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Monday, August 8, 2011

Thomas Lord: Cloaked, Ch. 2

Todd had returned to his room after a long day working on the dock. He had been able to pick up some chatter about a girl being found badly beaten not far from where he had been working. Word had filtered down she wasn't very old something like sixteen, nobody knew where she had come from or what she was doing on the docks. He had wandered down with the rest of the dock hands and gotten a glimpse of her. It had been a kick in the teeth. She reminded him of Dani. He had stood there for some time watching the EMT's working on her until the dock boss had called everyone back to work.

The rumors had begun after that incidence, and soon he had struck up a friendship with one of the other workers, who had seemed as shook up as he was. Bernie had worked the docks since he was a youngster and now he talked about the changes taking place. He said new owners had come in and taken over several warehouses on the Docks but had been pretty particular about who they hired. The men working for them were some rough customers. They had also been real unfriendly to the other dock workers.

Todd had asked Bernie if he had heard any rumors about any kids missing down by the docks and Bernie had nodded. Bernie had some kids of his own and had warned them to stay away from the docks. Most of the workers who had families had stopped their kids from bringing them lunches and stuff because of the disappearances. By late afternoon, Todd had found himself on the edge of exhaustion, but he pushed through it. He needed to find a way to get close to the warehouses that were off-limits.

Once in his room, Todd had collapsed letting sleep take him, but rest wasn't going to be granted.

He was sitting on the edge of a dock with a stuffed lion in his hand. He felt so empty, just the day before, everything had been going their way, and just like that, it was gone. He looked over and there lying on the ground was Blair, her arms curled around her stomach crying for a baby that was no longer there. He tried to go to her but was unable to move. He looked at the stuffed animal in his hands. It was now covered with blood and he dropped it into the river. He watched as the animal sank into the oily substance, then another moan came from Blair lying on the dock, no, it wasn't Blair but a young girl. She was covered in bruises and struggling to catch her breath but unable to because she had been beaten so badly.

Before he could move to help her, the oily substance began to spread across the dock heading for the girl. He was helpless as he watched it cover her and then he heard that laughter again. He looked down realizing that the ooze was making the sound and he backed away afraid to move any closer to the girl. Then he heard her speak.

"Daddy help! Don't leave Daddy!"

He couldn't leave her to it. Somehow he had to free her from its clutches even if it meant offering it himself. "You bastard leave her alone. I'm the one you really want, come get me," it left her making its way across the dock till it began covering him once more, and even as it did he heard the laughter once again issuing from his lips. The laughter grew, getting louder and louder as the ooze held him, making him watch as it spread and once more covered the girl, smothering her with its blackness. He could do nothing and the laughter issuing from him was maniacal with glee. He dropped to his knees covering his mouth trying desperately to stifle the laughter but to no avail. There was nothing but that laughter surrounding him, no Blair, no baby, no girl just utter blackness and that laughter.

He awoke abruptly lying in the dark as the last vestiges of the nightmare drifted away, the laughter still echoing in his ears. His shirt was damp and he felt clammy as he waited for his heart to slow down. For a moment, he panicked afraid the implant had stopped working. but then his eyes adjusted to the darkness and he knew he could still see. He pushed himself off the bed and headed for the bathroom, shedding his shirt. Standing by the mirror, he once again saw Peter's face and then just as suddenly Peter left and he saw Tom.

"Todd, can you see me? Please tell me you can see me. I'm really scared Todd, did I do something to make you mad? Gee, I saw that little girl today she was hurt real bad. Are you going to help her, Todd? Darn, I was hoping you would talk to me. I want to help Todd, that girl was close to my age isn't there something I can do to help. I guess not, I mean I'm not old enough to work on the docks but if you let me I could at least keep you company, I miss you. Golly, I was hoping you could hear me, Samuel says you don't want to talk to us anymore." Tom's voice trailed away.

Todd leaned his forehead against the cool glass, Samuel was right he had been shutting them out. Somehow Tom had gotten through and for the first time in days, Todd no longer felt alone.

"Tom, I'm here, do you want to talk?"

Tom had been looking out Todd's eyes and seen his face in the mirror. Todd didn't look too good. Tom jumped when he realized Todd was talking to him. "Gosh Todd, you're talking to me. You look a little green, are you sick?"

