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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The MST, Firestorm, Ch. 36

Blair got back to the room just as Todd finished eating. The doctors had ordered a few tests to check the condition of Todd's heart including a heart ultrasound to get an image of his heart. While he was having the cat-scan and the ultrasound, Blair sat down and started reading the papers. Thankfully all references to the previous day's stories seemed to have been removed. When Todd came back they talked a little about what Samuel had discovered concerning Carlo and both were convinced he did indeed have something to do with Samuel's memory loss. The very fact that Alex had encountered Samuel in Paris indicated that Carlo had been keeping an eye on him. It had been too convenient for Alex to just happen to bump into Samuel in the only restaurant that he ate at frequently. Someone gave her the information. Someone who had 'eyes' on Samuel in Paris.

The doctor arrived and told Todd that he had damage to his heart muscle and he would have to try and live stress-free if possible because his heart was having to work harder now because of the damage. If he didn't, the next heart attack might be a massive one. He wasn't a candidate for a transplant yet, but he was headed that way. Vicki arrived just as the doctor gave Todd the news and assured the doctor that she would do everything in her power to make sure he behaved himself and took it easy.

As the doctor left, Todd looked over at Blair and Vicki and remarked. "Boy, he's sure full of doom and gloom." Both of them glared at him. "What? Hey, I'm not dead yet. Lighten up." he grinned at them.

"Todd, you really are going to have to take it easy.  I speak from experience," said Vicki.

"I know," said Todd, "I'm sorry I wasn't here for you when you went through your ordeal.  Do you know who donated their heart to you? I mean that's big Vicki, a heart transplant."

"Yes Todd, I know who my donor was. You knew him. Ben was my heart donor." Vicki replied.

“You got your husband's heart, that must have been weird. Gee Vicki, that's a little strange even for me" said Todd

"It might seem strange to you, but I find it very comforting knowing I'll always have a piece of Ben with me," answered Vicki.

"Yeah well it a little too close for comfort for me, but whatever floats your boat, Sis. Come to think of it, that might be weird having Ben's heart but it's even weirder that you lost Ben not long after I lost Sam. I guess Fate must really like screwing with us Vicki," said Todd.

Starr arrived just then and the conversation turned back to Todd's health and he got more uncomfortable as they all started putting pressure on him to rethink his plan. I can't take this right now, he thought, Samuel, they're all yours.

Samuel looked at all of them talking at once. They were trying to talk sense into Todd. He knew they were right, but they had forgotten Todd had his loophole handy. "Hmmhmm, uh Ladies, he's gone. You're stuck with me and you're preaching to the choir here."

They stopped talking as they heard his words. "Why that coward, trust him to find a way to avoid his problem," said Blair angrily.

"Well, this is definitely going to take some getting used to. I just realized something. Todd doesn't need to leave the room when he doesn't want to continue the fight. He just sends an alter out to take the flack. I must admit I never had that kind of control. I'm actually a little bit envious." laughed Vicki. "But you’re right Samuel, you are all too well aware of the problem. Welcome back. According to Blair, you're going to meet with Bo first, are you ready for that."

"I understand what we're going to have to do. First things first, Starr did you bring me some of my supplies." Samuel asked. Starr handed him his sketch pad and pencils. "This is great. I'd loved to get a sketch of all three of you together while we wait for Bo. Let me tell you more about Paris."

Samuel had Vicki and Blair sit on either side of Starr and he started sketching. He told them more about his arrival in Paris and finding his apartment. He had to stop sketching briefly when the nurse came in for vitals. She marveled at his sketch and asked if he did it professionally and Samuel informed her that he had sold a number of his pieces. Once the nurse was through, Samuel pulled out his pastels and went to work giving color to his sketch.

Vicki sat there patiently listening to Samuel talk of his first year in Paris. She was very curious to see his work, never in her wildest imagination would she have figured Todd to be artistic. Samuel was a very charming and complete personality. Vicki knew that it was very likely that Todd would never integrate with his alters. His very makeup was such that Todd relished the uniqueness of his life. If you wanted Todd, you had to take him the way he was. Samuel stopped talking and turned his finished drawing so they could see it. Vicki was amazed. Samuel's piece was stunning. She walked over to him and said smiling. "I wonder how long you've really been with Todd. He's never let on he had any talent like this but the way you just captured all of us tells me you were more in his background than he probably realized. It's really beautiful Samuel."

