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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Todd Manning: Enigma, Ch. 7

Chapter 7

Todd was all set for Addie to come to the house to talk and realized Blair would be there. He quickly called Addie back and arranged to see her at La Boulaie. On his way out the door, he told Blair he’d be back after talking to Bo and the security company. He left quickly before Blair could object.

Addie was waiting for Todd and let him in. She was curious why he had changed the meeting place at the last minute. Leading him into the living room she looked him up and down. She knew he had spent another night in the hospital and that he was supposed to be home resting, but he had come looking for her. Whatever was driving him had something to do with Blair, she was sure of it. “Todd sit down and tell me what this is all about. Yesterday when you called I could tell it was important to you, and now when you should be resting you’re here instead. I’m betting Blair doesn’t know you’re here. We haven’t really talked, have we? I know a lot more about you now than when I was in St. Ann’s. We’ve both changed a lot in that time, but I’m certain of one thing. You love Blair. Why are you keeping her in the dark about this meeting?”

Todd could always count on Addie to say the unexpected and she didn’t disappoint. He sat down and looked his mother-in-law in the eyes. “I’m here to talk about her father and depending on what you can remember, I’ll decide if she needs to be told what I’m doing. I have questions that need answering and I don’t want to hurt her.”

“But Todd why do you think it would hurt her? She knows about what he did to me.”

“I’m aware of that, but humor me will you. This isn’t so much about what he did to you but about him personally. Addie, I’m trying to find out who he really is. I know it all happened a long time ago but do you have any memories of him?”

Addie looked at Todd, she was uncertain how much help she could really give him. It had happened so long ago. She searched her memory going back to the hospital that her mother had put her into. She vaguely recalled a young man constantly being around her in those days. He was handsome and liked by the staff because he was good with the patients. “I can’t give you much Todd, I vaguely remember the man. He was slightly older than me and I found him nice looking and he was kind to me in the beginning. I just remember him coming to me one night. He was charming and began to give me all this attention and then I remember him touching me and I was feeling all these strange feelings as he put me on my bed. It just a jumble of feelings and flashes, Todd. I wasn’t scared, I was just confused and he kept saying nice things to me as he did his thing. I didn’t know what he was doing. When he was done he just left me, and I curled up and went to sleep. I don’t know what happened to him, but he stopped working on my floor, and I was pregnant and carrying Blair. When I gave birth to her, they only allowed me a little time with her before they took her from me, and I didn’t see my baby girl again till she came looking for me and took me out of that place, and took me to Asa’s house. Does that help you? I really don’t see how it can.” Addie looked at Todd and saw his disappointment. She wasn’t sure what he had been hoping for.

“Addie, your last name is Cramer. Why was Blair’s last name Daimler?”

"Because that was his last name. The nurses told me he left because he had gotten caught with another patient and when they found out I was pregnant, they knew he was my baby’s daddy. They asked me for a name when she was born and I told them, Blair. Then they put his name down as the father, Gregor Daimler. When they sent her to the orphanage, she was Blair Daimler.”

Todd’s heart sank, he had been hoping the name Gregor had just been another figment of his imagination and now it wasn’t. “You’re sure his name was Gregor Daimler, Addie?”

“Yes, Todd, one of the few possessions I was allowed to keep was my daughter’s birth certificate. Wait here.” Addie got up and headed out of the room.

Todd walked over to the terrace door. “Samuel, help me out. Why is all this happening? I heard you tell Blair, you felt cut off from me for several months and that would indicate I was in a coma. Wouldn’t it?”

“I don’t know Todd.”

“Why did I get the feeling you knew something else when you told Blair you weren’t sure? Was I out or not? Samuel, are you hiding something from me?”

“I wish I could give you a straight answer Todd. Blair‘s question has me worried because now I’m not sure what I know anymore either.”

“Samuel, in my dream you were there with me when I let Pete torture Carlo and Kipling. I remember your disgust that I was letting it happen. Why is that memory so clear? Am I really going crazy? I feel like I’m living two lives at once and everything in this life is being overtaken by that life.”

Samuel didn’t answer Todd, instead he looked around and saw a scene playing out and it scared him. Why had he forgotten it? Just what was going on? Why now did Todd’s memory flash through his mind with those simple words “torture Carlo"? He shouldn’t have those memories at all, they didn’t happen except in the dream. Samuel jumped as the beeping sound began. It had been happening more frequently and getting louder. “Todd, can you hear that?”

Todd had been waiting for an answer from Samuel when he began hearing the noise of the beeping getting louder. His heart started keeping time with it and Todd felt himself getting faint. He sat down quickly trying to keep from passing out. Addie’s touch on his shoulder cleared the cobwebs and the beeping receded. Todd shivered, whatever had just happened was becoming more frequent.

Addie had walked into the room and seen Todd close to passing out. She had called his name several times and gotten no response until she had touched his shoulder. “Todd, you should be home in bed. I'm going to get you something warm to drink. Take it easy.” She laid the birth certificate in his hands and went to the kitchen to get some coffee and give Blair a call.

Todd’s hands shook as he unfolded the paper. There in black and white was Gregor’s name. Just more proof that the dream could be real. He was so tired. His mind was spinning out of control and even his alters were finding it hard to cope. He dropped the paper and covered his face with his hands, his fingers rubbing along his forehead trying to stop the pain building there. He was trying to look at the dream logically but the coincidences kept popping up. He had to keep it together. If he showed up in court a nervous wreck, Carlo and Ivan would walk away scot-free. He heard Addie coming back and pushed his hair back wishing at that moment he had a rubber band. He was this close to throwing up his hands and letting Rodd have some free time. He certainly couldn’t cope any worse than Todd was doing at the moment. But he couldn’t do it. Todd was afraid to go back in after that brief stint earlier. The beeping sound was terrifying.

Todd pulled himself together and took a cup of coffee from Addie. He probably didn’t need the caffeine at the moment but it was warm and he felt cold all the way to his bones.

“Todd, why did Blair’s father’s name bother you?”

He looked at Addie and decided to tell her. If anyone understood crazy then Addie would. “It bothered me because he’s in my dream. At least a man named Gregor Daimler is in my dream. The problem is I knew his name before you told me. It’s just another thing from the dream that came true. Addie, things keep coming true, and there are things in the dream that are horrendous. What if they come true? The man in my dream is a horrible man. If he is real then the stuff he’s capable of could happen.”

Addie knew he was sincere and felt real empathy in that instant. She knew what it was like to be judging your own sanity. She sensed Todd was doubting his. She sat next to him on the couch and took one of his hands in hers. “You’re feeling the need to protect Blair from the man in your dreams, but you’re having a tough time accepting the fact that he’s real. You feel trapped because if you admit he’s real, then the dream is too. Todd, just try to remember one thing. Your love for Blair and her love for you will get you through this. Whatever the truth, you’ll be able to cope if you remember that.”

Todd squeezed her hand, grateful that she was who she was. Addie was special and he had listened to her before and Starr had been the result. He needed her to be correct now too. Todd leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Thank you, Addie. I should tell you there will now be a man outside to guard you. You’re part of my family and there has been a threat made against me. I just don’t want you to be alarmed if you see him. When you go out, let him go with you. Please! Blair would kill me if anything happened to you.” Todd rose and left, heading downtown to the police department.

Todd was just entering the building when he was shoved to the ground. He heard the crack of the bullet as it hit the wall where he had been standing moments before. He looked up to see John McBain searching the buildings across the street and cops were running past obviously in search of the shooter. There were no more shots as John reached down a hand to help him up. “So, it starts.” Todd dusted off his slacks with his shaky hands knowing how close that had come.

“Todd, what the hell are you doing? You were supposed to stay home until we could get your security in place.”

“My bad, John. I wasn’t thinking. Since you just called, I figured I had a little time before they got into town. I guess I was wrong.”

John took the time to dig the bullet out of the wall and let it drop into a waiting plastic bag, then still looking around, he had Todd enter ahead of him into the building. “We have no idea who this guy is or why he was waiting for you to show up here. Every hitter is different. He must have figured you would be coming by here after you got word of the hit being put out. For all, we know, he could have been the one to alert Interpol. It wouldn’t be the first time the police have been used to bring a target out from cover. You’re just lucky I spotted you coming. So, why did you come here?”

Todd had to admit to himself the only reason he had even come, was so he wouldn’t be caught in a lie by Blair, and he had almost gotten killed. “You wouldn’t understand if I told you, John, let’s just say not one of my better choices lately. Put it down to trying to get my life back on track. Since I’m here maybe you can help me. I’m trying to find out if a guy by the name of Gregor Daimler might have a record here in the US or worldwide. With your connections, I thought you could check for me.”

“Does he have something to do with Hesser?”

“It’s a possibility, I’m just trying to check on something from my dream.” Todd kept it simple, for all he knew Gregor could be a partner of Hesser or he could simply be another rapist. It didn’t matter, Todd just needed to find him. John had Todd wait in Bo’s office since it was an interior one and therefore away from exposed windows. After dropping the bullet off at ballistics, he joined Todd and quickly took a written statement. Bo arrived and was unhappy to hear about the attempt outside the station and quickly set out to make sure all members of Todd’s family including Vicki were covered. Then he sat down and they discussed Todd’s announcement about Jake that had started all this.

Before Todd left he was given a bulletproof vest since this was the fourth attempt on Samuel’s life. If Bo had been given his way, Todd and Jake would already be in protective custody, but neither gentlemen would budge from their lives, making things difficult for Bo. “Todd, why can’t you see reason? Christian’s shot almost took you out permanently. How many more attempts do you think you can survive?”

“I’ll survive as many as I need to, to put Carlo and Ivan permanently behind bars.” Todd knew Bo was right but leaving the city wasn’t going to stop the attempts and he had been separated from his family for eight long years. If they wanted him, they would find him in a safe place, his home. Dragonheart was more protected than Bo realized. “Bo, Dragonheart might be up on the mountain but it has a new state-of-the-art security system and although it looks vulnerable with all the glass, every pane is bulletproof.” Todd saw the look of surprise on Bo’s face. “Samuel was being extremely cautious when he had it built. He knew someone was after him, just not who, and he wanted to provide complete security for our family as well as beauty. The place is a good fortress.”

Todd was getting to leave when another call came into Bo’s office. “Shots have just been fired at the Manning building.” Bo looked at John and Todd “Jake’s been hit. Todd, you’re staying put here till we find out how bad it is. Let’s go, John.” Todd sat down in Bo’s chair and prayed Jake had survived. A wave of lethargy hit him and his arms and legs began to feel heavy as his fatigue threatened to overtake him. Unable to stop himself, Todd rested his head on his arms and fell into an uneasy sleep.