"I guess so Tom, I certainly don't feel right. I'm sorry you got scared I didn't mean for that to happen."

"Awww, that's okay, I just want to help. When you wouldn't talk to any of us I got worried. So who hurt that girl down on the docks? Do you know? She looked a lot like Dani. Hey, why are we here? What about Blair and Starr and Hope, are they going to come here and join us? They would probably like Savannah. Are we working for Mr. Amos again?"

"Easy does it, Tom, give me a chance to answer a few of those questions before you come up with anymore. I don't know who hurt the girl, but I'm trying to find out. I came here because I'm trying to figure myself out. Blair, Starr, and Hope are not coming here, I don't want them here right now. Lastly, yes, I'm working for Mr. Amos again. Now listen, this conversation is private. I don't want to talk to the other guys. If you agree, you can stick around and keep me company"

"Okay Todd, I won't tell anyone but you will let me hang out with you?"

"Yes Tom, you can hang out and if I need any of your expertise helping these girls, I'll let you know. Remember not a word to Samuel and the others. Now I need to go, but I won't shut you out again, Tom. That's a promise."


Todd changed his clothes and put on the items he had bought at the thrift store, he removed his watch and concealed it in the wide leather band he had bought at a flea market, then strapped the band around his upper arm. The band was worn and had seen a lot of wear, but it gave him someplace to keep the watch from prying eyes. The ring was another problem entirely. He wore gloves while working as Tom on the dock so they hid the ring but he couldn't wear the ring tonight. He had found a small leather pouch that he could wear around his neck it didn't look like much but it would give him a place for the ring, after stringing it around his neck he gathered up the walking cane and headed out for his evening walk on the dock.

He reached the area he had heard about and removed his ring. It was shocking and at first, panic filled him. He had known it was coming when he had made up his mind to take the ring off, but the loss of sight had still been a jolt. He pulled the pouch from around his neck and put the ring inside and tucked the pouch back under his shirt. He felt it there, vibrating against his heart, and forced himself to leave it off. He needed to appear harmless and no threat to the men working at these warehouses. Taking his cane he opened it and began his walk down the dock.

He hadn't gone too far, when he heard someone crying very softly, he looked around trying to figure out where the sound was coming from and suddenly made out a small blob or shadow hiding behind a crate. Then he heard some shouting coming from up ahead of him. The voices were angry and Todd heard the blob struggling to hide still whimpering. "Hey, you need to be really still. Don't be afraid, I'll find a way to lead them in the other direction." Todd set his cane down on top of a crate and began pulling it to help conceal the blob. The blob had gotten quiet, as Todd maneuvered the crate in place. "You're doing good, now stay quiet." he took up his cane and began walking toward the commotion. Todd wasn't sure what he was going to do but somehow he had to make them look down the other way.

Suddenly two blobs appeared in front of him. "Where do you think you're going?" the voice was rough and the man smelled of cigarettes, sweat, and alcohol. The other man hadn't said anything but they both blocked his way.

"Well, I was going that way, until you stopped me. Is there something I can do for you gentlemen?"

"Wise guy huh, you're not going anywhere but back the way you came."

"That really won't work for me, fellas, I usually like to get where I was going. It makes my evening so much more enjoyable. Perhaps you guys would like to join me. The evening air down here is very relaxing." Todd knew he was playing with fire. The man who had been doing all the talking was about to blow his top.

"Why you..."

Todd showed no alarm because he truly couldn't see, he heard the anger and braced himself for a possible blow.

"Hold it, Frank. The guy's blind, give him a break. Mister, you shouldn't be down here. The dock is dangerous, besides the area you're headed towards smells like rotten potatoes. There's no fresh air that way. You really should head back the other way." The other guy had just managed to stop the blow but Todd had felt the air in front of his face move because of the fist that had been headed that way.

Frank angrily looked at his friend then at the man he had almost hit. "You think you're smart don't you, you blind freak. You're lucky my friend stopped me. Take my friend's advice, go back the other way. I don't care if you're blind or deaf. This is as far as you go." to prove his point Frank knocked the cane out of Todd's hand.