Samuel smiled. He was pleased he finally got to show Vicki a little of himself. "Starr and Blair, I was wondering if I could have a minute with Vicki. Maybe you could get us some coffee and keep an eye out for Bo." The minute Blair and Starr left, Samuel gestured for Vicki to sit next to him. "I wanted to apologize for retreating the other day when I heard about your heart attack. I feel I owe you an explanation. I told you about my arrival in Paris, now let me tell you of the night you came to my aid. One evening not long after my arrival, I was having dinner at a restaurant I frequented. I was sitting in my usual corner when I felt like someone was staring at me. I looked up that night into the coldest pair of eyes I had ever seen. The more I stared at those eyes the more I felt this place inside me open up. It was a black dark place and I felt like it was trying to engulf me. I barely remember paying for my dinner I just had this dreadful urge to run. I ran Vicki, through the streets of Paris trying to get free of those eyes and the black place until I couldn't run anymore.”

Samuel stopped for a minute his thoughts on that dark pit. He set the pad down on his lap and continued.  “Exhausted, I somehow made my way back to my apartment. I locked myself in and tried to forget those eyes, but nothing helped. As I sat there, the dark found me again and I knew I couldn't escape it. Vicki, I knew it was a part of me. Something evil and foul was in me. I wanted to end it. I didn't want to live if that was part of me. The darkness started closing in on me and I was sure it was going to take me over completely and then I saw a hand reach out towards me and then a voice promising to be there for me always. All I had to do was reach for that hand. Then I saw you, you were reaching to help me and I saw the darkness around you but you were holding it at bay. I knew that you had something inside that haunted you, but you had overcome the worst of it. I grasped that hand like a lifeline and found my way out of the darkness. It was still there, but as long as I stood with you, it couldn't harm either one of us. That night I painted you. You've been my candle that keeps the darkness in me at bay, for, without you, I would have been forever lost."  Samuel reached over and took Vicki's hand in his and brought it to his heart.

Vicki was overwhelmed, Todd had never opened up to her quite this way, and then she remembered a similar circumstance when Todd had taken her hand and held on like he was holding on to a lifeline. She had told him that night that she was there for him no matter what and she would always be there. Samuel was Todd's lifeline. He was the one person that kept Todd from falling into his own private hell.

Vicki smiled and said. "Samuel, I don't know what to say. I guess the bond that I share with Todd concerning our pasts is stronger than I ever imagined. I'm so grateful that bond kept you alive. There have been many times when I've worried that Todd might give in to his demons. You just gave me hope that that will never happen. You were able to keep back the demons and you didn't even know what you were fighting. Thank you for telling me."

Samuel gently kissed her hand "It is I who thank you!”  Then he released her hand and said, "Now it is time to get to work. It's getting close to four. I'm sure the Commissioner will be here shortly. Would you allow me to paint you some time, Vicki?"

"Samuel I would love it," replied Vicki. " I'll be back, I'm just going to see if there is any sign of Bo."

Vicki stepped out into the hall just in time to see Bo coming around the corner. She walked over to Starr and Blair and they waited for Bo together.

Bo came around the corner and slowed as he saw Blair with Starr and Vicki. He had told Nora he was going to be late because Blair had asked him to see someone at the Hospital. He thought it strange that Vicki and Starr should be waiting with Blair. Just who was he going to see? With everything Vicki had on her plate, he was surprised she would take time out to see an acquaintance of Blair's unless this person was more than an acquaintance. Starr was here too. Who was this person? Whoever it was had Bo's curiosity level up significantly.

"Ladies, this is a pleasant surprise. I thought I was just meeting you here Blair," said Bo.

"Well actually Bo, we're all here to help my friend and make sure this visit comes off without any problems. Is that alright with you, Bo? I'm really worried my friend might get agitated and hopefully we'll be able to keep that from happening. Let's go in here, he's waiting for you." said Blair.

Bo followed Blair to the CCU room close to the Nurses Station. He made note of that because that meant whoever was in the room really was in serious condition. The more serious the condition the closer to the Nurses Station in case there was a problem. Whoever was in the room must be in pretty bad shape. He followed Blair, Starr, and Vicki into the room. He wasn't at all prepared for what he saw next. Bo stopped stunned. A man whose face hadn't been seen in Llanview since 2003 was laying on the bed in front of him. This man was about the right age and had another scar on his cheek but still looked just like he had back then. Bo refused to jump to conclusions even though it was hard not to. He turned to Blair. "Well I wasn't expecting this perhaps one of you should introduce us," and he looked at Blair, Vicki, and Starr.

"Bo, I'd like to introduce you to Samuel Toddman." said Blair.