The room was dark, he could hear the machines around him. Every bone in his body hurt. It was difficult to breathe. He listened, straining to make out anything that would tell him what was going on.

“Has there been any change in Mr. Lord’s condition?”

“I’m sorry, but no significant improvement. He’s alive but unresponsive to any stimuli.”

He knew the first voice, it belonged to C.J. He tried to say something, but nothing came out. Why couldn’t he talk?

“Daddy, can I go see him for just a moment?”

“Lily, it isn’t a good time. The nurse just said there has been no change. We’ll try again in a couple of days, okay?”

“But Daddy, maybe if he heard me he might respond. It’s not right, He helped me why can’t I help him?”

“Darling, I know you want to help him, so do I. Something is keeping him from coming back to us. I’ll tell you what. Go give him a kiss and we’ll go. I promise you, we’ll come back later.”

He couldn’t keep his eyes open any longer and he listened for her footsteps. For a brief moment before everything went black he felt her tender kiss.

Todd awoke, gasping for air. He was flat on his back.

“Easy Mr. Toddman, take your time. Do you know where you are?” the EMT began shining a light in his eyes and Todd put up a hand to shield them..

“Stop! What happened?” Todd looked around and saw Bo and John standing back letting the EMT work. “I’m alright. Help me up.” Todd said to the EMT when he tried to push him back down flat. The EMT reluctantly gave him a hand up protesting the whole time, but Todd just waved him quiet. “I tell you, I’m fine.” He knew he was far from fine but he wasn’t going anywhere but home. Todd leaned against Bo’s desk for support.“Sorry Bo, didn’t mean to fall asleep in your office.”

Bo frowned and waved the EMT’s out. “You heard him, fellas, he says he’s fine.” When they left, he turned back to Todd. “You are anything but fine. You were passed out when we got back here, Todd, and we couldn’t wake you. You were unresponsive so we called the EMTs What the hell was Larry thinking letting you go home so soon? If you were asleep, you sleep like the dead. The EMT’s said your pulse was extremely low.”

“It’s nothing Bo, must be a side effect of the medication Larry gave me to sleep. Tell me about Jake. Is he alive?” Todd was desperate to get the talk off of him. “I need some good news right now.”

“Yes Todd, Jake is alive. The sniper took a shot at his heart instead of his head. The vest did its job and he survived but the shooter thinks he succeeded. Jake has agreed to play dead until the trial. I wish you would reconsider protective custody. You’re in no condition to play this on your own.”

“I told you, I’m going home. I’m as protected there as I am in one of your safe houses.” Todd had found out two things, Jake had survived and his dream had changed, both were disturbing because of what they meant to him. He needed to get home so he could think about them but most of all he needed to get back to Blair. He stood up to go and almost fell over but for John’s hand catching his arm.

“Oh yeah, you are so alright. John, get him home and make sure the officer assigned is out there.” Bo watched as John helped Todd until his stride steadied. He was worried about the man. Something he never thought he would feel. Ever since Todd had returned he had been a different man from the one they had known for so long. He had worked with the system to bring down Carlo and he had given them a heads up about the assassins and managed to save Jake, the very man who had taken his life. Bo didn’t like the toll all of it had taken on him. The man had barely survived the shooting and Bo wondered if he would survive the night. When they had arrived back from the Sun. Todd had been barely alive. Even the EMT’s had been unable to bring him around and just when they were getting ready to call an ambulance he had stirred. Todd was hanging on by a thread, but for how long.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Todd Manning: Enigma, Ch. 6

Chapter 6

Todd and Blair arrived back at Dragonheart and Todd was immediately snagged by his granddaughter and Sam. They quickly took him into their playroom and insisted on a story.  Todd looked over at Blair for support.  He was wiped out and although he loved the kids dearly, this was one time when Sir Dragon just wanted to retire to his cave.

Blair watched him struggle to find the words to tell the kids he was tired and knew any moment he was going to give in, even though he was exhausted.  “Hope darling, I know you and Sam want the story you missed out on last night, but the great wizard Larry placed a spell on Sir Dragon.  If Sir Dragon tries to tell a story at this time he’ll lose his voice and not be able to tell you any more stories.  Do you want Sir Dragon to lose his voice?”

Hope looked at her dragon and took his hand in hers.  “It’s okay Dragon, don’t talk, just sit and Hope will tell you a story.”

Todd looked down at his beautiful granddaughter and collapsed into a chair pulling her into his arms hugging her as he tried to keep tears from falling.  At that moment, she reminded him so much of Starr at that age.

“Why is Dragon crying? Is Dragon hurt?”

“No Hope, Dragon is just happy you understand he can’t tell a story right now.  You go ahead and tell him a story.  He’ll be alright. Sam why don’t you come with me and we’ll get some snacks."  Blair and Sam left.

Hope nestled deeper into her grandfather’s arms.  “I’m glad Dragon is not hurt.  I missed you Dragon.”

“I missed you too, Hope.  Now tell me your story.”

“Once upon a time, Sir Dragon went away.  Hope looked for her Dragon, but he was gone.  Mommy told Hope a bad giant hurt Dragon and Dragon had to hide from giant to get better.  Hope and Mommy called to Sir Dragon but he didn’t answer and he didn’t come back.  Hope felt bad for her lost Dragon.
Hope began asking Sir God to help her Dragon and then Mommy told Hope Sir Dragon was all better and coming home.  Hope got lots of flowers for her Dragon and big pizza bits so Sir Dragon would know he was home.  Dragon came back and hurt the nasty ole giant who hurt him and then he ate lots of Pizza bits and Hope and Dragon lived happily ever after.  The end."  Hope looked at her dragon.  “You like my story, Dragon?”

“I love your story, Princess Shorty."  Todd once again was struck with fear that all this would vanish away. He kissed his granddaughter and told her to find her grandmother.  When Hope left the playroom he gave into his fear and allowed the tears to fall but as soon as he heard them returning, he wiped his eyes and pretended to be dozing.  They came into the room with snacks and Todd tried to put on a cheerful face for the children.

Blair could see the effort he was putting into being cheerful for the kids’ sake and decided to call the session to a close, by grabbing Hope up for her nap and getting Sam started on his homework.  She watched as Todd got up.  She waited for him to head for their bedroom but instead, he headed down to his office and shut the door.  Blair decided then and there, enough was enough.  She put Hope down for her nap and headed to confront Todd in his office.  He hadn’t locked the door so Blair walked in on him.  “You are not going to do it again.  You’ve shut me out for two weeks hiding in this office.  I‘ve given you all the space I’m going to.  It’s time you told me all about the dream."

Todd’s mouth went dry.  He had known this moment would come eventually.  Now for the first time since he woke up from his coma, Blair wanted to know the details of the dream.  Todd got his thoughts together, planning to only tell her the gist of the dream.  To go into detail about Carlo’s capture and his role in it would be fruitless.  She would never understand something that didn’t happen in this reality.

“Have a seat.  For me, it starts with Christian’s attempt on my life.  In the dream, I received a flesh wound in the side and a couple of days later, you gave me my ring and watch.  Not too long after that, Jake and I planned a raid on Carlo’s hideaway, and the night of the raid you stood on the Landing above the foyer and told me to come home safely.  Pete was in charge of the raid and we succeeded in capturing both Carlo and Ivan.  The following morning, after making a call to John letting the police know where Hesser and Kipling were, I came home, but I couldn’t even look at you.  I was ashamed of what I had done, and so I left you.”

“What do you mean, you left?”

“Just that, I disappeared.  I changed my name and went to live in Savannah where I had lived before.  I was an investigative reporter named Thomas Lord in the dream, and I was in the middle of a story that just got me two bullets in the back right after Gregor took you away from me.”

“I don’t understand how did this Gregor get me if you left me and went away?”

“I called for help in my dream and you came and found me.  I was drowning in my guilt over what I had done to Carlo and you found me and once again, you saved me, Blair.  Like you always did.”

Blair really wanted to know what was so horrible that Todd had felt the need to leave her, but it was obvious he wasn’t going to go into it.  “I see.  So in your dream, I’m in Savannah.  What is the stuff about Jake?”

“In the dream, you weren’t the only one I called.  I placed a call to John for some help on the story I was working on and John found his way to Savannah, too.  The evening after my story was blown wide open, John informed us both of Jake’s murder.  At that time, I chose to send you home with him but you refused and stayed with me.  We flew the family down to us in Savannah to get them out of Llanview so the assassins couldn’t use them against me.  A couple of days later Carlo and Ivan’s trial started.  It was during the trial that the implants wreaked havoc and Michael had to go in to remove them.”

“So that’s how you knew about the implants?”

Todd nodded, he was glad she hadn’t dwelt on Gregor, that was the one place he really didn’t want to go with her.

Blair felt a chill go through her.  The implants and the ring had both come true.  No wonder Todd had been so insistent about Jake; he believed the assassins were out there and he was trying to warn his alter ego.  If he was right about the assassins, then maybe they should all leave town.  “Todd, maybe your dream is just that, a warning.  Maybe we should all take a vacation to see Cassie.  We can take the kids out of school and fly to some obscure place in case someone is following us then detour and make our way to Cassie’s."  Todd swayed and visibly lost color at her words.  He struggled to keep from passing out.  He grabbed the desk as everything shifted for just a moment and started to fade.

“Todd, get a grip, Blair just doesn’t understand what’s happening.  You can’t keep letting go.  We can’t help you if you pass out."  Samuel was almost shouting in Todd’s head trying to break through the fog that was overtaking them all."  Samuel stumbled and found it difficult to maintain his feet.  As the whole scene darkened, he felt a hand on his shoulder and reached up to grab it, the darkness faded and he found himself holding Blair’s hand.  “Blair, he‘s terrified of that dream.  He can’t go there, ever..”

“My God Samuel, I can’t believe I even said that to him.  You’re right, I’ve got to start thinking before opening my mouth.  Are you alright?”

“Yes we’re alright, but Todd isn’t handling this whole dream thing very well.  We can’t help him, either, it’s strictly a Todd thing.  We’re not privy to any dreams he has, any more than Todd was privy to mine when I was out.  That‘s why we can’t be of much help to you either, Blair, except for moral support.”

