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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Who's the Real Todd?, Ch. 33

As planned Ray picked up Blair's cousin and dropped her off at Dorian Lord's house. Then he headed back to his place to pick up his own tuxedo and Todd's rings before going back to the airport to pick up the Reverend. The plan was to make sure the Reverend got settled at the Palace hotel and then they would go to Todd's estate to finish getting dressed. Ray was anxious to get to Todd's. He was worried about Todd's mental state and wanted to be there if Todd started to get cold feet. In his heart, Ray felt it was important for Blair and Todd to be married before he faced surgery. Ray was counting on Todd's bond with Blair to be strengthened by the marriage. Thereby giving Todd the extra push he needed to come back to Blair if he felt himself slipping away.

Across town at Dorian's, the house was bustling with activity. Blair and Starr were laughing and giggling as they prepared lunch. Kelly had just gotten home from her short day at work so she could help Blair get ready. Addie was making sure Sam and Jack had gotten fresh haircuts and were back to get dressed for the evening festivities. No one realized Dorian had arrived during the night until she walked into the kitchen. "Well, my girls are all in a good mood. What has everyone so happy?" Just as Blair was going to tell her, the doorbell rang and Dorian said: "Hold that thought."

Starr looked at her mom. " Mom, does Aunt Dorian even know you and Samuel were dating?"

"Oh my god no. She doesn't even know who I met in Paris. Much less, that the man I found in Paris is your Dad. Remember Starr, no matter what, right now we tell her I'm marrying Samuel, and after we're married and back home then we can bring Dorian into the loop. It never occurred to me that Dorian wasn't in the know. She's been so involved in her own little problems and then gone with David to California I just haven't kept her informed. We've been working so hard to keep Samuel and Todd under wraps so that Carlo didn't find out he was even here, that Dorian was included in the people left in the dark. I guess I'll just have to bite the bullet and tell her about the wedding tonight." Blair felt a little sick, Dorian was going to be so hurt that she had been kept out of the loop and they were going to have to continue to lie if Todd's plan was going to have a chance of working.

Dorian approached the front door and opened it to find her daughter standing outside. She screamed bringing Blair and Starr looking to see what had happened. Then Blair screamed in joy seeing Cassie standing in front of her. "How? What are you doing here?" Blair exclaimed.

"I was invited to a wedding by your fiance last night. Blair how come you never mentioned him? He's very personable on the phone, so much so I couldn't refuse when he said he wanted to surprise you." answered Cassie smiling.

Blair gushed "Oh my God this is so great, trust him to do something like this. I'm so glad you're here."

"Excuse me. What do you mean you're here for a wedding?" asked Dorian dryly.

Blair looked around at Dorian guiltily. "Um mm ...I'm getting married tonight. You're invited of course. I just haven't had a chance to tell you. You were in California, I didn't know you were coming home. Look isn't it great?  You get a chance to see your daughter and catch her up on all the things going on with you and David." Blair paused wondering when Dorian was going to blow her top.

Cassie looked from her mother to Blair and realized her mother was just as in the dark as she had been. "Look I can see you need to talk. Starr, perhaps you could show me where I can stay and get ready for tonight." She followed Starr upstairs and then more cries of gladness were heard as Cassie and Kelly reunited.

Dorian walked into the living room feeling slightly betrayed because she apparently was the last to know that Blair was getting married. She hadn't even known Blair was even seeing anyone. "So you're getting married tonight. Were you ever going to tell me?"

"Dorian, you have to understand this wedding came up so fast. We've only been engaged a short time and the other day we decided we didn't want to wait any longer. You haven't been here, there is a lot going on for both of us. Samuel is deeply involved with something the requires his immediate attention and I've just found out Jack's involvement in the death of Gigi Morasco. I need Samuel more than ever and he needs me." Blair hoped Dorian was really listening. She knew how her Aunt could get and she needed Dorian to understand.

Dorian sat down and said, "Who is this Samuel and where did you meet him?"

"I'll tell you the short version but Dorian you have to promise that you'll listen and not judge, and I'm telling you upfront, this wedding is happening this evening whether you approve or not. I love Samuel very much and he loves me. I met Samuel in Paris. He's the artist of the portrait that Eli left for me." Blair said and before she could get anything else out Dorian spoke up.

"Oh Blair really, not an artist. Have you not learned anything. Always inappropriate men. Let me guess. He lived in a little garret apartment and was barely scraping by, but he was so enamored with you, he followed you back here. Really I thought you were savvier than that." laughed Dorian.