Samuel held out his hand by way of greeting. "You must be Commissioner Buchanan, I've heard a lot about you. Forgive me if I can't get out of bed, as you can see I'm rather tied up at the moment."

Bo walked forward and took the hand proffered. He took a long hard look at Samuel. Even his voice sounded the same. " Mr. Toddman, I have a question for you. You weren't by any chance in Victor Lord's Tomb the other night, were you? If you were perhaps you could tell me why?"

"Well Commissioner, in all honesty, I have to answer yes. I was in that tomb the other night and if Blair, Vicki, and Starr hadn't found me, I'd probably still be there, just very dead. As to the Why? I'm afraid the answer to that is a lengthy one and I'm not sure you're going to believe it." replied Samuel.   He looked at Starr "Starr, do you think you could find us one more chair? Commissioner, are you willing to hear my story?"

"Mr. Toddman, you have my full attention." Bo walked over and took the new chair from Starr and after everyone sat down, he said. "The room is yours's Mr. Toddman."

Todd looked on from the inside, taking in the fact that Bo hadn't jumped all over the idea that Samuel was some sort of fraud. Like Todd had figured, Bo was going to hear him out. Now he prayed that after Bo heard it all, he'd believe it. Todd sat back and let Samuel tell his Story.

Samuel picked up his sketch pad and pencil.  He needed something to occupy his hands as he told his story. Drawing the commissioner was also a way to prove he was real. Samuel told Bo of meeting Blair in Paris because she was looking for the artist who had painted a picture given to her by her late husband. Blair confirmed it and Samuel went on to tell how he had decided to see if there was any truth to a possible connection to the Lord family. When he found out there was, he had decided to relocate to Llanview to see if he could become acquainted with some of those family members. Then he told Bo about meeting Vicki the afternoon of the incident in the tomb. He finished his tale at the tomb. Samuel waited to see if Bo was believing any or all of what he had just told him.

Bo looked at Samuel.   The man had answered his questions just a little too concisely. He had a feeling Samuel was leaving something very big out of his tale. Bo said, "It’s a very good story, Samuel.  Now, do you want to tell me the truth? "

Samuel nodded, "He said you were smart, but we had to make sure you would listen before we could tell you everything. Let's go back to the night Blair and I met. She showed up at my door, took one look at me, and fainted. Then she woke up and accused me of being her husband Todd. She wanted to know what kind of game I was playing and why had I been gone for eight years. I first had to prove I was the artist of her painting. I'm giving you this to prove that I am indeed an artist." Samuel handed the sketch he had finished to the commissioner. "I've been living in Paris for the last eight years painting the whole time and living off my sales. My living room was full of pictures of Blair and Vicki and Tea. Blair wanted to know how I could paint those pictures. I had no answer for her.”  

His eyes met Blair’s and he smiled.  “She told me the ones of her were all special memories shared between her and her husband. That was when I informed her I had no memories beyond waking up in the hospital in Philadelphia in 2003. At that time, the only thing I could recall was my name. After leaving the hospital, I felt a sense of urgency to put miles between myself and Philadelphia and that was when I went to Paris. After Blair and I parted, my memories began returning. The shock of meeting Blair was the catalyst. Once my memories began returning, I started investigating why I lost my memories in the first place. Through my investigations, I learned a name. Someone who, I believe, has been keeping an eye on me the whole time I was in Paris. But before I give you his name, I believe you should meet the real me. Here is where you're going to have to take a leap of faith. He told me you have always been fair, He's hoping you'll give him another chance. He also knows he doesn't have any right to ask for your help, but he needs it. There are only three other people who know the truth and he's trusting you with his secret. You see Commissioner, this truth came out once before, but everybody believed it was a lie. To protect himself all these years, he's let the lie stand. If he didn't need your help, I don't think you would be sitting here right now. I think you know where I'm going with this. Do I remain here? Or are you going to help him come home? " Samuel and Todd waited for Bo's reply.

Bo looked at the picture in his hand. It was an excellent picture, and he knew Samuel had drawn it. He then looked over at Blair and Vicki and Starr. "You know and you believe him," they all nodded. He looked at the man laying there resigned to whatever he decided. Samuel looked incredibly weary as if the whole tale had taken a lot out of him. Bo thought back to a time almost thirteen years before when he had been certain Todd had faked his DID. Then the night of the wedding to Tea, a tape had been played that had proved that Todd had faked his alters. Samuel was now asking him to believe that the alters had in fact been real all along.

