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Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Brother's Keeper #9

John looked at Todd.  “I’ll ride with you, Todd.  I’m not letting you out of my sight tonight.  Better yet, I’ll drive.  I wouldn’t want you passing out again.  It’s a good thing you got all your money back recently, you’re going to make a mess of your car.”  Before he could stop him, Todd slapped a muddy hand on his back.

“Why, John, that’s right obliging of you, and here I thought you didn’t like me anymore.  Blair, did I ever tell you how John let me stay at his place for a short time?” Todd took the opportunity to then throw his arm around John’s shoulder getting even more mud on him.  “He was really understanding when I first got back into town.”  He smiled a big smile right into John's face.

Blair was finding it hard not to laugh. Todd had managed to get John pretty filthy with just a few little actions.  “No, you didn’t, I had no idea you and John got that close.  John, you should have told me.”

John scowled. “Hands off, Todd.”  He waited as Todd removed his arm.  It was because of those few days with Todd as his houseguest, that John knew how Todd liked his little jokes.   He met Todd’s eyes and answered Blair. “I couldn’t tell anyone when he contacted me, someone was trying to kill him at the time.”

Todd was satisfied.  In one little moment, he managed to remind John of the circumstances of their first meeting and he also managed to have a little fun at John’s expense.   He had accomplished what he had set out to do.  He stepped away from John and grabbed Blair’s hand.  “Shall we go, I’m ready to get into something clean. Hmm, it looks like that jacket might need cleaning, too, John.  You didn’t by chance leave any at Vicki’s when you were with Natalie, did you?“ He chuckled and kept moving toward his car.

Blair had been stunned by John’s response.  She had never been told about the attempts on Todd’s life.  Before she could ask for more of an explanation, Todd was pulling her toward the car. She looked back at John and struggled to catch up to Todd. “What did he mean someone was trying to kill you?”  

Todd ignored her at first and just unlocked the car. Damn it, Manning, you blew it.  Now you’ll have to tell her more about everything.  “Get in Blair, it’s nothing.  It’s all over.”

Blair got in and turned to him as he sat down next to her.  “Is it, Todd?  I don’t think so and neither do you.  We wouldn’t have been looking into this Victor thing if you believed it was over.”

John overhead the last comment and turned to both of them as he got into the driver’s seat.  “She’s right, Todd.  What you found there tonight means there’s a lot more going on.  I’m not sure I believe you’re in contact with Victor, but that sure as hell wasn’t him in the casket.”

Silence reigned as they all thought about what they had found.  Finally, Todd broke the silence.  “That thing in Victor’s casket was almost human.  It was years ahead of most robots.  It would take an organization with deep pockets to be able to fund research to make something like that.  If Irene wasn’t dead and her organization wasn’t already dissolved, I would have bet money she had something to do with this.  Now I’m not so sure.”

“I agree, this sound and looks like something the CIA might have a hand in, but like you said, Irene’s group has been compromised.”  John pulled into the entrance of LaBoulaie.  “We’ll see you later, Blair.”

“Absolutely not, I’m going with you to Pine Valley.  I want to know about that thing, too.  Either you wait for me or I’ll get there by myself.”

Todd knew Blair.  She would go, no matter what. “Might as well just wait, McBain.  I know Blair, once she makes up her mind, there’s no changing it.”

John nodded. “We’ll wait.” Blair left to change and John turned to Todd.  “You wouldn’t care to elaborate on these conversations with Victor, would you?  Just how long have you been talking to him?”

Todd kept his face perfectly blank.  “He contacted me shortly after his death.  But like I  just told you, I wasn’t sure it was really him.  The second time, I was sick from the bullet Irene put in me, so naturally, I questioned it again.  It was our third conversation that convinced me he was who he said he was.”

“What was it about that conversation that convinced you?”  John was watching Todd’s face for any sign that he was fabricating his story.  The fact that Todd met his eyes and didn’t avoid them said a lot.  There was a tone in his voice that indicated he was telling the truth, but John still felt Todd was keeping something from him.

“Let’s just say what he told me was proof to me he was alive.” Todd’s eyes left John’s as they picked up Blair coming back toward the car.  He couldn’t help feeling relieved when she climbed back in next to him.

Blair sensed Todd’s tension and looked at John. “What were you two talking about?”
“Just getting some clarification, that’s all,”  John said.

Blair had grabbed a towel on her way out and handed it to Todd.  “You better try to wipe some of that mud off yourself and your shoes before you enter Vicki’s kitchen.  If she sees you, you’re going to have a lot of explaining to do.”

Todd grimaced.  He would really have to be careful not to run into his sister.  She would come down hard on him if she found out he opened Victor’s grave.  “I didn’t think of that, I should have tried to clean up at your place, Blair.  Thanks for the towel.”

Blair leaned in closer to Todd. “Okay, tell.  What were you and John talking about?” she whispered.

Todd knew John was watching from the front seat, and pretended to go in for a kiss so he could get close to her ear. “He was grilling me about Victor.”  The closeness was too hard to resist as her fragrance wafted towards him. Before she knew it, he took advantage of the moment to plant a soft kiss on her neck.

Blair gasped softly at his caress and looked deeply into his hazel eyes.  She had wasted entirely too much time since his return.  You were a fool to ever doubt him, Blair.  He’s been giving you signals from the moment he kissed you at the premiere.  Caught up in the moment, she turned her head and met his lips with her own. She savored the softness and was just getting deeper into the kiss when she was jarred back to reality by John’s cough.

Todd met John’s eyes in the mirror and glared.  He noticed the slight smile on the detective’s face.  The bastard was getting a kick out of playing spoiler.  Todd reached and softly touched Blair’s cheek to let her know he was also disappointed the kiss had been interrupted.