“Samuel, Todd says he thinks this is the dream and he’s lying in a hospital in Savannah.  If it really happened, wouldn’t you and the other alters remember portions of the dream, too?"  Even as she said it she saw a shadow cross Samuel’s face.

“I don’t know, I feel like I’ve been gone for several months cut off from Todd.  I don’t know if Tom or Pete have experienced the same thing or not.  I can get them for you but Blair what if they have a different story from mine.  Then we’ll have to consider the possibility that Todd could be right and we’re all figments of his current imagination.  Are you ready to go there because seriously, it sounds crazy.”

“You’re darn right it sounds crazy.  Maybe that’s because I am crazy."  Todd couldn’t go back out yet.  Even as he watched Samuel talking to Blair, he could feel himself losing his grip on the reality in front of him as he kept hearing something in the background.  He had heard the incessant beep before and he couldn’t make himself look for it.  The beep was getting louder and Todd panicked and took back control of his body from Samuel.  “God, stop!’ he yelled as he tried to shut off the sound and it faded away.

Blair had jumped when Todd suddenly reappeared, and from the expression of horror on his face, she knew something had really scared him.  “Shh Todd, it’s alright. I’m sorry about what I said before.  It was stupid.  I think you need to go lie down and take one of Larry’s pills.”

Todd grabbed both of her hands, “Don’t ask me to sleep right now, please, Blair!  I’m really losing it, if I go to sleep now, I’m done for.”  He was desperate and he could feel his heartbeat elevating, and see fear clouding over his eyes like a faint curtain.  He knew of only one thing to take his mind off his problem.  Pulling her down onto his lap, Todd began kissing her.  He needed to feel her lips beneath his and her body in his arms.  She felt real, she tasted real.  She had to be real, this all had to be real.

Blair was overwhelmed by the intensity of his kiss and she could feel his heart beating a mile a minute.  She remembered another time when Todd had kissed her so desperately, only then they were just getting to know each other and she had backed away.  He was kissing her like there was no tomorrow.  Blair finally was able to come up for air for just a moment as he looked at her before he devoured her again.  His hands had begun fondling her, and Blair was finding it hard to concentrate.  Her body began to tingle as he got a little rougher than normal and she didn’t even realize he had opened her blouse till she felt the heat of his hand on her skin.  His mouth began exploring and her breathing accelerated.  With the movements of his caresses, his breath was warm and he began licking and sucking at her breasts, then blowing on them, the alternating warmth and cold tantalizingly erotic.  Blair began to squirm as her whole body reacted to the stimulation.  She leaned back, offering herself wide open to his caresses, as he stripped her of her panties and his lips sought her sweetness.  The flick of his tongue set her on fire and she begged for release, but he was merciless and continued his delicious torture.  “Todd.  Oh yes, I’m yours, only yours.  God, Todd, Please!”  She ran her hands through his hair, over his cheek, and onto his back, pushed to the limit when he finally gave her relief.  She almost fainted from the pleasure, her body screaming for more, but completely exhausted.

She clung to him, feeling his scars.  His body had been through so much during his life; from the scars from Peter Manning’s belt to the bullet wounds from his escape from jail as a youth to the ones from the Men of Twenty-One in Ireland, they depicted a life filled with struggle; but it was the scars that didn’t show that had taken the worst toll on him.  The torture of finding out that the man he thought was his father was capable of unspeakable cruelty toward him was still reticent in his everyday thoughts.  Then to find out his true father did those things and much more to his sister added to the cross.  The tearing away of his life by another man simply for profit all left invisible but indelible scars.  Her fingers traced the bullet wounds on his back and thought back to the morning he was shot by Christian.  Her hand moved up to his forehead as she found his wound, gently running her fingers over it.  Her heart stopped briefly.  He had come so close to dying.  She leaned over and with just the slightest touch she kissed it
His eyes closed, he felt the softness of her lips.  His angel healing him in ways she couldn’t imagine.  A calm came over him, the feeling of wanting to crawl out of his skin vanished with that kiss.  His heartbeat had returned to normal and the only sounds he heard were the ones closest to him.  Her breathing was like a soft whisper on the wind, and there was the faintest sound of her heart in time with his.  It was so peaceful at that moment. Suddenly the phone rang.

The moment was broken and Todd wanted to curse the maker of the ringer.  Blair rolled away and stood up looking for her clothes and Todd forced himself to reach for the offending item
“This had better be important.”  Todd listened for a moment and then hung up and reached for his clothes. He dressed and walked around to where Blair stood, waiting.  “That was John. Interpol just called.  It seems a hit has been put out on both Jake and me, Bo is offering round-the-clock protection until after the trial.”

Blair searched his face and saw the resignation in his eyes.  He was too tired to fight.  She wrapped her arms around his neck.  "We’re together.  We’ll get through this like everything else.  Hesser’s partners are one step behind us at the moment and we’ll keep them that way.”

Todd was staring at her listening to every word.

“Although the dream is your nightmare, it’s also a warning and we can use it.  You’ve already done that by getting John involved and giving him a heads up about Jake.  Now we need to figure out what we’re going to do to protect ourselves and the children.”  Todd started to speak and Blair put her hand to his lips.  “No! I was wrong to think leaving would be the answer.  I don’t want to be chased away from our home.  We’re going to take Bo’s protection but also get some of our own and you are going to start wearing a bulletproof vest.  No complaints, that’s final.”  He had a stunned look on his face and Blair had to laugh.  She wove her fingers into his long hair and pulled him into another kiss. When she was finished, she smiled and said.  “That was a thank you for all your loving attention earlier.  I need to go see about setting up a tighter schedule for getting the boys to school and Starr needs to be alerted to the threat.  By the way, Momma called this morning while you were still asleep and said something about a talk you wanted to have.  What was that about?  You know what, you don’t have to answer that.  I’ll bet Momma was just confused about something. You still look like you’re about ready to fall asleep standing up. Please go rest.” after another quick kiss she left.

Todd gulped, sometimes Blair just blew him away.  It was that wild spirit that had attracted him all those years ago.  They had a lot in common but when it came to taking chances.  Blair took the prize.  His thoughts drifted back to Blair’s words.  He had forgotten about his plan to meet with Addie.  Todd reached for the phone.  Addie was free and agreed to come out to Dragonheart.  Todd had a little time to kill and decided to call Tea and give her a heads up.  Things were still uncomfortable between them given the lie she had kept about Dani, but he was relieved she had found someone to love.  He still hadn’t been able to spend any time with his daughter and that bothered him.  He had made headway with Jack, but because of the coma, Jack had once again pulled away from him.  Blair felt Jack was still trying to cope with the wrong he did to Gigi Morasco.  Todd had been so wrapped up in his head, he was finding it difficult to relate to anyone and the kids had felt it. His conversation with Tea finished, Todd noticed the date on the calendar and realized it was almost Halloween.  He would have to step up his game and plan something special for Halloween night.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Todd Manning: Enigma, Ch. 5

Chapter 5

Larry knew the discussion was over, “Listen, Todd, I can only advise you at this stage. I think you need to consider all your options. But I know you, so you’re free to go home, still, you should listen to any recommendations Michael makes. If the problem is physical, Michael is your best bet.”

Todd was waiting for Blair to say something after Larry left, but she didn’t get a chance as John walked into the room.

“Hey man, can’t you stay out of this place?” John looked at the scene in front of him. At first glance, Todd appeared okay, but looking more closely John noticed Todd’s edginess. His hands clenching and unclenching, the way his lips were pressed together, and the sheen of sweat on his brow, all suggested distress. “Blair tells me you wanted to talk. What can I do for you?”

“John, I know you captured Hesser and Kipling, but you should know they have partners. I need you to listen and not judge what I’m going to tell you. I know that those same partners have put out hits on both myself and Jake and in the near future they will succeed in killing Jake. I can’t tell you when but I can tell you it will be by sniper fire through the windows at the Sun.” Todd could tell John was skeptical, but he had to make him understand. “You probably think I’m nuts, but will you just remember I gave you a warning. When word comes in from Interpol in the next day or so about the hits, will you do something to protect him."

John was at a loss. Todd was serious. There was no mistaking his sincerity, but how on earth did he know about any hits. They had just caught Hesser and although his organization was big there had been no indication that more people had been involved, yet here was Todd talking about partners. “Hold it, this is the first I've heard that there were partners. Where did you get the information? What did you mean when you said Jake was going to be shot at the Sun?”

“Chalk it up to my sources, John, I can’t give you any more than that but it’s true. About Jake’s death, well I’m trying to stop that. I’ve told you how it’s going to happen, you‘ve got to help me prevent it, no questions asked."

“Todd, I‘ve never been one to believe in fortune-telling and you’re asking me to believe that you already know how Jake is going to die and you’re trying to stop it. What kind of game are you playing at? For that matter why would you try and stop it, you don’t like the guy. He stole your life for eight years.”

“You’re right, he did steal my life but through no choice of his own and we’ve decided to table our differences because of the family. My kids love him and he’s married to Tea, I can’t just stand by and watch him die. I sure as hell don’t want Bo and Nora looking at me as a suspect if he’s taken out. Besides I’ve got some problems of my own to iron out and worrying about Jake is adding to them.”

Todd didn’t elaborate, but John caught the look that passed between him and Blair. “Okay Todd, I’ll tell you what, if I get a call from Interpol I’ll give serious thought to the rest of your story. Whatever brought you in here, I hope it doesn’t keep you from testifying.”

“John, I’ll testify against Carlo and Kipling or die trying.”

John raised an eyebrow at that statement especially when he heard Blair’s shocked gasp. It was obvious now there was a lot more going on and hopefully, someone would bring him and Bo in on it before it was too late. He shook his head, he had been around Manning enough to know that Todd wouldn’t talk unless he was ready too, and whatever was bothering him, he preferred to keep to himself right then. John started to leave and bumped into his brother, from the look on Michael’s face this wasn’t just a visit. He turned and stared at Todd, who met his eyes but said nothing. John looked over at Blair, but her eyes were only on her husband and fear was on her face. If Michael was involved, it wasn’t a good thing, and John doubted he would get anything out of his brother because of patient-doctor confidentiality. The only way he was going to get anything else was if he did get that call from Interpol. Maybe it was time he jump-started the whole thing by making some calls of his own.

Michael had arrived carrying copies of Todd’s latest scans and he placed them on the light board. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here any quicker. I’m glad you’re awake Todd, I know you already know about these implants, in fact, I understand you told Larry and Ray about them. I also know you’re afraid you're going mad because of how you know about them. I here to try and ease your fears on that matter.”

