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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Who's the Real Todd?, Ch. 44

The morning after the Sun hit the stands with Samuel Toddman's story, it had become national news. It seemed Samuel had been more well known in the art world than he had realized. Todd was stunned when letters of sympathy began arriving from patrons of the arts. He had always figured Samuel's fame had really been just a fluke because his two main purchasers had been Manning and Hesser. But it seemed more people knew of his paintings than he had realized. The next day a crate had arrived at the house with his portraits from Tomas's Gallery. He had opened it with some help from Blair and separated them. He was looking for 'Sunset' when Blair took a quick gasp of breath next to him. Although he couldn't see it properly, he knew it was 'Sunset'. He recognized the colors in the painting, and Samuel had also given him a heads up too.

He reached for the portrait and set it aside, rubbing his fingers gently over the face in the portrait. In his mind's eye, he saw that day once again.

Blair reached for his hand. "It's lovely Todd, Samuel put so many of our memories on canvas. I hate that you have to give it to Hesser."

"It's a means to an end Blair. If I'm going to find Hesser I have to do it with this portrait. I know he won't have it delivered directly to his hiding place, but it'll get us close. I believe after he thinks no one is watching the portrait, he's going to go to it. That's when we'll get him." I need to put it in a new frame though." he stopped, planning on calling one of his hi-tech friends to help him install a tracker wire in the frame. "Blair, how's the design for the ring coming along," he brought her hand up and kissed it." I know you're not too happy to be making this ring, but it means I can regain my sight. After all this, the awful mechanism can actually be useful for something good."

Blair gave him a small hug and said. "I know how much this means to you, Todd, and I've just about got the mold ready for the pour. Should get the ring poured by tomorrow and we'll be able to mount the implant tomorrow night. I'm really quite proud of the design, it's a very masculine ring. No one would suspect that it's more than a ring. Keeping the implants separated while I worked with the smaller one has made it easier for me to just view them as electronic devices. The jeweler who will be putting the device into my ring will be here tomorrow when I call him."

"Good. I also received a call from Kelly, our guy is in, and getting pictures of Kipling's house as we speak. As soon as we get his uploads, I'll have a good idea where the lab is. I know that with everything going on with Bo and his son, John is our best connection to the force right now. We need to call and find out if his forensic team has been able to make any headway with Jake's implants. If they can find a way to read the information stored on them we'll have more proof for the judge." Todd looked back over to the Painting he couldn't make out. "Samuel deserves to get his sight back. Of all of us, he's got to be feeling the loss the most. He should be able to come out and paint. Vicki's portrait is in limbo right now. This has to come to an end."

Just then the phone rang, Todd answered, "Hello."

"My dear Mr. Toddman, I can't tell you how sorry I was to hear about your accident. I must commend you on the way you're getting around. I had no idea you had lost your sight when I visited the other day, but now I understand why you are unable to complete the portrait I wanted. Really Mr. Toddman, you are quite extraordinary." said Carlo. He was in fact very impressed that Samuel had kept his blindness from him.

Todd frowned. He should have known that Carlo would get in touch as soon as the papers had come out. " Mr. Hesser, how nice of you to call, I do apologize for the deception, but surely you can understand I'm still adjusting to it. I'm glad you called, the portrait I promised you, in place of the one you commissioned, arrived this morning. I'm sure we can work out a good time and place for you to receive her." Why was it he felt Carlo had a specific reason for calling that had nothing to do with the paintings? Was it possible Carlo didn't believe the account in the paper? "Is there anything else I can do for you Mr. Hesser?"