Todd had been misunderstood a lot and there had been times when Bo had actually felt sorry for the young man. He had never been able to escape from his past. If he was sitting in Todd's presence then something very strange had been perpetrated on quite a few people in this town who believed Walker Lawrence was Todd Manning. Samuel said he had the name of someone who was responsible for his memory loss. Did Samuel also believe this same person might have something to do with the current Todd Manning?

Bo looked over at Vicki. She had been hurt the most when she thought Todd had used her illness to get out of jail, yet she was here and believed in Samuel. Starr had been convinced that Walker was her father. and she too was sitting here, expressing a belief. Blair was in love with Todd and had been for a very long time.  Even though she had married the current Todd Manning a couple of times, she was also ready to side with Samuel. He had to decide. If he said he wouldn't believe in Todd, Samuel was going to remain, but would that stop Todd from wreaking havoc trying to get back what was his. Bo had seen first hand what an out-of-control Todd could do. Bo had to admit to himself, that to even be thinking Todd would wreak havoc meant that he was already halfway there to believing Samuel. Maybe it was because he looked so much like the old Todd or maybe it was because for once in his life Todd was asking for help. Bo made his decision. Bo looked over at Samuel. "Let me talk to Todd."

Blair, Vicki, and Starr all clasped hands. Bo believed them. At least they had passed that hurdle. Now it was up to Todd to convince Bo that there was more than just the battle of who was the real Todd ahead. They needed his help to get Carlo.

Samuel looked at Bo and nodded his head, he rested his head on the pillow for just a moment. Samuel was tired and worried that they might already have tried more than they should have for the day. He stopped Todd and asked, "Are you sure you're up to this? We're exhausted. Remember to get even, you have to be alive."

Todd looked at Samuel. "I don't have a choice. You got him to talk to me, now I have to find enough strength to do that and convince him that there is someone out there who’s been undermining Llanview for some time. If I get too agitated you have my permission to take back over and shut us down."

Bo was getting worried, and he could tell he wasn't the only one. Blair had risen and walked toward the bed.  Vicki and Starr were nervously holding hands, waiting for Todd to appear.

Blair got to his bedside. He was so pale, and his breathing was shallow. "Todd, can you hear me?" She looked over at Vicki and Starr. "He's not waking, Please God, let him wake up." Suddenly he drew a good breath and slowly opened his eyes. "Todd, are you alright?"

"Tired, where's Bo?" Todd looked at Blair then looked over and found Bo's eyes on him. "Bo," he nodded at the commissioner. Todd realized why Samuel had tried to stop him. He felt like a wet rag hung out to dry. "Bo I need your help, but first I need to know, do you believe I'm Todd?" his voice was getting weaker and his breathing was getting labored again. Then the breathing got a little easier and he realized someone had put the oxygen back on him. He saw a nurse leave the room and figured that someone had gotten him some help.  With the oxygen going, he felt a little better. Bo had moved close to his bed. Todd looked at him and waited for Bo's answer.

Bo looked down at Todd and said. "What were your words to me when you thought you were going to die that day in the woods."

Todd's eyes widened a little bit and then he was back on the ground lying there, having trouble breathing, in agony from the gunshot wound. Before he had passed out he remembered begging Bo. Todd said. "I begged you to tell Rebecca and everyone that I was sorry."

"One more Todd, What did you tell me when we discussed that you were going to prison for the rest of your life?" asked Bo.

"I asked why your guy had such lousy aim and said an inch or so lower and the whole mess would have been over for good," said Todd. "Let me guess, you're wishing now that it had been true." Todd closed his eyes once more and wondered at the futility of it all.

Blair rubbed his shoulder, "Don't Todd. Don't go there."

Bo looked down at Todd. The man he saw before him had changed. Something had happened to the arrogance and the defiance that had ruled him. This was simply a man trying to get back home any way he knew how. He was even willing to ask help from a source, who he felt hated him. Todd had shown a lot of courage to open up to him. Even with Bo's help, Todd was going to face an uphill battle. Bo put his hand on Todd's other shoulder.  He opened his eyes. "Don't make me regret this Todd. I believe you and I'll help in any way that I can. But if you want me on board, you'll have to play by my rules for a change."

Todd couldn't believe what he was hearing. Bo was going to help.  As far as doing things Bo's way, well he would see how that was going to work, but no sense starting off on the wrong foot. Todd replied. "Thanks, Bo," and then he gave into the fatigue.

Bo watched as Todd fell into a deep sleep and then he turned to face Blair and Vicki and Starr. "Ok, now let's hear your stories and don't leave anything out."

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