“How Michael? Are you suddenly an expert on dreams?” Todd looked skeptical.

“No Todd, but I do know brain injuries. In the last several months, you’ve experienced two significant injuries. One was to your right temporal and occipital lobes courtesy of the implants and the other to your right frontal lobe. All of these lobes are involved with your dreams but the first two are considered the dream center area and on top of everything else, that is where your fragments are. I’m hoping that if we remove the fragments, your dream will become just that, a dream. If not, then something else is in play. I want to go ahead with surgery, but you need a little more time to recover from the other surgery. The shock to your whole system and subsequent coma from the bullet in the head needs a little longer to heal.” Michael could tell Todd didn’t want to hear he had to wait. "I know the dream is a source of anxiety for you and I’ve talked to Larry. I really want you to consider the medication to help you sleep.”

“Michael, you don’t understand. The dream is starting to take over my waking hours too. Neither you nor Larry can guarantee I won’t dream, and every time I do, I feel like I’m going to be stuck there permanently. That place is someplace I don’t want to be. You are aware that things from the dream are starting to be found and take place here. There are things in that dream I don’t want to happen here.  If they do, my worst nightmare will come true.” Todd looked at Blair and all he could hear was her last line as Gregor took her away. If the dream was merely some kind of foretelling of the future he didn’t want it. The outcome of the foretelling was the loss of Blair. If the dream was the reality, and this was merely a dream then it was even worse because that meant he had already lost her. So he wanted this reality and he wanted the dream to stop being real. Michael said that might be accomplished by the surgery, but it was too soon for more surgery. Todd slammed his fist down on the tray his frustration getting the better of him.

Blair jumped as Todd’s blow was totally unexpected but the minute she saw his face, she realized he was barely containing his anger and the blow was the only way for him to vent.

Michael too recognized the frustration eating away at Todd and knew his desire to be free of the dream outweighed the risks for him. Michael couldn’t allow the surgery just yet, Todd’s overall health had to be considered. “Todd, I know this is a letdown. You were hoping to get the fragments removed immediately. I merely wish to wait a couple of weeks. We’ll get it on the schedule. With any luck, your body will have fully recuperated and it will be a walk in the park. Naturally, if you experience more symptoms then we’ll operate immediately. Todd, you need to stay positive. It could mean all the difference on the day of the surgery. Blair, keep him distracted, it's probably the best medicine for him at the moment.”

Todd looked at his wife and smiled as she blushed at Michael’s words. He had to admit the idea of being distracted by her was definitely an upper.

“Larry and I agree there is no more reason to keep you here any longer, go home and try to get your life back on track. By the way, I would prefer you use that ring sparingly. I’m not sure what kind of effect it’s having on your body, but we don’t want to take any chances there are more negative effects than positive ones. We have no idea how it’s really working and that alarms me. Before I go could you take it off, so I can look at your eyes.”

Todd removed the ring and Michael checked his pupils, noting the lack of movement. Todd then returned the ring to his finger again and Michael noted the small spark as the ring came into contact with Todd.

“Does it spark like that every time you put it on?”

Both Blair and Todd nodded.

“Fascinating. It’s still in contact with the implants inside although I couldn’t tell you how. I’m sure a micro tech scientist would find it positively enthralling to take the implants apart and figure out how they work. You told Larry you have to keep the implants within a certain range of each other. May I ask where the second implant is.”

Todd removed the watch and handed it to Michael, then watched as Michael moved away from him.

“Todd if I’m correct I would guess I only have to walk out of this room and you’ll lose your sight.”

“You’re right Michael, so I’d rather you didn’t take it from the room. If you would like to check, have Blair walk it out while you look at my eyes.”

Michael handed the watch to Blair and checked Todd’s vision as it disappeared the minute she left the room. When he called her back in, he watched as, like magic, the eyes cleared up and functioned normally. “Okay, you made a believer out of me. I understand they found a number of implants when Kipling was captured. If we could determine exactly how they’re helping you, we might be able to enable more people to see. Of course, that depends on if they cause no more harm to you. Larry said Ray told him you were again experiencing headaches similar to those that knocked you out before. Is this true Todd?”

Todd debated lying, then figured Michael needed to know. “It’s true, but I just figured it was a migraine, because of the surgery to repair the damage done by the bullet.”

“Except the pain receded when the ring came in contact with the back of your head. Ray said there was a blue spark that lit up the car for a second, is that true?”

“Yes it’s true, that’s why I informed them about the implants, I’ve already had this surgery recently in my dream. Do you really think I want to experience it again? I can tell you one thing, if my dream is a foretelling, you better be ready to perform this surgery at the drop of the hat because it will probably be necessary sooner than later.”

Michael frowned, “Why do you think that’s going to happen, I haven’t seen anything to make me believe there is any danger to you, Todd. I know you had some muscle trouble earlier, but it was probably just a random event. Keep me informed if it gets worse.”

“I’m just saying, don’t leave town. Michael, I would also like you close by for the trial if you don’t mind.” When Michael started to ask why, Todd’s face became inscrutable and he said, “Just humor me okay.”

Michael nodded, now a little more concerned than when he had walked into the room. Todd was basing his request on something only he seemed to know about and he wasn’t going to elaborate any further. If there was something about the implants that was imminent he wasn’t sure it was a good idea to wait after all. “Todd, are you telling me everything?  You sound like the dream is giving you information I ought to have.”

“Michael, if all of you are to be believed, my dream is just a dream and I shouldn’t place too much store in it. Let’s just say I’m taking precautions just in case there is something to the dream. Now, you said I could go home, so that‘s what I’m going to do. If anything happens between now and the surgery you’ll be the first to know.” Todd reached over and took his watchband back from Blair and put it on. The little shock had been strangely comforting but even Todd wasn’t a fool, he already knew the catch that went with the ring. He just wasn’t ready to give the sight up yet so he would hang on to it for as long as he could.

Blair watched Michael leave and knew Todd was going to leave without the prescription. She spoke up quickly before she lost her nerve. “Todd, I know you’re trying to avoid the dream and after this morning I’m not sure I want you to have the dream again either. Larry and Michael both think if you can get some good sleep, you might be able to weather the mental strain the dream is putting on you. For my sake wouldn’t you please reconsider taking the medication?”

He could see her concern, but if he gave himself over to sleep because of the pills, he feared that would be the last he saw of her. At the same time, Todd knew they wouldn’t have suggested it if they thought it would harm him further. The doctors believed the sleep was necessary so his body could handle the surgery and he already knew, thanks to the dream, that the implants needed to be removed. Todd took a deep breath and calmed his nerves. He had to try the medication for Blair and himself even if he feared the sleep would be less beneficial than they all hoped. “Very well Blair, we’ll give it a shot. I’m already at the end of my rope. Either I let go and leave this and everybody behind or I stay and fight. I’m going to stay and fight.” Blair smiled tremulously and gave him a hug and they departed the room stopping at the desk to pick up Larry’s prescription before heading home.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Todd Manning: Enigma, Ch. 4

Chapter 4

She looked beautiful standing there above him. He never got tired of looking at her. “Hi. We’ve got to stop meeting like this. My wife can be jealous at times.” He reached up and moved a stray hair to the side of her face.

Blair leaned over and kissed him, but pushed him back down on the bed when he tried to get up. “Hold it right there, Mister. You’ve run yourself into the ground since you got out of the hospital. This is the result. We need to talk. Why didn’t you tell me about the dream?”

Todd closed his eyes, all happy thoughts out the window with that one comment. “I don’t want to talk about it.” Everything that had happened the previous day came flooding back and Todd fought the urge to curl up and disappear. He was in the hospital, and according to Blair’s comment when he woke up, he had collapsed in the parking lot. That meant Larry had had plenty of time to run his test. “Give it to me straight, the reason you’re not letting me out of this bed is that I need another operation for the damn implants, right?  When is Michael coming?”

Blair was taken aback, Todd sounded so angry and the scary thing was he had hit the nail on the head. He knew, without Larry telling him, that the implants were inside him and he was resigned to the surgery, no questions asked. “Todd, I’m sorry. Don’t be angry, I want to help you. Michael will be in shortly, I’m still having trouble understanding how you knew before everyone else.”

“It’s simple Blair, I knew because of the dream. I can’t stand this. There are things happening I have no explanation for but one, and I’m scared Blair. “

Todd had always held his emotions very close to the vest and rarely allowed anyone to see his vulnerabilities. For him to admit he was scared meant that something bad was going on. “Whatever has you so spooked can be dealt with. I think you just need to get your mind back on matters in front of you. Yes, you need another operation, so we’ll get it over and you can start recovering properly. Bo called. They caught Hesser and Kipling. We’ll get you well so you can testify against them for everything they did to you, and then you can get back to your life.”

“Damn. Blair, you need to call Tea and Jake. Warn them that Hesser’s partners have put out a hit on both of us. He should be extra careful from now, until the trial.” Todd kept hearing John tell both of them of Jake’s death by sniper fire. “I’ve got to let John know, maybe he can find a way to stop it.”

“Todd, what are you talking about? What do you think John can stop?” Now she really was confused. Why on earth did Todd think there were hits on him and Jake? Christian had been taken care of. He wasn’t making any sense. No wonder Larry and Ray were worried.

“Jake’s death,” Todd answered.

Blair was stunned.  Where the hell had that come from? She looked at Todd. Was she hearing correctly? “Okay, are you sure you’re feeling alright? What did you mean Jake’s death? Why would you even say that?” Todd just looked at her and Blair felt a chill run through her. He was dead serious. Oh God, had Jake died in the dream? Todd had dropped his eyes and was fingering the ring, it was like he had forgotten she was there. “Todd, explain what you meant. Todd?” Blair waved her hand in front of his face and got no reaction. This wasn’t good.

Todd was lost in his daymare.  He was back at the hotel with John and Blair following the raid on the warehouse. He sat there as if a ghost watching it play out again.

John, what’s going on? Todd gets off the phone with you and all of a sudden he’s dropping me at Cassie’s and telling me to pack. What happened?”

Todd held out his hand.”Blair, come here. Jake was killed”

“Oh my God, how,” Blair asked John?

“Hesser’s partners succeeded this time. He was killed at the Sun. Bo knows I came looking for Todd. He asked me today If I found him and I let him think I hadn’t. That’s when he informed me of Jake’s death.”

“The children, we need to get home to the children. They’ll be devastated. Todd, you should rest, I’ll pack for you.”

