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Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Brother's Keeper #4

        A couple of weeks had passed since the incident in the bathroom at the courthouse. Todd hadn’t heard from his brother at all and was beginning to think he had imagined the whole thing. He had been struggling to find a way to talk to Blair about what was going on, but every time he turned around Tomas was hovering. He was getting pretty frustrated with Tomas. Sure he had offered to take the rap for Irene, but in the end, Todd had let him off the hook and admitted to the shooting. Now when Todd was trying to make headway with Blair, Tomas had decided to try and pin Victor’s supposed murder on him. That was where it got confusing.

         He was still being haunted by his mother and the images in his mind of him killing his brother were as fresh as the day she had taunted him in the cabin. Yet he had talked to Victor and the jolt he had received the day they shocked Victor, couldn’t have been just his imagination. Victor had said he felt it when Irene had fired the shot that almost killed Todd and when Blair had dug out the bullet. It was obvious the phenomenon that identical twins sometimes shared thoughts and physical sensations seemed to have come true for both he and Victor, but how could he tell anyone that Victor was alive. No one would believe him, least of all Tea, his lawyer, and Victor’s widow. “Damn it, Victor, I wish you’d start talking to me again. I know that shock didn’t kill you.”

        “How the hell would you know that? Do you know what the bastards tried to do to me?”

         Todd felt a sense of relief, he wasn’t losing his mind. Victor was still alive. “So you survived. I thought for sure, you were just more of my imagination. Of course, I know what they did to you. You don’t know it, but that chair was our mom’s favorite means of torture. Now listen, I need you to describe the room you’re in.”

         “No can do, they blindfolded me again. This time I’m on a bed. I want to get back to what the bastards did to me. Are you telling me they did that to you too?”

         “I’ve spent the last few months trying to tell people they tortured me, but no one seemed to want to listen. You shouldn’t be surprised. You’re a product of our mother and what she did to us. Did they ask you anything before they lit you up? Do you have any idea what they want with you or why they’re making it seem like I murdered you?” There was silence and Todd wondered if he had lost the connection to his brother. It was getting weird. He never knew when Victor was going to pop in and since Victor couldn’t get a handle on where he was, Todd had no way to locate him. “Victor, if you’re still there say something.”

         “Man this is the pits. I don’t know where I am, but someone needs a lesson in what classifies as good music.”

         “I don’t believe you, is that all you’re concerned about. I’m out here suspected of killing you, and I already have one strike against me, because I killed Irene. You need to work on getting me something that tells me who’s got you, or where you are.”

         “I’ll try but don’t expect much. They’re keeping me pretty isolated, and when someone talks to me they use one of those weird voice modulators.”

         “Great, just what I didn’t want to hear. They’re afraid you’ll recognize their voice. But wait a minute, 
who might want to frame me, and keep you, hostage.” Todd was sitting in his desk chair with his back to the door and didn’t hear the door open.

          Blair had just dropped Jack off down in the copy room. There was going to be no more of young Jack Manning at the helm of The Sun until he earned it. He was going to learn what it felt like to really work, and he wouldn’t be able to use the paper anymore to hurt his father. After making sure he was introduced to the supervisor, she left him to begin work. Blair walked into the office, just in time to hear Todd’s final statement. She stopped and looked around, “Who are you talking to?”

         Todd whipped around. ”Blair?”

          “What’s up, Blair’s there?”

          Todd wasn’t sure how to respond he had been talking to Victor out loud for some time and it seemed strange to just think the words. Victor, shut up! Yes, Blair’s here, I can’t talk to you and her at the same time. “Blair I didn’t hear you come in. Did you ask me something?”

          “I asked who you were talking to? What did you mean? Who’s trying to frame you and who’s being held hostage?”

          “Uh.. you must have misunderstood. I was talking to myself about some changes I’m thinking of making around here. This contractor I was talking to told me they could build a bookcase for me that would give the impression of framing me when visitors come into the office and see me. Then he told me if I didn’t pay half upfront he would hold the work hostage until I settled. I was just going over my options out loud.” He looked up at her and then dropped his eyes, she was giving him, her ‘I don’t buy it look’.

           Blair couldn’t believe her ears, Todd really was off his game. That was the most asinine explanation she had ever heard. “Todd, what’s going on? You’ve been acting strange ever since the cabin. I thought we were making progress when you came forward about killing Irene. You let Tomas off the hook, but I feel you’re hiding something from me now. Why?”

Todd met her eyes. “If I told you, I don’t think you would believe me. No one seems to believe me these days.”

“Why don’t you give it a shot. I’m willing to listen.”

“This is going to sound crazy, but Victor isn’t dead.” He looked up at Blair and knew he had made a mistake.

Blair couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Todd, I saw the body bag being taken out of Victor’s house. Tea was a mess. She watched him die before her eyes. How can you be so cruel to even say something like that?”

            Todd left his chair and walked to the window of the office. She was upset with him now. He couldn’t face the hurt he knew to be in her eyes, so he stared out at the view. “See, I knew you wouldn’t believe me. I don’t know how it happened, but I’m telling the truth. I’ve talked to him. I‘m not crazy. Although for a while I thought I was. We’ve been trying to figure out who’s holding him prisoner.”

          Blair couldn’t believe what she was hearing and it frightened her. “What do you mean you’ve talked to him. Todd, he’s been dead for several months. Are you alright?”

         “Hell, I don’t know. One minute I’m talking to Victor and the next my mother pops in for a visit. Of course, she’s just here to keep reminding me about what I did. None of it makes sense. I couldn’t have done what she said, because he’s not dead. Yet I keep seeing it.” Even as he said it the image of him standing over his brother’s body again flashed into his head.

           He was babbling and not making sense. Blair walked over to him. “Todd, look at me. What are you talking about? You just said your mother pops in for a visit? She’s dead. Todd. You killed her.”

Todd blinked and came back to the present. “What did you say, Blair?”

“I’m concerned about you. You said Irene’s been popping in and out. That makes no sense. Why did you say Victor’s alive?”

“Because he is, that‘s what I been trying to tell you. I can’t explain it, but I know he’s out there somewhere. It’s a twin thing.” He could see Blair wasn’t buying it. Suddenly he doubled over. It felt like someone had just slammed a two-by-four in his side. In his head he heard a cry of anguish then Victor went silent again.

Blair watched astonished as Todd dropped to his knees in pain. "Todd!"

"Victor, what's going on. Talk to me!" Todd held his side as he used the wall and staggered to his feet. He was intent on finding out how Victor was and didn't realize he had gone back to speaking to his brother aloud. He had forgotten Blair was even in the room as he felt another blow almost drive him to his knees again. “Shit. Victor, are you alright!” God, if he was feeling it this bad, Victor must be in agony. His link to Victor ceased and Todd had an idea his brother had passed out.

“Todd, are you ill?” Blair was shocked, Todd was talking to Victor and seemed to be oblivious to her. He was in obvious pain. “What the hell is happening?”

Todd leaned against the wall, his ribs felt tender but he could breathe. He suddenly heard Blair’s question. “Someone was beating the crap out of Victor. It was bad, I lost him again.”

“This is crazy. I think you need to see a doctor.” She was worried now. It couldn’t be possible. Todd really believed he was in contact with Victor.

He could hear it in her voice. She didn’t believe him. “Blair, I know it sounds crazy, but I need you to trust me. I’m telling you the truth.”

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