Todd heard it rolling toward the edge and prayed it wouldn't roll in the water. He vaguely saw the second blob move. The cane was no longer rolling, but Todd hadn't heard a splash. With a cruel laugh, Frank walked away.

"Steady there. Here, this is what you're looking for."

Todd felt his cane being placed in his hand and then the guy pulled him away from the edge of the Dock. His heart had jumped for a minute when he thought he was being pushed. This second guy wasn't so bad, Todd wondered about the possibility of using that to his advantage. "Hey Thanks, your friend doesn't like me I guess. Didn't mean to rile him so much. I'm just used to doing my own thing. I set my mind on something and then go about doing it." Todd opened the cane and headed toward the warehouse. He wasn't sure how far he would get but he wanted to see if the guy would let him venture any closer to the action. He got about ten paces when the guy stopped him again.

"You really don't want to go that way. Seriously, it stinks and Frank's still watching. If you insist on walking down here, you're better off doing it early morning. Things are usually quiet at that time. Turn around go back the other way. I don't want to get rough with you. My bosses are watching too. If they get angry you could get hurt."

Todd sensed a little fear in the man's voice. It was unusual because from his size and overall demeanor he didn't strike Todd as someone who would scare easily. He hadn't been afraid of Frank, but when he mentioned his bosses, the dread had entered his voice. "Alright, since you put it that way. Have you got a name?" he waited, curious to see if the man would give him a name.

"Yeah, it's Mario. You do what I say, mister, stay off this dock at night. The next time you come, I might not be on duty. A lot of the guys I work with are like Frank. It won't matter to them if you're blind. You better go. Sorry, I've got to do this they're watching."

Mario suddenly grabbed him and shoved him away. Todd stumbled and almost went down but managed at the last minute to keep his feet. With his back to Mario, he started walking back the way he had come. He said quietly so only Mario could hear. "I'm fine, you do what you have to do. Real interesting meeting you."

Mario shook his head, puzzled by the man walking away from him. then he turned and went back to the warehouse. Frank was laughing, "So Mario, I guess he got to you too. Too bad he didn't fall all the way down, it would have done him good to get dirty." Frank took another chug from his beer finishing it, then went in search of another. Mario looked back down the Dock, but the blind man appeared to have left. He really hoped the man would heed his warning.

Todd knew he was out of sight of the warehouse, but he wasn't sure if the child was still hiding. "Hey, are you still here or did you leave." At first, there was no sound and he thought the child had gone, then he heard a crate move.

He stopped and waited. There was no moon so it had gotten very dark on the Dock. He was glad he had been trained as if he had no sight at all, right now his limited vision was useless so he was blind. He had been counting continually since venturing down this dock. He knew how many paces it was back to the street where he could flag down a cab. Right now though he wondered if the little blob he had seen earlier was going to come out.

Todd stood still and then he felt a little hand touch his. "Hello. Are you ok?" said Todd. The hand wrapped around his and tugged. Todd turned slowly and crouched down, judging by the size of the hand, a child was tugging at him. "Hey there, what's the matter. I won't hurt you." He listened carefully, he could hear the little gulps that usually accompanied the aftermath of crying. Todd waited patiently. He didn't want to frighten the little one.

"I'm scared. Will you help me?" asked the child.

From the sound of the voice, Todd figured he was talking to a little boy. Obviously, the child didn't belong here on the dock. Was he one of the missing children? He had been hiding earlier and had stayed hidden all the while Todd had been conversing with the two thugs working close to the warehouse. It wasn't hard to figure out the little guy was hiding from the people in that place. "Sure I can help you. Do you have a name?" There was silence. Todd didn't know what the boy was doing. Knowing kids, the little guy had probably answered with a simple shake of his head. "Can you tell me your name?" Once again, there was silence. "I promise I won't hurt you but I need your help. I can't see you, so I don't know if you've been nodding your head or shaking it. You have to help me out, kid. What's your name?"


"Is that your name? Chase?" It was like pulling teeth, Todd's ears were picking up voices down the pier. He wasn't sure whether they were moving or not. "Listen, Chase, we need to find someplace else to talk. Are you hungry?" Damn it, he needed to stop asking the kid yes and no questions, or they would be here all night. He stood up and held out his hand and said. "Let's go get something to eat." A little hand gripped his and Todd smiled at least the little guy was hungry. He put his cane out and began walking to the entrance of the Dock. He paused at the street and stood there trying to figure out how to flag down a taxi.