“Whoa Blair, I’m sending you home with John.”

Todd shivered in reaction as the scene changed and the vision blurred to a solid gray as he heard:

“Todd!... Let go of me you Monster!...Todd, they broke in shortly after you and John left, they brought us all here.”

“Leave them out of this Gregor, this is between you and me.”

“Todd, don’t worry about us, you need to get out of here he intends to kill you. I love you. Always remember that.”

“Manning get down!”

Todd’s whole body suddenly seized, as his body felt the bullets impact and he fell into darkness.

Blair had hit the call button, when she couldn’t get a response, then screamed as she saw Todd jerk suddenly and collapse back on the pillow.

Larry had been at the nurse's station when the call light lit up. He entered the room just in time to see Todd convulse and pass out. Immediately he felt for a pulse. It wasn’t Todd’s heart, the pulse was high but not dangerously so. His examination of Todd”s eyes showed little to no response to light, even though he was wearing the ring. “Tell me what happened Blair.”

“I’m not sure. Todd, can you hear me? I need you to give me a sign you can hear us.”

 There was nothing to indicate that Todd was aware of the things going on around him. Larry wondered if he was caught in his dream. “Blair, this is very similar to sleepwalking, are you sure he was awake.” Larry had heard of people having waking dreams, but usually, it was in the context of their actual life. Todd, on the other hand, was experiencing a life that for all purposes wasn’t real except to him. The problem was, parts of that unreal dream or life were manifesting themselves into his real life.

Todd began to moan and then they heard him say, “I shouldn’t have let her stay but sent her home with John? This is my fault. You hear me, God? Don’t let him harm her. I can’t do this anymore. Go ahead and take me. I’m half dead now, just finish the job.”

He fell silent and Blair looked over at Larry. “I think I know what’s going on. Ray told me that Todd’s irrational fear is losing me. He said something about Todd’s last thoughts in the dream are of someone taking me and shooting him.“ She reached over and took Todd’s hand. “I think he might be reliving that again, but that’s impossible. How can one relive a dream? Memories I understand, they really happened, but he didn’t actually live what he’s been dreaming. How can things, that he saw in a dream, be happening? It’s uncanny. Is there some way to wake him from this?”

“Blair, talk to him. I think he might be close to waking up. If he hears your voice he might snap out of it on his own. I really don’t want to give him any more drugs.” Larry again checked Todd’s eyes and noticed a little reaction to the light. “Come on Todd, Blair’s here and safe, come back to her.”

Blair put her hand on his cheek, stroking his beard, “Hey you, this is getting old. You need to wake up, I hate talking to myself.”

“Yes but I love hearing your southern accent,” Todd said, his eyes focusing on her. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you about Jake, I’m just worried.” she flung her arms around him and hugged him like she was afraid to let him go. Todd patted her shoulder awkwardly, he knew something had happened but he couldn’t quite remember what. Then it came rushing back in a flash. “Oh God, I was there! John was telling me about Jake’s death and you were refusing to come back home. Why did I ever let you talk me into staying?” he pushed her off of him so he could really look at her. “Thank God you’re alright. I was sure Gregor had taken you from me permanently.” Even as he said the words to her, he realized his mistake. He wasn’t in Savannah, he was in Llanview, and Blair had no idea what he was talking about. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Why had the whole scene seemed so real? It wasn’t just his imagination. He opened his eyes looking for Larry. “Why is this happening to me?”

Larry dropped his eyes, he wasn’t sure how to answer Todd. There were possibly two causes for this and neither was good. One was that Todd was headed for a major breakdown and the other was the manifestations were caused by the brain damage from Christian’s bullet. “Todd, we’ll talk to Michael, he’s the one with the expertise regarding brain injuries. If it’s something physical, well, hopefully, it can be rectified.”

“But if it’s mental, then I’m screwed.” Todd wanted to hit something. He realized he was still holding on tightly to Blair and released her. “I’m right aren’t I, you and Ray both think this is mental? I’m finally losing it for real. Well, you better figure out a way to stop this, because I’ll die before anyone puts me in St. Ann’s. I didn’t fight my way back here to end up a blithering idiot.”

“Todd I didn’t say it was hopeless, we’re all working very hard trying to figure out how to attack this problem and all I can tell you to do, is be patient and work with us.”

Todd looked at Blair and said, “Find Michael, I want to go home, and get John, because whether you believe me or not Jake is in danger”

Blair looked at Larry and he nodded so she left to try and find Michael.

When Blair left the room, Todd looked at Larry “I can’t stop it and it’s taking over my life, but it’s not just taking over my resting moments, it’s starting to intrude on this reality. Can you tell me how a dream is doing that?”

“Todd, I wish I knew. I think whatever is happening will become clearer but we need you to stay positive. I want you to start dwelling on the good things around you. Your state of mind is part of the key to breaking this dream cycle. You also need to sleep, so I’m going to prescribe something that will put you into a deeper sleep and hopefully keep you from dreaming at all.” Larry could see Todd getting ready to protest. “ I know you’re afraid the dream won’t stop, but if you don’t take care of yourself it won’t matter, your body will shut you down anyway.”

Todd knew Larry was right but the thought of taking sleeping pills that might bring on the dream was frightening. The whole point was to get free of the dream, not have it hang over his head like a pendulum blade ready to take him out. “I’ll consider the pills Larry, but unless you can reassure me that I’ll have dreamless nights, the answer will most likely be no.”

Blair arrived back and said Michael was currently in surgery, but that John would be by shortly. She could tell that Todd was still upset and whatever Larry had said hadn’t dispelled his fears. She started to say something and saw Todd shake his head at her. For the time being, the topic was tabled.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Todd Manning: Enigma, Ch. 3

Chapter 3

Larry walked into the room taking in the scene. Todd looked ready to collapse and Larry found himself fit to be tied. Todd had to be the most stubborn man alive. When he had released him, it had been on the condition that he take it easy and get plenty of rest. From the looks of Todd, he had been doing the exact opposite. “So what part of, go home and take it easy, did you ‘not’ understand. You look like hell, Todd.”

“Thanks, Larry. That really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.” Todd said, then gasped suddenly when Larry began examining his hand.

“What happened?”

Todd looked over at Ray and back to Larry, “Nothing, just don’t know my own strength. I gripped the bottle too tightly and it broke. Must have been a faulty bottle.” He prayed Ray would keep quiet about the hand not cooperating earlier.

“Well, it doesn’t look like you cut it deep enough to damage it permanently. Todd, try and move your fingers.”

Todd watched as his fingers flexed and moved without any of the stiffening and lack of control from earlier. He breathed a little easier.

“Movement appears unaffected, I’ll numb it, then stitch it up. Seriously, Todd, you’re supposed to be resting. The brain injury was nothing to scoff at, and it, on top of your previous surgeries wreaked havoc on your system. I know you’re not going to like this but humor me. Let me check you out while you’re here.” Larry had noted the looks passing between Todd and Ray and it had hit him that Todd could see. “When were you going to tell me your sight had returned.”

Todd was uncomfortable, he hadn’t intended to keep it a secret. “It’s not quite what you think. In fact, I guess you could say it’s some type of miracle.”  Todd blinked and tried to block the light as Larry went to check his eyes. It was too bright and his head still felt like it had imploded.

Larry frowned at Todd’s reaction, “What else aren’t you telling me?”  Larry looked over at Ray.

Before Ray could say anything, Todd spoke up. “It’s nothing I’ve just got a migraine, it flared up shortly before we got here.”

“You should have told me that first thing. I’ll turn the light level down, but I need to look in your eyes, Todd. “ Larry dimmed his light and again looked into Todd’s eyes. Even at the lower level, Todd stilled winced when the light hit his eyes. Larry noticed that Todd’s pupils were slow to respond. Larry wrote a few things down on Todd’s paperwork. “If these headaches get worse Todd, we’re going to have to get you in for another scan. Now tell me about this miracle.” Larry sat down with Todd’s hand on a tray and went to work stitching the wound closed.

“It’s the implants, Larry. I still have some sort of connection to them. I accidentally handled one not long after getting home from Seattle and my vision cleared up.” Todd looked at Larry trying to see if he believed him. “Through some experimentation, I discovered that if I had contact with the smaller of the two implants and the bigger one remained close by, I could see.”

Todd saw skepticism on both faces so he took off the ring. Immediately his vision became a blur of blobs and colors. “Larry, as of right now, all I can see is a blob of white sitting in front of me and a blue and gray blob in the vicinity Ray was standing a moment ago. Ray if you would like to examine the ring, you’ll see the implant embedded in it.” Todd held out his hand in Ray’s direction.

Ray moved forward to take the ring from Todd’s hand, but as he started to pick it up, a tiny burst of electricity between Todd’s palm and the ring almost caused him to drop it. “What the hell was that?”

“I wish I knew.” Todd looked over trying to figure out where Ray had gone, he hadn’t realized that Larry had told the nurse to dim the lights. The darker room made finding Ray harder.

Larry had been finishing his final stitches and listening. In the darker room, he too had seen the small burst of electricity. Now he watched as Todd struggled to find out where Ray had walked to. “Todd look at me.” Todd’s eyes swung in the general direction where Larry was sitting, but it was clear that Todd could no longer focus. Larry again pulled out his flashlight and looked into Todd’s eyes but this time there was no reaction. The pupils failed to respond to the light at all. “I’ll be damned. Ray let me see the ring.” Ray proceeded to bring the ring and together, he and Larry looked it over.

There it was, a small delicate piece of machinery in the ring. Larry recognized it as the implant that Michael had taken out during the second surgery because he had seen the video of the procedures. It was the implant that had almost killed Todd. “This is fascinating, but I still don’t understand the connection. There’s nothing in you that could be connected to it any longer.”

Larry waited for some sort of response, but the silence was deafening. Then it hit him. “Todd, do you think there might still be something left inside your head?”

Todd flexed his fingers on the hand that Larry had just stitched up. No sense keeping it from Larry, he already knew the outcome. “I don’t think it, I know it.”

“I don’t understand, how could you know something like that? Nothing was found when we went in to repair the damage the bullet made. Why do you believe there are more pieces?"

Todd was still flexing his fingers when they started trembling. Todd reached with his good hand to stop the trembling, but Larry had already seen the movement. Before Todd could pull the hand away from any inspection. Larry had grabbed it.

“Hold it, Todd, how long has this been happening?” Larry began to study the trembling when the hand clenched suddenly. “Todd open your hand.”