Blair nodded and sat back in the seat. Her heart was still pounding from the unfinished kiss and if Bo ended up letting Todd go, she was determined to finish it later.

Todd had no trouble sneaking into Vicki’s kitchen and up to his room from the back stairs.  He took a quick shower and changed, grabbing a dry shirt and jacket for John.  He almost made it to the stairs when Vicki stopped him.

“I thought you were in for the night, but I see you’re headed back out.  I hope you’re not planning on sleeping at the office tonight.” She had noticed the extra clothing.

Todd looked a little sheepish, “Uh. no, I’m going to meet Blair.  This is just in case I get lucky.”

“Todd, don’t push her.  If you’re meant to get back together, you will.”

“Right, I’ll try and remember that.  Well, need to go.  See you, Sis.”  He headed down the stairs before Vicki had more questions.

An hour later, they rolled into the sleepy town of Pine Valley.  Bo and the coroner were already examining the remains as John, Blair, and Todd entered.  Blair noticed Natalie had stuck around, waiting for the results along with Bo.

Bo looked over as they came in. “Damn it, Manning.   Why is it the minute you show back up in town, everything gets complicated?”

Todd always loved to pull Bo’s chain. “I guess it’s a special talent of mine.  Can’t let you get too complacent, Commissioner.”  He would never like Bo, there was too much between them concerning Nora, but he had to admit Bo was a fair man.  He had listened to them when they had explained their reasons for the earlier event of the evening.  He had even taken the initiative to check it out without bringing Tea and Vicki into it.  For that, Todd grudgingly backed down from saying anything more.  “So, what’s the verdict?”

“Blair was right, there were traces of blood not destroyed by the fire.  We’re waiting to see what that analysis is.  Fingerprints were also found on the forehead and on both arms.  I sent them to Fish a minute ago, we should get word soon.”  The phone in the office went off and everyone jumped.  It was a fax coming through.  Bo reached and picked it up looking at the results.

“Don’t keep us in suspense. Whose fingerprints are on the body?”  Todd needed to know if this was the body Tea had touched.  Victor had insisted he wasn’t hurt.

“Tea’s prints were on it, but three other sets were also found.” Bo said looking up from the fax.

“Wait a minute, Bo.  There should have only been three sets of prints on that body.  Tea’s and the two EMTs. Who does the fourth set belong to?  Has Fish talked to the EMTs?” asked John.

“They’ve disappeared.  It seems they quit their jobs and left town a couple of days after Victor’s death.  The coroner is another story.   Brody is picking him up as we speak.  He’s got some explaining to do.”  Bo’s cell phone went off and he answered it.  “ Hello, Buchanan here.  Brody, did you get him?  Great, that‘s just great.” he said disgustedly.

“What happened, Bo?” Todd had an uneasy feeling they were about to get some more bad news.  Bo sounded pissed.

“Hold on, Brody.” Bo met Todd’s eyes and then he looked at the others waiting patiently. “The coroner’s dead.  Witnesses said he was on his way to his car when another vehicle lost control in the rain, hit him and drove away.  They said it was dark and it was during the time the rain started pouring, visibility was pretty bad.  Brody wasn’t able to get much information on the car.”

John interjected. “Does Brody have a time for the incident?”

“I know what you’re thinking, John.  Brody, when did this take place?  I see.  Okay, do what you have to.  Block off the scene, I don’t think it was an accident..  I’m sending Natalie back with her crew.  She should be there within the hour.  We need to try and find that vehicle as soon as possible.”

Todd said what was on everyone’s mind.  “They’re tying up loose ends.  I’m betting that the security guard at the cemetery is behind it.   He alerted his bosses and now they’re getting rid of all ties back to them.”

Bo turned to Natalie.  “I know it’s late but you and your men aren’t through.  You need to get to that scene.  If we’re lucky, you might be able to find something.  Be careful. the weather is still nasty.”   He turned back to Todd.  “It definitely looks like there’s some truth to your assumptions.  I want to know how you’re in contact with Victor and I want to know now!”

“You’re not going to believe me.  Blair is still trying to.  Victor and I are communicating in here.” He pointed to his head.  Even as he said it, he knew how insane it sounded.  There wasn’t even a way to prove it.

“Todd, enough of your bull.  I want the truth!”

“That is the truth.  I don’t know how it happened or why, but shortly after I was put in jail, Victor started talking to me in my head.  He seemed to think we were able to communicate because we’re identical twins.”  Todd could see the skepticism written on Bo’s and John’s face.  “I told you, you wouldn’t believe me.”

Blair, took his hand.  “Bo, I believe him.   It is far-fetched, but stranger things have happened.  I was present this afternoon when Todd had a conversation with Victor.  It’s not just the communication aspect.  Todd feels things when Victor is being hurt and visa versa.  In the middle of a conversation with me, Todd doubled over in pain.  He told me someone was beating the crap out of Victor.”

Todd jumped back in. “Bo, when you found me on the bathroom floor, I had just been shocked. At the same time somewhere else, Victor was strapped in a chair being electrocuted. It was just like the one Irene used on me.  John, if you were at the compound, you know about the chair.”

John remembered the chair.  Irene had used it on Baker.  “There is such a chair, Bo.  If we didn’t have that so-called body, I would be more skeptical, but Todd got his information somewhere.  I have to give him the benefit of the doubt.”

Bo couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Todd had John fooled too. He had clearly lost it.  Bo was trying to figure out if Todd was angling for an insanity plea, when all of them were startled by the phone in the office ringing again.  Another fax was coming through. He picked it up, read it and handed it to John. “We’ve got a match on the fourth set of prints.  They belong to Tomas Delgado.”

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