"Nothing at all Mr. Toddman, I just wanted to call and offer my sympathy for your current situation. The article says you had the accident on your honeymoon, that had to be most distressful for Mrs. Toddman, I trust the charming Blair is holding up alright?" inquired Carlo

Todd's hand tightened around the phone. He had to take a breath to keep himself from saying something angry into the phone. Carlo's obsession with Blair was beginning to get on his last nerve. Speaking through gritted teeth he said." My wife is just fine, Mr. Hesser." he almost choked on the words, if he didn't end the conversation soon the phone would end up a tangled mess. "Mr. Hesser, I'm afraid I have to cut this conversation short. Perhaps you would like to tell me where to have the portrait delivered." Todd prayed he'd get an answer.

"That won't be necessary, I'll have a colleague of mine pick it up shortly, Mr. Toddman." Carlo hung up.

Todd put the phone down wondering when Carlo would send his colleague and had a sudden premonition that there might be trouble headed his way. He had been wondering if Carlo had figured things out and now something was telling him it was a very real possibility. If Carlo knew he was Todd then he needed to get Blair out of the house for a while. " Blair, where is the small implant?"

Blair looked at Todd and asked. "It's in your desk in your office. Why?" She had seen how angry he had been getting while talking to Carlo and wondered what he was thinking of doing. "Todd, you're not going to put it on and go looking for Carlo are you? What if you were to lose it? Please be patient. By tomorrow, you'll have the ring."

Todd glanced in the direction of her voice and said. "You're right, but I wasn't going to do anything foolish. I was just curious where you had put it."

Blair walked to him and took his arm. "If you promise to behave yourself and not mess with those things, I believe you. Now I need to go finish that mold so the ring will be ready. I should only be gone for a couple of hours. Are you going to be alright?"

"I'll be fine, you go. I'm anxious to see what you designed for me?" Todd took her hand and kissed it and she kissed his cheek in return and then left to go take care of the ring. Todd waited till he heard the front door close, then headed for his bedroom where his gun and the second implant were stored. He prayed he had enough time. No telling when Carlo's colleague would show up

Todd went straight to his safe and opened it, he felt for the gun, drawing it out and tucking it into his belt. Then he found the container, he opened it and took the jar holding the second implant and pocketed it. Just then he heard the door downstairs open. "Blair is that you? Did you forget something?" No answer, and then he heard the footsteps on the stairs. Whoever was coming up would be on the landing soon. He had to get downstairs to the second implant, and the stairs to the Kitchen were at the end of the second story wing, just past the Movieland suite. He had to draw the intruder downstairs somehow. If only for a few minutes. He walked to the bed and found the stereo console beside the bed that turned music on throughout the house. He quickly turned on the music in the living room and prayed it would distract the intruder long enough for him to exit the suite.

Christian stopped on the stairs wondering who had turned on the music in the living room. He turned around and began descending the stairs to check it out. He stood just under the stairway looking around. No one was in the living room. Then he heard movement coming from above him. Damn, Samuel had somehow realized he was here. Chris turned and made for the stairs again.

Todd had stood at the edge of the hallway watching the blob descend and turned to his right to go find the stairs to the kitchen. The hallway was dark but Todd made his way down it easily. He stopped briefly in the Starr's and Hope's suite to flick a switch that turned on the animal and bird sounds in the room. As he stepped out into the hall he heard the intruder coming back up the stairs. He knew he wouldn't make it to the stairs before the intruder reached the landing so he slipped into the Movieland suite. Keeping the door cracked and he watched down the hall as the Blob moved toward the Nature suite.

As soon as the blob entered the suite, Todd figured he probably had only minutes to get down through the kitchen and across the living room to the downstairs wing where his office was. Todd's heart was racing and he prayed it would be strong enough to get him through this. He thought back to the time he had chased Nora all around the beach house. Now he understood the terror she must have felt. He was as helpless as she had been if he couldn't get to that second implant. He edged back out into the hall and made it the rest of the way to the stairs. It was a good bet the intruder would search both suites before coming back downstairs but as the intruder could see, it wouldn't take him long.