“I can’t. I know what you’re going to say next. You think the damage from the bullet is causing this, but I can tell you it’s not from the bullet.” Todd’s hand unexpectedly opened and the trembling ceased.

“You should let me be the judge of that. Any kind of unusual muscle contractions should be checked into. This is what happened earlier that caused the broken bottle, isn’t it?” Before Larry could ask any more Todd had grabbed his hand away.

Todd had had enough of Larry’s probing. He wanted to get home to Blair, this was all beginning to come at him too fast. Holding out his hand, he said,”Could I have my ring back?" Ray handed him the ring and Todd put it on.

His vision cleared and he looked at Larry. “You believe this spasm was caused by brain damage, but I can tell you with a certainty that it was caused by the remaining implants. I know this because I already lived through a third surgery to remove them. It happened right here in this hospital. Right after I testified against Carlo and Kipling.” Todd saw Larry’s eyes widen in shock. “That’s crazy, isn’t it? Maybe, but several things have already come true. You’ll get your scan Larry, then maybe you’ll believe me. I’ve got to get out of here. Ray, let’s go.” Todd didn’t wait for any answer from Ray or Larry, instead, he walked deliberately out of the ER and headed for Ray’s car.

Once there, he leaned wearily against it. How much more of this was he supposed to endure? Why were certain things from his dream beginning to come true? Were they really parts of a dream? He looked up as he heard Ray’s footsteps. “I have to find a way to stop this Ray. It’s too unsettling. Something isn’t right, but I can’t put my finger on it.”

“Todd, get in.” Ray unlocked the door and when they were both sitting he turned to Todd. “I understand your concern and I agree there’s something going on, but it’s way too early to jump to conclusions. One thing is certain. You need to get some sleep.”

“That’s just it, I can’t.  Ray, I used to be able to sleep as long as I was with Blair, but now even that’s been taken away.”  Todd closed his eyes, leaning back in the seat and pushing his hair back. With his palms pushing at his temples trying to keep the pain from becoming too intense he continued. “I can’t get those last minutes out of my head. I had gone there to negotiate with him, thinking I could get him to just leave town and not bother his daughters any longer.”

“Had gone to see who, Todd?”

“Blair’s father.  It was scary how similar our fathers were.  The man had raped Blair’s mom in a mental hospital.  I just wanted to keep him away from Blair and her sister.   But he outsmarted me.   He had them and he took them away.  I remember getting free and trying to get away to go find them when John told me to look out but it was too late.  My last thought was knowing I wouldn’t see her again as the bullets tore into me and I fell.” Todd could see it all unfolding again. The scene never changed.

Ray listened quietly. Todd really believed the events he was recounting. “Todd, why do you think the dream is real.”

“Because it doesn’t feel like a dream, it feels like memories. If it isn’t real, how do you explain the ring and the implants? In that so-called dream, Jake dies. Do you think I want that to happen but I’m afraid it’s going to? I’m not sure if I should try and warn him and Tea. How can I? I don’t know the exact day it’s going to take place, but I know how he’s going to get it.” Todd looked over at Ray, he had known that little piece of information was a doozy and Ray ‘s expression said it all. “You don’t have to say anything. I can see your face. You do think I’ve lost it.” he started to laugh it was all so absurd. Heck, he was sure he had lost it.

Todd didn’t even feel the sting in his arm. He was so distraught he never even realized Ray had given him the shot. Ray waited as it quickly took effect and Todd slumped unconscious in the seat. Larry and the orderlies had a gurney waiting and they transferred Todd to it, wheeling him back into emergency. Ray took out his phone and called Blair.

After making sure she was on her way, Ray went in to check on his friend. Right after Todd had left the ER, he and Larry had agreed they had to find a way to get Todd to sleep and the easiest was to sedate him. Ray had been waiting for the right moment when Todd had begun his tale. He hadn’t wanted to do it that way, but if he or Larry had suggested it, Todd would have balked. Todd’s health was the bigger concern and Ray would face Todd’s anger after they had him on more secure ground.

Larry came toward him and he watched Todd being wheeled down the hall. “Where’s he going?” asked Ray.

“I’ve sent him down to get scanned. We need to see what’s going on in his head. There are any number of things that could cause the tremors and muscle spasms. I’m concerned for his health but his mental state is even more alarming. We’ll keep him sedated and give his body and mind a chance to recuperate. Did he tell you how long he had been without sleep?”

“I’m guessing he hasn’t gotten more than a few hours sleep since you sent him home from the hospital,” replied Ray. “He’s convinced if he sleeps, he’ll wake back up in his dream. Just what did he say when he awoke from the coma?”

“He kept wondering about a man named Gregor and I remember he thought he was in Savannah. It took us quite a while to convince him he was here in Llanview. So you think he’s been avoiding sleep because of the dream.”

“He pretty much told me that. Larry, he’s not sure if this reality is real. The ring we just saw, was in his dream first, and you were right there when he told you there are still implants in his brain. Just before I gave him the shot, he told me that Jake Boudreau was going to die, because he died in the dream. Can you tell me beyond a shadow of a doubt that there aren’t any more implants.”

Larry frowned, “I can’t say for sure. But it’s more likely that there is a correlation between Todd’s tremors and spasms and the damage done to his brain by the bullet. The brain damage could also be affecting his perceptions right now. The scan will probably bear me out. You don’t honestly believe Todd’s seeing the future. I mean Jake’s been doing fine since his operation.”

“I guess we’ll just have to wait. Todd’s pretty convinced, and if anything else happens that matches with his dream, I’m not sure we’ll be able to find an explanation.” Ray noticed Blair hurrying towards him. He quickly spoke to ease her fears. “Blair, he’s fine but both Larry and I felt he needed to get some rest. You should have told me he wasn’t sleeping.”

“Ray, I know I should have said something but he’s done this before. When he’s anxious about something he won’t sleep. How did you get him to agree to the rest?”

“We didn’t, I sedated him but he was unaware I did it. Blair, has he talked to you about this dream of his? It appears to be paramount to anything else.”

“We talked about it when he first woke up but not since. I remember he was upset when he awoke and said something about a man named Gregor and about losing me. But he’s said nothing since then. I told you on the phone how he’s been shutting himself away in his office at home and he hasn’t told me what that’s about. Larry, where is he? You said you just sedated him. How long did you plan to keep him asleep?”

"Blair, I ordered another cat scan because he’s experiencing some problems and I want to make sure nothing new has shown up since his surgery. He’s down there now. I want him to sleep out the night so we’ll keep him under long enough for his body to recover some. I’m going to go check out those scans, perhaps you and Ray would like to come along.” Larry headed down the hall followed by Blair and Ray.

Once outside the room, Larry entered and Blair went to sit down. Ray sat down next to her. Blair was fidgeting with her purse and glancing constantly at the door. “He needed this sleep, Blair.”

She looked at Ray and pushed her hair out of her face. “I know Ray, but he’s going to be so mad. He always looks at things from a strange perspective. I know you were trying to help but he’s going to feel you betrayed his trust. Trust doesn’t come easy for him. I hope you’ll be able to make him understand why you did it.”

“I’m very aware of his trust issues, but I have to believe that he’ll be able to see the rationality behind my action when he wakes up more refreshed and able to cope with this world.” Even as he said the words to reassure Blair, Ray began doubting them himself. All he had managed to do was stave off a physical crisis. Todd’s mental state was another thing altogether. Todd’s belief in his sanity relied on Ray being able to prove to him that the dream was just a dream. Yet every time something from that dream appeared in this reality, Todd’s belief was further shaken. Ray was worried because he had a feeling deep down that other parts of Todd’s dream were going to come true. Larry came out with the scans and by the look on his face, it wasn’t good. “How bad is it Larry?”

“It’s not good. He was right Ray, there are fragments from the implant still inside. The part of his brain that was injured from the bullet is healing, but you can make out foreign objects scattered in a section of his brain that affects motor function. I’m about to go call Michael, Blair you can go with Todd to his room, but I’m going to order an EEG to see what’s happening while he’s sleeping.” Larry looked over at Ray, “That sedative should have put him completely out, but it’s not working. I think he’s dreaming.

Blair and Ray sat with Todd while they hooked up the EEG machine. One of the EEG technicians came in and began taking readings. After several minutes he gathered his papers and took them to be read by the sleep doctor. Ray noticed Larry outside the door talking to the sleep doctor so he excused himself and went to chat with them. While they were discussing their findings, Michael arrived. After a few words, Michael joined Blair by Todd’s bed. He explained the need for more surgery and assured Blair that it wasn’t a life-threatening situation so they would hold off until Todd was made aware of it.

Larry turned to Ray, “Todd definitely has a problem. He shouldn’t be dreaming, but his beta waves are off the chart and the alpha waves are registering like he’s awake. If what you said was true, he could be reliving that dream of his as we speak. “

Ray paled at what that could mean for Todd. He had wanted a dreamless sleep for Todd and he might have just dropped Todd into his worse nightmare. He had to find a way to circumvent the dream. Blair might be his only hope since she was the one Todd was so fearful of losing. He walked back into Todd‘s room and sat down next to Blair. “I need you to talk to him. Larry and I just wanted to get him some sleep, it was supposed to be dream-free but his mind has other ideas. He’s dreaming and it more than likely the very dream he‘s been trying to avoid. In that dream, he loses you. Blair you‘ve got to bring him out of that dream. “

“Ray, if you knew he was afraid of dreaming, how did you let this happen?” Blair stood up and went to Todd she grabbed his hand. “Todd, it’s alright I’ve not gone anywhere. Listen to me. I’m real, baby.” she whispered in his ear but he seemed oblivious to her.

Todd was beginning to get clearly agitated by what was happening in his dream, and the readings were all over the chart. Larry came back into the room and ordered a second dose of sedative. and the EEG readings finally leveled out, indicating he had been truly knocked out. Blair saw a tear drop down his cheek and she prayed he would wake up alright. Angry she turned to Larry and Ray. “What were you thinking.” Directing her anger at Ray, “You know why he wasn’t sleeping. Didn’t you tell Larry? When you decided to knock him out, didn’t it occur to you, he might dream. What does all this mean for Todd? What is it about that dream that has both of you worried.” Blair was furious, Todd had trusted Ray to help him. She knew she was a little over the top but Ray was truly worried about the dream and they both were keeping her in the dark.

