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Sunday, February 26, 2012

To My Readers: My Apologies

             To all who have been gracious enough to read my books, I apologize for the long time between recent Chapters.  Some of it was due to the fact that I've been having health issues, the first was a broken right wrist which is also my good hand.  The second issue that has plagued me is an inconsiderate kidney stone.  The medical issues are now resolved for the time being and I'm trying hard to put out the next installment of 'Don't Shoot the "Messenger" ' Therefore I beg your indulgence and hopefully new chapters will be forthcoming at a speedier rate from now on.  Thank you again for your viewership.



  1. We certainly wait with hope for your return!

  2. I will pray that your health continues to improve. I love your writing and check daily for updates. I await your future updates.


Please be kind. All constructive comments welcomed and appreciated