Christian found himself in the suite and knew he would have to search. Obviously, Samuel, although blind, knew the way around his own home. It didn't take him long to search that suite, so he moved to the next one. After doing a cursory search of the second suite upon exiting, he noticed the stairs at the end of the hallway. Christian smiled, Samuel wanted to play hide and seek. He kind of liked the idea.  When Poseidon had called with his latest assignment, a perverse thrill had run through him, he was finally going to get back at the man. Poseidon thought Samuel was really Todd, how interesting. Chris didn't question why there were two Todds, he did what he was told and Poseidon had decided Samuel or Todd needed to be removed. A part of him felt sorry for Blair. She was his friend and partner but right now he had to put that aside after he completed his job he'd be there for her. Like always they found ways to comfort one another. Descending the stairs he said. "Samuel, you're just delaying the inevitable."

Todd paused as he heard Christian's voice. Damn, he had hoped he had been wrong about Chris for Blair's sake. He turned briefly to look in the direction of Chris's voice and accidentally knocked over a vase. At the crash, he knew Chris would be in the living room in seconds. Suddenly a bullet ripped past his ear and hit the wall in the hallway. Todd dodged out of sight and found the door to his office. He entered and shut the door behind him and locked it. He stumbled past his chair, almost falling down, sitting, and reaching for his desk. He turned on the phone and keyed his connection to John. Leaving the line open he began searching the desk, he had to find that implant. He heard John's "hello" and said. "John, intruder at Dragonheart. I'm running out of time. If you don't make it. Tell Blair I loved her." He reached into his top drawer and found the jar. His hands shook as he opened it and dropped the implant into his hand. The electrical shock was brief and instantly his vision cleared just in time to see the door to his office crash open.

Christian stood in the doorway, staring at Samuel behind his desk. Chris was impressed, he showed no fear. Chris moved quietly into the room and noticed that Samuel didn't follow his movement. So it was true, he was blind. Chris had him good and trapped. "Tsk, Tsk, that wasn't very nice leading me all over the house, although I must say, what I've seen so far is stunning. You should have stayed in Paris.  My employer thinks you're not Samuel but Todd Manning.  I can't believe Blair married you.  I thought she had gotten you out of her system. I guess I was wrong. Now we can do this one of two ways. I can kill you quickly or you can sit there and I'll make it look like you committed suicide because of the blindness. Taking the suicide route will let you dictate a note for Blair. What's it going to be, Samuel or should I be calling you Todd?" Chris found his target's lack of focus a little unnerving, but he waited for a reply.

Todd focused just to the left of Chris to give him a false sense of security. Then he said. "Chris, I'm disappointed. I thought you were stronger than this. How can you let Hesser manipulate you this way? Didn't you already go to prison once for him? I thought you cared about Blair, how can you just kill me?" The longer he could stall Chris the better his chances.

"I do care for Blair, and if you're Todd, I think you're all wrong for her, but don't worry about her. I'll be able to help her over her hurt after you are gone. I've done it before. So do you want this quick or like a  suicide."

Todd carefully pulled himself closer to the desk. "I think I'll take suicide. But I can't see to write. How am I going to leave a note." while he sat behind his desk he wrapped the implant around his finger securely and surreptitiously pulled the gun out from his belt and held it, pointing it at Christian praying he wouldn't have to use it. Chris had been looking around for a means to write the note, not paying attention because he felt Todd wasn't a threat.

"Here's an idea. Todd, just dictate to your computer. Don't worry I'll give you time. It should sound sincere to Blair." Christian leaned against the wall with his gun in hand and watched as Todd groped for the computer key that would allow him to dictate his thoughts.

Todd began, knowing the police had to be getting close. "Blair, forgive me, I can't continue in this darkness any longer. I thought I could for your sake but it takes too much out of me and I'm tired, Blair. I know I promised to never leave you again. But I can't see you and it's killing me. I'll always love you. Tell the kids my love for them never faltered. Good-bye" even as he was finishing he saw Christian's gun raise and knew he had to take his chance now. He flung himself out of the chair as Christian fired his shot just missing. Todd quickly crawled to the desk "Chris, you don't have to do this, do you really believe they won't know it wasn't murder? Think."