Larry spoke up first. “Blair we didn’t expect him to dream, he shouldn’t have been able to. I can’t explain how Todd managed it, his mind just refused to shut down. The extra medication seems to have done the trick and he should now sleep without any more dreams.” Larry checked the EEG once more to keep tabs on his brain activity. “Blair, we chose to put him under because he wasn’t being rational. The lack of sleep was clearly affecting his perceptions of what was going on around him and honestly I’ll admit I thought the things he was telling us were off the wall.”

“Things he was telling you? What are you talking about?” Blair looked at them waiting for an explanation.

“Blair, Todd claimed he knew what the ring and watch looked like before you gave it to him today,” said Ray.

“But that’s impossible, I never even showed him my designs. Did he say where he had seen them? “ asked Blair.

“Yes he saw them when you gave them to him a couple days after Christian shot him,” replied Ray.

Blair looked confused, “But he was in a coma for almost two months. I don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me.”

“Blair, he saw your ring and watch in his dream. Not only that but he told us about the implants too. He knew they were there because he said he already had them removed once. We were worried he was becoming delusional because of the lack of sleep. Now we’re not sure what to make of it. I can tell you this much, he’s not delusional but he’s still close to losing it. Every time something else comes true from his dream, Todd slips deeper into his irrational fear that this reality is a fake reality.”

Blair looked over at Todd sleeping. “Will getting the sleep help him Ray, or just delay what’s going on.”

“I don’t know Blair but I can assure you, I’m going to do everything I can to stop him from falling apart.”

She had spent the night at his bedside, afraid of leaving him for fear he would wake up alone. Ray had informed her about the ending of Todd’s dream and she was determined to be the first thing he saw when he awoke. She had heard from Bo that the raids against Hesser and Kipling had gone as planned and both men were now in custody. Kipling’s Lab had been quite a find, numerous other implants and case files were located, including files on Todd, Jake, and Christian. They were still going to need testimony from both Jake and Todd to tie up the case, but Bo was certain Hesser and Kipling were going away for a long time. Blair prayed Todd would be able to testify. He deserved his chance to see Hesser go down.

Todd began to stir and Blair moved closer looking down on him. She had insisted he keep his ring so that when he awoke he would be able to see her. “Hey sleepyhead, it’s about time you woke up. You just dropped out on Ray in the middle of a conversation. Ray told me to apologize for him. He never realized how boring he was until you fell asleep on him.” She looked into his eyes and saw recognition and breathed a sigh of relief.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Todd Manning: Enigma, Ch. 2

Chapter 2

Todd walked into the Rodi’s and saw Ray sitting a few tables away from the front door. He had never been more relieved to see his friend.

Ray was shocked to see Todd walking toward him without a cane. He had been told Todd was blind, but he had obviously been misinformed. “Well Todd, this is a surprise.”

“What do you mean Ray? I thought we had agreed to meet?“ Had he imagined calling Ray? Was this just a chance meeting? Todd ran his fingers through his hair, unsure how much more he could take.

Ray pulled back from the table a bit and folded his arms. He took a longer look at his friend. Todd’s skin was paler than he had remembered, and black semicircles were under his eyes. “Whoa Todd, I simply meant I didn’t realize your blindness was gone. Calm down, we did arrange to meet.”

“Sorry, just a little bit on edge.” Todd’s hands were visibly shaking.

“You’d better sit. You look like you’re ready to fall down. Something’s wrong, this isn’t just a ‘let’s have a drink type meeting,’ is it?” Ray watched as Todd hastily took a seat. “Todd, look at me.” Todd’s eyes met his, then immediately shifted looking elsewhere. He couldn’t sit still. Sweat formed on his brow, and his breathing was more audible. “Todd, you need to take some deep breaths and tell me what’s got you so disturbed.”

"Ray, I’m not sure where to start. I feel like my life is out of my control. I thought I had everything going my way. Sure the blindness threw me for a loop, but I was coping. Then Christian came after me. My life got turned upside down that day.” Todd gripped his hands because he couldn’t stop them from shaking.

Ray turned to the bartender and ordered two beers and looked at his friend. “That’s a strange thing to say. I know that Christian’s attack put you in a coma, but I would think you’d be glad to be back among the living.”

"You would think,” Todd said cryptically.

The conversation was just getting weirder. Ray watched as Todd began to take a ring on and off his finger. He seemed to be a million miles away. “That’s a stunning ring. I don’t remember seeing it before.”

“Blair just gave it to me. It’s the reason I can see you right now Ray.” Then he began to chuckle and said. “That’s funny you know. You don’t remember seeing it before, but I sure have. Even before Blair gave it to me.”

There was something a little forced about Todd’s chuckle and Ray couldn’t help wondering why the ring had him so upset. “You say you saw it before. Did you spot it at a jeweler or something?”

“No, it was nothing as common as that. I saw this little beauty two days after I was shot. It was the first time Blair gave it to me. Only you see, supposedly that was all part of a dream.” Todd frowned and took a huge gulp of his beer, almost choking as some went down the wrong way.

“What do you mean part of a dream? You saw Blair give you that ring in a dream. When was this?” Ray was curious.

“There’s the rub. It happened while I was in the coma. Funny thing about that coma. When I woke up, I believe I had just been shot and was in the hospital in Savannah, Georgia. Imagine my surprise when they informed me, I was in the Llanview hospital and Christian had just shot me.” Todd quickly finished his drink and ordered another. “The last couple of months that I had lived, gone in a blink of an eye.”

Ray ordered a second drink and studied his friend again. Whatever happened during the coma was the culprit behind Todd’s state of mind. Blair was right, something was happening and Ray didn’t like where it seemed to be taking Todd. “Todd, you were unconscious. Why does this dream bother you?”

“It won’t go away, Ray. I remember it as vividly now, as I did when it happened. If it was a dream, it should be fading, but it’s not. It’s worse than my nightmare about Peter.” Todd’s voice cracked and the hand holding the bottle started trembling. Todd stared at it in horror, a memory coming back. He could see Michael talking to him in Bo’s office about an extra piece of the implant still in his brain. “God no!” Just then, the glass shattered in his hand, but Todd was lost inside another moment.

Ray reacted quickly grabbing some napkins to staunch the blood. Todd was unaware that it had even happened. “Todd! Todd, snap out of it. Todd, we need to get this cleaned properly, it’s bad and going to need stitches.” Ray breathed a sigh of relief when Todd’s eyes finally focused on him. Ray took the clean towel, the bartender handed him and wrapped the hand up. “Come on Todd. Let’s get this taken care of.

Todd cradled his injured hand with the good one. He followed Ray to his car and took a seat. After Ray pulled out of the parking lot, he said, “I think I’m losing it.”

"When did you sleep last, Todd?”

“Huh,” Todd replied sluggishly. “Sleep is a highly overrated commodity.”

“Todd this is serious. How long ago did you get some sleep?” Ray looked briefly at his friend. Todd was clearly exhausted but fighting to stay awake.

“I don’t know, I’m afraid to sleep. The dream won’t go away. Everything in it is like it happened yesterday. But that isn’t what terrifies me.” Todd paused, unsure if he can even tell Ray what he did.

“Todd, you can trust me. Why does this dream terrify you?”

“Because in the dream, things happened that changed me. I’m scared of that ‘me’. The one from the dream. Things occurred in that reality, things I don’t want to relive, but they won’t go away. What if they are going to happen just like this ring.” Todd looked down at his hand. If the dream was correct, he still wasn’t free of the implants. The implants, the ring they were tangible evidence the dream was more than a fantasy.

The coincidence surrounding the ring was a little disconcerting, but it wasn’t unheard of for people to get little DejaVu moments. “Todd, just because you saw the ring in your dream before Blair gave it to you, doesn’t mean other things from the dream are going to come true.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Ray. You remember those implants that have been removed, I think I still have some pieces left inside me.”

“What makes you think so?” Ray felt a small shiver run down his spine. He was a little afraid of the answer Todd was going to give him.

“In my dream, we discovered that pieces of the implant were still inside my brain and beginning to shift. They began affecting my movements. Ray, I had no control over my hand back there in the bar.” Todd stared bleakly ahead. “Ray, here’s another thought. What if all this is a dream? How do I know I’m not lying in a bed in Savannah?”

Ray glanced sharply at his friend, where the hell had that thought come from. Well, that put a new spin on things. “Todd, I think that’s going to the extreme. I know this dream has you worried, but you don’t seriously believe it could be real. Pal, you’re not dreaming. Look at your hand. That’s real blood. I think you need some sleep. You’re making things worse by avoiding it.”

“Aren’t you listening, Ray? I can’t go to sleep! I know if I go to sleep, I’m going to wake up in Savannah and Blair will be gone. If I lose her, it’s over for me.” Todd slammed his fist down on the dashboard. His hand was killing him, but all he could hear in his head was Blair’s scream as Daimler’s men took her away.

Ray pulled into the emergency parking lot and brought the car to a halt. There it was, the truth behind Todd’s mental state. Blair. Todd was afraid of losing her, and from the sound of it, he had done just that in the dream. Ray knew now wasn’t the time to delve into it, it was clearly a subject that was going to require something more than a drink and a talk. “Todd, take it easy. I can see you’re upset, but let’s get the hand taken care of.”

Todd’s head had begun pounding and he didn’t respond to Ray. Larry had said he would experience headaches for a while, but this was no ordinary migraine. His whole head felt like it was in a vise. Suddenly a sharp pain ripped through the back of his head and Todd instinctively reached for his head. He felt a shock run through his hand as the ring sparked. The pains eased up instantly and Todd looked at his ring as another ripple of fear washed through him. He glanced over at Ray and saw the same concern and fear written all over his face. Todd took a deep breath to steady his nerves and wearily exited the car.

“My God Todd, what was that?” Ray couldn’t believe what he had just seen. One minute Todd had been in a great deal of pain and then the electrical spark had briefly lit the interior of the car. Todd’s pain had evaporated with the spark, but Todd had reacted to the whole thing like it had happened before. That had been scary. Todd was beginning to resign himself to these strange occurrences.

Todd looked back at him as they entered the emergency room. “That was nothing, just part of a dream.” He was tired and he didn’t know how much longer he could stay awake. Maybe Ray was right. he needed to sleep but how could he do it without dreaming. Even if he did manage to get some sleep, what guarantee did he have that the dream would go away?