Blair could feel her blood begin to boil. This was one time when she wanted to wipe the smile off her aunt's face. If Dorian knew the truth she'd be shocked. Blair held her anger in check and stated. "Actually Samuel is a respected artist around the world and is actually quite wealthy in his own right. He's also the majority stockholder of The Sun and you should know he's a distant relative of the Lords." Blair reached over and picked up the copy of The Sun and handed it to Dorian. The front page headline read.

Sun Owner to Take the Plunge.

'New owner of the Sun will wed in a quiet ceremony at an undisclosed location this evening. Mr. Samuel Toddman and his lovely bride to be, Ms.Blair Cramer, will then be departing on a private jet to parts unknown for their honeymoon. Sources say the couple will return to reside in Llanview.'

"Now Dorian, if you think you can keep your thoughts about my soon-to-be husband to yourself, then I would like you to be at the wedding this evening. I want you to be happy for me and I don't have time to prove to you that I am. Will you come, it would mean a great deal to me if you were there?" Blair waited, praying Dorian had gotten past her hurt and would agree to come.

Dorian read the paper and was impressed but more than anything else she heard the love in Blair's voice for this Samuel. All she ever wanted was for her girls to be happy, and from the sounds of it Samuel was making Blair happy. She had never heard of Samuel Toddman and was curious as to his connection to the Vicki and the Lords. If she wanted to meet this man it sounded like tonight was the only night she was going to be able to. David had headed back to California to finish editing his movie. "Blair, of course, I'll come to your wedding. I at least have to let him know he's marrying a Cramer woman and he better treat you right or he'll have me to deal with."

Blair gave her aunt a big hug and then realized the time, "Oh Lord, the afternoon is half over and I'm nowhere near ready."

The next few hours were spent doing hair and makeup then Starr and Blair pulled out the gowns for the wedding and everyone found themselves getting teary-eyed. Soon all were ready to go and Dorian asked, "Just where is this wedding taking place and how are we getting there?"

Starr spoke up. "Samuel said the location is a surprise but to expect a limousine around 6:00 pm which is just a few minutes from now." As if by magic the limousine pulled into the driveway and they all got in. Everyone, especially Blair, filled with anticipation for the event ahead.

Vicki returned home. It had been a busy morning and now she needed to relax a little bit and rest before getting ready for the Wedding. Jessica and she had talked about her brother long into the night and Vicki had told Jessica all about Todd's heart and the implant in his brain. She told her about the person they believed responsible for everything Todd had been through in the last eight years and then they talked about his alters. Vicki explained that Todd was one of a few people that suffered from DID who was aware of and accepted each of his alters as an essential part of himself. Todd had gone so far as to actually find ways to co-exist with them and he felt they were more like real family to him than just aspects of himself. Strangely enough, it worked quite well for Todd and kept him sane. Jessica couldn't help but admire her uncle still she knew there was no way she could live with her alters like that.

Vicki had already talked to Jessica on her way home and she and Bree were getting their hair done at Roxy's and they would be home after making a few more stops. Vicki entered the kitchen to get some lunch and was surprised to find Natalie there making herself something. "Natalie, I thought you had to work today. I'm surprised to see you home."

"I did work this morning but I got the afternoon off so I could get ready for the wedding," answered Natalie.

Vicki was thrown for a loop. How did Natalie know about the Wedding and why did she say she was going? "I don't understand. Who's wedding are you attending, I would have thought after what happened recently you would have stayed away from weddings."

"Well I almost said I couldn't attend but then I decided he needed the family support. He's been on the outside of this family long enough. If all of you can accept me after everything I brought down on this family, then I felt it was only fair to accept him the way you and Jessica do. Besides I could tell something is different, something happened in the last eight years and it's taken its toll on him. I should tell you that John and Brody will be attending also. They'll be here as escorts for Jessica and me, but in reality John wants to make sure Carlo doesn't make another uninvited visit. I guess I need to have a chat with Jessica just to prepare her for John and Brody." Natalie paused thinking about the upcoming conversation with Jessica when she realized her mom had asked a question. "I'm sorry Mom. What did you ask me?"

Vicki looked at her daughter and repeated her question. "When did Carlo make an uninvited visit."

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything.  It's an ongoing case but since I already let the cat out of the bag, here goes. Carlo Hesser dropped in unannounced the other day trying to see if Samuel was still Samuel or if he had regained his memory of Todd. I guess Todd managed to convince him he was Samuel. Todd wanted proof for Uncle Bo that Carlo was close by, so he asked for someone to come and dust the place for fingerprints, that ended up being me. Mom when did Todd become such a good artist? His portrait of you is stunning."