Chase looked up at the man next to him. He wondered why he had stopped. Chase looked up and down the road and saw a diner across the street. He started to step off the curb when he got pulled up by the man.

"Hold on there Chase. Where are you going?"

"I'm hungry and there's a place across the street."

"Well you can't just walk across the street, kid, you could get hurt. Tell me if any cars are coming, be sure and look both ways?"

"The street is clear Mister."

"Okay, then we can cross." Todd hoped no cars would come while they were crossing. Once across he said,"Where to now Chase?"

"You really can't see. Gee that's too bad. It's just over here." Chase tugged.

Todd followed, almost running the boy down when he stopped quickly. Todd felt the cold air from inside the diner hit him as Chase pushed open the door. Because of the lights in the place, Todd was once again able to make out his fuzzy shapes and colors, he glanced down at the boy and realized the boy had light-colored hair and guessed he was probably close to little Sam's age. Chase pulled him toward a booth and they sat down. He was surprised when Chase left the side of the table he started on and sat down next to him. "You okay Chase? Have you got enough room?"

"Uh huh." The little boy sidled closer and Todd put his arm around him for a moment realizing the boy was in need of some comfort as well as food.

"Do you want a hamburger?"

"Uh huh. The lady is here, you can order," said Chase.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had arrived," Todd said looked up noticing that someone had indeed come over. "We'll both be having hamburgers and fries and one milk and a coffee."

"Okay, Chase, what were you doing down on the dock? Why were you hiding?"

"The bad men were looking for me. Where are we, mister? I've never been to a dock. Is that where I was hiding? There was a lot of water everywhere. This doesn't look anything like my home. We have peach trees all around my home. Those bad men grabbed me and brought me here. Can you help me get home?"

"I'm sure I can get you home. Do you know your phone number, we could use my phone and try and call your parents" suddenly Chase started crying again. "Hey, fella, what's the matter?"

"I don't know my phone number. Lily told me I should learn it, but I can't keep the numbers in my head. Lily knows the number. Will you help me find her?" Chase hiccuped and sniffled.

Todd felt for his napkin and turned to wipe Chase's tears. "I'll figure out something Chase. Is Lily at home?"

"No, The bad men have her too. But they took her away from me, I got really scared when they took her. All of the other kids are pretty scared too."

"Chase, you mean those men have a whole bunch of children somewhere down on the dock." Todd was worried, just how many kids had been taken. "Is Lily your mother?"

"No, Lily's my sister."

"How old is Lily?"

"She's thirteen and in charge of me while Daddy works with Grandpa on our farm."

Todd sat there as the food arrived, deep in thought, he had lost his appetite when he had heard Lily was with those men. So they were taking young girls and children. The girl on the dock couldn't have been any older than fifteen. What were they doing with these young girls and where did the smaller children come into it? He picked up a fry and munched. He had to think about this whole story and what was apparently happening. Young girls screamed human trafficking, but why the little children, they were the part of the equation that didn't make sense.

"Mister, can I have some more milk?"

Chase's voice broke through his thoughts and Todd came back to earth. "Sure Chase and then I need to figure out how to get you home. Chase, you say Lily is in charge when your dad and grandpa work on the farm, where's your mom?"

Chase stopped eating and sat for a minute before saying, "My mommy is with the angels. I talk to her at night. Daddy says she keeps me safe."

Todd felt sad and his heart went out to the little boy, he knew exactly how it felt to lose a mother so young. Chase needed to go home and be with his dad and grandpa. Todd wanted to make sure he was safe then he could go to work finding Lily and the rest of the children.

"Chase, now that you've eaten, we need to get you home." Todd reached into his pocket and dialed Amos's number. "Amos, I've got a dilemma on my hands, I was doing some investigating down on the docks this evening and encountered a little boy. It seems he might have been taken by the people I'm looking into, the people concerning the disappearances at the docks. This is not a good time for me to come forward to the police, I'm right in the middle of this story but the little guy should be gotten back home to his father. Can you help me out?"

