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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Don't Shoot the "Messenger", Ch. 29

             “So, you’ve decided to make an honest woman of Starr finally. It’s about time. But tell me, how are you going to support her and Hope? You never finished college, did you pick up any useful skills in prison?” Todd was harsh, but he couldn’t stop himself from needling the young man. He didn’t want to lose Starr.

            Cole cleared his throat, he had been afraid to bring the subject up because he had known Starr’s dad would respond badly and he hadn’t been mistaken. “The most useful skill I learned in prison was how to control my temper. Look, I know you’re not exactly thrilled at the prospect of me for a son-in-law, but the same is true for me concerning you, given my Mother and all; but we have one thing in common, we both love Starr and Hope.”

“You’re right there, I love Starr and Hope. That is why I’m concerned whether you can support them. Don’t you think you ought to be thinking about how you’re going to do that? When I married Blair for the first time, I barely had any money left on me but I was determined to get any job I could rather than live off Blair.”

Cole looked down at his hands, the last statement stung because he realized he was doing exactly what Todd hadn’t wanted to do, he was living off Starr and her dad’s money. “When I turn twenty-five, my trust fund is mine free and clear,” Cole replied petulantly.

“ You still have a couple of years before that and so we’re back to my original questions. What can you do?” Todd was serious now, he knew he had put Cole on the defensive, but he wanted to see if the young man would stop and think about everything ahead of him. God, he remembered how scared he had been taking on a new wife and baby and knowing his job skills were pitiful. He had gone back to the Country Club and begged for his job back because he wanted to be his child’s provider, would Cole? “Cole, I want you to think long and hard. Right now, just what do you have to offer Starr and Hope? Also, we still are uncertain what Carlo’s plans are. Is it the right time to be taking Starr and Hope and going out on your own?”

Cole had thought he was going to have to fight Starr’s father for permission to marry Starr. But it looked like Todd was more concerned about his ability to provide for a family then the fact that he was Marty’s son wanting to marry Todd Manning’s daughter. That had always been a big stumbling block for Jake. “I guess I figured we’d manage somehow. I really didn’t think about it too much. Tell me something. Are you opposed to my marrying Starr?”

Todd swallowed hard. He’d done a lot of thinking about Starr and Cole after Cole had begun to live with them. He had decided that Cole was okay for his daughter and the whole reason he had even decided to start this conversation was because he wanted to take the stigma of being an unwed mother off of Starr’s back. He just wanted it to go down the right way and he didn’t feel Cole was ready yet to be a full-time husband and father. He locked eyes with Cole. “I’m not opposed to you marrying Starr. I just think the whole starting a real family without having all your ducks in place is foolish. I’ll be honest. I missed out on eight years of my daughter’s life. I’m not ready to see her leave, even though I know it’s going to happen sooner than I would like. Cole, since I offered you the chance to live here and never really stipulated a timeline for you to leave, you need to know you’re still welcomed here, but here are the new ground rules, You’re going to ride into town with me every morning and begin working at The Sun in the copy room. We’re also going to make arrangements for you to continue the classes you started before things fell apart. If you agree to that, then we’ll discuss your marriage to Starr.”

Cole was stunned, the last thing he expected to hear from Todd Manning was that he was offered a job and a chance to return to school. Hell yeah, he’d agree to it. Once again the man had surprised him and it was now becoming very obvious that this Todd Manning was a polar opposite to Jake. “Mr. Manning, if you’re serious about the offer, I accept.”

“Just so you understand Cole, this isn’t charity. I expect you to work hard, most people will tell you I’m an ogre to work for, but at least Mrs. Manning will be there to soften my blows. As for school, it’s probably going to take a little longer because you’ll have to take night classes. You and Starr can sit down and figure out what you’re going to need to do to get caught up. Let’s say we table the marriage talk for a couple months and see how the job and school turn out.” Todd got up and walked around his desk and stood in front of Cole. “The ball is now in your court Cole, don’t disappoint me.”

Cole couldn’t help feeling a little intimidated with Todd standing over him, but he squared his shoulders and stood up. “Don’t worry I won’t,” he met Todd’s gaze and held it for as long as he could, finally dropping his eyes under Todd’s stare which seemed to look deep into his soul.

There was a knock at the door and Starr’s voice said, “Hey you guys, dinner’s ready.”

Todd blinked and moved toward the door followed by Cole and they opened it to find Starr standing there looking apprehensive.

“Is everything alright?”

Todd exchanged glances with Cole and said. “Everything’s fine. What’s for dinner? I’m starved.”

“Mom made southern fried chicken with all the fixings. She said it was about time you had a taste of some good ole down south homestyle cooking.”

Although he like his chicken roasted, Todd pictured Blair in hot denim short shorts and a Daisy May flannel shirt. He saw her, with her bare midriff showing under the tied ends of her shirt, frying the chicken, and suddenly got extremely hot under the collar for his southern babe. “Mmm, sounds good,” and walked past Starr toward the kitchen.

Starr immediately intercepted Cole. “Okay spill, what were you two talking about?”

“Your dad’s giving me a job at The Sun. I start tomorrow, I think?”