"It doesn't matter Samuel. Murder, suicide, you'll be dead either way. I'm not worried.   They won't know who did it and that's all that Poseidon requires of me." He raised his arm to fire once again.

Todd took his shot at the same time, rolling as he did so, hoping Christian's shot would miss. He felt something hit and knew he hadn't escape fully but then there was silence and no more shots. Todd collapsed breathing deeply feeling the blood run down his side. He heard movement and brought the gun around looking into the face of John in his doorway. He dropped the gun and struggled to keep conscious.

John took in the scene in front of him and went to Todd. Checking him over he called for an EMT. "Lie still, it doesn't look too serious." He then went over to the other man on the floor and turned him over. Seeing it was Christian he check him out. Christian had been grazed enough to knock him out, but he was beginning to come around. John handcuffed him, snagged his gun, and went back to Todd. "Relax Todd, he's not dead, only grazed. Your wound is going to require stitches though. Hang in there the EMTs are on the way. For a guy who can't see that was a heck of a shot." Todd just looked at him and passed out.

He came to while someone was bandaging his ribs. "Damn that smarts".

"Easy Mr. Toddman, you're going to be fine but the bullet took a pretty good gash out of your side. I expect you'll be sore for a while" The EMT flashed a light in his eyes and he had to close them it was so bright. The implant on his finger twitched and he knew it was responding to the light, his other hand reach to his pocket hoping the jar hadn't broken, thankfully the jar was still intact. Todd was sure he couldn't have taken a bad memory at that moment. "I would suggest you let us take you to the hospital but Detective McBain was pretty adamant that we fix you up here." said the EMT.

"No, that's quite alright, the detective is correct and since the police have already been notified could you write up your report to indicate you were called out here because I injured myself on the stone wall on my terrace when I stumbled. I don't want to alarm my wife. Gentlemen, please, it could have happened that way since my sight is bad. There is no reason she needs to know the true reason for your visit." Todd waited staring at a space in between the two EMTs.

They looked at each other and nodded. "Sure Mr.Toddman, the detective explained the need for secrecy. We'll write the report the way you asked, just be sure you keep the gash covered and change the bandage in two days. You should be good as new in a few more days." they gathered their equipment and left his home.

Todd looked around and realized he was in his suite. He gingerly sat upon the edge of the bed as John walked in. "How's Christian?"

"He's got a massive headache but isn't very talkative. I'm amazed you kept him from shooting you right away," said John.

"That was all Christian's doing, I think he felt he had me dead to rights, why not play with me a little bit. He figured I couldn't see, so I was no threat to him. He wasn't very observant because of it, or he would have realized I had called you."

John looked at Todd, studying him. The man had somehow gotten Christian to talk instead of shooting him. He had heard much of the conversation and had been amazed at how calm Todd had sounded. He and his men had just been turning into the driveway when a shot had rung out and John had thought they were too late, only to be surprised to hear voices continuing. They had just entered the house when two more shots rang out, then silence. John had been certain Todd was dead but instead, he walked into the office and found a gun leveled at him in Todd's hand and the intruder lying face down not far from him. Somehow Todd had managed to get off a shot of his own toward Christian that actually connected.

Christian was exceedingly lucky. The EMTs said he would have been dead if the bullet had hit his head direct, instead of creasing him. While the EMTs had been working on Todd, Natalie had shown up and was getting whatever evidence she could get from Todd's office. She had been shaken to find out Christian had tried to kill Todd.

Todd stood up carefully feeling a little woozy. "Blair's going to kill me. It won't take her long to realize I knew something was going down."

"Just how did you know Todd?" John inquired.