Not even thinking, because she was still wrapping her head around the fact that Carlo had visited with Todd, Vicki said ,"Oh Todd didn't paint that, Samuel did. Samuel is an excellent artist but Todd could give him a run for his money if he wanted to. Todd's style is more dramatic." She no sooner finished her sentence then realized what she had said.

Natalie looked at her mother amazed. That was why it had seemed strange yesterday when she had looked at the portraits. She had thought they were painted by someone else and they had been. My god, her uncle had alters too. She didn't know what to say to this latest revelation but now some of the things Todd had said fell right into place. "I see. Well, now there's, even more, I'm going to want to be explained but this isn't the time. I'm going to go check on Liam and start getting ready. I still need to have that chat with Jessica, before the guys get here."

It was around 6:00 pm when John and Brody showed up to escort all of them to the estate. Vicki helped Bree into the car and Jessica and Natalie had the babies. The limo driver had the instructions so they all sat back as they headed for the wedding. John brought Vicki and Jessica up to speed with the developments concerning Carlo. Bo had decided that John and Brody would be less conspicuous than regular cops because of their connection to the two sisters. Bo figured better safe than sorry if Carlo should decide to crash the wedding.

The limousine turned down the estate road and Jessica and Natalie both exclaimed at once as the house came into view. The grounds with the many wildflowers scattered here and there just enhanced how simply and beautifully the house fit into it's surrounding. Todd, Ray, and Andrew were waiting at the front door when the Limousine pulled up to drop them off.

"Welcome to Dragonheart." Todd said as he helped his sister from the car.  He escorted her into the great room and Vicki's breath caught as she viewed the two new additions that were hung on opposite walls in the great room.

Beautiful portraits of Blair graced the room. One had an almost ethereal quality to it as Blair seemed to be descending a staircase from the clouds dressed in a flowing gown of white. The other portrait was a full-length portrait of Blair the day of their 2001 Wedding, she was gazing with love at the profile of a man facing her. "Oh Todd, they're breathtaking." He smiled at her and replied. "Samuel says to tell you Thank you. He painted them with this house in mind. They were shipped here months ago." He seated his sister and went to talk to the musicians. By his watch, the limousine carrying Blair would be arriving in a short amount of time. After instructing them to start playing, he proceeded to greet his two nieces. He bowed very properly to his great-niece as she giggled delightedly and when he asked her if she would be a flower girl she nodded enthusiastically. Natalie introduced him to Liam and he thanked her for coming on such short notice. Then he had a short talk with Brody and John. His watch chimed and he nodded once again to the musicians.

The limo carrying Blair pulled into the driveway. Everyone in the car was very curious where they would be delivered but the view that appeared before them as the clearing opened up produced sighs and exclamations at the beauty of the scene. Blair couldn't believe her eyes.  Where had Todd found this place and who owned it? It was positively gorgeous.

Ray was waiting at the door to help them alight.  He spoke briefly to Starr and she took Hope and started to enter when suddenly Hope's little voice spoke up. "Look, Mommy, Sir Dragon." Starr gazed in wonder at the beautiful windows flanking the door and knew immediately whose house this was. As she stepped inside her heart filled with love for her father as he had outdone himself this time. Ray directed her over where Bree waited and Starr helped the little girls get ready to walk down spreading flower petals as they walked. Ray told Jack he was to escort his mother in and to wait for the signal. Then Ray escorted Addie and Dorian in while Brody and John escorted in Cassie and Kelly .

Blair was still standing just outside the house drinking in the entranceway and realizing that this was Todd's house. She stepped into the entranceway and admired the design of it, recognizing the simplicity and the symbolism. Jack walked to his mother and presented her his elbow. She placed her hand on his arm as the musicians began playing "Unforgettable".

Starr sent Bree and Hope walking in and they carefully spread the wildflowers before them. Then Starr handed her mom the bouquet and gave her a kiss and started into the room where Ray and her Father waited. As the final strains of "Unforgettable" finished, the Sun hung low in the sky and filled the room with the glorious shades of Sunset. With the sunlight streaming in Todd stood there his eyes on the only one that mattered. As Jack and Blair prepared to enter the room, she heard the strains of "My One and Only Love " begin, and looking forward her eyes locked with his, she began her walk to her only Love.