“Cole, that’s great. I wonder what prompted that?”

“I’m not sure, but I’m grateful. I was getting bored here all day while you were at school. I’m not sure what exactly I’ll be doing, but it’s got to be better than twiddling my thumbs waiting for Carlo to make some kind of move.”

At the mention of Carlo Hesser, Starr frowned and she realized she had forgotten the circumstances for Cole’s pardon. She made up her mind to have a talk with her father a little later on and see if he had heard any more about Carlo.


A little further down the mountain, Mitch, Alison, and Kipling left the sanctuary of Kipling’s lab and made their way back upstairs into the kitchen of the cabin. Kipling had managed to redirect several of the perimeter cameras and they now had a way to determine when the police might make another visit at the compound. They all agreed the fireplace would no longer be used, that way the police would continue to believe they had abandoned the place.

Alison was still reeling from Mitch’s announcement. Mitch had returned to her an hour earlier and informed her they were to be married as soon as Alison found the church. Uncertain why he had done an about-face, Alison was determined to find a church and minister as fast as possible before Mitch changed his mind. Humming happily, she began clearing off the plates she had left for the police and went about fixing dinner for the three of them.

Ivan looked around the cabin and determined the police had only done a half-hearted search once they had come to the conclusion their quarry had left. “My dear, my heartfelt congratulations. You did an admirable job making the police believe we had abandoned the compound. I now understand why Mitch found you so valuable all these years.”

Mitch heard Ivan’s praise and once again felt a surge of jealousy towards Kipling. Alison belonged to him and he might have to take Kipling aside and remind him to keep his experimental thoughts and hands-off. He moved up behind Alison and grabbed her, putting his hands on her and possessively staking his claim. He left nothing to the imagination, all the while making sure Kipling got the picture. As he fondled her, he took the moment to leave a bite on her neck, marking her as his. “Remember, you belong to me. Steer clear of Kipling,” he whispered roughly in her ear.

Mitch’s rough grab and fondling was a surprise, but Alison relished it. Whatever had happened while she slept that afternoon was a blessing. She shivered at his bite and ground herself backward into his embrace letting him know she was all his.

Across the room Ivan smiled. He could tell Mitch was jealous and wondered which gentleman from the afternoon had caused the change in Mitch. He was staking his claim to Alison, and had all the signs of a man suddenly unsure of himself and wanting to make sure he held on to whatever was his. He didn’t think McBain was the reason, Mitch had shown disdain and hatred but no fear of him. No, only one man could have made Mitch doubt himself. Mr Manning, you’ve upset Mitch’s applecart. My compliments.

Mitch had grabbed Alison to prove she was his in front of Ivan, but now he found himself giving way to his primal urges once again. Ever since she had made the first overture that first night, he had felt insatiable. His body seemed to crave the feelings and his mind just followed what his body wanted. Pulling her towards his bedroom, he said, ”Dinner can wait.”

As they disappeared into the bedroom, Ivan took a pad out of his pocket and added a notation.

Subject one, libido has shown a marked increase as health has improved. Nanobots are obviously responsible for the increased sex drive. Subject two also seems to exhibit more wanton behavior since her introduction to said nanobots. Will be watching closely to see if inhibitions continue to lessen the more sexually active the subjects become.

Pocketing his notebook, he headed back down to his lab. Dinner was going to be delayed until they were satisfied, so he might as well study a few of his smaller subjects and see if they too were similarly affected.


Natalie found John still working at his desk. “John, I got the results on the bandages you sent down to forensics earlier. You were right. The blood belonged to Mitch. We found something unusual mixed in the blood.”

John looked up at her words. “What do you mean unusual?”

“We couldn’t get a signature on it, so it’s not a natural substance. But whatever it was or is, remains a mystery. It was however thoroughly mixed with Mitch’s blood which means it was in his system internally and not something topical or externally applied.”

“So you’re telling me Mitch had some foreign substance in his body. What are we supposed to get from that?”

“I don’t know. You said Ivan took him from the hospital. It stands to reason Ivan injected something into Mitch, but we have no idea what, or what it was supposed to accomplish. I don’t like it. The blood from one bandage was slightly different from the blood on another bandage. It was unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I’d like to take the two samples to Larry and get his opinion. After all, you and I both know what Kipling is capable of. I’m still reeling from what Mom told me Kipling did to Uncle Todd. It’s like something out of science fiction.”

John nodded, she had no idea how far out it was. He had seen Todd’s implants first hand and knew just how creepy they were. “I’m sure Bo will give you the authorization to get a second opinion. Are you okay, finding out Mitch is indeed alive?”

Natalie raised her blue eyes and met his gaze. “I’m a little freaked. I thought we were rid of him but the man won’t stay dead. Do you think he’ll be back for me or Jessica again?”

“I’m not sure. I want you to stay at your mom’s until we find him. I know the security at Llanfair was increased after Alison’s visit. Both you and Liam will be protected there. I’ll come to get you every morning for work if that’s okay with you.” He walked over and put his arms around her waist. “I don’t want to lose you now that I have you back.”

Natalie put the report down and wound her arms around his neck. “Mister, there’s no way I’m letting you out of my clutches ever again.”

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