After a short discussion, Amos agreed to come to the diner with a friend he knew and they would see about getting Chase reconnected to his father. Todd put his phone away and asked the waitress for a second coffee, it looked like he had a little more time before Amos got there, to see what else Chase knew. "How about some dessert, Chase?" asked Todd

"Could I have some ice cream please?" asked Chase

"You bet," Todd ordered some for the little boy and as Chase began eating, he tried to get a little more information. "Chase, I know you don't know your phone number but what's your last name?"

"It's Roberts."

"That's good, well I'm pleased to meet you, Chase Roberts." Todd held out his hand and Chase solemnly took it and shook it.

"Is that the name of your Orchard, is it the Roberts Orchard?

"Naw, It's grandpa's Orchard it's the Stevens' farm. Grandpa Josh owns it, but Daddy helps. Are you going to help me find my sister?"

"Well I'm going to do what I can and I have a friend who's helping me. We'll find your sister, but you need to go home. I know you want to help find your sister but if you can remember anything about where you and the other children were being held, that might help me."

"I know it was a big building but at night they moved us and if we made any noise while they were moving us we didn't get breakfast."

"Chase, do you know how many nights it's been since they took you?"

Suddenly Chase started crying softly, "It's been a long time, I miss my Daddy and grandpa and Lily, please help me!"

Todd gathered the little guy up onto his lap and let him cry, "Shh Chase, you're going to see your daddy and grandpa real soon. I promise. I'm gonna get Lily home too." Todd set Chase back down on the seat next to him and dried his tears again then he began telling him the story of the bad wizards and the captured children and how the blind dragon saved the day. As his story came to an end, Chase gave a little clap and reach up to hug Todd around his neck. Todd's eyes got watery and he wasn't prepared for the hand to land on his shoulder. He jerked around, afraid the men from the dock had found him and the boy. "Don't touch me!" he put himself in between the man and Chase, who gave a gasp and hid behind Todd's back.

"Whoa Thomas, it's me, Amos," Amos looked with concern at Thomas. Thomas hadn't recognized him and wasn't looking at him, it was as if he was blind.

Todd kicked himself, he should have been more careful, the hand on his shoulder belonged to Amos. He turned to Chase, "I'm sorry Chase, don't be scared, it's my friend Amos, I just forgot he was coming. Amos, you startled me, this is the little guy I told you about." Todd said. Somehow he was going to have to play this out and hope that Amos didn't ask any questions. He would have to do some fast talking when he got Amos alone, to explain the blindness. "Did you bring your friend, Amos?" He gestured to the seats opposite them and watched as Amos and his friend sat down.

Amos was watching Thomas closely and didn't know what to think. Then he looked at the little boy and realized the child was no more than seven or eight. "Hi Chase, this is my friend Keely, we're here to help you get home. Is that okay?"

Chase had snuggled close to Todd, but he nodded at Amos. He looked up at Todd and whispered in his ear, "Is your name Thomas? I like that name, my daddy said he has an uncle named Thomas."

Todd nodded and said. "I'm sorry Chase, yes, my name is Tom. Say hello to my friend."

Chase said hello but once again got quiet.

Todd tried to appear nonchalant, and to focus his gaze on Amos but wasn't sure how successful he was. "Amos, thank you for coming. Keely, I appreciate you also helping my little friend here. This is what I know." He proceeded to fill them in on the evening, and after getting a little more information about Lily, Todd convinced Chase to go with Amos and Keely but only after promising to bring Lily home.

As they got ready to leave, Todd asked the waitress for the check, he felt her come up beside him at the table but was unprepared for what happened next. Todd felt a gentle kiss on his cheek and realized it was the waitress.

"The meal is on me, I've watched and listened since you and the little one sat down here, Mister. You're a prince to help him even though you have your own problems, I'll add my own prayers that you find the boy's sister. Good luck to you and God bless you." she walked away before Todd could say anything.

