Starr's picture had a delicate and gentle touch that emanated from Starr's painting. the same quality in Starr's painting could be seen in the paintings on the wall and the one of Hope. The newest painting of Blair was richer and more vibrant there was a sharper edgier feel to it. It had definitely been painted by someone other than the painter of the other portraits. "Ok Blair I see that this painting was painted by a different painter. What does that mean?"

"Look at the signatures Tea,” said Blair and she waited for the truth to sink in.

Tea looked at the pictures of Hope and Starr and saw that Samuel had painted them but what shocked her, even more, was the signature on Blair's portrait. There was no mistaking the authenticity of that signature.  She had seen it plenty of times on legal contracts. The signature was Todd's. The two signatures looked nothing alike, they were obviously written by two different people. Tea turned and stared in horror at the man lying yards away from them. Oh God, he was real. The man who had held fourteen people hostage and thrown her out in the snow was lying bound just across the room. Pete was out and Todd was once again lost.

"You hit him awful hard Blair, don't you think he should have come around by now?" asked Tea as they made their way back over to the man lying on the floor.

"You're right Tea, if he doesn't come around soon, we'll have to call 911 but Ray should be here any minute." Blair knelt down to check on him when suddenly he whipped onto his back startling her and Tea and making them both jump.

"You bitch, I thought you loved him. You're as deceitful as the one standing next to you. Untie me!" growled Pete. He looked at both women with hate in his eyes. "Blair do you honestly want to take me on. This is only a temporary setback, once I'm loose I'll make you pay. Save yourself the pain and just let me free." Pete twisted and strained, trying to loosen the knots.

Blair backed away and put a small amount of distance between them. "If you'll stop struggling I'll check out your head but I'm not untying you, Pete. You can't remain here. You'll ruin everything for yourself and Todd both, and the only place you'll end up is in a straightjacket. Look at you, you were so hellbent on hurting Tea you didn't see me and you misjudged me. I'm not afraid of you Pete, I know the secret you're hiding from Todd so does Tea and soon Todd is going to know it and you'll be an afterthought. You're only here because he needed you back then, even he knows you're a troublemaker and he's trying to get on with his life without you. You know it, that's why this attempt. It's not going to last. Todd, if you can hear me, help is on the way. Samuel and Tom and Rodd, all of you, you need to find a way to help Todd." Pete had stopped struggling as Blair talked, she saw his face and knew she was right, Pete was scared. Just then the doorbell rang and Pete started struggling even more. Tea went to the door and opened it to find two gentlemen standing outside.

"You must be Tea Manning. I'm Ray Martino and this is Dr. Levin. Where is he?" Tea pointed to the living room and all three made their way in. "Blair, I stopped and talked to Dr. Levin and he agreed to come help. He's more trained working with split personalities than I am and I thought he would know a quicker way to reach Todd."

Pete glare up from the floor continuing to struggle." Well if it isn't my fellow rapist. How you doing, Doc? You don't seriously believe I'm just going to let him come out, do you? I'm here and I intend to stay."

Ray knelt down to Pete's level. "I haven't seen you in some time Pete, in fact, my guess is it was back when you attacked me in prison right? I always thought there was something a little off that day. But you know we can't let you stay. You're poison to Todd, not to mention hazardous to everyone around him. Todd, I've brought some help, even if Pete won't cooperate, you need to remember you're the real one in charge. Listen to Dr. Levin." Ray stood up and walked over to Dr. Levin and the women.

"How long has he been Pete, Blair," asked Ray?

"I believe he had just changed when I arrived. so no more than thirty-forty minutes tops. Ray, he's scared. I saw it in his eyes right before you got here. I don't think he has as strong a hold as he would like us to believe. Dr. Levin, what do you think?  I know you've been working with Jessica and Tess.  Can we get Todd back?" Blair inquired anxiously.

"From what I just overhead and how long he's been out I think you're right, Pete's doing more than struggling to get free of his bonds. I think he's already struggling to maintain control of Todd's body too. I believe I can put him under hypnotically and give Todd a chance to regain control. Do we all agree? Excellent then let's get started." Dr. Levin and Ray approached Pete. "Ray, why don't we make him just a little bit more comfortable." Ray and Dr. Levin got Pete to his feet and sat him down in a chair. Then Dr. Levin started talking calmly to Pete, "Pete you really shouldn't struggle so, we're not here to hurt you, in fact, the opposite is true we only want to help. You must be feeling fatigued after all the struggling you've been doing and I bet your head is pounding.  I'd like to help you get rid of some of that pain.  Now, why don't you at least just relax in the chair, that's it just relax? Now isn't that more comfortable already, it feels kind of good doesn't it...comfortable... you just want to lean back and rest your head just for a minute... that's it, close your eyes,... just for a moment..... there the pounding is stopping... you can relax... Isn't that much better Pete." Pete nodded leaning his head back. "There you go, Pete, just rest, let yourself start to float. Feels really good doesn't it, good, now Pete, tell me where you are?"