"It was just a feeling I got while I was talking to Hesser. Something told me, Hesser had figured out I was no longer in the dark about myself. The cat's out of the bag now. Hesser suspects I might be Todd, but at least you've got Christian. He needs protection John, he'll be a target now too." Todd ran his fingers through his hair deep in thought. " Damn I got this close to finding Hesser and now he might go back into hiding. I need to get an article out in the paper. Something about an unknown intruder who only managed to wound me before disappearing. If Carlo believes his killer failed but didn't get caught, he might consider himself safe and make another try to get me and the painting."

"Todd, I can't let you continue to make yourself a target. What is this painting you're talking about?" asked John

"Hesser wants one of Samuel's portraits of Blair. It arrived this morning. Carlo's obsessed with Blair. I think he'll still want the portrait. Let's go downstairs, I was going to call one of my contacts to see about wiring the frame of the portrait with some sort of tracer. Perhaps you know someone instead." He headed to the door and turned back when John didn't move. John was standing there still looking at him. "What's the matter, John?"

"You move around this house exceedingly well for a blind man." John remarked. "Not to mention, that shot you took at Christian was spot on. Explain Todd."

Todd knew he had gotten careless but at least he had done it in front of John. "Yes, well you see there's a reason for that." Todd reached into his pocket and drew out the jar. "You recognize this don't you, and you are aware that it is part of a set."

John nodded. "I've seen something similar. It looks like one of the implants that Manning delivered to me. Where's its other half?"

Todd raised his hand. "This is the other implant."

John's eyebrow went up when he realized Todd had the implant wrapped around his finger but what really bothered him was that it seemed to be moving just a little bit. "What the ..that thing is moving."

Todd looked down at it. "Um yes, it does that when it's close to the other implant. It does something else too. As long as I'm touching it and both implants are close together, I'm able to see again. I'm not sure why but it's like I'm still connected to them somehow. If they get separated by more than 25 feet, they no longer work and I'm blind again. When I put out that call to you I was still searching for this one" he looked at his hand. "If I hadn't found it when I did, I know the outcome would have been different. Christian had no idea I could see him, that's why I was able to elude the first bullet in the office. Unfortunately, in eluding the first bullet I put myself in an equally vulnerable position. When I took my shot at Christian, I was rolling hoping to avoid his shot. You saw how that turned out."

"Wait a minute, the implants that Manning gave me didn't move, why are yours still working."

"Michael said the power source that operated them is still functioning and they are still sending and receiving data. I don't know John. I only know they help me see. I can tell from the look on your face you don't believe me. Here, take this one and hold it in the palm of your hand, and exit this room you'll see what I'm talking about. I'll stand by the bed, you'll be able to see me from the hall." Todd had taken off the implant and it was wiggling from his fingertips.

John's curiosity got the better of him and he held out his palm and Todd dropped the implant into it. Then Todd turned and walked back toward the bed but this time he took his time almost falling when his leg came in contact with the edge before he was ready for it. John realized Todd's vision had been affected by just taking off the implant. John took the implant and walked out of the suite and suddenly it became inert. He held it close and examined it, pushing it around on his palm, but it was just a small piece of machinery lying in his hand. Todd had sat down on the bed his eyes unfocused looking toward the door. John walked back into the room and the little implant again began wriggling. It seemed to want to crawl off his palm so he closed his hand around it and walked over to Todd. "Amazing!" He held it out to Todd and watched as Todd held his hand out in John's general direction. Todd was telling the truth, he couldn't see. John dropped the implant into his hand and watched Todd's face as he refocused and looked directly at John once more.

"You're right John, it's amazing. but it has its drawbacks. The implants have to stay close together for me to see and if anything happens to either one of them I'm out of luck and blind again." Todd pocketed the jar again and wrapped the smaller implant around his finger. "I need to put the smaller implant away before Blair gets back home. Is Christian still downstairs?"

"No, they took him to the station, Natalie's downstairs finishing up. She was upset about Christian. You're right Todd, Christian's a marked man unless we can figure out where Carlo is first." John headed out followed by Todd and they made their way down to Todd's office.

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