"Well Thomas, it looks like you touched a couple people this night," Amos glanced over at the young boy who had fallen asleep on Thomas's lap. Amos was still puzzled by what he had seen walking into the diner. Thomas was blind but the man who had come into the paper just a few days earlier had been able to see, of that he was certain. Was Thomas putting on an act for his story? If he was, it was very convincing. Thomas had been shocked and alarmed when they had arrived and he had had no warning that the waitress was going to kiss him nor had he met their eyes. All of it pointed to the fact that he was indeed blind. If that was true, then Thomas Lord was an even bigger mystery than he had been several days before.

Todd sat there stunned, his hand to his cheek then he looked toward Amos and said, "I didn't even catch her name." he reached into his wallet and left a bill on the table.

Amos replied, "Her name is Becky."

Thomas nodded and carefully lifted Chase off his lap and handed him in Amos's general direction until Keely took the small boy. He slid out and opened his cane and began to walk toward the exit. He had been trying to act sighted since Amos had arrived, but there was no getting around the reality of the situation. Soon he would have to have a talk with Amos to explain, but for tonight, he was simply going to be a mystery.

Todd could feel Amos's eyes watching him and he knew Amos's brain must be working overtime trying to figure out how a man could see one week and just two weeks later be walking around blind but capable. It had never been his intention to fool Amos. In fact, he didn't want people to know about the handicap, but he had figured no one would pay much attention to a blind man on the docks. On the drive to the police station, they had formulated a plan to keep Todd's involvement a secret. Amos and Keely were going to say they had found Chase just wandering around on the dock lost and were trying to get him home.

As the Taxi stopped in front of the station. Chase woke up and crawled to give Todd a hug. "Mister Tom, please find my sister."

Todd looked at him and replied."Chase, don't you worry, I'll get your sister home as soon as I can. You tell your daddy that people are working on the problem and he'll be notified. Now you go with Amos and Keely and they'll help you get home." He gave Chase a hug and realized how much he missed Hope and Sam. With a little reluctance, he loosened his hold and let Chase go. The poor kid had no mother and his big sister was still out there in trouble. If it had been Hope or Sam, he would have moved heaven and earth to get them back, he could do no less for Chase.

Todd sat back in the taxi waiting for Amos and Keely to return, he leaned back and closed his eyes. "Tom are you there?"

"Sure Todd, I'm still here. Wow, tonight was something else. Those men on the dock were sure mean. Do they have something to do with why Chase was so scared?" asked Tom

"I think so Tom, I'm almost positive they are part of the organization responsible for all these missing children. Tom, why do you think people are so mean to kids?"

"Gosh, Todd, you're asking me? I don't know, I never could figure out why our Dad hurt us like he did, there was something wrong with him and it was the only way he found enjoyment."

"Tom, do you think I'm like Peter?"

"Holy smokes, no Todd. You're nothing like our Dad. Do you think you are and that's why you're pushing all of us away? Golly Todd, our Dad would have laughed at Chase if he had found him on the dock. I don't think you're anything like our Dad. Is something bothering you about the night you let Pete out? He still can't talk. Samuel says you silenced Pete. Did Pete do something really bad? Is that why you think you're like Dad?"

Todd sighed, he didn't know how to answer Tom. Pete did some horrific things and he had done absolutely nothing to stop Pete. In his heart, he just couldn't get over the fact that he had deliberately tortured a living being, even someone as despicable as Carlo Hesser. He had talked himself into believing it was justified, but as the events had drawn to a close that night, it had sickened him when he realized a part of him had enjoyed it.

"Tom that's what scares me. A part of me liked what Pete did that night. I can't stand that, I feel Peter is inside me waiting for me to do something like that again and then he's going to take over. Do you understand Tom?  I'm terrified I'm turning into him."

"I don't know Todd, I guess that is scary, but you don't act like Dad, You act like my brother, who always protected me, just like I protected you, and just like you did everything to protect Chase today. I think you're a good guy Todd, not a bad guy."

Before Todd could say anything else to Tom the taxi door opened and Amos clamored in. Todd quickly tossed a goodbye to Tom and waited to see if Keely was going to be joining them.

"Keely's staying with Chase. We just reached his grandfather and his dad and they're on their way here. The police are asking questions about the dock, but Chase isn't giving them much to go on. They're sending a car to the dock, but from what Chase told you, I'm guessing they won't find anything. Let's talk Tom."

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