Pete opened his eyes but he wasn't looking at anyone in particular, "This is great I'm high in the clouds. Wow, nothing like it up here."

"That's excellent Pete but don't you see someone with you.  There he is, he's your brother Todd and he's looking for you, you've got to help him, Pete. He really needs your help, you're not going to just leave him lost up there, are you?" said Dr. Levin. " You need to go get him, Pete. You've protected him all these years, are you going to fall down on the job now?"

"No, can't let him down. Got to go get him. Hey Todd, over here bro. Yeah, it's me, what are you doing? Mom's going to be worried. You need to get home. That's alright I'll stay here for a while. Yeah, see you later." Pete's voice faded.

Dr. Levin nodded and said. "That's it, Pete, Go relax, let me speak to Todd. Todd can you hear me. Nod your head if you can hear me." Todd nodded his head. "Todd you can come forward now, he's gone for the moment and you're safe. Don't be alarmed that you can't move, it's for your protection. You're going to have a headache, but you're alright. Do you understand? Excellent, Todd, come on, it's time, you're with friends open your eyes, you're back." They all watched as Todd opened his eyes.

Todd winced at the light, his head was pounding. He looked at the people in front of him. Tea and Blair were looking on anxiously and Ray, he didn't recognize the man sitting opposite him. "Ok this isn't good, is it?" he suddenly realized his hands and feet were bound. "What the hell... someone better start talking and soon or I'm going to go crazy. First off, who tied me up, and who the hell are you, fella?... Hey, don't everyone start at once? God, My head is killing me."

Blair went and grabbed some ice and a towel and brought it back and laid it against his head sitting down on the chair next to him, he leaned into her and rested his head. "Thanks, Blair. Well, who's going to go first?  Ray how about you?"

"Relax Todd, Blair called me, you had an episode and I take it you don't remember do you?" Ray said. "This is Dr. Levin who's been treating Jessica I brought him with me when I received the call from Blair. Todd, it's not good news. Pete got out."

Todd paled visibly, "My God what did he do! The last thing I remember you and I were fighting Tea. I remember getting angry, he didn't hurt you did he?" Todd looked at Tea. She was close to tears. " NO! Please tell me he didn't. Please!"

Blair hugged him. "Todd, it's alright he didn't hurt her. I knocked him out before he had a chance. Then Tea and I tied him up. I called Ray and we waited for him, watching over Pete. Dr. Levin used hypnosis to send Pete back and get him to release you.  Todd, I was so worried. I was afraid Pete might have beaten us before we could exorcise him." Todd reached over and grasped her hands in his to both give and receive the strength they got together.

"Then my thanks go out to you Dr. Levin.  My sister Vicki has a lot of confidence in you and I'm grateful for your help today. Well, I guess after this, our afternoon session might not be such a good idea huh Ray." Todd looked at Ray and grinned.

Ray nodded ruefully and began to untie Todd.

Once free of his bonds, Todd looked at the men in front of him."Well, gentlemen any suggestions on how we proceed from here. Oh, excuse me. Please, everyone, take a seat. Tea, accept my apologies. If I had known there was a remote chance that Pete would surface I would have sent you away. You've already suffered from Pete's viciousness, I never wanted you to have to face it again. Do you believe me now Tea?" his eyes met hers. Tea nodded. Blair patted Todd's hands and then went to sit next to Tea and gave her a hug.

Ray looked over at Dr.Levin and then back to Todd. "Todd, if you agree, Dr. Levin has told me he'll help us when you prepare to face your alters, especially Pete. I believe it would help us to have him there but it's your choice."

"Dr. Levin, I'm grateful for your help today and I would appreciate it if you would be available when I face Pete. But I'm not really comfortable with therapy in general and I'm better with the one on one's I have with Ray. You'll have to forgive me if I think I'll stick to the one-on-one sessions. You ok with that Ray?" Todd looked over at Ray, hoping Ray wouldn't push him into therapy with Levin.

"Todd that's fine. We'll take these sessions one at a time and if I feel that we might need Dr. Levin's assistance I'll clear it with you. How's that?" Ray looked at Todd and he nodded.

Dr. Levin nodded also, then he stood up. "Mr. Manning I'm glad I could help today. I'll be glad to be on standby if you need me. I've chatted with your sister and from what she tells me, you don't really need my help all that much. You obviously have a pretty clear picture of your alters and their capabilities and you've been functioning with them quite well as far as I can see. You do have a right to be concerned about Pete, but I don't think he's as big a problem as you think. Give me a call when you're ready to confront him. I'll see myself out."

Tea stood up, she was clearly shaken by all that had occurred today. "Todd, I don't know what to say. I'm very confused right now. Not just with the whole Alter issue but this whole real Todd issue. I have to go, I need to go to the hospital. I do want to talk but I just can't right now. Forgive me for doubting you earlier. I'm sorry." She squeezed Blair's hand and departed without another word.

Ray started to get up to leave but Todd stopped him. "Ray, don't go, I need to talk. Will you stay?" asked Todd.

Ray looked at Blair and nodded. "Sure Todd, let's talk."

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