Ray was able to get Todd into triage quickly, and as the nurse began cleaning the cut and removing any pieces of glass still left in Todd’s hand, he went in search of Larry. When he found Larry he gave him a quick rundown on the events and then followed Larry back to the room where Todd waited.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Todd Manning: Enigma, Ch. 1

Todd Manning: Enigma Chapter 1

The man was a puzzle. Years ago he had walked into the infirmary at Statesville prison intent on getting a certain young man to begin therapy. The young man had been full of self-loathing and anger, but the more they talked, the more he recognized a young man who had been damaged at a very young age. Todd had struck a nerve with him, he had found himself liking the young man. That wasn’t supposed to happen. He had worked for years with sex offenders, and Todd was the first one that Ray had felt the urge to provide more than therapy for. He had wanted to offer protection and friendship, but at the time Todd had too many walls up. He had never been able to figure out what it was about Todd that had made him feel that way, it had just happened. Now years later, he had finally extended his hand in friendship and Todd had taken it.

He had received Todd’s call out of the blue. After seventeen years, he thought he had seen everything until he had started new therapy sessions with Todd. The sessions had been brutal. Together he and Todd and his wife Blair had peeled back many of the layers, that made up Todd. Now a new layer had been added. Blair had called asking for advice. Todd had recently awakened from a coma that had occurred after he was shot. He had taken to shutting himself in his office for long periods of time and she was scared something had happened to him during that long coma. Shortly after receiving Blair’s call, Todd had called on his own and asked for a face to face meeting. Ray had agreed to a meeting for later that afternoon, but he decided to get in touch with Dr. Wolek to find out what he could about Todd’s coma and recovery.

Ray sat waiting for Todd to arrive. He was still going over in his mind what Larry told him about Todd’s injury and subsequent coma. Larry hinted that something unusual had taken place when Todd woke up but then Larry had been called away in an emergency. Now Ray found himself wondering what else had happened to his friend this time.


Todd got off the phone with Ray. He went looking for Blair, he wondered if she had ever finished the ring to hold the implant. He had been almost afraid to ask, in his mind he kept seeing the one from his dream. In his dream Blair had fashioned a ring with a delicate dragon on top, Todd needed to see the new ring so he could let go of the dream. He had called Ray for that very reason. He couldn’t get rid of the dream. He knew Blair was worried because he was spending so much time in his office, but he had been trying to find out more about Blair’s past. One thing sticking in his head was the need to find Blair’s father. Before his call to Ray, Todd had called Addie. He wanted to talk about Blair and even though Addie’s memories might be somewhat faulty, it was about time he had a proper chat with his mother-in-law. She had agreed to chat with him but had informed him that she had skydiving lessons and they would have to meet in the morning. Todd had been shocked when she said that, but he had agreed to see her the next day.

Blair was singing softly to herself when Todd wandered into the studio. He was still a little pale from his ordeal and she was worried about his state of mind. Todd had only told her snippets of the dream he said he lived while in his coma. All in all, he seemed happy and plans had gone ahead for getting Carlo and Kipling. Todd had informed Bo of the whereabouts of Kipling’s personal torture chamber after he had gotten confirmation from his reporter working inside. Then Jake had come over one evening and they had taken a drive. Blair wasn’t informed where they went, but she was pretty sure it had something to do with Carlo. When Todd had arrived home he had once again gotten quiet. He had also started staying up again and Blair knew it was because he was afraid to sleep. She stopped singing and went to him. “Hello, stranger, what brings you to my lair?”

He smiled shyly, “I was drawn here by your siren’s song Blair. Is that something new for Capricorn?”

“It’s one of the newer songs out there. Just thought I’d see if it would work for me. What really brings you looking for me, Todd?”

Yep, that’s what he loved about her, to the point. She had walked over to him and moved some hair out of his face, Todd backed up a bit. She was distracting as hell, “I was wondering if you’ve finished the ring and case for the implants?" How could he explain his dread to her? She had been hovering since he came home from the hospital and she hadn’t grasped just how traumatic the dream had been. How could he tell her everything that had happened without coming off sounding crazy? The reality of the dream is what bothered him the most. It hung over his head and that was why he needed to see that ring.

Blair was a little hurt when he backed away. Usually, he loved it when she touched his hair why had he pulled back now. She had planned on surprising him with the ring and watch but maybe since it was bothering him she could give it to him now. “They’re finished Todd, I was planning on giving them to you tonight, but if you’ll wait here I’ll get them." She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and left the room.

Todd could make out the large blob in the corner of the room and realized it was the piano. He wandered toward it and felt his way around to the bench. Opening it he touched the cool ivories and let his fingers play across them. When he had been little, his mother had played. He could remember sitting and playing with the keys and making funny tunes back then. He closed his eyes and let his fingers begin their meandering. It had been such a long time ago in college when he had taken lessons, wanting to somehow get a little closer to his mother. He had gotten proficient enough to learn a few classical pieces, but he had a love for jazz that only Blair had an inkling of. She had once remarked that she had never figured him for a jazz lover until she had discovered his meager collection of artists. Todd loved the ease of movement jazz offered the player. He sat there and began playing 'My One and Only Love', hearing the saxophone playing in his head. He was deep into the piece before he caught the scent of her perfume behind him and his hands fumbled as he realized she had been listening. He regained his composure quickly and finished the piece bringing the song to an end and then he turned on the bench. “Sorry Blair, I just got lost in the moment.”

Blair was stunned. When she had started back down the hallway with the jewelry, she had been shocked to hear music coming from the room and was wondering if Todd had turned on the in-house stereo system from the room. Nothing had bowled her over more than to walk into the room and realize that Todd was making the music at the piano. “Todd, you never said you knew how to play the piano. That was great."

“It’s not like I hid it, it just never came up, and I haven’t sat down at one in a long time. My mother Bitsy used to play before she left and I decided to learn when I was in college. Not even Peter knew about it. It was just an elective in the middle of my school classes, so he didn’t pay much attention. I don’t know what prompted me to play just now. I guess I’m feeling sentimental for some reason. I’m a fair player, nothing to get excited about, but it relaxes me. I had forgotten how much until now. Did you get the ring?”

“I’ve got it right here. Give me your right hand.” Blair took the ring out of the box and carefully placed it on his ring finger. Since she was holding his hand at the time, even she felt the electric current that went through the hand when the implant came in contact with his skin. The shock sent a little quiver through her and she watched his eyes as they focused on her. Todd had felt the tingle from the ring and his senses came alive as his eyes fastened on Blair. God, it had seemed like years since he had seen her last. He stood up and pulled her into his arms, the ring temporarily forgotten, as his eyes feasted on her features and stopped mesmerized as she licked her lips. He took those moist lips, feeling them give under his assault, her arms wrapped around his neck and she began giving as good as she got. Todd lifted her up on the piano and slowly unbuttoned her blouse, his lips trailing kisses from her neck down, as he removed her bra and fondled her perfect breasts in his hands.

Blair arched in pleasure as he caressed her, then his hands and lips began their journey lower. Blair shivered in delight as he slowly removed her remaining garments, leaving her lying naked atop the piano, feeling the heat rise in her, as he took his time looking at her lying there. Her eyes widened when she realized he intended to take her there, and the feel of the cool piano beneath her did nothing to stop the fire raging in her as he straddled her, and took his sweet time playing his fingers along her like he was playing the piano just moments before. In her head, she heard the melody he had been playing and her body began moving to the rhythm in her head as he played, bringing her to the climax of his song.

Todd raised his head to look at her and saw her eyes half-lidded with pleasure. He kissed her gently and slid off the piano, grateful that it had held up to his lovemaking. Todd had been putting his jeans back on when Blair rolled on her side looking at him utterly unabashed, basking in the afterglow, Blair stretched like a kitten atop the piano, and Todd felt his loins tighten in response to the picture she made especially when she teasingly began to purr. “God Blair, give a man a break." She crooked her little finger and motion him closer. His lovely siren wasn’t fully satisfied and Todd found himself pulling her off the piano and twirling her to the more comfortable couch where, before he knew it, she had stripped him of his jeans and pulled him back on top of her. Later, his strength finally giving out Todd, collapsed beside her breathing hard, but knowing he could do no more. Blair sensed he had reached his limit and held him letting him rest against her.

When his breathing slowed, he levered himself off of her and reached once more for his jeans, holding onto the couch to steady himself. The dizziness he had felt on standing righted itself and he sat on the edge of the couch and watched Blair pad barefoot over to the piano to get dress. She was beautiful and he continued to wonder how he had gotten so lucky. Todd saw her reach down and pick up the second box on the floor near the piano and remembered the piece of jewelry that had given him his sight. He lowered his gaze to his hand and couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped him. It was the ring from his dream. He knew exactly what the second box held. A watch to match the ring, right down to the dragons. What did it mean? It was scary thinking about the coincidence. He prayed that was what it was, some strange coincidence that the ring and watch in his dream matched the ones Blair had just given him. What other answer was there?

Blair heard the gasp and had looked over to Todd to see what the sound had meant. He was staring at the ring and she wondered what had startled him. She had hated using the implants, the thought of letting Todd have any more contact with the things scared her. They had already inflicted so much pain on him, but for some reason, they were allowing him to see. She picked up the second box and walked over to him, handing him the box. His hands were shaking as he opened it and she looked at him with concern. “Todd are you alright? I knew we overdid it. I’ll never forgive myself if you relapse.”

The minute he had seen the watch, Todd’s mind had started to reel. “Samuel! Tom! One of you guys. I need you. This can’t be happening.“

Samuel and the rest of the guys had been staying close ever since Todd had awakened from his coma. He took over immediately as Todd found himself unable to cope at the moment. “Blair, he’s gone for a minute. I can’t explain right now, but it isn’t anything you did.”

“Samuel, I don’t understand. Why did he feel the need to go?”

“You need to give him time. Something happened when we were in that coma. We can’t even help him, except to give him someplace to go. I wish I had an answer just as much as you. I will tell you something about the ring and watch disturbed him, but I don’t know what exactly. He’s called Ray, whatever is going on, has him needing answers. So bear with him.”

Blair sat down next to Samuel, tears in her eyes. “I thought he would like the designs. He’s the master of Dragonheart and I wanted something unique and special to remind him of it.”

Todd reached up to wipe the tears from her eyes. “Blair, I love the ring and the watch. I can’t explain what’s going on. If I tell you, you’re going to think I’ve lost it. Hell, I already think I’ve lost it. I going to go talk to Ray. Hopefully, he’ll be able to help me make sense of all this. I’ll be back later. Thank you for the beautiful pieces you’ve given me to house the implants." Todd left her.