She was a vision. She wore a gown of lace the clung to her body, and as she moved the setting sun glistened off small diamonds nestled in the centers of intricately woven flowers making it appear like she was covered in dew-covered flowers. Jack brought his mother to Todd, he squeezed her hand as she gave him a kiss on the cheek then he sat down next to his sister. Todd held out his hand to her saying "Be with me." Her eyes were sparkling with tears as she moved to join him. They joined hands and turned to face Andrew.

Blair couldn't believe that Todd had talked Andrew into performing the ceremony. It was all so surreal. From the moment she had stepped through those carved doors she felt like she had stepped into a fairy tale. The house had welcomed her and had drawn her to the center where her heart stood waiting for her. There he stood bathed in light, incredibly handsome and all hers. He had arranged all this, surprising her like he always did. She felt his hand give hers a slight squeeze as if to reassure himself that she was there, in response, she rubbed her thumb alongside his hand to let him know she wasn't going anywhere.

Andrew began as the music died down. "We come this evening to give our blessings to two people who have decided to join together and become one as husband and wife. There are many different relationships that people enter into for one reason or another, but every once in a while God establishes a relationship that seems to defy the odds. One man and one woman come together and realize that they can't be whole unless they are with each other. Samuel and Blair have formed that kind of relationship. They've come to realize they are stronger together and in order to continue to survive they've chosen to bind themselves together with all of you as their witnesses. If anyone here knows of a reason why they should not be joined together please speak now.

From the moment she had entered the house and seen Samuel, Dorian had been controlling her suspicions. Could Samuel really be Todd and was he fooling Blair if so she couldn't let the marriage go on. Not if Todd was once more going to ensnare Blair. As she started to stand up she was jerked tightly down on to her chair and Addie whispered in her ear. "Dorian, just this once keep your mouth shut. My little girl is entering this with her eyes and heart wide open and you won't ruin it." Dorian was immediately at a loss for words, looking at her sister and seeing Addie was serious. She frowned but settled back in her chair.

"Samuel informed me he and Blair would be saying their own vows so the floor is now theirs." Andrew turned to Todd, "Anytime you're ready, Samuel"

Todd turned to face Blair knowing finally that if the worst was to happen, this night would fill all of his tomorrows as he could die happy with the knowledge she was truly his. "Blair, for most of my life I've searched for the one who would ignite the spark that was buried deep within me. My very existence was cold and bleak. You arrived in my life when I had all but given up, convinced that no one would ever be able to melt the ice that surrounded me. Then I met you and little by little you chipped away till you found that spark. You fed it and nurtured it giving yourself to me in little ways with your support and encouragement. But the day you told me you loved me with all my flaws and failings was the day that spark burst into flame. My love for you burns deeply within, filling me with a warmth that a simple touch from you can bring me back from the point of death. I need you like I need air to breathe, you're the other half to this heart. I promise to be there for you, to honor and cherish you because to do otherwise would be my own undoing. I exist because of you and I love you. Without you I am nothing."

Blair could hardly breathe. Todd had never expressed his feelings like that before. "Samuel before you came along, I was a mess. Every relationship I tried ended badly because I was afraid to trust what my heart was telling me. In an effort to hide my feelings, I fell back into old habits of letting other people tell me what I was feeling instead of trusting myself. Then I met you and you let me be me. In my grey dingy life, you brought laughter and color. You made me feel like I was the only woman on the planet. You cared nothing about my past, you merely asked that I be with you. No strings, no stipulations. I nearly lost you recently and I know as sure as I'm standing here, I would have followed you to the depths of hell to bring you back to me. I love you and I won't live without you. Your heart holds me fast and if you let go I'll be lost forever. I promise to love you and cherish you and I'll be with you until we breathe our last breaths.

They looked at each other knowing they both had more to say, but the rest would wait. Andrew asked if there were rings and Ray and Sam handed them over. Blair looked at the ring Sam dropped into her hand and realized it was the ring she had made for Todd and that they had used for their first wedding. She had been convinced that Todd had destroyed the ring.

Todd reached out and took Blair's left hand in his then he slid his mother's ring back onto her hand hopefully for the last time.

Blair recognized his mother's ring and tears began to fall. The heartache and the deceit of their first marriage were swept away by Todd's gesture. They had come full circle and this time everything was in its proper place. She took his hand and completed the ceremony by putting her gift back on his finger where it belonged.

Andrew was smiling as they turned back to him. He had had his doubts when Todd had called. But now he knew with certainty that Blair and Todd were truly meant to be together. He finished his job to make things legal. "By the authority granted me by the state of Pennsylvania and the Grace of God, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your Bride."

Todd drew Blair close and gave his beautiful wife a kiss.

Then Andrew stated." May I present, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Toddman."

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